Working Journal Ict

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Working Journal

Lesson 1
Date: 21/4/15
Create a new iMovie file on my mac. (1min.)
With a computer, watch tutorials online on how to use advanced settings/editing
within iMovie. (20min.)
Add in basic foundations to my video with my mac; text boxes & slides presented in
design ideas. (24min.)
Steps: Task 1
1. Open iMovie
2. Create a new file.
Task 2
1. Go to youtube.
2. Type in: iMovie advanced tutorials
3. Write down how to use the advanced techniques so that you dont have to refer to
that video in the future.
Task 3
1. Open the newly created file.
2. Add in text slides, and other small things to lay down the start of the video.
Possibly start to plan when to have music and what type of music I should create in
garageband for the next lesson.
I completed task 1 & 2, but I ran out of time to finish task 3. I will make up for this lost
time by finishing task 3 at home and prepare for next class. I believe that in the next
lesson I will be more prepared because I will have the right resources and preparation
to complete the task of composing a part of the music I will use in my video.
I will use garageband to create music next lesson for my video. I will specify how long
my piece of music will be at home, where I can evaluate how long my piece of music
should be.

Lesson 2
Date: 26/4/15
Add/compose my own music that will be appropriate to my video using LogicPro.
Steps: Task 1
1. Go to a mac with LogicPro installed so I can start to create my music.
2. Load in a few instruments that suit the video.
3. Create a musical idea that will support the message in the video.

In the mac lab, I recorded a little musical idea that fits well with my video. I did not get
to finish the whole segment, but I will finish this soon. I also completed the task from
last lesson that I didnt complete at home, meaning I have some video material.
Next lesson, I will bring a camera or iphone to record my video. I will also edit the
video next lesson.

Lesson 3
Date: 27/4/15
Record my voice in the music practice rooms for my video.(25min.)
Add text in text slides created in lesson 1 within iMovie. (20min.)
Steps: Task 1
1. Go to the musical practice rooms.
2. Record my voice using my script that I have written on my weebly.
Task 2
1. Go into iMovie and add in text slides.
2. Edit recorded footage with the text slides to match my design idea.
Today I got task 1 & 2 done. Nothing was changed in my plan or my gantt chart. I have
improved a lot compared to last lessons in terms of time management. I have
achieved considerable success. I will go home and work on incomplete tasks from
previous lessons.
I recorded my audio in the music practice rooms. The rooms were suitable for audio
recordings as they are relatively sound proof.

Lesson 4
Date: 4/5/15
record scenes which dont require green screen with my mac/camera. (25min.)
Speed up or slow down scenes which include before slide 1 and slide 1. i.e. change
speed in the introduction. (20min.)
Steps: Task 1
1. Go to a room which fits my scene. (musical practice rooms)
2. Record the scenes which I have shown in my design idea.
3. Put the recorded scenes in iMovie.
Task 2:
1. Open iMovie.
2. Adjust speed for the introduction.
Today I recorded slide 1 and adjusted the speed for the introduction and slide 1. There
havent been any major changes to my plan, and I am on track regarding my gantt

I recorded my scenes a lot faster than I expected, and I changed the speed on my
existing scenes to add an extra effect. I have had a good amount of success this

Lesson 5
Date: 5/5/15
Add transitions within my video. (20min.)
Compose the music I started in garageband. (25min.)
Steps: Task 1
1. Open iMovie.
2. Add transitions where appropriate.
Task 2
1. Go to the mac lab
2. Finish up the musical work I started there.
3. Make sure that I can use it in my video; that the tone and pitch of my song matches
my video.
Today I experienced moderate success as my composition is now finished and I have
added transitions and started editing my video fairly extensively. There were no real
changes in my plan, and I can start thinking about what I need to do next lesson, and
what I can complete at home for the lesson.
With my composition all I need to do is get it from the imac to my macbook. To do that
I have a two options; I could convert the MIDI file to an mp3, and then airdrop it to my
macbook, or I could convert the MIDI file to and mp3 and try to email the sound file to

Lesson 6
Date: 7/5/15
Add in text slides to my video where needed.
See what I need to add to my video to make it advanced.
Steps: Task 1
1. Open iMovie
2. Add text slides where necessary
Task 2
1. Go on google
2. Search for advanced iMovie tutorials.
3. Add advanced techniques where necessary.
Today i was able to add text slides and learn a few advanced things in iMovie.
Originally, I had planned to record my voice today, but I already made all my

recordings so I made sure that I added a few text slides and edited my movie this
At home, I need to make sure I record scenes of me walking up to a door and entering
a house. I also need to have scenes of me on a computer, and receiving cyber bullying
messages. I can also record scenes of me picking up a knife. If I add audio to these
scenes, then I will be able to mention that cyber bullying victims usually consider
committing suicide. I can also add text slides to my movie, adding my musical theme
to my video.

Lesson 7
Date: 12/5/15
Evaluate the use of my technical skill within iMovie to see what I need to add.
Use advanced techniques in iMovie like creating custom transitions and slides.
Steps: Task 1
1. Open my iMovie project.
2. Evaluate what I need in my video against my design specification.
3. Learn how to create an advanced video by watching tutorials.
Task 2
1. Go to my iMovie project.
2. Add in what I need to add to create an advanced iMovie project.
Today, I have identified what I need to add within my video, and what skills I need to
use. I did this by going back to my design specification and I evaluated what I had
completed and what I need to do. Now I have a clearer view of what I need to
complete. I also added some of my music to my video, which gives it a better effect. I
have also learned a few complex skills within iMovie which I can use.

Lesson 8
Date: 13/5/15
Make sure that everything is recorded, completed, edited and ready in iMovie &
garageband. (45min. + potential hw time)
Steps: Task 1
1. Go to the music practice rooms to record a few scenes that can be used for my
2. Go into iMovie and edit those scenes; adding music and transitions.
3. Think about an end to my video.
In this lesson, I added in my screen recording and I added music to that recording. To
be able to catch up, I need to do a bit of homework which includes recording a few
scenes that cover scene 4 & 5. If I do that work at home, then Ill be able to end my
movie next lesson.

Lesson 9
Date: 17/5/15
Make sure that everything is recorded, completed, edited and ready in iMovie &
garageband. (45min. + potential hw time)
Steps: Task 1
1. Try to think about an end to my video - Slide 6, end of my video.
2. (Optional) When done, try to find a screenshot of my LogicPro file to show my
teacher what I have done.
This lesson, I achieved moderate success by completing the tasks mentioned above.
There were almost no changes to my plan that I created within my gantt chart. I will
add in text slides in the next lesson.

Lesson 10
Date: 17/5/15
Make sure that everything is recorded, completed, edited and ready in iMovie &
garageband. (45min. + potential hw time)
Steps: Task 1
1. Create text slides and add in necessary clips to finish my video.
Today, I completed the tasks that I set for myself and I have finished my video. There
were no changes to my plan. I have no homework set for myself.

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