Digital Strategy Dusa Final 3 4

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Dominicanos USA
Latinovations / Dewey Square Group
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Dominicanos USA Digital Strategy & Timeline

Creating and maintaining an impactful and relevant digital footprint is critical to organizational
growth for Dominicanos USA. Latinovations will help achieve this by monitoring traffic,
activity, and advising on how to increase audience reach across platforms by identifying
significant areas for growth and improvement over the next 90 days. Consistently following the
schedule below will help improve DUSAs online presence across multiple platforms. Based on
our expertise, we have concluded that DUSA can bolster engagement with its followers by
adopting a more integrated and internally coordinated approach that will not only advance key
messages, but elevate the organizations profile and brand recognition.
Latinovations will lead a 90 day short-term digital strategy to include:
Managing content updates for the Dominicanos USA website (Overseeing & editing
content for social media posts
Implement tactics to grow audience reach, social media following, and increase website
traffic (
Establish an editorial process for content development of posts and website updates
Manage deadlines based on an agreed upon timeline with DUSA staff

Dominicanos USA Weekly Schedule

The goal for the next 90 days is to update the website twice a month on the first and third
week of every month. The following schedule will give you a brief rundown of what the weekly
website schedule will look like. Latinovations will increase the frequency of posts to once a
week upon the success of our 90 day plan.

For every first week of the month, all posts will be produced for Our Stories
For every third week of the month, all posts will be produced for the Blog.



Tuesday Wednesday



All draft
posts for
Our Stories
and Blog
need to be
to Alma by
COB (6pm)

All posts will

be edited and
turned around
for final review
by Ellen.
Posting on
website can be
expedited (if




All final
content must
be uploaded
to the DUSA
website by
Luis by 4pm




Immediate News Response: For any immediate newsworthy content in the media,
Latinovations will be responsible for creating the post in a timely manner. All news opportunities
must be flagged to Latinovations. The DUSA/Latinovations team will then have two days to
accomplish the following steps:
1. Acknowledge receipt of the story or opportunity
2. Draft a response or post
3. Send back to DUSA team for edits[ additional review can be added or removed
depending on the urgency of the response]
4. Have legal approve the content
5. Web team post to website and social media.

DUSA staff has identified the Our Stories and the Blog sections of the website as the
preferred pages for regular updates. Latinovations will help generate new content for these
sections in collaboration with DUSA staff. Additionally, the Newsroom/Media section will be
regularly updated as releases are made available.
Our Stories
The goal for Our Stories is to regularly share personal stories of just a few of the many
Dominican-Americans who have had a positive impact on their community and on the world.
Our Stories will also be used to profile the stories and experiences of our canvassers and staff in
order to add a personal and humanizing element to DUSAs work. This will demonstrate a
commitment to the organizations establishment and will be accomplished with the following
action plan.
Plan of Action:
Sample content - Produce a list of top 10 Dominican-American influencers and 15
community leaders [should include DUSA staff profiles]
Create a draft 300-word bio with attached photo for influencer of the week
Highlight an influencer on the DUSA website following the provided chart above
After posting, cross-post each highlight on Facebook and Twitter
The goal of the Blog will be to share news articles about prominent issues nationwide affecting
the Dominican-American community in New York and Rhode Island. Through current events,
we want to educate and motivate the community to take action and engage in critical
conversations about issues impacting the community. Additionally, our team can create original
content, or Op-Eds on behalf of DUSA Staff in lieu of news stories.
Plan of Action:

Post each blog post following the provided chart above

Topics can include anything in the following areas:
o Politics (i.e. legislation, power of the vote)
o Economy
o Social Influence
o Local news in NY and RI

Menu/Tab layout
Below are the preferred tabs for a menu layout as determined by DUSA staff:
About Us: Main information
Who we are
Staff Directory (with picture bios)
Referrals (Partners such as immigration services)
Our Stories
Voter Corner
New Registrant (info such as qualification to register to vote)
Polling Locator
News (current events and important news about the community)
Press (Earn and paid media)
Blog (potential front page)
Gallery (new name of the original media section)
Join Us
Office Locator

Dominicanos USA Social Media Presence

Overall DUSA produces a great deal of engaging and relevant content for its followers but it
appears that posts are overlooked and fail to gain traction because of the frequency and
redundancy of the posts.
Frequency of Posts

Currently, DUSA posts the same infographics on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as much as
three times a day. These posts are much too frequent and are therefore contributing to the
relatively low levels of engagement the posts receive. It has been our experience that
engagement is considerably higher when the organization is more systematic and regimented
about the frequency and timing of their posts. Our social media analytics suggest that content
posted between 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. 3 p.m., Monday-Friday; typically generate the
most online traffic. For the time being, we believe it will be best to limit posts to once a day until
DUSA creates unique content for their respective social media accounts. Additionally,
Latinovations will require access passwords for each social media account to monitor
changes in activity and peaks within analytics.
Content & Engagement
While the quality of the content being posted is good and aesthetically appealing, there appears
to be an overreliance on infographics and pictures that can overwhelm followers. The posts on
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are quite monolithic, therefore DUSAs social media presence
will benefit tremendously from diversifying and customizing the content posted across different
Facebook and Twitter serve as ideal platforms to amplify DUSAs website and highlight
important updates such as the recent award DUSA received from NYC Votes. However, the vast
majority of posts on Facebook and Twitter do not link followers back the DUSA website. A
central focus of DUSA Tweets and Facebook posts should involve sharing links to your website
and blog content which will not only bolster your presence on social media but direct online
traffic to the website. DUSA should therefore begin exploring the possibility of writing and
developing original content for the website with greater frequency. By doing so, DUSA will
diversify the content being posted while simultaneously bolstering the websites traffic.
It is also important to be more strategic about who DUSA chooses to follow on social media.
Currently, the follower to following ratio on Twitter is quite disproportionate; we thus suggest
narrowing down the list of people or organizations DUSA follows to specific media outlets and
organizations working on voter mobilization, registration and education.
DUSA can further differentiate its content by retweeting and engaging thought influencers on
Twitter and Facebook. Twitter and Facebook are very reciprocal networks; consider direct certain
tweets and posts to experts or organizations, some of these individuals will likely find DUSA
content valuable and share DUSA related information with their followers, who in turn will
follow you.
The content posted on Instagram is unique because it is primarily image based; the infographics
DUSA currently post therefore lend themselves well to this type of engagement. We would
however recommend diminishing the amount of text used in the infographics and posting more
pictures of the behind the scenes work DUSA does in the community i.e. canvassing,
registering voters, door knocking etc. This allows followers to view and understand the scope of

the DUSAs work through a new lens and humanizes an initiative that is truly from and by the

Internal Coordination
Weekly Social Media Schedule:
Wednesday: Deadline for social media content to be submitted to Alma by COB
Thursday: Latinovations to provide edits to Enmanuel by COB
Friday: Team call at 12pm for discussion and final review
Short-term and tangible goals to grow your base should involve careful internal coordination
among DUSA staff and volunteers to bolster the levels of engagement and traction Facebook,
twitter and Instagram posts receive.
When content is posted, there should be a system in place where staff and volunteers are
encouraged to share, retweet, or like content. We recommend a weekly internal reminder from
DUSA senior staff to all DUSA supporters to engage on the organizations social media
platforms. In doing so, DUSA is generating traffic and strategically tapping into the extensive
social networks of its staff, board members and volunteers that likely know individuals who will
benefit from the information and content DUSA produces.
We should also note that the content currently produced is very New York centric which can
significantly limit the organizations base. Careful coordination with the Rhode Island office will
also be critical to gaining followers and varying the content used.
Growth Tactics
Based on the mission and purpose statement of the organization as a whole, the audiences below
should be the goal for the next few months to increase DUSAs social media presence across all
networks. DUSA outreach should be tailored to specific demographics of prospective followers
and include key stakeholders in New York and Rhode Island. Having a greater understanding of
the target audience will guide DUSAs engagement on social media and what promotional
materials will attract these audiences to get involved or support DUSA efforts.
Target Audience
Millennials: in local communities, education-based organizations and top colleges and
universities in NY and RI
Local and national Latino Government officials
Spanish language and mainstream media outlets in NY and RI
Influential Latino organizations (i.e. CHCI, Hispanic Heritage foundation, LULAC, etc.)
Nationwide Voter mobilization organizations (i.e. Votolatino, Rock the Vote)

Likes: 178
The goal is to increase likes on the Facebook page and generating more traffic towards the
DUSA website through cross posting. Facebook needs to be an extension of the DUSA website.
The more quality and engaging content DUSA produces on Facebook, the more traffic it will
generate. It should include any important highlights from the website that DUSA followers
would enjoy exploring. Facebook is the ideal place to direct the audience back to the DUSA
website, therefore it needs to have consistent activity and an improved visual appearance. We
recommend a different visual for the cover on the Facebook page that will make it a little
brighter and visually appealing.
Plan of Action:
Recommend your page to the target audience listed above or send at least 20 invitations
to like DUSA page every week
Paid advertisements can be arranged once or twice during the next 3-4 months
Cross-post with Our Stories and Blog on their respective week
Following: 435
Followers: 88
The goal is to increase the number of followers and spearhead the conversations on current
topics of debates. DUSA needs to provide content filled messages that represent the DominicanAmerican community and its efforts as an organization in New York and Rhode Island. Twitter is
a place for conversation with leaders in the industry; it enables you to get your message across to
a live audience in a timely matter. Therefore, it is strongly encouraged to consider what
information is important to Dominican-Americans and what issues should they be aware of.
To actively engage in this social network and increase your platform, DUSA must participate in
twitter chats, use influential hashtags with a large following such as #Latism and #Latinovoices,
live tweet from panels or events important to its mission and the Dominican community, and/or
provide updates from government press conferences or state of the union addresses. We also
recommend a Twitter facelift. The profile needs a background and cover change that are
aesthetically appealing and exciting, similar to the one that would be used for Facebook as well.
Plan of Action:
Tweet at least twice a day with quotes, facts, topics relating to the community or issues
affecting Dominican-Americans in NY and RI at 11am
o One tweet must engage your audience: request that they retweet or favorite if
they agree to a quote of the day, fact of the day, etc.
o One tweet must Mention an influencer in the community to check out a special
highlight of the week
Create a hashtag that represents what DUSA wants to be known for i.e. #DUSAvotes
#DUSAvision #DUSAempowers

Include links back to the website or pertinent articles (use bitly to shorten links to
preserve characters)
Follow 20 new people every week (begin locally and move nationally)
o Creating a list of focal people will help direct the conversation needed to attract
such individuals
o Clean up the current list of following

Following: 347
Followers: 145
The goal here is to focus on sharing the companys culture and achievements. Instagram is a
place where DUSA can get a little more creative. You can share any photo or video and allow
DUSA followers to stop, appreciate, and respond to the post. Dominicans enjoy expressing pride
for their country. It is important to think of what will make DUSAs Instagram followers stop and
admire the post.
Plan of Action:
Make DUSAs account a representation of the pride Dominicans share for their nation
and for their community being a Dominican-American from NY and RI
Focus on photos of DUSA at work, Dominican-Americans in the community, cultural
artifacts (i.e. flags, famous artists and politicians, etc.), annual NY Dominican parade,
and special newsworthy items happening in NY and RI
Use posts to alert audience about voting locations, DUSA presence in the community
Post at least twice a week on Monday and Wednesday between 11am - 7pm

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