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Jessica Porcoro
Mrs. Harrell
English 3
May 14, 2015

Research Question: Should race be a factor in determining who to accept in college

Working Thesis Statement: Race should not be a major consideration in the college
admissions process, it should be based solely off merit.
Refined Thesis Statement:

Annotated Bibliography
Cohen, Carl. "Racial Considerations Are Arbitrary and Unconstitutional." College Admissions.
Ed. Dedria Bryfonski. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2015. Current
Controversies. Rpt. from "Supremely Overdue: With Fisher v. University of Texas, the
High Court Can Finally Put an End to Racial Preferences in University Admissions." The
Weekly Standard 18.3 (1 Oct. 2012). Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 7 May 2015.
This article Racial Considerations are Arbitrary and Unconstitutional talks about
how the acceptance of minority groups over majorities into colleges just because of their race
is wrong and unconstitutional. It first gives an example of a girl who went to court about her
situation where she believed she was not accepted into a college solely because she was not a
minority. The article also talks about the effects that racial considerations in college admissions
has on other Minority groups. It explains how at one point affirmative action, which is sort of a

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requirement For colleges to have a certain percentage of minority groups at there college) was
necessary with The civil rights movement and segregation happening in the country but today its
no longer Needed and does more harm than good. There is also examples of court cases where it
was deemed unconstitutional to pick one applicant over another based solely on race. I chose to
use this article because it gives a lot of Evidence to support the answer to my question, should
race be a factor in determining who to accept in college applications? Scientific evidence is also
given in this article on how diversity is not necessarily as beneficial on campuses as it is thought
to be. This article gives examples of why every group of people is negatively affected by racial
discrimination and affirmative action laws in colleges. Using this article I can use accurate
statistics and quotes from some well established people mentioned in the article to build a
stronger case on why racial profiling in college admissions should be stopped

"Preface to 'Should Race Be a Consideration in College Admissions?'." College Admissions. Ed.

Dedria Bryfonski. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2015. Current Controversies.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 7 May 2015
The article, Should Race be a Consideration in College Admission also talks about
some of the negative as well as some of the positive affects affirmative action and racial profiling
has on college campus as well as after college. Studies also show that it has a negative affect on
minority groups accepted into colleges mainly due to their race, because they have a
disadvantage going into the work field opposed to if they had went to a college based on their
academic skills alone. This article also talks about statistics, it gives peoples opinions on racial
preference in colleges, and affirmative action and gives minority and majority responses on the
issue. It also states how the supreme court feels on this issue and how it is unconstitutional but

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somewhat needed to assure diversity. This article will be helpful for my paper because it gives
the viewpoint of all different kinds of people in America. It gives an overview of how people
really feel in this country about the consideration of race and affirmative action in college
admissions. Also unlike my other article which had a viewpoint based mostly on studies and
speculation, this article has a more political viewpoint and contains facts and opinions that I can
use in my paper.

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