Tforterriblescript 9

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Rated T For Terrible

Screenplay by
Ethan Katcher, Gabriella Petrarca, and Mason Stumpf

Scene 13
CUT! Run it againAnd... Action!

(crying while looking out a window)
I cant believe hes finally gone! What will I even do with myself now? This was so sudden
Im going to be a whole new person now
CUT! One more time everyone And... Action!
(excited and energetic)
I cant believe hes finally gone! What will I even do with myself now? This was so sudden
Im going to be a whole new person now!
CUT! Alright nice work everyone, but we still need a few more takes. Break for a second before
the next take. Were getting there.
SCARLETT walks to left center to talk to TOM. TOM stands from his DIRECTORS CHAIR to
speak with SCARLETT.
Im sorry. I just cant seem to understand what is happening in this part of the scene very well.
Its hard to find the correct emotions for a scene that just doesnt seem to have a lot of purpose
for my character...
Alright, well what dont you understand here? Is there anything I can do to help you understand
this scene better?

No, I know all my lines and everything... I just think I need some time to review what happens in
this scene. I dont see where I fit in for this part. Why am I upset about some guy that I barely
knew two scenes ago? Or am I supposed to be happy or sympathetic or what? I really think it
would be better if you just told me how you want me to do this, because Im tired of guessing.
I think you should just do what you feel, and Ill tell you if its right or not. That way, every
performance looks authentic and not forced. Youre a wonderful actress, and you always look so

natural in front of the camera. We wouldnt want you to look like you were just following orders.
We want a performance thats as realistic as possible.
But if I dont know what to do, how will I do it right? Good acting doesnt help anything if its
not focused properly.
Youll definitely get it. Dont worry, itll come with time. Just trust me when I say that
eventually, you will do this perfectly
Ugh! Weve done this like one-hundred times now, though. Im tired of just guessing about what
to do each take.
And well keep doing it until you get it. Just calm down Everyone thinks youre doing a
fantastic job so far, and we are just trying to get every scene to be flawless.
I am calm! Ive just never had this much trouble with a scene before and it feels like no one
wants to help me...
Is it that time for you again?

No! I cannot believe you would say that!
Im just trying to make you feel better. Lighten up a bit!
(now more seriously realizing Scarlett isnt amused)
Im sorry.

SCARLETT takes a deep breath, turns, and walks off stage left to her dressing room followed by
JOSEFINA. TOM turns and almost calls to SCARLETT, but he lets her go.
(to ensemble on set)
Alright everyone, five minute break.
Scene 14
(to herself)
Ugh... whats the matter with me today? I never understood this scene Why am I supposed to
be so sad about the guy I never liked leaving forever? Or am I supposed to be excited? Theres
absolutely no direction of how to react to anything in this show! I wouldnt be surprised if this
show turned out to be the best comedy of the summer. Too bad its a drama
Scarlett grabs a BOTTLE OF WATER from the counter up stage left. She moves center stage left
and takes a drink as Josefina enters stage right.
Well that was um interesting. Yesterday you did that part so well
Id say you were almost as good as me at it. What happened?

Well Its just this one scene. It doesnt make any sense! The script doesnt give me any
direction and for some reason, neither does the director. I know hes trying to help, but its so
hard to explain where I need help. I just dont get it. Every time I do the scene I change how I do
it, and every time Im wrong. Apparently, Im getting there. Ugh I hate directors theyre so
unhelpful. I wish we could just skip the scene its not even important!
Its alright. Not everyone can be as perfect as me all the time. Just remember, everybody has a
bad day once in a while.
Bad Day begins.

Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on
You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee to go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces every time
And I don't need no carryin' on
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carryin' on
You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie

You work at a smile and you go for a ride

You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong
And I'm not wrong
So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Had a bad day
Had a bad day
Bad Day ends.
SCARLETT and JOSEFINA reflect silently for a moment. SCARLETT then responds.

You know, youre right. I shouldnt be so hard on myself all the time.
Yeah totally. Hey, if you want I can help you with this scene after all I do have a bit more
experience than you.
I think I just need to forget about this scene for a while.
Awhile? I could do better than that. You can forget about that scene for good.
What do you mean? I cant just quit the movie we have already come so far.
Oh, no that wont be necessary What I mean is that I could just do the scene for you!

How? We look nothing alike.
Not like that. I could just get the scene rewritten to put my character in instead of yours.
I dont know. I dont think thats necessary.
But Im just looking for your best interest. Its hard to live up to some standards, and you seem
really stressed out right now. Maybe Im the only one who can pull off that scene right now. Just
think about your health...
No, no. Ill be fine. Besides, the director is expecting to have this scene shot by the end of the
day. A rewrite could take weeks or even moJOSEFINA
Oh, dont be ridiculous. Script writers can rewrite a whole show in less than a week! Believe
me, In the last movie I was in, the writers had to rewrite the entire ending in two days after the

lead female role, Rosie mysteriously came down with horrible food poisoning during the filming
of the last scene of the movie.
Oh my goodness! Thats awful! Wait.. I thought you were Rosie in that movie. What happened
after the illness?
Oh, I wasnt the ill one. I had to fill in for the actress originally playing that role.
(sarcastically and mischieviously)
It was quite a tragedy, but at least my talent was realized...
I feel so bad for that poor actress!

Oh, dont worry about her. The movie was actually better without her in the ending Anyways,
about that scene. Itll just take me a few minutes to talk to the director and get you out of that
tough part.
No its fine seriously. I just need a few minutes.
Whatever. Im going to talk to the director and producer to see if we can cut you out of this
scene. Its for your own good okay? Why would I try to hurt you when were all working
together on this movie?
I dont know why youd hurt me, but even if you do get the scene changed, Ill just get it
changed back so go for it.
That may be what you think, but once everyone realizes the talent I possess, I will get this scene.
JOSEFINA strikes a pose and walks out stage right. SCARLETT stays for a minute, baffled by
the over confidence, determination, and stubbornness of JOSEFINA.

(to herself)
Well at least it will be fun to see her fail at trying to steal my part. That girl doesnt know the
difference between a script and a menu.
Scene 15
JOSEFINA walks left center to the DIRECTORS CHAIR to talk with TOM. The producer, JOHN
ANDERSMITH, and TOM are waiting by the chair.
Mr. Andersmith! Mr. Jacasser! Hello!

The names Tom. Is there a problem on set? Whats the matter?
Oh, it's just that Scarlett was having trouble with that part and I think I could be of assistance.
What do you mean?
Well, we talked, and I decided it would be best for her if I did the scene for her.
Hang on. That would require part of the script to be rewritten. I have a deal that my plot for this
movie stays exactly the same as it started, and I plan to keep that deal.
(fakely honest)
But, Scarlett is really having trouble... It would be much better if I just did this scene as my
character. It wouldn't take long to rewrite the script, and it wouldn't even change the ending of
the show!
No, no. I dont want your character in this part
(still fakely polite)

I really dont think thats a good idea! It could really put a lot of stress on Scarlett that she
doesnt need.
Ive known Scarlett for a long time now, and I know that she can handle. She is the only one
who will give the performance I want here.
Are you sure?
(talking about herself)
I know of someone else who could do this part just as good or better.
And who might that be?
Me! It really would fit the scene Here, let me explain it to you...
Fine, just make it quick.
JOSEFINA takes a long breath, suggesting this will not be quick.
Okay. It goes like this. In any of the parts where Scarlett meets with the new man, my character
is there in place of hers. That whole part simply revolves around my character instead, and then I
go tell everyone about it. This then leads to Scarletts character going back after him and the
show continues normally. It just gives my character a bigger part for those few scenes, and
Scarlett wont have to worry about them ever again.
JOHN ponders this for only a moment.
No, no, no. That wont work. These scenes are supposed to develop Scarletts character. They
teach her to follow whats important.
It also develops a romance for the character.

Well, they can develop a romance when she meets him later, and she knows to follow whats
important later anyways.
Yes, but she wouldnt know that if she didnt learn it in the first place. This would be to hard to
work into the script. Its not worth it.
JOHN and TOM start to walk away stage right. JOSEFINA calls after them.

(more serious, almost begging)
No, please! I just want a big- I mean, I just want to take Scar- I mean, umm, Im just looking out
for Scarlett.
JOHN and TOM stop but are barely listening to JOSEFINA
Just dont worry about it for now.
Yeah, if Scarlett needs a break, shell let us know
(very upset)
You just dont get it do you? I should have that part! Youre going to lose your main actress, and
Im going to have nothing to do with it this time. Just you wait This movie is going to be
absolutely terrible!
JOSEFINA storms off stage left mumbling to herself. JOHN and TOM stay behind for a minute
to discuss the movie.
Do you believe anything that she said?
No, I know Scarletts tougher than that... She has never let me down before.
Shes been so good recently, too.

Yeah, shes been on fire
Girl On Fire begins.
She's just a girl and she's on fire
Hotter than a fantasy, lonely like a highway
She's living in a world and it's on fire
Filled with catastrophe, but she knows she can fly away
Ohhhh oh oh oh oh
She got both feet on the ground
And she's burning it down
Ohhhh oh oh oh oh
She got her head in the clouds
And she's not backing down
This girl is on fire...
This girl is on fire...
She's walking on fire...
This girl is on fire...
Looks like a girl, but she's a flame
So bright, she can burn your eyes
Better look the other way
You can try but you'll never forget her name
She's on top of the world
Hottest of the hottest girls say
Ohhhh oh oh oh
We got our feet on the ground
And we're burning it down
Ohhhh oh oh oh oh
Got our head in the clouds

And we're not coming down

Add John.
This girl is on fire...
This girl is on fire...
She's walking on fire...
This girl is on fire...
Everybody stares, as she goes by
'Cause they can see the flame that's in her eyes
Watch her when she's lighting up the night
Nobody knows that she's a lonely girl
And it's a lonely world
But she gon' let it burn, baby, burn, baby
This girl is on fire...
This girl is on fire...
She's walking on fire...
This girl is on fire...
Oh, oh, oh, oh ohhhhh oh oh oh ohhhhh oh oh oh ohhhh... [4x]
She's just a girl and she's on fire
Girl On Fireends.
Youre right I never doubted Scarlett, and I never will. Shes the only one I want as the lead in
this show, and her part will never be changed.
Good. Im glad you see things my way. Im sure that the way we have this movie written now is
the best way possible.
Scene 16

SCARLETT enters stage left and meets with TOM and JOHN who enter from stage right. They
meet centerstage right. There is a SALAD BAR upstage left with many extras standing around it
chatting and snacking.
Oh, its great to see you Scarlett!
Yes, we were just talking about you!
What for?
Just about how grateful we are to have you working with us on this production. Youre really
doing a great job.
Here, have a seat everyone.
JOHN sits between SCARLETT and TOM on three FOLDABLE METAL CHAIRS downstage
right. JOHN stands back up and walks upstage left and gets himself a drink of punch in a
PLASTIC CUP from the PUNCH BOWL. He walks back to downstage right and pauses at his
I apologize, would anyone like anything to drink?
No, Im fine, thank you.
Im fine, too. What do you want to talk about?
Well, we just want to make absolutely sure youre feeling alright. I heard you were having
trouble with a particular scene.

Oh, thats nothing I just cant understand what expression to put into that scene, but Im
looking over the script, and I think I got it now.

(to JOHN)
See, I told you shes alright.
Well, thats good to hear. We had just heard that you might be a little overworked recently. We
didnt want to push you too far
Let me guess Josefina told you that.
Well Yeah.
Oh my gosh She just doesnt know when to quit does she? If you ever thought I didnt like
something,, she takes it to a whole new level.
Well, she is a good actress.
Yeah, she knows But shes still more stubborn than a man taking a road trip without directions.
And let me tell you, thats freakin stubborn.
(laughing lightly)
That may be true, but we still like to have her work with us.
She is a good actress. Dont get me wrong. However, she acts like God himself gave her the
power of perfect acting.
Still, it doesnt matter how good someone thinks they are The parts were cast to fit the actors
as well as possible.

Thats understandable. Thanks for talking with me. Before I go, I just want to make sure of
If anyone says any more about me without me personally backing them up, dont even listen to
what they say.
You can be assured of that.
We were just making sure.
I understand, and I cant thank you enough for looking out for me. I owe you.
Oh, that was nothing Just wait until some extra breaks down in tears about how this was
supposed to be their big break, but now they are simply not getting the attention they deserve.
People actually do that?
Thats a common occurrence really. It normally happens more than once. Im surprised it hasnt
happened yet.
Suddenly, an unnamed EXTRA runs on from stage right crying.
This was my big chance!
(caught off guard)
Im sorry who are you?

Im bystander 3! Just an extra!

And is there a problem?
Everyone waits awkwardly for the extra to explain his problem, but the EXTRA thinks it is
obvious enough that everyone knows.
Well, isnt it obvious!?
Uhhh, no?
My part just simply doesnt fit me! I dont even have a speaking line! How will people know
who my character is?
Im sorry You said you were an extra.
Ummm yes! Thats the problem. The character has no development.
That would be because you dont have lines.
Well who decided that?
I did.
As did I.
I helped, too!

But How could you all give me such a terrible part? It doesnt suit me at all. Im much better
than this!
You do realize you auditioned to be an extra right?
Yeah, but I thought that was like the supporting characters Supporting and extra can have the
same meaning if you think about it!
I remember being very clear that extras had no lines when we were doing the casting. You should
be glad you have a part.
But no one is going to know who I am! How is my talent going to be realized by other
producers? How am I supposed to get a bigger part? Cant I just give myself lines and suggest
them to you?
Well, you can put this experience on a resume, you can audition for a supporting part in the next
movie you audition for, and we are not changing the script just so that your character is more

Oh my! You people are horrible! That sounds like so much work. I dont know if I can ever go
through this again!
The EXTRA breaks down in tears and runs off stage left. SCARLETT is completely baffled by
what she just saw and the irony of the situation.
See? I told you. Some people always think they deserve more until they have everything they
could ever want.
It doesnt matter if theyre supporting, and extra with lines, or without lines. They still think they
deserve more.

And most of them arent even smart enough to realize why they got the part that they did. They
think its just a biased audition.
Wow. I had no idea about all of these issues. I would never complain if I got a small role. Im
just happy to be here!
And were very happy to have you!
Well, thanks. I wont let anyone try to make choices for me ever again! Especially if their
choices arent even for my own good
Alright Tom. You should probably get back to shooting that next scene. Ill see you at our
meeting at seven okay?
JOHN exits stage left, and TOM and SCARLETT hang back for a minute.
Sounds great! And Scarlett, you need to get back on set for the next take.
(over dramatic)
Im not letting anyone tell me when I should be back on set except myself! Im my own person
from now on!
Haha But really we need you on set.
Im on my way already.
SCARLETT walks off stage right with a smile on her face. TOM follows her off stage right and
many ensemble members follow. A few stay behind.
TOM (O.S.)

We need everyone in scene 12 now! We want to finish this by today, and I have a meeting at
seven! Now lets get moving Alright, is that everyone? Get into places, and were ready.
Lights Camera ACTION!

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