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Standard 4.

Time: 9:00am- 10:20am
Curriculum area and topic: Inquiry Unit/ Personal Learning- Investigations
Learning Standards(s)/ Outcome(s)/ Objective(s):
We are learning to investigate areas of interest involving the play based learning
experiences around the prep/1 area.
Students are in charge of their own learning and investigations. They guide their own
learning and can identify their strengths and experiences that they enjoy and areas that
may be challenging. The aim of investigations is to develop persistence, determination
and to create active learners.
Supports active thinking about what
Learning experience/task details:
might be explored in the session
Tuning In: 15-20 mins max
Interview the three focus children
o What would you like to explore today?
o What would you like to learn more about
Supports inclusive participation and
encourages collaboration and teamwork
o Discuss areas of interest
Introduce the Photographer
o Task- Photographer will have to work together with the reporter and
decide on the objects they will take photos of
Introduce the Reporter
o Task- The reporter will report on the photographs using positional
language, describing where each object is located e.g. the book is
under the table
Development: 5 mins
Identify the learning experiences available for exploration
Writers workshop- label pictures, Christmas cards
Reading- different environments
Religion- godly play, story angel visits Mary
Dramatic play- kitchen
Creating- hessian sewing
Sensory- sandbox with rice
Construction- box construction
Science- chrysalis observation
Tinkering- balsa wood
Maths- location

Remind students of the rules when observing the chrysalis- NO TOUCHING

Rules when in the tinkering area- using nails safely
Remind students of how many students at each station

Encouraged student

Develops student engagement as the teacher

provides enabling or extending prompts

Consolidation: 30mins
Students will use this time to engage in play-based learning experiences. Teacher will
rove, provide assistance and prompt students learning and investigations of learning to
further extend their thinking.
Closure: 15mins
The bell will be rung and students are instructed to leave their play based learning
objects where they are and return to the mat. Focus children will engage in share time
where they identify their learning from the investigation session.
Students will then be instructed to reset their areas and return to the carpet when the
area is clean and tidy.
Identifies student participation and
engagement. Learning is made visible as
children articulate what they explored

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