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Session 1 Fill-in-the-Blanks

Instructions: While watching Session 1, fill in the missing words according to the information presented
by the instructor. [References are found in the brackets.]
1. To view the Metro Interface from the desktop, you can press the windows
2. The escape


option in Excel will give you an overview of Excel.

3. The most commonly used options

[Excel Interface]

[Excel Interface]

appear when the Quick Access toolbar dropdown arrow is clicked.

[More Commands, Popular Commands]

4. All the groups with the requisite buttons

5. The import and export

will always appear in the same order.

[Customize Ribbon]

button is very useful for working on more than one machine.

[Add, Remove, Custom Buttons]

Navigating Excel
6. The Excel worksheet is really divided into columbs

and rows

[Touch Screen, Document Window]

7. If you press Ctrl+ home

, it will take you to the very top of the worksheet.

8. If you press Ctrl+ down arrow

, it will take you to the bottom entry.

[Basic Navigation]

[Basic Navigation]

9. The escape

key will exit you out of an open dialog box.

10. When you right-click, you will get a/n in contacts

. [Esc Key, Undo, Right Click (3 Best Friends)]

menu and you can see what your options are.

[Esc Key, Undo, Right Click (3 Best Friends)]

11. Hit the Windows logo key and the D key to go directly to the destop

and back.

[3 Windows Keys]

12. The F1 key brings up the help


13. The F7 key brings up spell check

14. Ctrl+Z is undo

31 | Session 1

[Function keys]

in all Windows programs.

15. Paste is Ctrl+ v

16. Ctrl+A is select all

[Function keys]


[Control keys]

[Copy, Paste, Print, Select All]

[Copy, Paste, Print, Select All]

Excel 2013 Project Workbook

Creating and Manipulating Data

17. The small black square at the corner of a selected cell is known as the AutoFill

handle, or range

[Entering Data]

18. The AutoFill handle helps you copy

cell content except when youre dealing with dates.

[Entering Data]

19. Ctrl+D is used to fill down absolutly

20. Reletive

[Expand Data]

would mean that it would change from cell to cell.

21. The active cell is the one that you have highlighted

Managing Worksheets
22. The four headed

[Expand Data]

[Active Cells]

arrow indicates that something can then be moved.

[Managing Worksheet, Copy and Move]

23. If you hold the Ctrl key and then you drag the cell, you can make a perfect duplicate

[Managing Worksheet, Copy and Move]

24. To copy a sheet to another workbook, it is a Ctrl and drag

25. To unhide the sheet
then select unhide.

[Copy and Move Workbook]

columns, it may be a good idea to select all, right-click on a column letter, and
[Rename, Inserting, Deleting, Worksheet]

Paste Special

26. Via the Paste mechanism, you are able to paste formats, values, and even do something called transpose

[Windows Copy and Paste Rule]

27. When copying and pasting between files of the same application, it will always take on the formatting characteristics of the


[Windows Copy and Paste Rule]

28. Transpose means to take information in rows and put it into columns; take information in columms
and put it into rows.

[4 Steps of Paste Special]

29. The Paste Special step 3 is to set the target; meaning, place the courser

where you intend to do the

[4 Steps of Paste Special]

Changing Views
30. When you open up a file, it starts off by default, at 100

32 | Session 1

% view.

[Change Views, Zoom]

Excel 2013 Project Workbook

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