Vocabulary Acquisition Lesson Plan

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The Rainforest

Vocabulary Acquisition Model

Vocabulary Acquisition Pg. 220-222
2nd Grade - Language Arts
Science Vocabulary Journals
Copies of Frayer Model graphic organizer
Access to YouTube
Drawing paper
Crayons/Colored Pencils
Forest Floor
Animals of the Tropical Rainforest by, Joanne Mattern
After instruction, students will be able to apply, through oral and written response, the Frayer Model
graphic organizer for word analysis and vocabulary building during this guided reading session.
All students will demonstrate understanding of new vocabulary by drawing pictures of their favorite
rainforest animal, in its natural habitat utilizing proper terminology and vocabulary.
Cognitive Taxonomy:
Synthesis and Application
Affective Domain Level:
Receiving Phenomena
Language Arts Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of
Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
Use knowledge of the meaning of individual words to predict the meaning of
compound words (e.g., birdhouse, lighthouse, housefly; bookshelf, notebook,
Use glossaries and beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or

clarify the meaning of words and phrases in all content areas. CA

Key Question
What types of animals inhabit the rainforest and what layers of the rainforest do they live in?
This objective will be assessed at the end of our lesson. Students will be able to identify their
favorite rainforest animal and the layer of the rainforest they live in.
Students will also be able to accurate identify two vocabulary concepts providing the correct
definition, facts/characteristics, examples and non-examples about the word.
Student performance will initially be assessed based off of their responses in their Science
Vocabulary Journals. Their responses on this will indicate to me their prior knowledge and where
instruction should begin.
Their illustrations of their favorite animal and layers of the rainforest.
A post-assessment will be administered in the form of a graphic organizer Frayer Model chart for
vocabulary acquisition will indicate to me what students have learned.
Method of Assessment and Assessment Tool
Assessments administered will be both formal and informal.
Science Vocabulary Journals
Science Journals will not explicitly be graded since they are administered solely for the
purpose of determining prior knowledge.
Layers of the rainforest illustrations
Students illustrations will graded based off of their accurate labeling of the layers and the
appropriate rainforest animal.
Frayer Model Graphic Organizer
A 5-point scale rubric for the Frayer Model chart will be used.
Theoretical Model and Assessment Tool Rational
I will begin this lesson by asking students to complete a graphic organizer in their Science Journal.
This will assess prior knowledge and indicate to me where I need to begin instruction because I will
then know what words my students know and do not know.
After reading and vocabulary analysis, students will be asked to draw a picture of their favorite
rainforest animal along with the proper layer of the rainforest it lives in. This activity and assessment
meets theoretical model of Vocabulary Acquisition because it offers students the opportunity to use
these words in context.
The Frayer Model graphic organizer assessment tool meets the theoretical model of Vocabulary
Acquisition for word analysis and vocabulary building because it prompts students to think about
and describe the meaning of a word or concept by defining the term, describing its essential
characteristics, providing examples of the idea and offering non-examples of the idea.
Frayer Model Rubric


Correct spelling of
word, legible.

Correct spelling of
word. Semi-legible.

Correct definition of

Mostly correct

Few minor
phonetic spelling
Incorrect definition

Incorrect spelling
of word.

word in proper

s of the word.
Correct examples


Correct nonexamples given.

definition, missing
minor descriptors in
proper context.
of the word.
Few correct
examples given with
correct information.

of word, few
correct descriptors
in proper context.
Irrelevant facts,
characteristics of
the word.
Few correct
examples given.

Few correct nonexamples given with

correct information.

Few correct nonexamples given.

definition of word
in incorrect
Incorrect facts,
characteristics of
the word.
examples given.
Student does not
Incorrect nonexamples given.
Student does not

The purpose of this lesson is for students to gain a deep understanding of key vocabulary terms used in
describing and understanding the components of the rainforest. Students will need to use prior
knowledge to find word meaning and word association.
Type of Motivation
The type of motivation that is appropriate for this theoretical model is extrinsic. I initially prime my
students by telling them that they will be asked to tell me a little bit about their favorite rainforest
animal and its habitat. Therefore, they are motivated to pay attention and learn
Motivation Support
In order to support motivation, I will provide my students with interesting pieces of information about
the rainforest and its inhabits which will trigger interest in my students and inspire them to ask
questions and find learning about the rainforest fun, interesting, and exciting.

This lesson will begin by having a brief discussion about the term rainforest, conclusions we can derive
based off of the meaning of the word and the characteristics of this type of habitat to trigger prior
Today we are going to learn about the Rainforest and all of the creepy, crawly, slimy, scaling, hairy
animals that live there! This lesson is important because we are going to learn about a lot of important
key terms that will help us understand the characteristics of these animals and their environment.
Can anyone tell me what they already know about the rainforest? What can we determine happens in
the rainforest by just picking apart the word? Do you think it might rain a lot in the RAINforest? Usually
when it rains a lot, what will the environment look like? Do you think it might be really green and moist
Youre all correct!
By the end of this lesson, you will all be able to tell me a little bit about your favorite rainforest animal
and the habitat that that animal lives in. Be sure to pay close attention to the key terms!
Lets begin.


Step 1- Pretest Knowledge of Words Critical to Content
Okay, lets see what you know. Please get out your Vocabulary Journal. *Assign words to each
table* Dont worry about being correct, just try your best and tell me what you think the word
During this step, I will trigger my students prior knowledge of the critical vocabulary our lesson
will cover by asking them to complete the left side of their Vocabulary Journal graphic organizer.
The completion of this graphic organizer will allow me to measure my students prior knowledge
about the vocabulary words before I begin the lesson.
Prior to their completion of the organizer, I will assure that my students feel that they can
hypothesize the words definition and spelling freely without any concern about the correct way
to define it and spell it.
The words below will be assigned orally to each table, students will be asked to fill out the left
side of the column in their Science Vocabulary Journals.

Forest Floor

Vocabulary Journal:
I believe the word is spelled like this:

(This side will be completed in Step 2/3)

My spelling is correct: (circle) Yes or No

Sounds like:
I believe the word means:

The correct spelling is:

Here is our shared definition:

Related Words:


Step 2- Elaborate on and Discuss Invented Spelling and Hypothesized Meanings

Okay, go ahead and talk with your group about the word you were assigned.
How did they spell it? What did they write? Compare answers and share your hypothesizes. Did your
partner teach you something you didnt know?
During this step, students will engage with the words being studied by deepening their
understanding while developing experiences with the new words.

In pairs, students will compare and go over their spellings and definitions of the words in their
Vocabulary Journal graphic organizers with their group. This will give students an opportunity to
attempt to fill out the right column of their organizer prior to step 3. Students will discuss, share
and examine one anothers hypothesizes so they can learn from one another.

Step 3- Explore Patterns of Meanings

Okay class. Tell me what you guys came up with.
How do you spell rainforest, habitat, equator, emergent, canopy, understory, forest floor?
What does _____ mean? What are some synonyms? Antonyms? Related words?
As a class, we will examine the spelling patterns students came up with by reviewing and
correcting their Science Vocabulary Journals. We will interrogate the meanings of the words by
covering related words, synonyms and antonyms. Students will begin to see the different
patterns and relationships between the vocabulary words and other works.
You all did wonderfully, how about we go on a virtual tour of the rainforest?
YouTube Video:
Step 4- Read and Study
Lets get out our books and begin reading Animals of the Tropical Rainforest as a class.
After we complete our virtual fieldtrip, we will begin reading Animals of the Tropical Rainforest
Students will have an opportunity to study and encounter these words in context. Here students
will discuss word placement and study their usage in the text.
Once we complete our reading we will discuss what we read as a class using our vocabulary
words in context offering students the opportunity to practice a meaningful exchange about what
they have learned.
Now that we have completed our reading, why dont you tell me about your favorite rainforest animal
along with what layer of the rainforest this animal lives in?
Students will be asked to draw an illustration of their favorite rainforest animal along with the
correct layer of the rainforest their animal lives in.
These illustrations will be collected and used as a form of informal assessment.
Step 5 - Evaluate and Posttest
Okay boys and girls; tell me what you have learned. Please fill out the Frayer Chart using two of our
newly learn vocabulary words. Please spell the word for me in the middle box, provide me with a
definition, what you know about the word, examples of the word and non-examples of the word.
When you are done please place your paper face down on your desk and wait for your classmates
to finish.
Students understanding of the new vocabulary will be assessed based off of their completion of
a Frayer Model graphic organizer, of two new vocabulary words.

Bring closure by reviewing students findings, generalizations, conclusions, and analysis.
Excellent job today boys and girls! Today we learned about the rainforest along with the
definitions of a few new words like habitat, equator, emergent, canopy, understory, and forest
floor. These new words will allow is to identify what areas in the rainforest many of our favorite
animals live in.
7. Student Work Examples/Technology Support
See attached samples of student work.
Virtual Tour YouTube Video:
Further resources for learning:

Reflective Statement Vocabulary Acquisition Model

SLO: 1. Demonstrate advanced understanding of the trends, issues, and research associated with
education in general and with their respective specialization

Applying the vocabulary acquisition model to teach vocabulary for this lesson meets SLO 1. As
educators it is vital that we become informed and up to date about teaching models to benefit the
learning outcomes of our students. The vocabulary acquisition model is best applied to teach strategic
and intentional vocabulary words like the ones taught in the above lesson. With this vocabulary mode,
second grade students can meet the learning standards and objectives of grade appropriate material.
Specific second grade CCSS, vocabulary acquisition terms are taught and learned through this model.
Students are asked to clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based
on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies.


This lesson models my professional development as an instructional designer by requiring me to

perfect my strategies as an educator and differentiate instruction for all learners. In order to complete
this lesson, I completed the instructional design process which entails; (1) design, (2) development, (3)
implementation, (4) evaluation, and (5) management. I worked through each phase systematically
which involved specialized processes, structures and tools.

This lesson supports helping students reach deeper understanding by requiring them to craft their own
understanding of the words as well as asking them to consider the relationship of these learned words
to other related words and concepts.

Language of the Discipline

This lesson encourages learners to use the terminology they are learning in context. Students are
gaining a deep understanding of grade level appropriate vocabulary that is transferable to other
subjects and learning experiences.

Big Idea

This lesson allows students to learn information and vocabulary about the lesson topic and use that
knowledge to gain a deeper understanding. This deeper understanding is not only on the subject at
hand but for further learning and understanding experiences in their future.

Appropriate execution of this teaching model would be in a second grade classroom with wide range of
student ability. This lesson requires students to work in a group setting to convey to me their
background knowledge on the subject. This teaching model is appropriate for teaching unknown terms

to gain a deeper understanding of the subject being taught. This lesson requires students to use a wide
variety of resources such as prior knowledge, graphic organizers and frayer charts to convey to me
what they have learned.

Strengths of this vocabulary acquisition model include the learning of universal terms that students
could take with them to understanding other situations and concepts. Vocabulary taught will further help
students develop their vocabulary for all learners in the classroom. Another strength of this lesson is
that it is easily taught and executed. Since there is a lot of discussion, this allows the teacher to be in
direct contact with the students to clarify and answer any questions they may have.

Adaptations/Accommodations (Advanced, ELD and IEP learners)

Students will be grouped based off of ability; ELD, IEP and advanced learners will be equally
distributed in groups. I will provide each group an appropriate term. They will first be asked to
define it independently, then with their group members and later on with the entire class while
we participate in discussion. During this time individuals will learn from one another in an active
learning environment.

Advanced learners will be placed in groups throughout to offer guidance and clarification for
group members. Some advanced learners will not know the meaning of these words but they
will provide prior knowledge just like everyone else to come up with their own definition for what
they think the word means.

The CCSS are accomplished and supported in the vocabulary acquisition model. First, students are
asked to determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words based off of
appropriate 2nd grade reading content. This occurs in a group setting and then is brought to a whole
class discussion prior to reading the appropriate grade level reading content. Students participate in an
active discussion and later on experience these words in context while we read Animals of the
Rainforest. Here students are required to use sentence-level contexts as a clue to determine and
reinforce the meaning of the word.

Link to Theory

This lesson supports the behaviorist theory in that student progress is observed by measureable
aspects of students ability to accurately define the key terms the lesson addresses. This ability is
visible, observable, measurable and occurs through drill and practice.

Big Ideas Connection:


1. Learners do not passively absorb information from the environment; rather they actively work
to make sense of their environment and construct their own, unique understanding of the word.

This teaching model asks students to participate in discussion with their classmates
about the word they are assigned. Learning is not passive, rather students work activity
to make sense of the word and construct their own understanding of it.

3. Learners learn more effectively when they relate new information to prior knowledge.

Students are required to first connect this new information to their prior knowledge. By
doing this students are given a much more authentic learning experience. Therefor they
take away a deeper understanding of the material learned and are more likely to
remember it.

New Learning Sciences Connection:


The new learning sciences emphasize the importance of focusing on learning in addition to
teaching. Sawyer stresses that students cannot learn deeper conceptual understanding simply
from teachers instruction them better. Students can only learn by actively participating in their
own learning. This lesson requires students to do just that. Through discussion with classmates
and with the teachers, students actively participate in learning and as a result, leave with a
deeper understanding of what they have learned.

Curriculum Resources:
o Kilbane, C.R., Milman, N., Teaching Models: Designing Instruction for 21st Century. (2014).
o Animals of the Tropical Rainforest by, Joanne Mattern

Growth Mindset
This lesson helps students develop a stronger growth mindset because it requires students to bring forth
information to the table that they already have. By doing this in a lesson, students feel important and intelligent,
rather than overwhelmed. Providing them this autonomy provides them further interest in what they will be
learning. Therefor, have a much more positive attitude and are much more inclined to participate in their
learning experience by wanting to learn more.
Technological Resources
o (YouTube Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEsV5rqbVNQ
o Further resources for learning:

Professional Actions/Areas for growth

What went well during my lesson was the organization of student interaction. It worked out well
assigning each group their own term and then asking them to share that term with the class. This
allowed for all students to participate and allowed me as a teacher to grasp what areas students are
excelling in and what areas need improvement. This group organization also allowed me to provide
individualize assistance to those who needed it.

Next time I might select different vocabulary words for this lesson. I am not sure how transferable the
words I selected are to other contexts besides that of the rainforest. (Canopy, Understory and Forest
Floor). Also, in the future, when I have a chance to use this model in my own classroom, I plan to better
implement technology into my instruction. It would be very beneficial to have a smart board and more
resources to teach my students.

For next time, I would like to be more educated about the rainforest and the various animals that live
there as well as the areas of the rainforest they live in. I feel that I will be able to provide my students
with a much more intriguing learning experience if I had more knowledge of the topic I am learning
about under my belt.


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