Substitute The Phrases Below With A Suitable Word

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Summary Worksheet

Class:........................... Date:......................
Substitute the phrases below with a suitable word.
1. Take care of children for a short period of time
2. To end a business because of poor management and bad
financial planning
3. Things that cannot be seen
4. Things that cannot be eaten
5. To take goods out of the country to sell
6. Opening by which people can enter
7. To ask many questions
8. A period of ten years
9. Once a year


10.To move on ones hands and knees
11.To come in sight
12.To put together music in literary or musical form


Give the synonym of the words below.
1. Capability
2. Ruse
3. Reign
4. Remote
5. Meticulous
6. Gravely
7. Insipid
8. Benefit
9. Death


Shorten the sentences below.


Summary Worksheet

Class:........................... Date:......................
1. On Sunday, he took some detergent, added water, soaked his shoes and then
washed them.
2. On entering the house, we were greeted by an unusual scene. The couple has
a strong passion for souvenirs. In their house, cabinets, table tops, the piano
top and the fridge door are decorated with souvenirs and photos of their
3. For about three months, the deafening noise of electric saw, drilling, as well
as hammering on the wall dividing the two buildings has kept the neighbours
awake from 2.30 a.m.
4. He has broad shoulders, big, strong muscles, a wide girth and he wears large
pants and a size 40 shirt.
5. The occasion was an opportunity for parents to meet the teachers and discuss
on ways of how parents and teachers can work together for the betterment of
the school.
6. The things that we do not use and no longer want need not be thrown away
as they can be useful to other people or they can be reprocessed and used
7. Some people follow a diet where they do not eat meat of any kind or fish as
they eat only vegetables.

Summary Worksheet

Class:........................... Date:......................
Identify the main idea in the paragraphs below.
1. Check the label for expiry dates. Shop around and compare prices. Some
shopping centres offer lower prices. Share with friends and buy in bulk at the
hypermarket or the wholesale market. You will be surprised at how much you
can save.
2. One should be more health-conscious and buy fresh fruits rather than canned
or packed food. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Use the fresh fruits and
vegetables to make your own juice. Junk food is not nutritious.
3. When buying an electrical appliance, make sure it has warranty and test out
the item you bought in the shop itself. Enquire about after sales service.
Choose shops that are patronised by friends and that are trustworthy and
give reliable service.

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