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TeecneR Ossenvlnon Tool
hsrnucnorer PRaclcE AN D Pno r esslonel Respo nsr Bt Ltn Es Sren oaRos 10th/Per. 4Morld History CC

1".". Las VegasAcademy


Teacher Name:


p"-", Jennifer Shuler

observation Time/Duration'

8"44 am

n$ tool is usecl to collect evidence

observation Da1n.. 418115

the observotion.

Observation Evidence: What did the educotor ond students soy and do?


On whiteboard - Cold War vocab - containment, satelitte, United Nations (315),

Superpower, ldeology (32.1), Detente (33.1)
Picture of Stalin

Student CNN News playing on projector. Student have textbooks out, looking up things
during the news??? Students comment on news stories and shout out answer to
questions. At the end, Castell counts down to turn on the lights. Castell introduces
lesson agenda (complete timelines). Castelltells previously absent students to work
with a group to get caught up and offers to look at students'timelines for completeness.
Castell tells students they can work on their vocabulary if they are done with their
timeline. Three shrdents get up to grab a box of supplies. Castell circulates classroom,
looking at students'timelines and giving students suggestions on how to improve the
timelines and/or what is missing. Students overheard discussing the end of the Cold
War and dissolution of countries. Students work in groups of two - four while some
students work alnne. Castell circulates the classroom, hitting the far corner and center.
Students have smartphone and textbooks, using both to look up information. Castell
gives a S-min. waming at 8:59. Castell moves to the back corner. Students asks about
their timelines. One group towards the back discussing Marvel v. DC comics while
working on their timelines. Castell moves by the group and the conversation about
comics ends. Castell stands by the group for a minute then moves to the front of the
class. One stLtdent asks Castell about research. Castell goes to laptop and brings up a
powerglint Fle gives the class a 1-min warning at 9:04, telling them they will start
talkng about their timelines. One student grabs the pass for the restroom. Castell asks
the students fortheir attention, telling students to continue working on it if necessary. He

l.leed copy of porerpoint


tLfE a

of Educo|ion


Tool - for purposx of training and validation




Evatuator Harne,

*",,,". Las VegasAcademy

D"E. 418115

William Castell


Jennifer Shu lgr

8:44 am

tool is usecl
usc ta colled evtdence

observation D"t".

4lgl1 5

the observotion


Observation Evidence: Whot did the educator and students soy ond do?

shhhh's the students when a few students still talk. The students comply. He asks the students to focus on him and put
their internet devices away. Castell explains that his timeline may be different, explaining that some date are
approximations. He explains if the students have a different day, they can ask questions why there's a different date
and they can dlscuss it. Student returns from the restroom as Castell begins powerpoint with 1945 (Cold War Begins).
Castell discusses the end of WWll, discussing Stalin reaction to the atomic bomb and Japan engagement in war.
Students answer open-ended questions from Castell and comment about Castell's explanation of Stalin's concern about


comes in looking at bookshelf. Castell asks the student if he needs help. Student indicates that he's looking for a
sharpie. Castell tells him to look in teacher desk, then continues teaching. Castell advances slides, telling the students
about a typo. Castell makes a joke about naming events "Long Telegram" for a famous long telegram "We're great at
naming things.' Some students laugh. Castell mentions "containment", telling students it;s a vocabulary word. Castell
asks three students to define the term. After each definition, he asks another questions, to lead students for more
explanation. Afier the third definition, he continues to discuss the events. He advances the slide to discuss the Truman
Doctrine (19a7). He disqrsses the policy of the US, asking students what the policy. One student comments "don't get
involved". Castell gives the students examples of how the US changes it's mind on getting involvement then get
involved. One sfudent @mments it's like a person on a diet "l won't eat the cupcake, then eats the cupcake.' Castell
jumps on the example, comments how it's a perfect analogy. Castell asks the students about Germany ability to rebuild.
One students they're scrwed." Castell points out how US was a major exporter of goods for the rebuilding and made a
lot of profit. Castell points out the PR campaign about helping our allies. He asks why image US was sending out one
sfudent 1re care'. He asks about why Stalin would be concerned. Students comments about "a grab for power",
lmperhlism Castell hints he's looking for an "l" word. Students call out "ldeology', then'influence., which is what
Castdl was looking for. Casiell discusses with the students about US providing money. He advances the slide to
NATO (1949). Castell mentrons how Canada get involved with US and Britain, comment on how they are always on the
winning side. Students jnke about beavers and maple syrup. Catell giggles, then moves to Warsaw Pact. He asks
sfudents who wottld be in the Warsaw Pact, listing some, pausing to let students names some. Castell asks students
abottt c. abbreviation. One student answer circa and Castell explains that it means the date is approximate date.
Castell uses an accent to comment Russia having atomic bombs. Students giggle. Students joke about "Salty" Treaty.
Castell explairs'duck and covef'drills for an alomic bombs attacks, joking about a student desk protecting them.
Castell tdls students about training films.

NrLaemilga Cdlr.bdb

Prbl-naEad etperiace

indicalo. l
TeactEr acirvates Jl studerts'
indid rderstandings of nelv

Tasks purposefully employ all
students' cognitive abilities and

Teacher and all students

understand what students are
it, and how they will know if

Teacher nEkes



Ad sids hf { srtrref*G

Tasks place appropriate

demands on each student

pirpoead reh/xrcJrEry

Tasks progressively develop all

students' cognitive abilities and

I sdrdents
oFort iEbu.tJdlor

Teacher operates with a deep

belief that all children can
achieve regardless of race,

Teedrr fovires
ciBfeqge idial

economic status.


opportunities with leaming

and performance criteria

lndicator 3
Teacher assists all students
to use existing knowledge and

Teacher struciures the

classroom environment to
enable collaboration,
participation, and a positive
affective experience for all

Depordnent of Education - NEPF

Tedrer ObseNdtion Tool -for

Teacher plans on{oing

learning opportunities basd
on evidence of all students'
cunent leaming status

purposes of training and validation

Teacher supports all students

to take actions based on the

Teacher structures
opportunities to gnerate
evidence of lmirE durirE
the les$n of all students

lndicator 4
Teacher adapls actions based
on evidence gnerated in the
lesson for all students

Poge 2 of 2


Trncxrn posr-Ogsenvnnom

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Evaluator nr^"r,3llrr-le(
Date: //ct lr {


Date(sl of observatio





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for the educotor ond evoluotbr to discuss on observotion

question moy not be onswered or be relevont to every observotion,
This toot

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that has occurred, tt is intended to guide thinking ond conversotion, so every


Questions to Guide Discussion:


Learning Focus: What were the students learning? How

did you connect new learning to prior learning and
lhorledge of Students: How did you ensure the tasks had
high cognitive demand for the diverse learners in your
dassroom? How did the lesson engage and challenge
lnstruction and Leaming practices: How did you ensure

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students ma{e meaning of the new learning? What

instructional strategies and methods did you use to
engage students and ensure all students achieved lesson



Developing lndependent Learners: How did you help

students engage in metacognitive activity to increase
understanding and responsibility for their own learning?
Hory did you ensure that students understand how they
are doing and support students' self-assessment?
Assessrnent of Student Learning: How did you integrate
.rssessment into instruction? What assessments did you
use to check for understanding during the lesson? How
did you use this data to inform your next steps?

Grow$r and Retrestion: Strengths of instruction? Areas for

improvement? What ideas do you have for next steps in
adrieving your goals? What are your professional learning
needs? What resources do you need to support your growth?



frnited to this list: lesson plan; student work; student feedback (e.g., survey, writing); teacher notes; audio/visual/print
student rvork/assessment informing planned learning opportunities.

$*e aepdaneat of Educdtion - N EpF

Tdfr fut{tcefiotian ConJerence Tod- for purposes


of training and


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