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Coaster Challenge Finalists

Judge # _____


Most Unique Roller Coaster Name

You are looking for the coaster that has a unique nameit
does not have to be tied to mathematics at all.

Most Creative Roller Coaster

You are looking for the coaster / poster that you believe is
the most creativelook at the colors used, how the poster
is decorated, how the poster is laid out, and if it looks
overall to be a project that the student put time and effort

Best / Most Thrilling Roller Coaster Ride

You are looking for the coaster that has the best or most
thrilling ridelook at the number of hills it has throughout,
how high up and down it goes, how often it changes
direction, and the loop (s).

Best Overall Roller Coaster

This should be the poster that stood out to you the most, it
should have all the qualities listed above and then some.
This award should be for the group you feel went above
and beyond, presenting their project far better than
anyone else in the class.

Honorable Mention
You are looking for the coaster who met all requirements,
but didnt go above and beyond, yet still produced a very
The Winners
from the Semi-Finalists
nice coaster.


Coaster Challenge Finalists

Judge # _____


Most Unique Roller Coaster Name

You are looking for the coaster that has a unique nameit
does not have to be tied to mathematics at all.

Most Creative Roller Coaster

You are looking for the coaster / poster that you believe is
the most creativelook at the colors used, how the poster
is decorated, how the poster is laid out, and if it looks
overall to be a project that the student put time and effort

Best / Most Thrilling Roller Coaster Ride

You are looking for the coaster that has the best or most
thrilling ridelook at the number of hills it has throughout,
how high up and down it goes, how often it changes
direction, and the loop (s).

Best Overall Roller Coaster

This should be the poster that stood out to you the most, it
should have all the qualities listed above and then some.
This award should be for the group you feel went above
and beyond, presenting their project far better than
anyone else in the class.

Honorable Mention
You are looking for the coaster who met all requirements,
but didnt go above and beyond, yet still produced a very
The Winners
from the Semi-Finalists
nice coaster.


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