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Jay-Ar Llamido

Honors English 12
Block 3A

A Modest Proposal
A modest proposal for helping the homeless in the United States during their time of need
and providing them a better life.
There is a lot that happens around the world we cannot control. We cannot stop
earthquakes, we cannot prevent droughts, and we cannot prevent all conflict, but when we know
where the hungry, the homeless and the sick exist, then we can help (Jan Schakowsky). Many
people are living outside in cardboard boxes, sidewalks, under statues, parks and many other
places. Americans are losing jobs because jobs are being shipped overseas to foreign countries
like China. They are trying to provide themselves with a good style of living and for their
families. If these jobs are being taken, they get evicted from their house or apartment. That
would begin their journey into their new life, becoming homelessness and poor.
In January 2013, the amount of Americans that were homeless were 578, 424. They are
walking around, sitting in front of intersections, standing in front of stores, and many other
places where they can solicit people for money. Their constant begging for your help in giving
them money, the horrible, wrenching, smell as they near you, and the horrible use of their
money; these are reasons as to why we should help them. They are using up all of American
taxpayer dollars to be held in Jail, use the hospital, be treated for drug-abuse, and emergency
shelter funds; this total comes out to be $29, 501 annually per person. The total cost for every
homeless person in America is $12,397,940,020 annually, the funds for the emergency shelter
were removed in this total. The homeless need a new life and only, we, as the people can help

them into this new life. The only solution to help the homeless is to round them up and kill them
or massive genocide. This would be a massive gathering of people for eradication like Hitler and
the Holocaust except not as bad and less people.
The people can begin to take action into their own hands. People and some homeless tend
to fight about whether the person will help them out and give them money. People complain
about giving them money and whether they go and buy food or if they buy cigarettes and
alcohol. The massive truth is that they mostly buy drugs. People tend to get furious that their
money is being used to buy drugs when their intention to help is being used for selfish reasons.
People can help begin the removal of the homeless by eliminating them on the street, parks, and
many other places. The homeless can be removed by the people or a new law can come into
The President of the United States can issue a massive military round-up. If a massive
amount of people want the homeless to be eradicated then they can go, make a bill, or complain
by assembling. Military squads can go all across the country, from city to city, and gather all the
homeless people. They will be brought to a special, undisclosed location and they will be killed
at this location. The will of the people is the reason that they get elected into office. The military
grouping process is able to be sped up by the help of the people.
After the President issues the massive military round-up, people can go and drop
homeless people off at military bases to help speed up the process. Dropping homeless off will
provide them a new life. People can kill homeless people themselves or drop them off at military
bases. This is to save people time to do it and the military can handle it with a swift action. Why
should people not help out with assembling all the homeless people in the United States?

People are afraid that homeless could fight back when people are trying to kill them but
their eradication is for the good of society. If people do not feel comfortable with killing them
then they can just be dropped off at a military base. The military round-up will not happen
without the approval of the government but the people elected those representatives and the
President because they will pursue the peoples will. If the people do not like the government,
then the people can overthrow the government and start over. A homeless rebellion could start up
but how would they get their weapons to fight back? They would use bats and beer bottles to
fight a highly trained military unit? That is just like trying to run through a line-up of automatic
weapons that are shooting at you.
No one will benefit from the eradication of homeless people. The amount of money
needed to bring about a massive military round-up will be too much for the American economy
to sustain. They deserve a better life but not by killing them off. We should help them so that
they understand that their is a better way of living for them and they should try to find the best
route for them in the world. Homeless people are not all bad, they are trying to decide on a good
decision that will better themselves as an individual. I will not benefit from this solution cause I
give the homeless money if I have spare money because they are just trying to survive. Helping
them will allow them to realize that they just need help from other people to better themselves.

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