Wangechi Mutu

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Kimberly Gomez

Lisa Diomande
English Composition
Expository Essay-Final Draft
May 15th, 2015
Wangechi Mutu Exhibition

Wangechi Mutu in her exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum in 2013 portrayed

strong messages from her Kenyan and African heritage. Her paintings cover a variety
and range of topics, from hierarchy, to womens violence, to immigration. She
utilizes her talent and art to raise awareness on social issues occurring not only in
Kenya, but in the world in general.

Mutus 2005 paint, Misguided Little Unforgivable Hierarchies, portrays a

clear example of the dependency hierarchy inevitably gives into because one never
know who they are actually working for. This concept can be taken both literally and
figuratively. One could potentially tie in the idea of Karma and destiny, and how
these two ideals deconstruct the hierarchy because actions and choices change
destiny. The upper hand will always have another hand overseeing it or will always
depend on something. The rich are not rich unless there is poverty. If there arent
rich nor poor, than equality has been reached which is the complete opposite of the
message the paint has behind it.

The representation of humanity on the piece is covered with multiple patterns

to universalize humans as one. However, one could argue that the three distinct
creatures represent the generic social classes: upper class, middle class, and lower
class; lower class being the larger creature. Expanding on this idea of social class and
its functionality, one can see that the lower and middle class are dependent of one
another. The lower class supports, and its the base for the middle class, however, the
middle class keeps the lower class standing. Putting this in the context of todays
society, middle class businesses hire the lower class workers to keep their business
afloat. On the other hand, the upper class being the smallest and most animalistic of
the three, sits on top. One could argue the reason why Mutu represents the upper
class as a creature other than a human, is because a number of large corporations can
completely shake and nearly destroy the system practiced by the lower and middle
class if they wished. There arent a numerous amount of businesses with this power
nevertheless; the small group, as represented on the piece, hold the middle class. The
upper class holding the middle class is what separates the middle class from
becoming the lower class.

Misguided Little Unforgivable Hierarchies is also a wake-up call to those in

the bottom. This piece is almost as if it was a pie chart on what constitutes the
different social levels in society. If the people on the lower level noticed how they

out-number the people above them, they could make great changes in society. They
could get themselves out of the grass, if they quite literally, stood up.

The way society has conformed everyone in its power; it has oppressed every
level in its own way. People on top can only be with people on top, otherwise they
are being taken advantage of by the people below. This concept applies to cultural
and racial differences as well. The image portrays this idea by having the largest
creature have the diverse patterns and colors all over. They are not clearly defined by
lines or boundaries, exposing the idea that everyone in that group or category may
mix and intertwine with others without much hassle. Not that it would matter, since
they are all the same anyway.
Mutus pieces expose a topic that applies to many different aspects of life and
not just social hierarchy. This scenario can also play out within cultures, religions,
and in some cultures law itself. Her art speaks and appeals to a wide audience, which
makes her work and story approachable. Approachable and timeless because these
are issues that will continue to exist as long as our society, todays society, that one
that will become tomorrows society continues to live to these standards and
boundaries. Her work exposes the structure we are confined to, leaving all the details
and outside information that is hidden from us out. This allows us to make the choice
to either change or continue to proceed in this free way within the many
restrictions of our society.

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