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Why we use geophysical logs?

A Geophysical log is simply an XY graph, where the Y axis represents the depth
of the well and the X axis represents the value or values of some parameters of
the well, such as: porosity, density, transit time, resistivity, hole diameter,
among others. That is why knowing these characteristics of the formations
penetrated by wells in both their lithological nature, and in relation to the
contents of fluids (water or oil), is of great interest in the oil industry.
The Sonic log is simply a record of the time of transit, required for a sound wavethr
ough a foot of training. The transit time for a given training range, depends on its
lithology and porosity.

Well logs not quantitatively identify the type of rock through which the
wellbore, measure chemical and physical properties of the rocks which are
correlated with channel samples and cores taken during drilling. The shales and
clays, gypsum, anhydrite and gas are the most distorting the measurement
and therefore require special treatment.
Sometimes log datas arent available or are wrong, so we use ecuations to
calculate it. When we dont have sonic logs but we have density logs, are used
correlations more commonly are Faust or Smiths equations to estimate the traveltime from the resistivity.
When we have access to a GR or an SP log, there is an alternative method, it is time average equation.

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