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Diwali is the festival of lights and in midst of all the excitement and festive mood, we
tend to overlook or undermine how things can go haywire at such occasions.
Before your family celebrates, make sure everyone knows about fireworks safety.
Here are some safety tips to keep in mind for a safe and sound Diwali:

Wear protective goggles while lighting fireworks to prevent eye injuries.
If an eye injury occurs, don't touch or rub it, as this may cause even more damage.
Dont flush the eye out with water or attempt to put any ointment on it.
In case of an accident, open the eye of the injured person and carefully look for any embedded object.
If you can see the object in the eye and it is moving freely, have a sterile eye wash and gently dampen
the eye to remove it.
Sterile saline solution is great for cleaning eyes.
Use a commercial eye care product to soothe the irritation.
In case of a black eye, bruises or internal bleeding, check to see that the eye itself is not injured. Apply
an ice pack to the affected area, but not to the eye itself.
Consult an ophthalmologist immediately in case of eye injuries.

Never give fireworks to small children.
Never ignite fireworks while holding them. Put them down, then ignite them and walk away.
Children should not be lighting fireworks unsupervised.

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