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Answer Key

1. A
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. C
9. B
16.I think that Holden will not go back to school because he will still perceive a
majority of people being phony. This would mean that he didnt change at
all and would still flunk out of high school.
17.Holden is lonely because he lost a brother he was very close to, Allie. In the
book, Holden mentions how he threw a tantrum after his brother died and
never really felt the same again. Also he alienates himself because he thinks
that everyone around him is a phony.
18.Holden idolizes Phoebe a lot because he doesnt think she is a phony. All of
their conversations a sincere. Not only is she not a phony, but she is still
innocent through Holdens eyes. This is one trait that Holden will admire in
anyone because one cant gain innocence, but only lose it.
19.I dont agree with this statement. Holden says many contradictions
throughout the whole story. For example he calls people phonies and then
says fake things soon after. This doesnt justify his view on people being
phony if he does so himself. Holden is being hypocritical and his whole view is
based on people being phony, but he exhibits this trait sometimes as well.
20.My definition of a phony is someone who says nice things in a fake way. Often
times girls complement each other over everything. A phony says things that
are not sincere and dont truly mean what they say. This is similar to Holdens
classification of a phony. My opinion differs from Holden in a sense that, if
youre doing what the social norm is, then that is not phony.

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