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General Engineering and Applied Sciences_151 Thermodynamics ‘Thermodynamics is a branch cof physical sciences that treats various phenomena of eneray and the related properties of matter, especially ofthe laws of trensformation of heat into ‘ther forms of energy and vice-versa, = 4 = a s ns 152 Excel Academic Lo Thermodynamic Systems ‘Thermodynamic System or ‘simply a system refers to the ‘quantty of matter or certain volume in space chosen for study. dings - the mass or region outside the system Boundary - the rea or imaginary surface that separates the system from its ‘surroundings. The boundary of | ‘a system can ether be fixed oF movable. Kinds of thermodynamic systems 1, Closed System (aiso known as contr mass) i @ system in which there is no transfer of mater across the boundary, It consists of @ fixed amount of mass, end no mass can cross is boundary. That is, no mass can enle orleave a closed system. 2. Open System (aso known a control volume) - is a system in which there is @ flow of matter through the ‘boundary, it usually encloses the device that involves mass ow, such as: compressor, turbine, oF nozzle, 3. Isolated System -is 2 system in which neither mass nor energy cross the boundaries and tis not influenced by the surroundings. = es = A S 2 Fs S = EA = 2 FS 154 Excel Academic Council the physical condition of the ‘working substance such 25 temperature, pressure, density, specific volume, speeifc gravity or relative density, Transport properties Tefers tothe measurement of diffusion within the working medium resuting ‘rom molecular activity, hike; viscosities, thermal cconductities, et CME DBA 25.D 28.A 23.B 26.4 24.C 27.8 Jo. Without electrical, mechanica), travitational, surface tension and motion Classifications of offects, a system is called system. thermodynamic properties ‘A. simple = ——. B. simple compressible C. compressible + Intensive properties er: D, independent perties which ares 30. What refers to any change that a system undergoes from onc equilibrivin state to another equilibritim state? 2. Extensive properties properties wnich depend on AL Process: B. Path o © Phase gy are exar 5 Dd. Cyele of extensive pr = ES 41, What refers to the series of states through which a systent passes during Ss - aprocess? = PA AL. Path. = B. = Phase © Cycle DB, Dipection 32. How many independent properties are required to completely fix the equilibrium state of a pure gaseous compound? A B, c Sak D What is 2 process in which the system remains infinitesimally closed to an equilibritim state at all times? ‘A. Path equilibrium process B, Cycle equilibrium: process C. Phase equilibrium process 1D. Quasi-stare or quast-equilibrium process 34. A closed system may refer to ‘A. control mass B. control volume ©. control energy D. control temperature 35. An open system may refer 10 A. control mass: B, control volume: ©. control energy 1b, contral temperature 156 Excel Academic Council Temperature ‘Temperature is an indication or degree of hotness and ‘coldness and therefore & measure of intensity of heat. Tae 4 Temperature Seales 4. Celsius or Centigrade (named after Swedish astronomer, Anders Celsius) 2, Fahrenhelt_(oamed ator German Physicist Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit) 3, Kelvin (named ater British Scientist Lord Kelvin also nown as Sir William Thomson) E 3 = 5 Ss i= 4, Rankine (named after Wiliam Macquom Rankine) Absolute temperature is the temperature measured from absolute zero. isthe fnsolite zero equivalent 0 0 K (-273.15°C) or O°R | (-480°F) nos 36.D 39.A 42.B 37.A 40.C 38.B 41.8 General Engineering and Applied sciences T°" ‘Temperature interval interval re interval the difference between two temperature readings from the ‘same scale, and the change in ‘temperature through which the body is haated. at =ATe 5 at,=2aT, 9 AT = AT, 8 Fel a= Zle = 3 F3 6 S Note: 1C® =9/5 F° and degree must be writen after the temperature scale frit to indicate that s ita change in (Cnc 43.C 46.B 49.4 44.D 47.4 45.B 48.D ES 4 4 ES 6 s = = (3 158 Excel Academic Council Pressure ‘50. ‘The electrons in an atom which rotate about the mucleus posses» ‘what ne _ kind of enerey? oe Pressure is the force exerted oes per unit area. ‘A. Translational energy i punohtaoresutctene | SRE pressure meesued above 8 otational kinetic energy’ perfect vecuum. = Gage pressure is the pressure measuréd from the level of atmospheric pressure by most pressure recording instrument like pressure geg® and open-ended manometer “The electrons which spins about its axis will possess what kind of At jheric pressure is the pressure obtained from g a es barometric ir x Be Epa ‘ metric reading 52. What refers to the portion of the internal energy of # system associated "withthe kinetic energies ofthe molecules? A. Translational eneray : _B. Spin energy ene pressure energy Pan = atmospheric pressure €.. Rotational Kinetic energy D. Sensible energy beolute pressure Paan= 101.225 Kpa Be Mie Whats the internal energy associated withthe phase of a system called? ae kl : = : Saag2intg = 760 mmHg A. Chemieal ence = 1.013 bar ‘8. Latent energy = 1,013 x 10° dynelom? -C. Phase energy = 160m D. Thermal energy 4. What isthe internal enerey associated withthe atomic bonds in gage = negative () when the pressure is vacuum The perfect vacuum is : ~ 101.325 kPa 5 : 5§, Whatis the extremely large amount ‘of energy associated with the strone ~ ponids within the nucleus of the atom itself called? Critical pressure is the ‘minimum pressure needed to liquefy gas at its erica temperature i Unit volume. weight) is the weight per unit volume <|= where We= weight V = volume ‘7 = Weight density 56.B 59.A 62.A 57.4 60.D Density [Specific Weight) Mass density is the mess per = 4 = S f= = ES ee) COA aa 69. What is the SI unit of pressure? Heat _ Aon ee aati for eney ee . associated wih the kine . a § : S é : = number of molecules. > oS 7.4 bars equivalent to how many seals : temperature ofthe body without changing its phase. - : Q=mC AT where: Qs= sensible heat po ne Lama ow may oe A. 101325 B, 101,689 C. 101,102 D 01g np wr consilera ste presse tga poston si . soe saree je 10 absolute vacuum? . needed by the body to its phase without changing temperature a. Latent hea to liquid b. Latent he qui Example Melting of ice at O° Vacuum pressure “14 The difference between the absolute present the atm pressure is. ae the pressure, - gigee }. normal oe . = standard Y iS = By A Latent heat of vaporization of boiling water (Ly) is the term used to describe the process of changing solid to gas passes liquid state is the reversed of sublimation. Itis the process of changing gas to solid without passing liquid state HE General Engineering and Apple? oe Entropy Entropy isthe measure ofthe randomness of the molecules af a substance. Thisis one of the thermodynamic properties ‘very much useful in the: evaluation of thermodynamic ‘processes. The following facts wil belp sve some thermodynamic-entropy problems ~ Friction as a natural ‘mechanical process will increase the Entropy of the system, = Entropy continually increases when heat is ‘added, and decreases when heat is removed. = For reversible adiabatic ‘process, the Entropy will nat change (or remains constant) ENTROPY EQUATION CH 82.8 85.D 83.B 86.D 84.B 87.A = 4 z S F 4 = I FS = Enthalpy and Internal energy Enthalpy isthe heat energy transferred to a substance at & ‘constant pressure process. is the energy ‘stored within the body. It's the sum ofthe kinetic energies of allits constituent particles plus ‘he sum ofall the potential ‘energies of interaction among these partcies. Cs 88.A 91.C 89.D 92.B 90.B 93.A General Engineering and Applied Sciences_165 "Energy cannot be created nor be destroyed, itcan only be transformed from one form to another" ‘Sum of energy entering = sum of energy leaving PE) +KE: +H) +O “Heat cannot be transfered from cold body to @ hot body without an input of work. It similarly states that heat cannot be converted 100% into work. The bottom ine is that ‘an engine must operate between a hot and a cokd reservoir. Also indicated, that eneray has diferent levels ‘of potential to do work, and that energy cannot naturally move from realm of lower potential toa realm of higher = 2 2 6 S 4 a } f= ie Oe eee KELVIN-PLANCK STATEMENT APPLIED TO. HEAT ENGINE {tis impossible to construct a heat engine which operates in a cycle and receives a given amount of heat from a high temperature body and does an ‘equal amount of work. THIRD LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS The total entropy of pure ‘substances approaches 2er0 asthe absolute ‘thermodynamic temperature proaches 220 ‘ZEROTHLAW OF Hl Mi “When any two bodies are in ‘thermal equilbrium with the third body, they are in thermal equilibrium with each other.” Note: The third body is usually a thermometer Cae 101.B © 103.C 102.A 106.8 103.8 107.C 104. B General Engineering and Applied Sciences _167 Ideal Gas or Perfect Gas Perfect gas is theoretically ideal ges which strictly follows Boyle's law and Charies’ law of gases, Note: Ideal gas must have @ ‘compressibility factor of one oF approaches to one, The equation of state of an ‘deal gas: PV=mRT PV =nRT where R= gas constant (For any gas) m= mass M-= molecular weight ‘The values of Universal gas constant in different units: 314 Jimol-K 155 ft b,/mol* 986 BTUImal*R. 10821 L -atmimol *R Coo 108.C 112. 109.D 113.D 110. -114.D l1LD = 3 to = 4 = 6 4 168 Excel Acacen* RON FO 8.314 Jimol-K 32 kgimol iO) = 0.2598 Jkg-K R(O,)= R(O,) = 48.28 ft-lb, /b, Gas constant of ait: 287 kalkg:K 3.34 fb, by? R Mo General Engineering and Applied Sciences _169 Dalton’s law of partial pressure “The pressure exerted in a vessel by a mixture of gases is equal tothe sum ofthe pressures that each separate ‘gas would exert ifitalone ‘occupied the whole volume of the vessel" P=P)+P2+Pi+...+Pr where P = total pressure ofthe ‘mixture P1,P2,P3,....Pn= pata pressure of gases. Partial pressure is the pressure exerted by each gas. = = = a s = FS Avogadro's Law “Atequal volume, atthe same temperature and pressure conditions, the gases contain the same number of molecules." RM RM m & m= masses M\& Mo = molecular weights Ri&Re =gas constants Conn 122.€ 126.D 123.A 127.C 124.D 128.8 125.C = ea A 5 = 3 170 Excel Academic Council The internal energy. enthalpy and entropy of an ideal AU = change in internal energy ‘AH = change in enthalpy ‘AS = change in Entropy m = mass C_ =the specific heat AT = is the change in temperature Thermodynamic processes ‘Thermodynamic process 's any change thal a system undergoes from one ‘equitvium state to another. It cen be reversible or ‘reversible, Paths the series of slates through which a system passes during a process. ‘Reversible Process (Quasi- equilibrium process). tis the process that can be reversed ‘without leaving any trace on the surroundings. Thatis, both the system and the ‘surroundings are retumed to their initial states at the end of the process Irreversible Process. tis the process that spontaneously in one direction butthe other. One having taken place the process cannot reverse sel and always results in an increase ‘of molecular disorder. OnE General Engineering and Applied Sciences_171 Cyclic process Cyclic process a process which gives the same statesiconditions ater the system undergoes @ series of processes. NON-FLOW WORK in the Non-Fiow Process) = pov W,=P(V,—M) ‘STEADY FLOW WORK (Work in the Steady Flow Process) w% ‘ve W,=V(F-P:) where: P= pressure V= volume CONES 134.D 138.D 135.A 139. 136.A 137.B F F = 3 2 = eer 172 Excel Acackne *—— Law of conservation of mass ‘ass (m) entering the system is equal to the sum af the stored mass (Am) and the ass (rm) that leaves the systems: m=m,+am Am=m, ~My as 140.B (144.8 141.A 145.8 142.4 146.C 143. General Engineering and Applied Sciences_173 Process of ideal gas isan intemal reversible constant volume process of a working | substance. a. PV and T relation (V = C) 0 > (Charles' Law) b.PV and TS Diagram "92 ey 2 9 4, Steady flow work W, =~ fveP W,=Y(P,-P,) 147.B 151.C 148,C 152.A 149,D 153.4 150. C = 3 A BI = = = 3 E a Se FS Fr = f. Change in enthalpy AU=mC,AT ‘AH=mC,AT g, Heat transferred a=au+W, w,=0aVeC Q=AU fh. Change in entropy = From: 68 =" as=novt() Isobarle process isan internally reversible constant pressure process ofa woking substance, ‘a. PV. and T relation (P =C) Ys LMe (charles! Law) rT 1 PV and TS diagram P | Ra whore: dP = 0 at P= C ce. Change in internal energy aU=mC,AT Aut) eines {. Change in enthalpy AH =mo,AT ¢. Heat transferred Q=AU+W, Q=AU+aPV Q=aH fh, Change in entropy a From: dS ="— at s-ne(8) 160.A 164.D 161.B 165. 162.C 166.4 163. C = = as = A Ss = = iS ‘Isothermal process is an intemally reversible constant temperature process of @ working substance. a PV end T relation (T= C) PV,=PV, (Boyle's Law) : b, PV and TS diagram (74, 125. 176, 172 178. € ‘What law provides an absolute reference point for the determination of entropy? A, Zecoth law of thermodynamics 8. First law of thermodynamics C. Second law of thermodynamics D. Third lew of thermedymantios “The entropy change of system during 4 process is equal to the net entropy transfer through the system boundary and the entropy generated within the system”. This statement is known as- itropy generation B, Entropy change of a system Entropy balance relation D, Third law of thermodynamics What law states that entropy can be created but it cannot be destroyed? A. Zeroth law of thermodynamics B._ First law of thermodynamics €. Second law of thermodynamics D.. Third law of thermodynamics Entopy is transferred by AL work B.. beat © energy 1D, work and heat During adiabatic, internally reversible process, what is true about the change in entropy? A. Itis temperature-dependent B. It isalvays greater that zero ©. itisalways zero D. {tis always fess than zero Water boils when: ‘A. its saturated vapor pressure equals to the atmospheric pressure. B. its vapor pressure equals 76 em of mercury’ C. 45 temperature reaches 212 deeree Celsius 1D; its vapor pressure is 1 gram per sq. cm Whiei of the following is standard temperature and pressure (STP)? A. degree Celsius and one atmosphere 8. 32 degree Fabrenheit and zero pressure CO degree Kelvin and one atmosphere D. 0 degree Fahrenheit and zero pressure h. Change in entropy 4 F A 3 es FS Isentropic process is a ‘internally reversible constant entropy process of a working ‘substance. !t is also known 8s a reversible adiabatic process. ‘Adiabatic process is @ reversible process in which there is no flow of heat ‘between a system and its surroundings (Q= 0). PV and T relation (S=Cor PV =C) Put =PVs ei) Crs 7 For heat engine operating between two temperatures (1, > 1), what is ©. Noniflow work the maximum efficiency attainable? W, = [Pd A. B= oot i where :P B. G W, ui | wy R(T =) 186, Which one is the correct relation between energy efficiency ratio (EER) und coefficient of performance (COP)? w, A EER = 2.34C0P B. BER = 3.24COP C. EER =3.42COP D. EER = 4.23COP w, MPM PM) 187. ‘The coefficient of performance (COP) is the ratio between the: w= tC) ‘A. power consumption in watts and heat absorbed per hour We=kW, B. heat absorbed per hour and the power consumption in watts. €. work required and the absorbed heat . Change ini 1D. absorbed heat and the work required AU=mo,aT 188. What predicts the approximate molar specific heat at high temperatures from the atomic weight? a {Change in enthalpy A. Third law of thermodynamics aNetith,AT B. Law of Dulong and Petit CC. Mollier diagram echo vectored D, Pressure-enthalpy diagram (Adiabatic, Q= 0 189. 2 ‘Considering ane mole of any gas, the equation of state of ideal gases is a simply the law. aU =-W, ‘A. Gay-Lussac fh. Change in entropy B. Bulong and Petit C. Avogadro's D. Henry's 190. An ideal gas whose specific heats are constant is called ‘AL perfect gas B. natural gas C. artificial gas D. refined gas. i . 109 c 186, 90. A | 187.D 188. B aT 180 Excel Academic Council Polytropic process is 2n internally reversible process during which PV"= C, where n ‘is a constant. a. PV and T relation (PV" =C) Cas 191.D 195.D 192.C 196.4 193. 194.D et eee EE ee 1-1 W=nW, f. Change in enthalpy Changein inter enersy IRE AU=mo,4T ES AU=-W, = By a aH=mC,AT 9g. Heat transferred Q=mc,aT where ¢,=6,( Fh. Change in entropy i) From: dS= Semel a) CON a Pe Cut EL OM “FE SOIWVNAGOWMHL General Engineering and Applied Sciences 185 186 Excel Academic Council = = = Ss = = Hn } 17.A 20.A 18.A 21.4 19,D RS Oe Oe ee 3 2 = Es 22.B 25.A 23.C 26.4 24.C 27.C 188 Excel Academic Council ae soi as aul see General Engineering and Applied Sciences_189 = 2 = 5 Ss FS CON 33.A 36.D 34.C 37.B ES = a By = CORES 39.C 42.4 40.C 43.4 4LB 44.4 General Engineering and Applied Sciences_191 = ei s be Ss Con 45.C 48. 46.C 49.B 47.A 50.B General Engineering and Applied Sciences _193 SOLUTIONS TO THERMODYNAMICS PROBLEMS = z A 3 rs 194 Excel Academic Council SOLUTIONS TO THERMODYNAMICS PROBLEMS = E 2 i Fs SOLUTIONS TO THERMODYNAMICS. PROBLEMS 196 Excel Academic Council SOLUTIONS TO THERMODYNAMICS PROBLEMS ne Reet SOLUTIONS TO THERMODYNAMICS: PROBLEMS 3 3 a A BI 3 FS SOLUTIONS TO. g g Ze z= W= 200(0.10.- 0.04) Wealth PROBLEM 20: RY, 200(0.10) = 800V, V, 25 m°ikg The work is: es wepVvinl <2) AM (0.025 W = 200(0.10)In} ———= | (0.100) W=27.7 kite. - (on the system) PROBLEM 21: Law of conservation of mass: m,'=m,' BAM, BAY. (62.4)(10000) = 62.42)V, PROBLEM 22: For isentropic process: THERMODYNAMICS PROBLEMS THERMODYNAMICS 200 Excel Academic Council SOLUTIONS TO THERMODYNAMICS PROBLEMS Se SOLUTIONS TO THERMODYNAMICS PROBLEMS 2 A S cS SOLUTIONS TO THERMODYNAMICS PROBLEMS General Engineering and Applied Sciences_ 205 SOLUTIONS TO THERMODYNAMICS PROBLEMS MC A 206 Excel Academic Council SOLUTIONS TO THERMODYNAMICS PROBLEMS

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