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The Egyptian Days

Three days there are in the year that we call Egyptiaci, that is in our
tongue dangerous days, on which by no means, for no necessity, let
either mans or beasts blood be diminished. The first of these is the
Monday nearest to the end of the month which we call April. The
second is the first Monday after the beginning of the month which we
call August. The third is the first Monday after the end of the month of
December. Whosoever on these three days diminish his blood, be it
man, be it beast, shall, as we have heard say, soon on the first day or
the fourth day end his life; or if his life is longer he shall not reach the
seventh day; or if he taketh any draught on those three days he shall
end his life within fifteen days. If any one is born on these days he
shall end his life by an evil death. And he that on these days tasteth
flesh of goose, within a space of forty days he shall end his life.

Anglo-Saxon Magic and Medicine. J. H. G. Grattan and Charles Singer

Oxford University Press 1952. Oxford, p. 199. Folcroft Library Editions,
Folcroft Pa, 1971.

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