Inglés - 2 - REC. - VERANO'2 Eso Real English

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INGLES Sugerencias para repasar durante el verano. No es necesario empezar las tareas inmediatamente tiempo ~ de acuerdo con tus padres- y trabaja con regularidad. Cuando empieces, dedica unos Procura hacerlo durante un periodo continuado (que no ‘Vomate un spuds de a cincuenta minutos todos los coincida con fiestas del bartio o pueblo, descanso familiar, etc.) Qué hacer, A- Materiales usados durante el curso. Para recuperar la asignatura deberds trabajar de nuevo las lecciones estudiadas durante el curso. Podriis ayudarte de los materiales que hemos utilizado: Student’s Book, Workbook y las Website Activities ( ) Para que lo tengas mas ficil, he preparado unas copias que inchayen materiales de mpasw 0 ryitarzps algunas estan en el Workbook, en Jas secciones Language Builder y Grammar Practice, de Recuerda que en este mismo libro tienes explicaciones de gramitica, listas de vocabulario, verbos irregulares, ete. B- Materiales nuevos. Si quieres cambiar de materiales 0 trabajar un poco més, siempre puedes comprar alguno de los libros de vacaciones que ofrecen las distintas editoriales ( Oxford, Cambridge, Burlington, Heinemann, ete). Recuerda que debes estudiar, al menos, los mismos temas. En algunos casos, ademis del libro de trabajo, suelen ofrecer una Agia de solucones, con todas las for controlaea respuestas, para facilitar la comprobaci6n, Seria muy conveniente que una persona may esa hoja de soluciones. C- Recuerda que para recuperar la asignatura debes seguir las siguientes recomendaciones: 1- Aprende el vocabulario especifico de cada unidad (listas de vocabulatio del final del libro, seccién de vocabulario de los temas y vocabulario de las lecturas) 2- Revisa las explicaciones del apéndice geamatical y repite todos los ejercicios de geamética del Workbook y del Student’s book. 3: Revisa las lecturas del libro realizadas dusante el curso, si es posible escuchéndolas con el CD, 4 Realiza al menos 5 redacciones de las propuestas en la seccién de “Writing” de cada unidad, Se valorarin positivamente si se presentan a la hora del examen de Septiembre 5- Memoriza los verbos irregulares estudiados durante el curso. Puedes seguit estos pasos: = Estudia un tema, didlogo, punto de gramatica o vocabulatio. = Sin fijarte, vuelve a hacer el ejercicio en tu cuademo o en las hojas del trabajo. = Comprueba tus respuestas. ; ANIMO! 1. N w What subject is it? Look at the pictures and complete the puzzle. Across m3) Mire) y Match the school items in A to their subjects ing. A B 1. calculator a. English 2. paints b. sport 3. laptop computer... c. geography 4. tennis racket. J. d. maths 5. dictionary €. computer technology 6. atlas —f. art ‘Complete the sentences with the words below. textbooks + sport + notebooks * an-athi” dictionary « literature J 1 a Anatlas..... is a book of maps. 2. In. = — lessons, we read books and poems by famous writers. 3. Students write in their. 4 AWE USC oe cn enencns WhAN Wwe don’t know a word. 5. Students read in most school subjects, 6. We sometimes play football and basketball in Rea Engin 4 a Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple affirmative, FCO nn DENS sono (BUY) @ NeW Schootbag every year 2. My father (wash) the dishes every evening 3. Let and Dan. (lay) football in the park after school 4, She (take) her dictionary to school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays 1 {use) a calculator to do my ‘maths homework. ‘Complete the text with the verbs in brackets, Use the Present Simple. Glen» (go) to an alternative school, He? on (MOL get) marks and his teachers oe (not choose) his lessons. Students at Glen's school 4 =» (decide) which subjects to study. They $ _~ (find) rofessionals to teach them. Also, students sometimes 6. som (visit) professionals at work and they ? -.. (learn) about their jobs. Some students * (work), but they —- (not receive} money. It's a learning experience. ‘Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple. not see * feed «do * know «nor have Put + nottike + not waich + go 1. We USUAL ene, don't at schoo! because we ...dont like —. lunch the food, 2. Jack always... su the dog before he neuann 10 SCHOO 3 you 7 of our new history teacher? 4. Where Graham usually sone the keys? | 7 them on the table. 5. Linda always on. : school. She Z the name her homework after TVin the afternoon. 1, What do Jane and Marian do in their free time? Complete the texts with the activities below. Then look at the pictures and write the name of the correct girl. 0 dancing + practises the piano + chat with friends browses-the Web « rides a bike + goes to parties | Plays the guitar + send text messages plays volleyball go ice skating In the morning, Jane always ‘......2eawses. the web. to read the news. Every afternoon, Jane 2 for an hour. She loves music and she’s got a new guitar. She also likes to 3 on the phone in the afternoon. In the evening, she always does her homework. At the weekend, Jane often a at friends" houses, She doesn’t usually write e-mails, She prefers to 5 - on her mobile phone. Marian’s parents haven't got a car, so she ‘ a to school. She loves sport! SHEP ocean at school every day. In the winter, she also likes to ® (Once a week she's got music lessons. She * 7 for an hour every day. At the weekend, she likes to "_ at the disco. S whe 2. > Write questions with the words below. Use the Present Simple. 1, when / you / get up/ in the morning When. do yon, pet up in.the morning? 2, you / study / English / every day 3. your teacher / give / homework / every lesson 4, what / you / do/ after schoo! 5. where / your best friend / live ‘Answer the questions in Exercise 2. Make the answers true for you. 1 2 3 4 a 5. Choose the correct adverb of frequency in brackets. Then use it to rewrite the sentence. Make any necessary changes. 1. We don't play football in rainy weather. often) Wener 1 play football in rainy weather, 2. Heather watches the news on TV twice a week. {Sometimes / always) 3, My uncle plays golf once a month. (usuelly / rarely) 4, Janine and! Doris go shopping three or four times a week, (often / rarely) 5, Kelly and her sister go to bed late every night (always / sometirnes) 1, Unscramble the places and write them under the correct pictures. 1. rresdarsieh’s 5. scretolneci posh 2. cei krin 6. rac prak 3. logbiwn yelal 7. meeth karp 4. face 8. bloatol lefid la 7 OT 2. Complete the sentences. 1, We are at the a 4.1 @.1i.u.m, There are amazing fish here 2, My father likes to meet his friends at the p for a drink: 3, My mother buys fruit and vegetables at the local m 4, want to see the lions at the 2 5. You buy medicine at the ¢ 6. On holiday, people often sleep in ah 7. You can buy many different things at a 4 : ~$ a Real 10.3 Photacoplable © Burtinaron Books 3, Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Continuous, 4. The football player the ball 2. The children. right now. They Aran} with (not watch) TV (take) a nap, 3, Amanda neu (wait) in @ queue with her friends at the moment 4 We a (not have) a meal at the CAPE WE conn (Gring) lemonade. B.D {not play) computer games now. |. (write) an e-mail. 6. Phil oan (Not ride} his bike to the supermarket right now. 4, Write questions with the words below, Use the Present Continuous. 1. you / watch (TV / right now Ave youwarching TV right now? 2. what / Dan / do /at the moment 3. why / you / order fa pizza 4. it rain f outside / now 5. where / you and your father / go 5. Complete the answers with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Continuous. Then match the answers to the questions in Exercise 4. 4 a. No, it isn’t. The sun b. Because we... isshining..._ (shine). {have} pizza for dinner. a (take) a photo of our family 4. No, I'm not. I {practise} the piano at the moment. e. We — nun (walk) t0 the 200 now. Vocabulary 1, Look at the pictures of Carol and Tom. What are they doing? Complete the sentences with the activities below. ‘aking @ nap * taking photos « ordering aj hanging out + buy-tick€iS getting a haircut stay at home * going on a ride + go bowling wailing braquete 1. It's Monday. Carol and Tom are waiting in.a,quewe.... They want to buy tickets... for a film, 2, It Tuesday. Carol and Tom are at the hairdresser’s Carol is covoneeee and Tom is 3. Its Wednesday, Carol and Tom are at the theme park, Carol is. ‘of Tom. He is 4 t5 Thursday. Caro! and Tom are atthe bowing alley, but Tom doesn’t want to cone « HE is hungny, 50 he is 5. its Friday. Carol isn’t going out tonight, She wants to vo Tom ig at Caroi's house and they are Bee 2, Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous, De Hay ...ui8 eae... (eat) a hamburger now. 2. Dean usually (go) to the bowling alley on Saturday. 3, My friends ‘game right now. (watch) the football 4, My father never (rive) to work. He often (ake) the train 5. Him at the hairdressers | eoone (get) a haircut at the moment, 3. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous. Betty and | are at the concert hall right now. We "are waiting... (wait) in a jong queue to see Beyoncé, Betty ® usually (not go) to concerts with me, but shes love) Beyoncé, There are thousands of teenagers here and many of them “ (sing} Beyonce's songs. 1 7 {not sing) because | ®. (not know) the words to the songs Betty {talk) on her mobile phone with our friend, Lisa, Lisa (come) to the CONCERT, 100. Teen nnnnnenn (OP) WE can find her! 4. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous. (ait novwatite go* skate * hate *not listen + we | 1. John. because he's tired 2. Allthe children wenn tthe ice Fink no 3. Janet to the football game on the radio because she _. football 4 you in the quet at the moment? 5.1 my new sweater today, Donny often ar to take the dog for a walk 1, Write the family members under the correct category, “a> grandmother “ieee onele granddaughter * husband 2, Look at the family tree and complete the sentences with the words below. cousin + grandson © nephew + grandparents wife * daughter + grandfather + aunt Oi = A INVES, vane | Ben @) eh re) OH Ban Lucy 1, Rose is Ken's... quit... 2. Kem is Will none 3. Willis Lucy's 4, Ken is BEN wu. 7 5, Tina is Dan's... 6. Ben is Wil’ 7. ROSE 15 DANS sone nin ne 8. Jane and Ben are Tina's 7 [Real Eigish £502 Phccopiabie OF Daringion Boake] 3. Write the Past Simple form of the verbs below. 1. stop ....stoppedd.... 6, lose oy 7 7. make 3. travel. -- 8, see 4. swim 7 Beat nae 7 a 10. sit 4. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple. Ehvis Presley was the King of Rock and Roll. He Pond. (die) more than 30 years ago, but his music is stil popular today, When he was ten, Ehis 2. (win) a singing competition, But his singing career § s-eunnne (NOL Be git) until he was 18. in 1958, when the US Army a (want) him, Re Seno (not stay) at home. He soon (become) a soldier and 7 ~--vmes (Go) to Europe. While he was away, he... (meet) his future wie, Priscilla. Priscila and Ets... (not have} an easy life because Ehis was often away on tours. Elvis was only 42 when he died. During his Hie, Re es scueeseonnn (SING) hundreds of songs and {act) in more than 31 films, 5. Write questions with the words below. Use the Past Simple, 1 when / Elvis / die When did Elvis die? eee a 2. where/ he /meet / Priscilla 3. why / Elvis and Priscilla / have problems 4. Elvis / perform /in films 6. Answer the questions in Exercise 5 according to the text in Exercise 4, 1. He-died move than 30 years age, ale CTa 1. Write the events from the life of Marco Polo under the pictures. Use the words below. iad children fell in love + died got married + was-bom + met his wife Marco Polo ... XN Complete the text with the words below. (got ajob hada cite » moved» gor maried ) | met © study * got divorced * become Uenintoverbon” Antonio Banderas was | born, in Malaga im 1960. He wanted to an actor, so he went to the Malaga School of Dramatic Art to. ae drama. After his studies, Banderas nen 88 a actor atthe National Theatre of Spain. He later °. a beautiful actress called Ana Leza. He = = with her and they oe Banderas to Hollywood to appear in American films. While in. Hollywood, Banderas became unhappy in his marriage. So, he and Lez 8..ceon-nenmnenen » HE met his second wife, actress Melanie Griffith, while working on a film. Banderas and Griffith o _, a daughter, and they are still married today. Name: 3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple. 4. Last year, Jay ....JMOved...._. (rrove) to Scotland. 2 your parents (give) you money? 3..We (not go} te the zoo last week, 4 Shelly (iit) her uncle yesterday? 5A (not know) my grandparents, ge Look at the picture of a kitchen 70 years ago. Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative form of There was or There were. 1, There wasn_a Tv. 2 an oven 3 some cupboards, 4 two sinks, 5. Write questions with the words below and Was there or Were there. 1. a table Was there a table? 2. any tea 3. any games 4, any mobile phones 6, Answer the questions in Exercise 5 according to the picture in Exercise 4. 1. Yes. there. was 3 2 4a OS Gutigon Books| Bl 1. Circle ten types of transport below. Then write the words under the pictures, m0lOrbo, ; gest MMP OScootephelicopler oplane otordikelino, aoroplitng on™ UsineganoeF e > aS 3. a 4. : Ce 2. Complete the types of transport in the sentences. Then write the letters in the squares to find out how Jack gets to school. 1, We sailed with our friends on their yc.) 2. In our city, many people travel on the t2...m because its better for the environment. 3. Fred is a plumber. He carries all his equipment in his Cn, 4. Grandmother wanted to go home. she phoned fora .... x1 5. You can travel under the city on the oe Gon ne 6. We sailed across the ocean ina Th Feck tak €S 10 one nnn tO SChOOT. MOE [Res ish 1502 Phowcopiable OL aurngion Rooks 3. What were the people doing at 9.00 on ‘Saturday morning? Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Continuous affirmative or negative. [8.00 on Saturday morning 1. The people tere travelling. on a tram. They weren travelling. on a helicopter. (travel) 2. Paul and Jane... backgammon, they... a computer game. (play) 3. Bill, ~ me OF his phone, He : to Helen. (talk) 4. Fred tickets. He - passports, (check) 5. Helen thor dog. She her baby. (feed) 4, wirite questions with the words below. Use the Past Continuous. 1. yous sleep /at 12,00 last night Were, vou sleeping at 12.00 last night? 2. your class / study / English / at 10.00 yesterday morning 3. your friends / have / lunch / at 2.00 yesterday 4. iL rain / at 4.00 yesterday afternoon 5. Answer the questions in Exercise 4. Make the answers true for you. vans Bo CET Ela 1. Match A to B. A B 1. Men put their money in a a. passport, 2, You can read information. b. suitcase. about your holiday ina 1c. wallet 3. On holiday, people often buy. d. souvenirs 4, People carry clothes in a 5. When travelling to a different country, you must take a &. travel guide. 2. Complete the blog with the words below, sun eream + backpacks + camera + waterproor mat ‘map « sleeping bags « torctt™ Tim’s Travel Blog Mike and | artived at the campsite after dark last ight. We used 2 1... OMI ..n. to help us find 2 good place to sleep under some trees, Mike put a Pie con the ground because it was wet. Then we took some warm clothes out of our Soe and put ther on, We got into our, and went to sleep. We were very tired This morning, we looked at 2 * of the area and saw a lake near the campsite, so we decided to walk there. We t00K © concn to protect us from the sun. Mike swam in the lake and | tok photos of him with my 7 We had a really fun day, Meraegp wm Gi 3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. 1. We...ene sailing. (sal) on a ferry when we saw a shark. 2. Two helicopters (fly) above the house yesterday, BMY UME a (wait) For a tax a 8 o'clock this morning, 4. twas traveling on the underground when a man (take) my walt. 5. Becky (not buy) any souveniss last yea 6. Where you (go) when | phoned you? im (not watch) the road while he was driving, 4, Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous Tyo, While Russ was. sleeping... sleep}, nh ay? beer £00k. (take) his 8 Sa > food. Kote ty) her plane when a storm eonenn (Start) The BOYS eee ~ (nat see) the gorilla while they sens (Walk) if the jung Mr Brown nom ty} 10 catch fish when he. (catch) an old boot When the limousine (arrive), Lucy aesnenenennn (Walt) in the garden AW ot stormy weather }——-5. | Vrain Btw 2. Complete the sentences with the words below. ‘cold ¢ waerit rainy « wind snow sunny’* hat + cool Titsa.....warm......, beautiful day. Let’s go to the beach. 2. W'S -5°C right now Its very. outside 3.1 think it will be ... in the theatre, 50 I'm going to take a sweater. 4. The. —. was very strong and some oF the trees fell down. BIS socoeenmnssnne nn OUtSide, You should put on some sun cream, 6. It will be 38°C tomorrow. It will be a very : ay F.THe' a Ot OF oan (on the ground I. a good day to go skiing B.S outside, so 'm taking an umbrella Gai 3. Complete the sentences with the verbs below, Use the affirmative or negative form of will (aos Find + be * win + chang® ) 1. in 20 years, the weather. around the worl. shange.... all 2. Jane is playing badly. She : the match tomorrow. 3. The birds... ~~ any food in the snow. 4.1don't think it annem SUiNn toMOTTOW. 10 Paris next year, 5. Maybe we... EIGER [Real English ESO > Phowncopianie © Deringion Books 4, Write questions with the words below and will, 1 Jake / score /a goat Will Jake searea goal? 2. Bill and Lisa / reach / the finish line 3. Meg's horse / win / the race 4, the children / remember / 10 walk the dogs 5. Look at the pictures and answer the questions in Exercise 4, @ Cake 6. What did the coach say? Complete his sentences with the verbs in brackets, Use the First Conditional. 1. the team .daesmi..wark.. (not work) hard, they.....wem Lait. (oot win) the match 2. Ifyou ~~~ (Not listen) carefully, you ee (not know) what to do. 3. Tony. (ley) on Saturday if Dave a Abel il 4, You ~- (hot catch) the ball if you 7 (not run} quickly. 5. tfit (ain) on Monday afternoon, we. practise) on Tuesday, Vocabulary 1. Circle six words related to competition in the puzzle, Then complete the sentences below with the words. cThya tmp] ifolaye s[z|wlafalklolsle elhtaletelxtite| kirlalcfelilk|zle whaldkufulorofw) « Hifilkic[s{plals fe yinix|zikijigie 1. The boys are watching a football ...Jsateh only 2, My friend and I are competing in the 200-metre 3. The -... decided to stop the game. 4, Roger Federer plays tennis very well. He isa tennis 5. Jack must 1un faster or he will au the race 6. I think the Chicago Bulls wil... the game. They're playing well today. Complete the sentences with the words below, Seow a goal broke a econ ea) finish line * coach BES 1. In basketball, there are five players in a ean, - 2. “You must run faster!” said the 3. In football, the players ty to 4, Helen won the race, She was the first to cross the 5. In 1988, Yan Zhi Cheng jumped 246 centimetres and 1 3. White sentences with the words helow. Use the affirmative or negative form of the verbs and the First Conditional 1. i /i8/ not snow in January / the boys / not go ski UL. dowsn 1 snow in January, the boys won't go 2. Ron / not play volleyball /if/his feg / hunt 3. the girls / buy ice cream / if/ they / find / some money 4. if Jen / go to bed early / she / get up on time Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use be going to. 1.1 .aamn.nat going 10.d2... (oot da) sport tomorrow 2. The students in my class - (study) English next year 3. Our teacher test next week. (not give) us your parents - (watch) our game tomorrow? 5. My friand and | tous) clothes on Saturday. 6. My friends = {nat meet) me the cinema tonight the coach (come) to the party tonight? VEE CIs 1. Write the opposites to complete the puzzle. tw in z rT Bs u Z E J Across Down # 3. strong 1. ordinary 5. hard 2. heavy 7, attractive 4, cheap 8 elaborate 6. bright 2. Which adjectives describe the objects in the pictures? Write the adjectives next to the correct picture. ‘sofl + ordinary * brighif + elaborate p+ expensive attractive + plain on <= 3. Choose the correct adjective in brackets to complete the sentences about the picture, Use the compatative form. lS? os oe om 1 The ati. Ho thi 7 Ta) the woman's dog 2, The man’s dog looks (aggressive / shy) the woman's dog. 3. The woman i§ nn the man. 4, The woman's clothes look (cheap / expensive) the man’s clothes. (tall short) Complete the sentences about the picture in Exercise 3. Use the superlative form of the adjectives below. thin» syratl unfriendly + y 1, The mouse is the smatlest... animal 2, The woman is. person, 3, The boy is... person, 4, The man’s dog is animal Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in brackets. 1. Alon is...higger than... big) a dog 2, fn autumn, trees are orange, red and yellow. ks (colourful) time ofthe year. 3. The great white shark is ane (dangerous) the whale shark, 4. February is sane (Short) Month of the year. 5. The desert is jungle. (sandy) the ecules 4. Choose the corract adjective to describe the picture, rn % _~ 3 Se shady / colourful Saal attractive / crowded peaceful / noisy 2, Choose the correct answer. There are pink, red, yellow, orange and! purple flowers in the garden. Its 2... garden a. plain, b.sandy — ©)colourful ) 2. The forest is a quiet and calm place. It's... there a. busy bb. peaceful ¢. unattractive 3. This is a nice place. ts very ~. here a. pleasant —b.hard Soft 4, Hundreds of people are dancing in the street Wes very a expensive b.lively —¢. dull put the letters in brackets in the correct order ‘to complete the sentences. 1 Thad an... ordinary... (dayroirn) day today. | didn’t do anything special 2. There are big windows, so it’s 7 (Girthb inside. 3. twas a (etvyil party and we w had a great time, 4, tts hot in the sun. Let's find @ (dasyh) piace to sit 5. tt will be very concert. | hape | can find you: (wereddoe) at the S@veseuvewwwrwr~~ - ‘A, Complete the sentences with less ... than or the least ... and the adjective in brackets. 1 The black bag costs €100, the red bag costs €50 and the grey bag costs €20, The grey bag Is the least expensive... (expensive) bag 2. For Cail, maths is {diffcul) science. He always gets haetier marks in maths than in science: 3. Wednesday is (ous) day of the week for me. ve got after-school activities con every other day 4, Kelly has got many friends and Betty has only got one friend. Betty is 7 7 (popula Kelly 5. Complete the sentences with (not) as... asand the adjective in brackets. 41. Yesterday it was 35°C and today its 30°C. ttis As... (hot) it was yesterday. 2. Paula is Catt) her sister. They are both 1.7 metres tall 3, A weekend at the beach is boring. tis 7 (exciting) a safari 4. The motorbike and the car are both €30,000. Thu motorbike is (expensive) the car 5, Gallis only 13. thought she was 1, She is 7 (old) she looks. 6. Complete the sentences with too or (not). ‘enough and the adjective in brackets. 4. This party is ...nat lively enough... {ively}, We need some music 2. Be quiet! You are (noisy 3. Its very crowded at this beach. Its mma -ninue (BUSH) Hee. Like quiet bbeaches. This beach is (peacet 4, Harty can’t carry the black bag. Its _ (heavy). But he is 7 {stiong) to canty the re ‘bag, It's much lighter than the black one. for me ee — Fon Engen ESO Phovosoplable GTS Burtington Books Vocabulary 1, Match the verbs in A to the words in B. A 8 1. bounce -- a. aboat 2. land b. a plane 3. dig . ahole in the ground 4. dive dalife 5. row under water 6 save 14. aba 2. Circle eight verbs. Then complete the sentences with the verbs. 1. Bill wants tO a. tht. through the mountains in Nepal 2. The soldiers will. sn from a plane. 3, Please don't my hair, 4. People need water to . 5. If you don't drive carefully, you will none the Cat 6. People sometimes neon ROWE types OF animals. 7.18 fun to Ee old castes 8, Our car won't move. We have ta. it Gh 3. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Perfect Simple. ve ol See * sail « poeraiii feed « 1. The ground is dry because it..hasw2ained. 2. Hal a already as around the world in his boat. 3 Mother nn just coneon the dogs. They aten’t hungry now. 4, Many people —-n» Shark attacks. 5, Tasmanian tigers are extinct. People eens ther for more than 70 years. WRAY [Real gis SOT Peacoat OV Rang Boole Name: 4. What has happened in the pictures? Write sentences with the words below and the Present Perfect Simple, APs fred and Kate") Joe | win the race The cars Saye aawornanis Te Jill fand on the beach Fred and Kate | crash Joe climb a mountain A helicopter {all off her bike 1, Tam,has.saved a.woman s life 5. Write questions with the words below. Use the Present Perfect Simple. 41. you / swim /in the ocean / this year Have you swuan jn. the ocean,this year? 2. your friend / ever / sail /on a ship 3. your mother / just / fly /on an aeroplane 4. the students in your class / have / their exams / yet 5. you / already / have /lunch 6. Answer the questions in Exercise 5. pet i oan 7 2 SS actaat 3 7 1. Match the words in A to their meanings in B A B 1 feed a. teach 2. bath 1b. give food 3. train ¢. work without being paid 4, volunteer wash Complete the sentences with the words below. 1. dim doesn't... sti. He's afraid of water. 2. Bob threw the ball and George tried to it 3. have to the cow. 4. Dont that plate, It's very hot. 5. You can the baby, but please be careful with her, 6, Mr and Mis Jones decided 10 sa—ewem two children, 3. Circle the word that doesn’t belong. 1. dive 2. bounce « milk # catch 3. pull «push + volunteer 4. dig * bath « feed 5. explore « land ¢ discover 4, Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the Present Perfect simple, To counnff A... the gicls already $M -n (@at) lunch? 2. We (live) in this house for years. 3. Their plane {not lan) yet 4 ~~ the doctor (arrive) yet? 5. you ever (be) to England? 5, Read the Did you know? box. Then complete the sentences with for or since and the words in bold, Dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago. In 1999, people saw Nessie, the strange creature of Loch Ness. They never saw it again after that. People started driving cars almost 100 years ago, Many years ano, children played in the streets of Pompeii People flew in a plane for the first time in 1912. The last time astronauts were on the moon was in 1972, 1. Dinosaurs haven't lived on our planet for.65 million years 2. People haven't seen the creature of Loch Ness People have driven cars, 4, Children haven't played in the streets of Pompei 5. People have flown in planes -.... 6. Astronauts haven't been on the moon Sat Write questions with the words below. Use How long. 1. you and your family / live /in your house How long. have you and your family lived in yQUE-house?. a co 2. you/ study / English 3. your bestfriend / be / your friend 4, your teacher f teach / at your school N Answer the questions in Exercise 6, 1 Ere a 2 2 7 Eee 4 lectician felighter = plumber shorts skirt socks sweater. eee SWIMSUit trainers trousers eagle ae ee behind “between a in front of =. HEKUO under on Tales: milk = onion pancakes 4 potato © chicken rice “con sausages o fish 2 £995: oi Sherrer) Hi, Hayley) Hi, welcome t My names (vlan) Are you new here? ‘Yes, lim from (Scolanc), INige to meet you. yOU explain this to n carefully. heres your i'm sorry I'm late, pneWokk ‘computer cata browse the web TECHNOLOGY ores cerinrieen atlas oabSe ai chat with fiends drama ao calculator oe ees English is dictionary {0 ice skating - French ae en arene 2 cane ee ery ae play the guitar a istory : oe play volleyball — te ae prot the pano , : maths — tide a bike ee - music oe send text messages science See - sport = How often do you (olay volleyball)? ‘When do you (play volleyball? Lee eC ‘Where do you usually (play volleyball? oo ere Do you (olay) with friends? Ae ee Do you like (maths)? ‘What’ your favourite subject? ‘Axe you good at (french)? - Bo you prefer (histon) or (geography)? ‘What do you think of (science)? {ke them both I don’t mind it, but | prefer (computer technology). ... Not relly. 2 {'m not bad att - I ptefer (history), 2. Tick (V) the questions and answers which are about activities. Unscramble the letters and find out what the next lesson at school is. — ioe ree cr at with friends every evening lean my room on Sundays ‘Who do you send text messages Cag — . Exa cD fi fair cz . Jane is at an audition for the TV programme Britain's Got Talent. Write the dialogue between Jane and Simon (the judge). 1. Simon pregunta si Jane toca la guitarra. SiMOM: omen oe SEEEEEE 2. Jane contesta que si Jane: z eee 3. Simon pregunta con qué frecuencia toca Jane la guitarra. Simon: Heel ee 4, Jane contesta que normaimente toca tres veces a la semana Jane: dale ee EeEEEEHeEL 7 5. Simon pregunta cuando toca Jane normalmente. Simon: 6. Jane contesta que normalmente toca por las tardes. Jane: ete eee aquerum hairdresser’: bowiing alley hotel cate icetink car park market chemists pub department store theme park ‘electronics shop 200 footbal field order a pizza get a haircut Stay athome go bowing takeanap go on rides take photos | hang out cee waltinva queue Where is he? ee Who is he with? What are they doing? ene Do they look (happy? Do you feel ike going to a (restaurant)? eK ¥d love to. SoU Sony, but I can't : oS HH see you there That's too bad. ee ‘What are you doing on (Saturday)? ‘See you then Why don’t we meet at (3.00)? 5 How about (5.00)? Let's have (pizza), Vd like that as ess Sorry, but I'm busy. 7 Se aVAENav AN AVAveVAaereaNetta ven 2, Read the dialogue between Carol and Frank and choose the correct answers. Then write the letters on the correct lines below according to the numbers to find the hidden words. 6 7 8 91011 12 3. Benny and Elaine are talking on the phone. Write the dialogue between them. | | 1. Benny le pregunta a Elaine donde est’, i Benny eee :aaaaasaa oe i 2, Blaine contesta que esté en el mercado de Londres | Blaine? oon = is : 3. Benny pregunta quién esta con Elaine i Benny: ot eee eee i 4. Elaine contesta que esté con su hermana, Dora Blaine: is : ss 5, Benny pregunta qué estin haciendo Dora y Elaine Benny: a ia d ~ 6. Fine contesta que estan comprando algo de ropa Elaine: on ‘Where / When was she “when did she get married? _ Did she study at university? id she get divorced? How many children did she have? “What washer job? When did she die? 47th September 1984 21st July 2010 2, Tick (v) the questions asking for information about a person's life. Then match the questions to the answers. ‘Complete the words under each answer with the letters under the matching questions to check your answers. Ce) onc enya Dena fashion at Reng Deer sd Crores Pe ee Co Sin gr....dmother hus......nd 3. Cathy is asking Mark about his grandmother. Wri 1. Cathy pregunta donde nacié le abuela de Mark cathy: ane sai ee a 2. Mark contesta que nacié en Australia, Mark zt ans aaa See 3. Cathy pregunta cuando se casé la abuela de Mark Cathy: at Hae zu coe 4, Mark contesta que se cas6 en 1961 Mark: 7 a z 5. Cathy pregunta qué era la abuela de Mark. Cathy: a ql z 6. Mark contesta que era escritora Mark: oe Hee Neusat 1. Write the words and expressions in your language. "Why were they (waiting)? What were they doing? Who was he talking to? Why were they (laughing)? ‘Where was he going? What was she (wearing)? VAN TL) Sony o bathe’ you. Is the fight to (Amsterdam) on time? ‘What time is the fight to (Zurich)? Which gate isthe flight to (New York) leaving from? 2. Circle the questions and answers about the past. Then follow the path to find out where Bill was going at nine o'clock yesterday. 1 Dave pregunta con quién estaba hablando Joe. Dave: Bae Joe contesta que estaba hablando con una chica guapa, Joe nen pee Dave pregunta adénde iba la chica, Dave: eee cenccenenes Joe contesta que iba a trabajar Joe... a seen Dave pregunta por qué se estaba riendo ella Daves an. Joe contesta que él estaba contando una historia graciosa, 3. Dave meets his friend Joe at the shopping centre. Write the dialogue between them. Seed cone Sed Perey | think (people will ive on the moon) itm not sure (cars willy). | don’t think (oeople wil play football nee ‘There will probably be (peace in the world). I'm sure {robots will play sport). é Did (Chelsea) win the football match? ‘They won (3-2). Whe played against (iverp00)? ‘What was the score? Who scored the goal? “Did (Everton) and Portsmout) dren? They drew (22) 2, What does Joe want to do tomorrow? To find out, choose the correct response to match each question or statement, Then write the letter below each response on the correct line to complete the answer. oe eo Pe csc Rear) Ry ba pos Se raed oe oer SOc oer ey ey al a ot oo eee es ore ¢ hy area | Joe wants to. TE MuTH | 4 123 45 BF cecemecrine 3. Lucy and Jay are talking about the year 3000. Write the dialogue between them. 1. Lucy le pregunta 2 Jay si cree que habré paz en el mundo. Lucy: 4 of oe a = x" 2. Jay contesta que no. Jaycee 3. Lucy dice que esta segura de que ios robots prepararén nuestras comidas. Lucy: . 4. lay dice que no esta seguro. Dice que quiza los robots fregardn los platos. Jay: 7 oo = aes a 4 5, Lugy le pregunta a Jay si cree que los elefantes se extinguirdn. LUCY ee = eRe 6. Jay contesta que si Jay: : a a SEE Eee = 7. Lucy dice que probablemente la gente iré de vacaciones a ia luna Lug: aaeen He aus SESSEsSHESE 8. Jay dice que él cree que la gente vivird en la luna. 2. Sue and Al are talking about different places they want to visit. Tick (V) the box next to each sentence from their dialogue. Then write the letters you ticked below to find out where they are going. 3. Rob and P \9 where to go. Write the dialogue between them. 1. Rob le pregunta a Phil qué lugar quiere visitar. i Rob: | 2. Phil contesta que quiere visitar la playa. Anade que le encanta nadar en el océano. i Phil: | 3. Rob dice que parece agradable. Pero no le gusta ander por le playa. | Rob: i 4. Phil dice que quizé el bosque sea un lugar agradable para visitar. | Phi il 5, Rob esté de acuerdo y dice que ali se esté realmente tranquil. | ROD: one 7 | 6. Phil dice que disfruta mirando los arboles y as flores del bosque. | [sil geeeeeenneeeseeseeeeeeenees =e | 17 “That's not my ides of fun. {can't believe people have done thet. I'd love to do that! : How crazy can people be? Htsounds really (exciting), But why would people do that? I think its too (frightening). What an amazing idea! How do use this (printer)? Pat the paper in here Press the (green) button “This (mouse) isn't working well, Turn on your (speakers). i S s ae How do Hype with capital letters? os aves AVN AULUS VAL aU reaNer vate. coy 2. Jane is talking about some frightening activi activities she is talking about. sentence below. . Match A to B to complete her sentences and to find out which (V) those activities below and unscramble the letters to complete the _. € crazy can people be’ _ frowoveray watefl ) ing about dangerous activities. Write the dialogue between them. i 1. Claire dice que leyé sobre una chica interesante. Escald el monte Everest, Aflade que esa no es su | idea de diversion, | Claire: | 2. sim dice que a le encantara hacer eso. Aiade que suena realmente emocionante : Jim: oer 3. Claire dice que sus amigos nadaron con tiburones el afto pasado, Claire: eer z sim insane : 5. Claire le pregunta a lim sile gustaria saltar en paracaidas desde un avi6n. Claire: a 1. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple affirmative. cry © gor ride * watch + wash A. My father esse nnmnen Aelevision every night, 2. John and his brother sometimes... - bowling together. 3, Mel's baby sister... a» every night. 4, Loft co oecnssoennen~ My bike at weekends. 5. HE wruonsnunnsonn the dishes every evening, 2. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple. 4. Our English teacher... 7 homework every lesson. 2 cnn (Walk) 10 school every day. 3. My grandmother ~.(€ook) very well 4, Most people i the UK num (not speak) Chinese. 5. Jack — week. {not give) oom (OL get} a haircut every 3. Write questions with the words below. Use the Present Simple. Then complete the answers. 1. chips / you /ike OE omen = ae suet A No, 2, cakes/ yout father ake a cee eo eee A YO5, wen - 3. Tom are his fami / go /at weekends /on tips eens eee BYES, one seers 4, the maths teacher / every day / homework / give @ ep mane as A. NO, nn a at 5. in London / live / you eee eee eee eee eeereere et f A NO, nee Pel Choose the correct answer. 1. John loves sport, He often / never / rarely plays volleyball with his friends. 2. Mary doesn't like the water, so she always / often / ever goes to the swimming pool 3. Fm usually a good student, but | always / sometimes / never forget my homework. 4. Mis Smith is never late. She sometimes / usually / always gets to work on time, 5, Sally is quiet and shy and her hobby is reading. She always / rarely / often hangs out with friends. . Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Continuous. ‘ive * visit « not play « write + not talk a nein my English workbook right now. 2. We -sannmsnmnneree Volleyball at the moment. 3. MY UIE oe oe onnemnn he dag its lunch now. 4, Mr Brown's niece and nephew 0. him at his house today. 5. Sally... nf the phone right now. . Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Continuous. At the moment, Mis Clark *.ssgosnnn (beach) cass 9, but the students 2,.-u.—soun-m (Not listen) to het. Dick Aviad and Roger Thomson oo 2. (send) text messages on their mobile phones and Susie Sharp * (talk) to her friend, Rob Bains ®..n- (not study). He a _-~ listen) to music! Choose the correct answer. 1, Mir Brown usually... to work at 8.00 in the morning, ago b. goes going 2. At the moment, a bird ... near the window. a.issinging _b. sings care singing 3.1... Judo on Saturdays, a.leam ——b.amieaming «learns 44, John ... on the bus right now. a.issiiting —b. sits cst 5. We ... pizza now. a.don’teat b.isn'teating <. aren't eating sree 8. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous, Every Saturday, Sam one (hang out) with his friends. They often # ven (QO) to the ice rink or another {un place. Today, they're at the bowling alley. Sam and ill? (play) and Sue 4... (sith. She & (watch) them, LUCY aI80 8. cen nen ene (NOt lay) What”... she. (doy? She *.. {order} pizza for everyone. 9. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Past Simple affirmative. walk + study * stop » kick * talk * move 1. John's grandparents . from Scotland to England, 2. Ben’s grandfather, father and uncle at London University, Blan to school in the rain yesterday, 4, The light was red, $0 Dad on the car, 5. The friends on the telephone last, night. 6. Dave --~- the ball into the goal 10. Complete the chart. “BaseFor 1. say 2. gve oe Bo eee went 4. run SHEE 5. ane SOW 6. take a 11. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple. 4. Tom's father (rake) a great dinner last weekend 2. The baby... 3. Jenny and Brian house last night. 4, My friends and I... (cry) last night. _..(hot come} to our : (buy) a new computer game at the electronics shop yesterday, 51 (not see) David at the party last night Grammar Practice 12. Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple. 1 oe WE (leave) the party early? 2. om GAMMA ee annenn sons (CE) Mike at the library yesterday? 3. you (enjoy) the story? 4, the boys {come} home on time? 5 na Bob (send) you a text message? 13. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Past Simple. visit * dance * not go * read * not give 1 John to school yesterday. 2, My cousins Us last Saturday, sae lucy _.with Steven at the party fast night? 4, Mary's aunt... her a birthday present last year 5. YOU ares ieu nine the article? 14, Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of There was or There were. 1 some desks in the classroom, ‘The students used them to do their work 2 sn. television in the living room. People didn’t have televisions then, a 8 Cupboard. The teacher put the books init a. any windows, soit was dark in the room, Been any calculators in the classroom? 6 a whiteboard in the clessroorn? 7. senses & plano and | played some songs. Bo _— any paints, 80 | used my markers. 1, Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Past Continuous. not bake + not read © talk « watch « sit 1. Sally Hook in her bedroom at ten o'clock. 2. Mr and Mrs Angel television in the living room. 3. The dogs... sen 0 the Sofa at nine o'clock Ppesees a cake in the kitchen 5. Sue —_. vo-nsmmenne to her friend on the phone, 2. Write questions with the words below, Use the Past Continuous. Then complete the answers, 1. John / read a book ee 7 ee 2. the cats / eat fish A es eee eee 3.1/ talk loudly a AD No, 4. you / play tennis a: A Yes, 5. Sally / play computer games 3. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Use the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. 1. yesterday / Charlie /fove / the meal 2. rain / it /last night / at 11 o'clock 3. we / last year f not study / French 4 not drive / 10 work /1/ at half past seven / this morning 4, Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets, Use the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. oa (it) in the bus when | (ee) the thie! (begin) to rain while we (walk) in the park, 3. Debs (buy) a hot dog when Tom (score) the winning goal eveeeeene (Watch) TY, Me Chung (come) to the house. 4, While you... 5. Complete the sentences with the verbs betow. Use will. not come * rain * be + got 1. I'm sure Jean ae Swirnrning champion when she’s 18! 2, DO YOU THINK It ee tomorrow? 3. John doesn’t feel well, so he probably nae to schoo! tomorrow, yOu - a good mark in English this year? G. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets, Use the First Conditional. 1. YOU ceo sen (Win) the match if you play well as.a team, 2. iit (rain), we won't go on a picnic tomorrow. 3. Weill have the next lesson outside if the weather (be) good. 4. Ifyou (not eat) your lunch, you won't get any ice crear 7. write sentences with the words below, Use the First Conditional 1. if Gemma go to the party / she be tired tomorrow 2. if you use a thick sleeping bag / you not be cold 3. you not win the race /if you sit and eat all day 4. | buy the tickets / if you come to the concert a 8. Complete the text with the verbs in brackats, Use be going to. Newt week, I. (go) on holiday with my family. We ® (not stay) in ahotel. We® ee (Sleep) in a tent in the New Forest. My dad 4... (dive) us these in his car. There isn’t space for ail the family in the car, so my sister $ 7 {not travel with us. She §.. ide} her motorbike there, She ”. (Stop) on the way to visit friends, so we u -~ (arrive) a day before she does 9, Write questions with the words below. Use be going to. 1. Linda / pack / sun ¢ream Q ee 2, they / sleep / on waterproof mats Q a z 3. Jan / rise Fon Lim's scooter Q aaa inet 4, you / take / Hac kpacks or suitcases Q 7 5. we / buy /sovveniny Q esas 40. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Cantinuous with future meaning, not spend * wile have play «visit ut my grandparents soon, 2. Max - football tomorrow, 3. Kim and Fay —TV tonight. 4. We. much money on our holiday neat yes 5. you _@ big party fon your birthilay? 14. Complete the seritenies with the comparative form of the adjectives tn buckets. 1. That limousine nn (IQ) a taxi 2. The stucents «kas (noisy) the sturhonts i 4 Josie’s clothes aie He (elaborate) Lary’ ciathies 4. My marks wet __--(bad) my friend!’s man Hi ae ae seommeanmecisniti Grammar Practice 12. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. The president is... person in the USA, 2. The supermarket is er (crowded) place in our town, (important 3. Janet has got nemo en (long) hair it our cass, 4. Ben is, -insounne (FURRY) person ith our farrily 13. Complete the sentences with the comparative o1 superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1S on fbeauriful) Grota, 2. The black dog is... aeeeenencone (5all) BOQ in the pet shop. 3. YOUF FOO 5 nen (big) my FOO, 4. This programme is on. 7 (interesting) programme on TV, 5, My sister is... as (young) person in our family 14. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. Use less... than or the least ... Fe MBG 5 eee nnee nen 829) git in the class, 2, The blue trousers at@ ne cE (expensive) the red trousers. 3. This chair is _—~nm (comfortable) that chair. 4 this restaurant is oe (pleasant) restaurant in the atea. | don’t like it 15, Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. Use as... as, 100... oF (not)... enough. 1.1'm not going to buy that jacket! Its n-ne (@xPUNSIVE} 2. Max likes fast motorbikes. Max doesn’t ike my motorbike beCaUSE It'S. 7 (ast) 3. These clothes are .... = {gcod) the clothes in a boutique! They took areat 4.1'm 1.70 mil. rm. {ald to be in the basketball team. I'm playing next week. 8. These je2ns A°€.——rnennnee (small for me. My younger sister can wear them,

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