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ASA and Code of Practise

ASA- The Advertising Standards

What they do

The Advertising
Standards Authority is the UKs independent regulator of
advertising across all media. (Taken from the ASA website.)
They apply the Advertising Codes, which are written by the
Committees of Advertising Practice. Their work will include acting
on complaints and proactively checking the media to take action
against misleading, harmful or offensive advertisements.

ASA- The Advertising Standards

How they do it

Their aim is
to make sure that all the UK advertising, wherever it will appears is
legal, decent, honest and truthful and their preferred approach is to
work with, rather than against, the advertisers, agencies and media
to achieve this.
What effects it has on the production of my chosen magazine
The ASA will make sure every advertisement is
suitable of the audience. The Advertising Codes require that all
claims must be substantiated before being published or
aired.(Taken from the ASA website.) They work with CAP and work
to support the industry to help them with getting their ads right
before they are published.

ASA- The Advertising Standards

Judgments that have been made about my chosen
means that the magazine will have to follow the code of
practice set. The following codes that will be applied to
the magazine are: 01- Compliance, 02- Recognition of
marketing communications, 03 Misleading advertising,
06- Privacy, 08- sales promotions all this will be used so
they can check the magazine and if its not followed
there might be judgments made.

Code Of Practise
The advertising self-regulatory system is based on an
agreement between advertisers, agencies and media owners that
each will act in support of the highest standards in advertising, to
ensure that all ads are legal, decent, honest and truthful. The
Codes reflect requirements in law, but also contains many rules
that are not required by law at all.

Code Of Practise

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