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Phillip Lin
Rager 2
7 May 2015
Global Warming a Global Issue
The world is overheating at an alarming rate and the results can be seen in the
environment. Global warming is visibly getting worse. Going green seems like the only way to
mitigate this problem, but with little to no help from the government, going green can only
slightly curb the effects of global warming. As green living gains popularity, the government
should support this movement to insure a nationwide transition. While no single country can be
held responsible for global warming, the United States is definitely a major contributor. Its
government should play a significant role in showing their commitment to switch to a lifestyle
that is sustainable.
Global warming is not only affecting the environment, but the people as well. It causes
intensifying extinction of plants and animals, deepening energy poverty, and strengthening
petro-dictatorship, (Source A) this signifies the growing problem that climate change is causing
at the moment. Friedman, an author on green revolution, advocates for America to take the
initiative in solving the worlds big problem, arguing that in order to have a successful green
movement, The United States has to demonstrate to the world the effectiveness of going green by
showing the commitment of its government to going green.
Contrary to popular belief, going green is not expensive or new. Alan M. Webber, a
reporter for a national newspaper, reports that Singapore has already taken its first steps in going
green. By taxing heavily on cars that release more emissions and less on hybrid cars, Singapore

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has provided an incentive for its citizens to go green with incentives given by the government.
This shows that the citizens and the government are capable of transitioning into green living if
the government is willing to partake in green reforms. Aside from monetary benefits. going green
helps create a longer lasting energy source according to Sevastian Winters, a reporter for a going
green newspaper. In his article, Winter explains that natural resources do not exist in limitless
supplies, and implies that going green answers this problem.
Global warming is a problem that everyone is responsible for solving. Going green is the
first step in the right direction in solving this critical issue. The United States is in a prime
position for starting the green revolution with its people already on board. Its government needs
to take the initiative and show its commitment toward a greener future. Climate change is a
global issue, and must be dealt with globally. However, in order to do so, the United States
government must take the first step in spurring initiative against it.

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