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Nico Lynch
Class 9SB
The PAT scale average for the year level of my class is
(I think this is supposed to be asking for the median??? The 50 th percentile)
average is the mean
The median is 135; the median for Year 9 is: 138
The range of PAT scale scores for my class are 123 to 150
The rough PAT scale scores ranges for the three parts of my class are:
(1) 123-129 (bottom)
(2) 130-139 (middle)
(3) 141-150 (top)
Bottom Questions
13, 2, 25, 4, 5, 19, 3,14, 12, 7
Skills Tested
Interpretation by making inferences and by retrieving specific information.
The descriptor states that This aspect of reading requires the location of
explicitly stated, discrete pieces of information in the passage when there
is a close match between the wording of the item and the sentence in the
passage that gives the answer. Generally, students need to identify a
synonymous match between the relevant piece of information in the
passage and the correct option in the passage.
The close match b/w the wording of the item and sentence in passage with
answer is the key part of the analysis and one that makes the question
easier on the scale- i.e. at level 113
Identification of general ideas based upon clues in the text: the location
of the clue is essential: if that is not found then the student becomes lost
and dispirited: observed this with Brandon.
Consider questions based on different perspective and timeframes,
multiple characters
Rewording of key words can help the development of students
vocabulary: especially useful for the identification of specific information
that may be presented in more sophisticated language
Middle Questions
33, 10, 22, 28, 8, 16, 23, 29, 1, 35, 20
Skills Tested
As above really: there was some more inferential reasoning that was
missing here.
The descriptor suggests: This aspect of reading requires reading between
the lines to identify information that is suggested or implied by the
passage, such as a characters feelings, the unstated outcome of an
event, the purpose of a persuasive text or a likely explanation. Generally,
students need to recognise the expression of ideas, thoughts, feelings or
possibilities that are supported by clues in the passage, but are not
directly stated

Interesting to note: the idea of empathy could be of use in the

development of this skill: so reading into words the emotional response a
reader might have- again to PAT R for more of these types of
comprehension questions.
The use of tone in analysing a text- may need to be taught as discrete
The examination of evidence is crucial here: some meanings may be
contested and thus readers must be critical and make inferences based on
the layering of the evidence: the combined meaning leads to the informed
Key ideas through the examination of how paragraphs present the main
idea (it may not be presented in the first line as per topic sentence in text
response!) so students need to know different text types, genre.
Comparison of ideas in a text: extend student understanding and making
crucial readers. Requires a critical appraisal of what is being stated and
how it might shift through a paragraph (tone is v useful to this analysis

Top Questions
18, 36, 9, 21, 31, 15, 17, 26
Skills Tested
Interpretation by making inferences and explicit information (but note
that the descriptor for the explicit information suggests this aspect of
reading requires linking and combining explicitly stated pieces of
information across several sentences, or sections of a passage. Generally,
students need to recognise a paraphrase or rewording of the information
in the passage in the correct option in the item.
I imagined retrieving explicit information to be the easier category! But
note level of sophistication here: it is across several sentences or sections
of a passage-i.e. dense and wordy passages where the reader must
retrieve, reword and link the information to correct response
This is what Mercuri, McKluski, Eddie, Caleb are missing
The questions difficulty more up in the high 140s to low 150 on the scale.
Key Ideas: most challenging when wealth of details but only supporting a
few key points- both Mercuri and Eddie had trouble with this.
Linking references through paragraphs and sentences: especially for
competing information.
Application to the Poetry Unit (and NAPLAN)
These skills should be applied through the poetry unit.
There is the opportunity to read more layered poems where the skills
tested for the top end can be examined; while more simple and direct
comprehension for the bottom level can also be tested in nominated
The top questions relate to more complex sentences and the expression of
ideas across sections of a passage, this may lend itself to prose rather
than poetry
The tone of the piece is useful for complementing the underlying general
idea of a piece: students tend to miss the clues or reference.

The key idea may not be presented in the first line of a poem- so linking
meaning with an understanding of the structure of poems. Make the
comparison with the more analytical, sequenced approach of the text
response essay.

Teaching Strategies
Bottom (123-129)
Incorporating feedback from other students: essentially small group task
where each student discusses the response to the poems, which is
followed by writing and consolidation of knowledge.
I particularly want this to try and engage with the idea of symbolism and
representation that comes through the poetry unit
Strategic use of definitions of key words and make the link with the broad
themes of the poems. This may require dictionary work for this group or a
cloze like activity that introduces the words and meanings.
Selection of short texts where small groups could read closely at a slow
pace with opportunity to re-read texts and annotate. Students to notice
confusing parts by a symbol- lead to follow up analysis amongst the group
Selection of texts from ACER that hit the band of a students scale scorethose relevant complexity and in zone of proximal development. Targeted
questions as per ACER.
To note: Brandon and Bilal are out with Sophie for LSN so I will offer her these
strategies and ideas to work on during that time
Middle (130-139)
This group is in the inferential comprehension band of questions
So- again, the small group may work well and texts chosen to tease out
these aspects of comprehension
I particularly want to examine representation and symbolism in the poetry
texts as this should link nicely with the type of inferred comprehension
that requires work as per the PAT R tests.
Identifying the key ideas of a text through the cluse suggested in the
Again: ACER would be a very useful resource for the relevant texts and
Top (141-150)
Critical appraisal of representation and symbolism with the introduction
and use of a metalanguage to properly construct responses.
As above: this can be done in the small group stage and the focus is less
on comprehension and more on reflection and expression of language
features- a separate sheet may need to be made up for this group, which
introduces these language conventions and their use in nominated poems

Targeted work on tone and how it shifty through a piece; its relevant to the
overall meaning of a piece.


Also: had a bit of trouble finding teacher activities as per email.

Individual Report
Bottom 20 (Bilal and Brandon)
Three key areas of improvement:
1. Bilal unable to answer any of the directly stated information questions;
Brandon managed two. So, this is a clear area of improvement for both.
Question 2 (scale 113) both answered incorrectly and although direct
information, the passage is three well-crafted paragraphs. So breaking
down each sentence with the sequencing of ideas (here following the
action of a main character) is crucial to their direct comprehension
2. Both need to work on inferential comprehension. Question 25 (scale 124)
was really about understanding the writers intention of setting up
atmosphere. This was not written anywhere, rather a feature of the
paragraphs needed to be inferred. Some context about writers purpose
may be useful here.
3. Both also need support with direct comprehension when the text is dense.
Interestingly, question1 (scale 124) was not high on the scale score yet
both answered incorrectly. The passage is, again, three dense body
paragraphs, and the students seemingly struggled to follow the thread of
the idea through. Again- targeted strategies that break down the sequence
of ideas in a para (reading for meaning) would be very useful
Teaching strategies
See above- apart from PAT R resource centre, which having trouble to access for
specific activities, may need some further support here. Can we purchase some
of the texts, or already in library?
Measuring success of these strategies
Again- need a bit of support with the intervention.
Clearly, the re-sitting of a test that examines the three areas of comprehension
upon similar scale scores would be useful.
Top 20 (luke and Eddie)
Three key areas of improvement:
1. Eddie had all correct for directly stated information; while Luke missed
two- one question particularly dense and the other was numerical
representation. So could zoom in on the latter

2. Both did well in the other categories: although Eddie did miss two more in
the identification of explicit information. Again these were for texts dense
in nature.
3. Both missed the inferential comprehension question on scale score about
150- it was really about the feelings of a character in an exchange with his
father- so short prose work that works on an empathetic reading could be
useful for both.
Teaching strategies
As per above.
Measuring success of these strategies
As per above.
Other students in these categories are:
Bottom: Kifah, Noah (to resit?) Thomas, Roy R, Nam, Charles, Michael P, (all sit
below 20%) or below 129 on the scale. Mitchel Omricen to sit test but probably in
this category too.
(to note: a rather large middle band: 30-50)
Top: Caleb and Matthew (80 and 76), then a little fall away to Andre, Leon and
Christian (60s)

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