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Should ICT be introduced into early childhood settings?

learning and development for early childhood be scaffolded through
use of technology, for example, cameras, interactive white boards,
computers, and mainly iPads?
Develop a questionnaire of 10-15 minutes duration that would enable gathering
of response information about your selected principles and issues.
Goodstart Early Learning Centre* invites all parents to take part in the following
questionnaire about the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in
Early Childhood Education. The Parent Fundraising Committee has recently
expressed interest in buying both a number of iPads and digital cameras for the
childrens use. Parents please dont hesitate to answer with honest and detailed
responses, as the survey will be both anonymous and confidential. The findings will
be analysed by staff members and the Parent Committee at Goodstart, and a summary
of results will be shared, and taken into consideration for the purchases. Please feel
free to leave your name and details in the space provided at the end of the survey if
you would like to share further opinions with both staff and the parents committee.

1. What is your age?

2. Do you feel that you yourself are competent in using ICT such as computers,
iPads, tablets, phones, and digital cameras?
3. How many children do you have at the centre? What are their ages?
Mary Perkins, S00129280

Mary Perkins 20/5/15 2:35 PM

Comment [1]: Understanding of how
valuable parents opinions are when it
comes to using, and the safety of, ICT.

4. Is your child/children capable of using ICT?

5. What types of ICT do you have at home?

6. How many hours per day do you allow your child/children to use ICT at
7. What types of ICT are the most popular with your children?
8. Do you have an understanding of the benefits that ICT can have on learning
and development for your children?
9. Would you like more information on the use of ICT in Early Childhood
Mary Perkins, S00129280

Mary Perkins 20/5/15 2:36 PM

Comment [2]: Recognising benefits

10. Do you believe that iPads should be available for children to use at the centre?
11. Do you believe that digital cameras should be available for children to use at
the centre? Why?
12. What do you believe are positive effects of using ICT in centres?
Mary Perkins, S00129280

13. What do you believe are negative effects of using ICT in centres?
14. What types of ICT would you like/dislike to see used at the centre?
15. What would you like to see iPads and digital cameras being used for being
used for? (Please or )
Childrens movies or shows


Educational interactive games


Interactive games for amusement


Photo taking and viewing


Other, please state

Mary Perkins, S00129280


16. What length of time do you believe is appropriate for children to be using ICT
per day? (please or )
0 10 minutes


10- 30 minutes


30 60 minutes


over 60 minutes


17. Answer only if you do not believe in use of ICT at schools; What types of
activities would you rather your children be taking part in?
18. Are you happy with the amount of communication between the centre and
yourself about the possibility of ICT use? If not, do you have any suggestions
for improvement?

Mary Perkins, S00129280

19. What ways would you like to be informed and kept updated on use of ICT?
(please or )
Notices at centre


Information evenings


Centre Website


Newsletters by email


Newsletters sent home with children


Communication books in rooms


Parent-educator interviews


20. Do you feel the centre values your opinions on ICT use?
21. Would you like opportunities to view, participate or contribute to ICT focused
learning if it is introduced at Goodstart?
Provide your details if you wish.
Name ...........................
Childrens name/s............................
Childrens age.
Do you wish to meet with educators to further discuss ICT use? Yes No
What is a suitable time for you? .............................
Contact phone no. or email .............................
Mary Perkins, S00129280

Critical Discussion
The use of ICT is a topic that is widely debated through the Early Childhood &
Primary Sector, with a large variety of different opinions and beliefs on the topic. A
majority of parents have opinions that cannot be shared through a simple multiple
choice, tick the box, or scale survey. Giving parents an opportunity to share their
thoughts and opinions will give educators and parents committee a better
understanding of exactly how parents feel about the use of ICT, creating a familyallied centre.
I felt that parents were the most appropriate audience for the survey, as children will
have more positive experiences with ICT if their parents approve. Research suggests
that communication between professional educators and parents is crucial in the early
years and a more articulated set of aims between the home and early years setting can
lead to better outcomes for children (Siraj-Blatchford, 2000).

Mary Perkins 20/5/15 2:38 PM

Comment [3]: Including parents

If parents themselves are competent in using ICT, they will have a better
understanding of how it can be beneficial to their children. This is in comparison to an
older generation of parents who can dismiss the use of ICT, seeing it as unnecessary
as it is so new to the education sector. Questions should allow the examiner to dig
dip into the experiences and/or knowledge of the participants in order to gain
maximum date from the interviews (Turner, 2010) A parents view on ICT is
important, as these are typically the views and beliefs the child will have as well.
The use of ICT is gradually becoming more and more evident in education, and
research on the opinions of ICT use in centres is an effective way of increasing
knowledge. Jenson (2006) supports this by stating we need to develop reflective
practitioners who recognize the foundations of the past and the status and limitations
of our present knowledge and who maintain an openness to future possibilities and to

Mary Perkins 20/5/15 2:40 PM

Comment [4]: Recognition of ICT
becoming prominent in schools.

changes in our knowledge base.

It is the responsibility of the Early Childhood Educator to be advocating for children
and their families. Hutchinson (1994) states that early childhood educators are faced
Mary Perkins, S00129280

Mary Perkins 20/5/15 2:40 PM

Comment [5]: Taking responsibility for
ICT being used safely and ethically

with the challenge of helping usually gentle and caring individuals to forge an identity
as resolute, articulate, and effective spokespersons and actors on behalf of their
families. This questionnaire is supporting that theory. Rather than the educator
making decisions on wether or not children should be using ICT, they are involving
both the children and their parents to have an opinion and to share their views on their
beliefs. The survey pays attention to how the parents believe that their children should
be cared for, and what is best for them.

Mary Perkins, S00129280

Bronfenbrenner, U. (1996) The ecology of human development; Experiments by nature and
design. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Billman, N., Geddes, C., Hedges, H. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, Volume 30.1.
Teacher parent partnerships, sharing understandings and making changes. . Early
Childhood Australia Publications.
Davey, L. (2006) Journal Of Early Childhood Education. Teaching for leadership and
advocacy in early childhood: Exploring messages in a college classroom. Taylor &
Developmentally Appropriate Technology in Early Childhood (DATEC) Final Report. More
than Computers: Information and Communication Technology in the Early Years.
London, Early Education (The British Association for Early Childhood Education)
Hostetler. S (1990). Child Advocacy: Your Professional Responsibility? Young Children.
Hutchinson, B.L (1994). The Value of developmentally appropriate practice for all children.
New perspectives in early childhood education: Bringing practitioners into the
debate. New York: Teachers College Press.
Jenson, M. (2006). Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education. Transformation,
Articulation and Advocacy in Early Childhood Teacher Education: Supporting
Professional Development. State University of New York Geneseo
Version of record first published: 09 Jul 2006.
Ritchie, J. (2002). Australian Journal of Early Childhood, Volume 27. 2. Bicultural
development: innovation in implementation of Te Whariki. Early Childhood Australia
Turner, D. (2010) Qualitative interview design: a practical guide for novice investigators.
The Qualitative Review, 15.3. Academic OneFile.

Mary Perkins, S00129280

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