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ote , Pore To: ‘SAN OLENS, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF GEORGIA FROM: VIOLA DAVIS WITH UNHAPPY TAXPAYER & VOTER ssualEcr: [GOVERNMENT WATCHDOG FILES COMPLAINT WITH ATTORNEY GENERAL OF GEORGIA DUE TO DEKALB COUNTY'S REFUSAL TO ANSWER OPEN RECORDS REQUEST DATE: MAY 19, 2015 cc ICEO LEE MAY, DEKALB BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, RESTORE DEKALB, GEORGIA WATCHDOGS, DEKALB COUNTY WATCHDOGS AND ALL APPROPRIATE PARTIES Government Watchdog Files Complaint with Attorney General of Georgia Due To DeKalb County’s Refusal to Answer Open Records Request |, Viola Davis, Founder of Unhappy Taxpayer & Voter, submitted a summary of the Open Records Requests denied and/or partially answered by Dekalb County Government to Burke Brennan, DeKalb County Press Secretary, on March 27, 2015. | also informed Interim CEO Lee May and DeKalb County Board of Commissioners of the denied requests. The prior summary was directed to Burke Brennan per his request. The method in which our Open Records Requests were handled demonstrates a disparity and unequal treatment when private citizens and watchdog organizations submit requests to DeKalb County. However, Burke Brennan delivered four discs to me during a Board of Commissioner's meeting to answer the request for Kelvin Walton’s emails from January 1, 2010 to the last day of Walton’s employment. Unfortunately, the four discs neglected to answer the following requests: 1. The original Open Records Request made October 8, 2014 to John Matelski, Chief Information Officer, and Barbara Sanders. Page 1|8 2. January 29, 2015 — We sent an email voicing our concern that our Open Records Request was over 3 months old. Michelle Vernon stated they were working on the federal subpoena, We reminded the department that we corrected our Open Records Request a long time ago to extend the dates to the last day Kelvin Walton worked for DeKalb County, or had access to DeKalb County records. 3. The four discs did not include all of Kelvin Walton's emails for 2013 and 2014, 4. The four discs included emails for 2015 sent to Walton’s email, after Kelvin Walton left employment with DeKalb County. 5, The fact that the county kept Walton's email account open after he left employment with DeKalb County needs to be investigated. 6. Why did the county purposely refuse to provide Kelvin Walton's 2013 and 2014 emails to our watchdog ministry? However, they gave us emails dated 2015. We request the Attorney General of Georgia, Sam Olens, investigate DeKalb County's negligence and total disregard to adhering to the Georgia Open Records law and the pattern of behavior that “thumbs its nose” at private citizens and watchdog organizations. We plan to file a complaint with Attorney Georgia Sam Olens to hold DeKalb County accountable and restore public trust. The prior Open Records Requests sent to the county on March 27, 2015 are as follows: 1 Open Records Request for Kelvin Walton’s Emails from January 1, 2010 to the last day of his employment. a. Original Open Records Request made October 8, 2014 to John Matelski, Chief Information Officer, and Barbara Sanders. b. John Matelski informed us that the cost for this request was $52.50. Due to the backlog of request, Matelski explained the request may take up to 10 business days to complete. He stated Page 218 they would coordinate delivery through Burke Brennan. (Date — October 8, 2014) c. We hand delivered a third request to John Matelski and Barbara Sanders on January 9, 2015. We also made payment for the Open Records Request evidenced by receipt 313. d, On January 14, 2015, Matelski thanked us for our patience as they worked through numerous other requests that were in their queue. He stated our request would be ready on January 28". e. January 29, 2015 - We sent an email voicing our concern that our Open Records Request was over 3 months old. Michelle Vernon stated they were working on federal subpoenas. We reminded the department that we corrected our Open Records Request a long time ago to extend the dates to the last day Kelvin Walton worked for DeKalb County, or had access to DeKalb County records. f. We have not received an answer to our Open Records Requests at present since our original request date of October 8, 2014. Open Records Request for the Initial Hire Date, Job Description, Last Date of Employment and Salaries of Every Employee in the Purchasing and Contracting and Contracting and Compliance Department. a. Original Open Records Request submitted to Director Benita Ransom and Barbara Sanders on August 29, 2014 for documentation of the initial hire date, job description, last day of employment and salaries of every employee in the Purchasing and Contracting Department and Contracting and Compliance Department. b. September 4, 2014 — Catrina Rives, HR Operations Administrator, answered our request and informed us that the request would cost $9.99. Rives clarified the dates of the request (last three years). Page 318 c. November 1, 2014 — We received notice that major changes were being made in the Purchasing and Contracting and Contracting and Compliance Department. However, we were informed by whistleblowers that the people accused of alleged criminal activity and corruption were reassigned to new departments and/or promoted instead of being fired. We submitted a follow up Open Records Request to verify this information. | personally spoke with John Matelski at the Neighborhood Summit concerning multiple Open Records Request. We discussed the status of our request and the need for a timeline d. December 9, 2014 - Second Open Records Request submitted to Director Benita Ransom and Barbara Sanders. e. December 19, 2014 — Catrina Rives presented a document detailing the charges for the Open Records Request that was totally different from our original request and very confusing. f. January 9, 2015 — Catrina Rives presented a second document detailing the charges for the Open Records Request that had the same charges and continued to be confusing. g. We received a partial answer to our Open Records Request that was equal to receiving “no answer” because the request did not provide the last date of employment. The information on employees was purposely repeated to increase the cost. The request provided the original start date and rehire date. We were concerned that the information was purposely altered to hinder our ability to verify a legitimate complaint. h. We have not received a complete answer to our original follow up Open Records Request dated November 2014 to present. Open Records Request for Documentation of Monica Parrott’s Open Records Request for Official Government Information regarding Commissioner Kathie Gannon’s Ethics Complaint. Page 4|8 a. Original Open Records Request written on July 10, 2014 to upper administration who had access to government documents that may have shared the information Monica Parrott used in her ethics complaint against Commissioner Gannon. We were unable to locate any Open Records Request from Parrott plus she misspelled her own name more than once. b. Monica Parrott filed an ethics complaint against Commissioner Kathie Gannon on July 7, 2014 which contained false statements that were libelous and defamatory. Parrott sent a copy of the ethics complaint to us via email. We were particularly concerned with the statements involving Viola Davis and the Unhappy Taxpayer & Voter ministry to include: i. Defamation of character ii. False accusations with total disregard of research ili, Intention to defile our reputation of respect, adhering to high ethical standards, honesty and integrity iv. Reckless disregard for the truth c. We requested that law enforcement investigate DeKalb County government (legislative and administrative) to determine if any government resources, staff, finances, etc. were used to assist Monica Parrott in filing her ethics complaint. We wanted to verify the following: i. Did Monica Parrott received any assistance in compiling the ethics complaint against Commissioner Kathie Gannon from elected officials and/or government officials/staff? ii. Did Monica Parrott obtain the information provided in the ethics complaint through the help of elected officials and/or government officials/staff to intimidate, humiliate and retaliate, etc. against private citizens (Viola Davis) and/or private organizations (Unhappy Taxpayer & Voter)? iii. We are particularly interested in the involvement of a third party or parties in these malicious statements. We're afraid this ethics complaint filed by Monica Parrott is an example of retaliation for attempting to hold our elected officials and government agencies accountable. The libelous and defamatory statements within the ethics complaint are acts of retaliation. d. After writing three ethics complaints that opened the door to. federal investigations, we helped to be a catalyst to federal and local investigations that sent one Commissioner to jail and removed two employees from DeKalb County payrolls. The active roll we pushed to hold our government accountable caused “acts of retaliation”. e. Interim CEO Lee May, Travis Cherry and Morris Williams, former BOC Chief of Staff, refused to answer the Open Records Request concerning Monica Parrott. We have not received an answer to our request since the original date of July 10, 2014. We have sent multiple request on this issue without one reply from the three people above. IV. Open Records Request for Documentation for Payment to Attorney Quinton Washington by DeKalb County, Georgia a. Original Open Records Request was presented to Sharon Barnes Sutton, Gwen Brown-Patterson and Scott Callan on June 26, 2014. However, Sharon Barnes Sutton would not accept the Open Records Request and told us to give the request to her Executive Assistant, Judy Brownlee. Brownlee refused to take the Open Records Request. We had two people to witness both Barnes Sutton and Brownlee’s refusal to take the Open Records Request and their names are Joel Edwards and Charles Peagler. Edwards and Peagler signed the Open Records Request as witnesses. b. An investigator from the DeKalb Board of Ethics requested the same information on Attorney Quinton Washington and his Open Records Request was answered. A reporter from the AJC requested information on Attorney Quinton Washington and his Open Records Request was answered. However, our request was never answered by any of the people we sent the request to, nor any department. c. Felton Williams, Deputy Chief Procurement Officer in the Purchasing and Contracting, stated in an email, “No.” when we asked if they have any purchase orders (PO) or any other documents requesting or issuing payments for Attorney Quinton Washington from DeKalb County. The dates of the email exchanges are from June 30, 2014 to July 16, 2014. d. Alan Silver, Accounts Payable Manager with the Department of Finance, stated that “a search of our payment history file to date for payments to said Attorney Quinton Washington revealed no payment history” in an email exchange dated June 27, 2014. Open Records Request for Copies of the Receipts for District 4 P- Card Audit which proclaim 70% - 100% compliance with the policy under Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton with DeKalb County, Georgia. a. Original Open Records Request was presented to Sharon Barnes Sutton, CEO Lee May and Executive Assistant Zachary Williams on October 30, 2014. b. On October 31, 2014 — Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton answered our Open Records Request with the following. statement: i. “Our office is unable to meet your request as varies entities charged with investigating the Board of Commissioners, are now in possession of the necessary documents to meet the requirements of your request.” We find it hard to believe that documents were not given to various entities without first retaining copies of the documents. Thus, no documents were given to answer our request despite our disagreement with the statement. c. A third request was presented to Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and O.H. Plunkett & Company on December 8, 2014 concerning copies of the receipts for District 4 P-Card Audit which proclaims 70% - 100% compliance. December 19, 2014 — Otis Plunkett with O.H. Plunkett & Company P.C. answered our Open Records Request with the following statement: “Thank you for your letter. We do not believe the statute your reference is applicable to us, as we are not a government and we are not custodians of government records. As it pertain to your question, all information used in our review was provided by the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners. We would refer you to her office for records pertaining to your request.” We realized that Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton continued her pattern of behavior of not answering our Open Records Request within three days or as ordered by law. Barnes Sutton and her executive assistant did not offer an answer until we submitted a request to the company that performed the audit. Judy Brownlee sent an email on December 16, 2014 with three attachments that had copies of the receipts for District 4 P-Card Audit which proclaimed 70%- 100% compliance. Unfortunately, our request was over two months old and hampered our ethics complaint. PS Te, te. - MEMORANDUM TO: [BURKE BRENNAN, PRESS SECRETARY FROM: VIOLA DAVIS WITH UNHAPPY TAXPAYER & VOTER SUBJECT: WATCHDOG DENTED OPEN RECORDS REQUEST DATE: 2018 cc: CBO LER MAY, DEKALB BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, RESTORE DEKALB AND ALL APPROPRIATE PARTIES, Government Watchdog Denied Open Records Request 1, Viola Davis, Founder of Unhappy ‘Taxpayer & Voter, submit a summary of the Open Records Requests denied and/or partially answered by DeKalb County Government. ‘This summary is directed to you per your request. ‘The method in which our Open Records Requests were handled demonstrates a disparity and unequal treatment when private citizens and watchdog organizations submit requests. The Open Records Request are as follows: I. Open Records Request for Kelvin Walton’s Emails from January 1, 2010 to the last day of his employment. a, Original Open Records Request made October 8, 2014 to John Matelski, Chief Information Officer, and Barbara Sanders b. John Matelski informed us that the cost for this request was $52.50. Due to the backlog of request, Matelski explained the Page 1 of 8 IL. request may take up to 10 business days to complete. He stated they would coordinate delivery through Burke Brennan. (Date — October 8, 2014) c. Hand delivered a third request to John Matelski and Barbara Sanders on January 9, 2015. We also made payment for the Open Records Request evidenced by receipt 313. d. On January 14, 2015, Matelski thanked us for our patience as they worked through numerous other requests that were in their queue. He stated our request would be ready on January 288, e. January 29, 2015 — We sent an email voicing our concern that ‘our Open Records Request was over 3 months old. Michelle Vernon stated they were working on the federal subpoena. We reminded the department that we corrected our Open Records Request a long time ago to extend the dates to the last day Kelvin Walton worked for DeKalb County, or had access to DeKalb County records £ We have not received an answer to our Open Records Requests at present since our original request date of October 8, 2014. Open Records Request for the Initial Hire Date, Job Description, Last Date of Employment and Salaries of Every Employee in the Purchasing and Contracting and Contracting and Compliance Department. a. Original Open Records Request submitted to Director Benita Ransom and Barbara Sanders on August 29, 2014 for documentation of the initial hire date, job description, last day of employment and salaries of every employee in the Purchasing and Contracting Department and Contracting and Compliance Department. . September 4, 2014 — Catrina Rives, HR Operations Administrator, answered our request and informed us that the request would cost $9.99. Rives clarified the dates of the request (last three y . November 1, 2014 — We received notice that major changes were being made in the Purchasing and Contracting and Contracting and Compliance Department. However, we were informed by whistleblowers that the people accused of alleged criminal activity and corruption were reassigned to new departments and/ot promoted instead of being fired. We submitted a follow up Open Records Request to verify this information. I personally spoke with John Matelski at the Neighborhood Summit concerning multiple Open Records Request. We discussed the status of out request and the need for a timeline |. December 9, 2014 - Second Open Records Request submitted to Director Benita Ransom and Barbara Sanders. . December 19, 2014 — Catrina Rives presented a document detailing the charges for the Open Records Request that was totally different from our original request and very confusing, January 9, 2015 — Catrina Rives presented a second document detailing the charges for the Open Records Request that had the same charges and continued to be confusing, . We received a partial answer to our Open Records Request that was equal to receiving “no answer” because the request did not provide the last date of employment. ‘The information on employees was purposely repeated to increase the cost. “The request provided the original start date and rehire date. We were concerned that the information was purposely altered to hinder our ability to verify a legitimate complaint. _ We have not received a complete answer to our otiginal follow up Open Records Request dated November 2014 at present. Ti. Open Records Request for Documentation of Monica Partott’s Open Records Request for Official Government Information regarding Commissioner Kathie Gannon’s Ethics Complaint. a. Original Open Records Request written on July 10, 2014 to upper administration with access to government documents that possibly shared the information with Monica Parrott because we were unable to locate any Open Records Request from Parrott and her name was misspelled mote than once. b. Monica Parrott filed an ethics complaint against Commissioner Kathie Gannon oa July 7, 2014 which contained false statements that were libelous and defamatory. Parrott sent a copy of the ethics complaint to us via email. We were particularly concerned with the statements involving Viola Davis and the Unhappy Taxpayer & Voter ministry to include: i, Defamation of character False accusations with total disregard of research iii, Intention to defile our reputation of respect, adhering to high ethical standards, honesty and integrity iv, Reckless disregard for the truth c. We requested the law enforcement investigate DeKalb County government (legislative and administrative) to assess if any government resources, staff, finances, etc. were used to assist Monica Patrott in filing the ethics complaint. We wanted to verify the following: i. Did Monica Parrott received any assistance in compiling the ethics complaint against Commissioner Kathie Gannon from elected officials and/ot government officials staff? Iv. i, Did Monica Parrott obtain the information provided in the ethics complaint through the help of elected officials and/or government officials staff to intimidate, humiliate and retaliate, etc. against private citizens (Viola Davis) and/or private organizations (Unhappy ‘Taxpayer & Voter)? iii, We are particularly interested in the involvement of a third party or parties in these malicious statements. We're afraid this ethics complaint filed by Monica Parrott is an example of retaliation for attempting to hold our clected officials and government agencies accountable. The libelous and defamatory statements within the ethics complaint are acts of retaliation, d. After writing three ethics complaints that opened the door to federal investigations, we helped to be a catalyst to federal and local investigations that sent one Commissioner to jail and removed two employees from DeKalb County payrolls. The active roll we pushed to hold our government accountable caused “acts of retaliation”. e. Interim CEO Lee May, Travis Cherry and Mortis Williams, former BOC Chief of Staff, refused to answer the Open Records Request concerning Monica Parrott. We have not received an answer to our request since the original date of July 10, 2014. We have sent multiple request on this issue without one reply from the three people above. Open Records Request for Documentation for Payment to Attorney Quinton Washington by DeKalb County, Georgia a. Original Open Records Request was presented to Sharon Barnes Sutton, Gwen Brown-Patterson and Scott Callan on June 26, 2014. However, Sharon Barnes Sutton would not accept the Open Records Request and told us to give the request to her Executive Assistant, Judy Brownlee. Brownlee refused to take the Open Records Request. We had two people to witness both Barnes Sutton and Brownlee’s refusal to take the Open Records Request and their names are Joel Edwards and Charles Peagler. Edwards and Peagler signed the Open Records Request as witnesses b. An investigator from the DeKalb Board of Ethics requested the same information on Attorney Quinton Washington and his Open Records Request was answered. A reporter from the AJC requested information on Attorney Quinton Washington and his Open Records Request was answered. However, out request was never answered by any of the people we sent the request to, nor any department. c. Felton Williams, Deputy Chief Procurement Officer in the Purchasing and Contracting, stated in an email, “No.” when we asked if they have any purchase orders (PO) ot any other documents requesting or issuing payments for Attorney Quinton Washington from DeKalb County. ‘The dates of the email exchanges are from June 30, 2014 to July 16, 2014. d. Alan Silver, Accounts Payable Manager with the Department of Finance, stated that “a search of out payment history file to date for payments to said Attorney Quinton Washington revealed no payment history” in an email exchange dated June 27, 2014. Open Records Request for Copies of the Receipts for District 4 P-Card Audit which proclaim 70% - 100% compliance with the policy under Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton with DeKalb County, Georgia. a. Original Open Records Request was presented to Sharon Bames Sutton, CKO Lee May and Executive Assistant Zachary Williams on October 30, 2014. b. On October 31, 2014 — Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton answered our Open Records Request with the following statement: “Our office is unable to meet your request as varies entities charged with investigating the Board of Commissioners, are now in possession of the necessary documents to meet the requirements of your request.” ii, We find it hard to believe that documents were not given to various entities without first retaining copies of the documents. iii, ‘Thus, no documents were given to answer our request despite our disagreement with the statement. c. A third request was presented to Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and O.H. Plunkett & Company on December 8, 2014 concerning copies of the receipts for District 4 P-Card Audit which proclaims 70% - 100% compliance. d. December 19, 2014 — Otis Plunkett with O.H. Plunkett & Company P.C. answered our Open Records Request with the following statement: i. “Thank you for your letter. We do not believe the statute your reference is applicable to us, as we are not a government and we are not custodians of government records. As it pertain to your question, all information used in our review was provided by the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners. We would refer you to her office for records pertaining to your request.” We realized that Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton continued her pattern of behavior of not answering our Open Records Request within three days or as ordered by law. Barnes Sutton and her executive assistant did not offer an answer until we submitted a request to the company that performed the audit. iii, Judy Brownlee sent an email on December 16, 2014 with three attachments that had copies of the receipts for District 4 P-Card Audit which proclaimed 70%- 100% compliance. Unfortunately, our request was over two months old and hampered our ethics complaint. RECEIPT 313 ot DEKALB COUNTY GEORGIA RECEIPT 313 DATE: JANUARY 9, 2015 Department of the County Clerk To The CEO & Commission 1300 Commer 6" Floor Decatur, GA ree Drive Clerk's Office Miscellaneous Receipt 30030 (404) 371-2162, RECEIVED OF Viola Davis Official Receipt Only When Validated By Revenue Collector Or Signed By Authorized County Employee Chenay Brown heap Breve Signature PAYMENT oe 00 | ow DESCRIPTION LINE TOTAL Open Records Request for IT Tora. | 552.50 | ‘THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Tike, JE ‘ RECEIVED ?Yoxe8 iain 92015 MEMORANDUM CLERKS OF pic JANUARY 1, 2010 TO DECEMBER 31, 2013 INCLUDING DELETED EMAILS VIA DISK DATE: JANUARY 9.2015, ce: DEKALB COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, INTERIM CEO LEE MAY, RESTORE, DEKALB AND ALL APPROPRIATE PARTIES Third Request: Open Records Request for Kelvin Walton’s Email from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2013 including Deleted Emails via Disk Pursuant to the Georgia Open Records Law (0.C.G.A. 50-18-70 et seq.) (The Law) and/or Freedom of Information Act, copying: all files, records, and other documents of Kelvin Walton's emails from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2013 including Deleted Emails via disk. It is important to increase transparency, ethics, and accountability in DeKalb County Government. It is paramount that we increase "Public Trust" in DeKalb County. We must hold our elected officials and their staff accountable. If this request is denied in whole or in part, we ask that you cite in writing the specific statutory exemption upon which you have relied, as required by law, we also ask that you release all separate portions of otherwise exempt material. Please waive any costs associated with this request, or first inform us about such costs as required by Georgia Law. As you know, the Law requires a response by you within three business days of your receipt of this Open Records Request and provides sanctions for non-compliance. I look forward to hearing from you. I can be reached at 770-256-0034 or via email at Sincerely, 74 Viola Davis Community Missionary syiea01s om Gpraai | Viola Davis ‘Open Records Request fr Kevin Walton's Emails from January 1,2010 to December 31,2013 nciuing Deleted Ems via Disk Open Records Request for Kelvin Walton's Emails from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2013 including Deleted Emails Disk 10 messages Viola Davis Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 1:51 PM To: John Matelski ,, bhsanders, Ce: Hopie Strickland , Executive Director Bde S/- Se, Unnanry Taxpaven & Vorzn JE Taxpayer & Voter Organization vors® Memo To: John Matelski, Chief Information Officer and Barbara Sanders From: Viola Davis with Unhappy Taxpayer & Voter ce: Restore DeKalb and all appropriate parties Date: October 8, 2014 Re: Open Records Request for Kelvin Walton's Emails from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2013 including Deleted Emails via Disk mts:mal goog comvmaiuAi=28ke 961711 80views tsearchsinboxBthe 140e208717H118skml= 1462971711118 4OOezceSeeO Tesi... 1M sna01s CGenll - Open Records Requestor Kelvin Walter's Emails tam January 1, 2010 to December 31,2019 including Deleted Emails via Disk Open Records Request for Kelvin Walton's Emails from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2013 including Deleted Emails via Disk Pursuant to the Georgia Open Records Law (0.C.G.A. 50-18- 70 et seq.) (The Law) and/or Freedom of Information Act, copying: all files, records, and other documents of Kelvin Walton's emails from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2013 including Deleted Emails via disk. It is important to increase transparency, ethics, and accountability in DeKalb County Government. It is paramount that we increase "Public Trust" in DeKalb County. We must hold our elected officials and their staff accountable. If this request is denied in whole or in part, we ask that you cite in writing the specific statutory exemption upon which you have relied, as required by law, we also ask that you release all separate portions of otherwise exempt material. Please waive any costs associated with this request, or first inform us about such costs as required by Georgia Law. As you know, the Law requires a response by you within three business days of your receipt of this Open Records Request and provides sanctions for non-compliance. I look forward to hearing from you. I can be reached at 770-256- 0034 or via email at Sincerely, tional google camimsiltsO/Ai~28iK=081 7B tsearchenooXEA= 148E2CS7ITHTTAsimbs 14802697 711 Y8simi=40ADe2oeSeCOt7eBsim.... 216 snerots ‘Gmail - Open Records Request for Kelvin Waltr's Emails rom January 1, 2010 December 31,2013 including Deleted Emails via Disk Viola Davis Community Missionary Mail Delivery Subsystem Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 1:51 PM To: Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: bhsanders Technical details of permanent failure: Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain by [} ‘The error that the other server retumed was: 550 #5.1.0 Address rejected. — Original message — DKIM-Signature: v=; a=rsa-sha256,; $=20120113, hh=mime-version:date: message-id: subject:from:to:cc:contentype; bh=ft9tJbq0dhD7NGx0JrsoEIdud2tagCr3SvGeOQkIsuM=; b=slyzN7KUV90cppDKXn5+JwokfQUw24nFrxvmXfgezezP3jzkBXG21DIcESUwminvS+ IADOckIPOdBp2SHpIAE88smVObyuhECld+7oWmfdt8A9Y TBF MRKUxW + JGWo6Y PIV3zi ‘3DQaynP Ejy CapT2jawa83Tch2VtkaSH2cK 4ecrayNIFPhxnDCZHG+SFM7VnJbIO+yXnw 1g ju7oLj+C+Fel0QY pyECixrdnhNs+oxQ0goAquRHZe8ZD2XF oesH 12ngFVpJBQNRI6 <4pm6veP ghnD6NeSixkZE+ ticzstN8ZaB4F/1xP QqkRM/pP.JZFKAGZsq+01/KalfSbwa Dkiwe= MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Received: by 10.60,103.13 with SMTP id fs13mr1446983 10eb.48. 1412790667585; Wed, 08 Oct 2014 10:51:07 -0700 (PDT) Received: by with HTTP: Wed, 8 Oct 2014 10:51:07 -0700 (PDT) Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2014 13:51:07 -0400 Message-ID: ‘Subject: Open Records Request for Kelvin Walton's Emails from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2013 including Deleted Emails via Disk From: Viola Davis To: John Matelski ,, bhsanders, Ce: Hopie Strickland . Executive Director Content-Type: muitipartitetated; boundary=089e0112c408e2a53e0504ect59a {Quoted text hidden] Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 1:54 PM Ftipstnail google comimaiuOrA=28= 081 BEANE PLGBarcn= DOXA 148M 71S 1464062C97 1118s "48FDe2ceSeeOA7eSEIm.... 6 Matelski, John sie015 ‘mall = Open Records Request for Kelvin Waltor's Emails from January 1,2010 to December 31,2013 including Deleted Emais ia Disk To: Viola Davis , "Sanders, Barbara H." , "" , “* Co: Hopie Strickland , Executive Director , "Vemon, Michelle D" , “Brennan, Burke" ‘We are in receipt of your request. Due to the backlog of requests that we have, this request may take up to 10 business days to complete. We will coordinate delivery through Burke Brennan. Thanks John John A. Matelski, CGCIO | Chief Information Officer | DeKalb County Government | 404.371.6210 | 120 W. Trinity Place, Room 308 | Decatur, GA 30030 NOTE: Email correspondence to/from a county email account is considered public information and subject to release under Georgia laws or pursuant to subpoena, except for content specifically exempted by law From: Viola Davis [] Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 13:51 To: Matelski, John; Sanders, Barbara H.;; Ce: Hopie Strickland; Executive Director ‘Subject: Open Records Request for Kelvin Walton's Emails from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2013 including Deleted Emails via Disk [Quoted text hidden} Matolski, John Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 1:56 PM To: Viola Davis , "Sanders, Barbara H." , “bhsanders" , "” Cc: Hopie Strickland , Executive Director , *Vemon, Michelle D" , "Brennan, Burke" The cost for this request is $52.50. John A. Matelski, CGCIO | Chief Information Officer | DeKalb County Government | 404.371.6210 | 20 ipa goose com maivr0 = 28ik= 98117898 ew=pASsearchrinbox il 48f0e2C6717111simle {4810029717111 1&simI=14eOe20e6eeOI7CRSiM... 46 wee01s malt - Open Records Request for Kelvin Walton's Email rom January 1, 2010 o December 31,203 inlusng Deed Emails via Disk W. Trinity Place, Room 308 | Decatur, GA 30030 NOTE: Email correspondence to/ftom 2 county email account i considered public information and subject to release under Georgia laws oF pursuant to subpoena, except for content specifically exempted by law. From: Matelski, John Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 13:55 To: ‘Viola Davis’; Sanders, Barbara H.;; Cc: Hopie Strickland; Executive Director; Vernon, Michelle D; Brennan, Burke ‘Subject: RE: Open Records Request for Kelvin Walton's Emails from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2013 including Deleted Emails via Disk We are in receipt of your request. Due to the backlog of requests that we have, this request may take up to 10 business days to complete. We will coordinate delivery through Burke Brennan. ‘Thanks John John A. Matelski, CGCIO | Chief Information Officer | DeKalb County Government | 404.371.6210 |120 W. Trinity Place, Room 308 | Decatur, GA 30030 NOTE: Email correspondence to/from a county email account is considered public information and subject to release under Georgia laws or pursuant to subpoena, except for content specifically exempted by law From: Viola Davis [] Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 13:51 To: Matelski, John; Sanders, Barbara H.;; Ce: Hopie Strickland; Executive Director Subject: Open Records Request for Kelvin Walton's Emails from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2013 including Deleted Emails via Disk fripsuImal google cernimalludrri=28ik=96117118kview=PksearchelnibaxSI 148042871711 18simi=1400e2e97 711 Sami 4BH0ezoeSeeOrTeRsIM... SME snezois ‘mail - Open Records Requestor Kelvin Walters Emails From January 1, 2010 December 31,2013 including Deleted Emals ia Disk {Quoted text hidden} Viola Davis Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 5:19 PM To: "Matelski, John" ,, Bee:, Executive Director , Hopie Strickland To John Matelski, | delivered an Open Records Request and payment to the Clerk and Mr, Brennan. However, | was informed that Brennan was not at work. Since | was sent to Brennan then to the clerk office to make a payment on a prior ORR for your department, | followed the same procedure and gave the ORR and payment to the clerk for everyone involved. Sincerely, Viola Davis ‘See Open Records Request below: Memorandum To: John matelski, Chief Information Officer and Barbara Sanders From: Viola Davis with Unhappy Taxpayer and Voter Subject: Third Request: Open Records Request for Kelvin Walton’s emails from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2013 including deleted emails via disk Date: January 9, 2015 cc: Dekalb County Board of Commissioners, Interim Ceo Lee May, Restore Dekalb and All Appropriate Parties ntge:tmall google comfy 28ik=85117RVW=pt8SearchelnboKStN= 4BL2CO7I7H 1 1Bsimi=14O0E2CO7 171 118simiat4BKOeZoeBeeOT7OSsIm.. G16 srr0015 Gil - Open Records Request for Kalvin Walton's Emails tom January 1,2010 to December 31,209 including Deletes Emails va Disk Third Request: Open Records Request for Kelvin Walton’s Email from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2013 including Deleted Emails via Disk Pursuant to the Georgia Open Records Law (0.C.G.A. 50-18- 70 et seq.) (The Law) and/or Freedom of Information Act, copying: all files, records, and other documents of Kelvin Walton's emails from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2013 including Deleted Emails via disk. It is important to increase transparency, ethics, and accountability in DeKalb County Government. It is paramount that we increase "Public Trust" in DeKalb County. We must hold our elected officials and their staff accountable. If this request is denied in whole or in part, we ask that you cite in writing the specific statutory exemption upon which you have relied, as required by law, we also ask that you release all separate portions of otherwise exempt material. Please waive any costs associated with this request, or first inform us about such costs as required by Georgia Law. As you know, the Law requires a response by you within three business days of your receipt of this Open Records Request and provides sanctions for non-compliance. I look forward to hearing from you. I can be reached at 770-256- 0034 or via email at Sincerely, peal google comdmalyOAi=2fik= 9811711 ew PsomrcrinboxS 1481002097171 1 sits 1489De2cS717H118siml= 14AOe2oeSee017CRSIM.. 76

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