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22/4/1435 Thoughts on Excerpts for The ECK Dream 1 Discourses

The companion CD to The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp has the code
ENDR01CD upon is and includes 14 clips from talks by Harold Klemp. I will attempt to
offer some free thought about the Excerpts for the ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold
as I listened to it. So far that is at least three times. Would those who listened
to the CD be disapproving of my commentary? A lot of them would. Would those who
read my commentaries on some of the discourses or this CD be disappointed in the
content of the discourses or CD? It seems a number of them certainly would. I
wouldn't recommend the Eck study program to another, because of its risks spiritually
and mentally. Certainly I have seen people harmed both ways through Eckankar in this
life. Am I wrong? Is it worth it for you?
"The Universal Nature of Dreams, Part 1" from The Universal Nature of Dreams
Parts 1 and 2, 1989 ECK European Seminar, audiocassette #101391 & Chapter 11 of The
Dream Master, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 8, #011303 has the selection for the Welcome
letter. Eckankar refers to dreams as trips to heaven. Does Heaven change really
change as Harold Klemp says or do we change? Dreams may often have more relevance
than mere symbology, but I don't think this necessitates a belief that dreams are
always an imperfect memory of a soul in a spiritual dimension. It does seem true
that what we remember of the inner and outer life is real and important. I do not
think we need to explain all features of difference as carry-overs from past lives.
Can't God determine to test us by excess or lacking? I agree that dream are a
"A Great Love for God, Part 2" from A Great Love for God, Parts 1 and 2/An
Ordinary Day in the Life of Soul, 1991 ECK Worldwide Seminar, audiocassette #101531 &
Chapter 2 of What is Spiritual Freedom? Mahant Transcripts, Book 11, #011303 has the
selection Lesson 1 or Dreams-The Bridge to Heaven. Accepting one's self as a soul
and/or spirit is certainly a step. When we focus on or analyze our dreams; they may
become clearer as time goes on. Certainly the ability to find meaning and purpose
should improve. Dream time is shown to contain a recollection of the past. Dream
study may very well have even more importance than that. We should love God for the
little things in life. God does show love for creation in ways that go unnoticed.
One can say that Eckist do not actually work with their leader as a Dream Master.
What do they work with beyond their own projections? Is symbolism of dreams more of
something to get past or something to work on.
"The Dream Master, Part 1, " from The Dream Master, Parts 1 and 2, 1988 ECK
Worldwide Seminar, audiocassette #101321 & Chapter 1 of The Dream Master, Mahanta
Transcripts, Book 8, #011273 has the selection for lesson 2 or The Dream Master.
Mahanta mays Way-Shower. To an extent people only have the power we acknowledge and
allow them to have. A Living Eck Master or Mahanta can't actually work individually
on the inner with his disciples; much less any one else. No guru or so-called world
savior can do that. Harold Klemp speaks in this talk about the inner and outer
teachings providing a layout of the inner or spiritual realms. Is this just
projecting a format upon one's system of reality or consciousness.
"The Hundredth Monkey," from How the ECK Works Every Day/The Hundredth Monkey/Gas
of God? 1987 International Youth Conference, audiocassette # 101231 & Chapter 9 of
Unlocking the Puzzle Box, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 6, #011253 has the selection for
lesson 3 or The Ways of the Dream Master. The Formula Two technique here in is
saying HU (like Hugh or hue) once and breathing, than twice then breathing is like
the technique for the Planes by saying Hu (a non directed word for God) or one's
secret word the number of times of the plane and then breathing the same number of
times. That would mean one for the Physical Plane; two for the Astral Plane; three
for the Causal Plane; four for the Mental or Etheric Plane (top of Mental Plane);
five for the Soul Plane or Atma Lok; six for the Alakh Lok; seven for the Alaya Lok;
eight for the Hukikat Lok; nine for the Agam Lok; ten for the Anami Lok; eleven for
the Sugmad World; twelve for Sugmad; more for the planes beyond that for Akshar
realization of the many planes beyond that which are not realized. An important
thing with dreams may be to write down even the insignificant ones as soon as you
can. I would think it would be very beneficial to make a regular habit of recording
one's spiritual life. Doing spiritual exercises of some sort puts more of life in
that context. The Formula Two Technique certainly is a combination of focus on the
Physical and Astral Plane. One is deemed as dwelling on the level of ones initiation
instead of just visiting it through techniques such as this. Does anyone really

visit other realms by such techniques? Is it all senses, emotions, memories, the
intellect, and intuition that really performs the journey? Either way, we can learn
of a broader spectrum of life.
In the Spiritual Notebook by Paul Twitchell page 119 describes a descent of
meaning for the planes as The Ocean of Love and Mercy with planes above Sugmad or God
as a Noun. Isn't it a debasement of God's position to place It lower than any
reality? The Sugmad world must be like the Atzilut of the Qabalists and the Allahut
of the Sufis. This is the appropriate way we deem God as revealed in the original
scriptures by God's prophets (Paul Twitchell seemed to think prophets were lower than
Eck Masters, of which he considered himself the 971st, and discouraged thinking of
him as a prophet from what I can see.). Below God is the Nameless Plane,
Inaccessable Plane, the Highest State Soul Generally Reaches, the Endless World, the
Invisible World, the Dividing Plane, the Unconscious (the Etheric Plane), Kal
Niranjan (God of Time Without Fear is said to be the source of Orthodox or correctly
believing religions), the Plane of Negative Reality that Effects All Below, Turiya
Pad or the Source of Psychic Phenomenon and the Occult, and Pinda (the Plane of
Matter or everyday life in the scientifically verifiable world. Many faiths and
philosophies would deem the divisions as somewhat arbitrary as they can all be
considered to be where an individual is. The religious and not merely churchy can be
said to dwell in God or with God at the times where he is in The State of Absolute
Righteousness and even moments of failure may not take an individual from this
station. Do you see any reason to doubt that the first 4 or 5 of these are not
metaphysical at all? Some would say the physical, psychedelic, truly metaphysical
(unfallen angels or light beings and fire beings or fallen angels), and God are
present. Why should God be bound to the time-space-mater continuum?
"The Eternal Dreamer, Part 1," from The Eternal Dreamer, Parts 1 and 2, 1988 ECK
Creative Arts Festival, audiocassette #101301 & Chapter 11 of The Eternal Dreamer,
Mahanta Transcripts, Book 7, #011263 has the selection for lesson 4 or How to
Remember Your Dreams. People do sometimes burn out and fail, because they don't work
there way into matters. Some may not remember dreams well; at first. Some may not
be able to keep a diary well; at first. Sometimes the lessons or messages in a dream
or experience may not mean much to other people, but that is no reason not to make
notes. They may mean something later. Harold Klemp agrees with Al Mooslimeen in
this era about Friday being a special day to do things one may only do once a week.
The example he gives is witting in a dream journal.
"The Eternal Dreamer, Part 1," from The Eternal Dreamer, Parts 1 and 2, 1988 ECK
Creative Arts Festival, audiocassette #101301 & Chapter 11 of The Eternal Dreamer,
Mahanta Transcripts, Book 7, #011263 has the selection for lesson 5 or Understanding
Our Dreams. Inner experiences may be strange or amazing, but Harold Klemp notices
change more than anything else. The dream world is interesting, but that doesn't
mean it is all beyond imagination. We should not inflate the experiences we have.
Harold Klemp often disorganizes speech and it becomes very hard to find out why
something is in a talk by a particular title. Does he makes light of this in order
to distract from the fact he make still have a schizophrenia category disorder.
"The Eternal Dreamer, Part 2," from The Eternal Dreamer, Parts 1 and 2, 1988 ECK
Creative Arts Festival, audiocassette #101301 & Chapter 12 of The Eternal Dreamer,
Mahanta Transcripts, Book 7, #011263 has the selection for lesson 6 or How to
Interpret Your Dreams. Attitudes of dream characters may help one to identify who
you are dreaming about. Does a bad dream really mean others are out to get you? Do
others really intrude on your inner world? It seems true that we may be able to
handle more exposure to factors as we develop, though.
"Charlie and Moon," from It Matters to This Starfish/Charlie and Moon/The First
Year of the Shariyat, 1987 World Wide of ECK Seminar, audiocassette #101271 & Chapter
2 of The Eternal Dreamer, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 7, #011263 has the selection for
lesson 7 or Dreams in Our Daily Life. Eck in the context of this talk is God's
Speech through light and sound. The sound scheme for the realms according to current
Eckankar teaching goes outwards as Alayi (Upon/Power), Kala (Time), Mana (Mind), Baju
(Seed), Sugmad (God We Seek), Shanti (Peace), Hum (put forth), Aluk
(Ambassador/Invisible/Compounds [Aaloke means light in Saamskrita]), Huk (A breathing
haq means truth), Hu (It or The Pronoun). The goal is to listen and identify till
one can turn off the lower sounds till one hears the so-called sound behind all. Is
this really HU?

"A Larger Room," from Sunshine and Sparkle.The Right of Choice/A Larger Room,
1994 ECK Worldwide Seminar, audiocassette #101691 & Chapter 3 of The Secret of Love,
Mahanta Transcripts, Book 14, #011333 has the selection for lesson 8 or how We Learn
in the Dream State. Plans to go somewhere makes one wonder who is involved.
Initiations are supposed to be exposure to areas where you don't know something.
Harold Klemp talks about how Eck Masters and all human masters are not omniscient.
Wouldn't you also agree that it is also silly for such individuals to claim they have
power to control people who don't believe in or even know of? Wouldn't you agree
that even the best of people have more to accomplish in life before the death of the
body? Sometimes a person might learn something in a dream that they don't have
conscious recollection before hand. Sometime the circumstance around the dreamer
provides for the recollection to occur. I have also found it sometimes influences
the dream itself. The First Eck Initiation is said to usually come in the first year
of Eckankar membership when a person has committed to the ECK Study program. The
actuality is this happens when corporate sees someone has ordered the second year of
membership. The Eckist is usually a person that will perform spiritual exercises
without knowing the meaning of even the words involved. Is such blind repetition
really such a good idea?
Harold Klemp is right about there always being another
step and different levels of consciousness; even if you don't believe there are Eck
Masters on other planes of existence.
"Lessons and Blessings," 2006 ECK Worldwide Seminar, audiocassette #102121, CD
#102131, DVD #202332 & The Master's Talks in The year of Giving-2006-7, #019074 has
the selection for lesson 9 or Our Dreams of Purpose. Spiritual practices before
sleeping can help even people with no belief in the afterlife with sleep disorders
get a good night's sleep. Harold Klemp explains unexplained pains with occurrences
in past lives. Sometimes this idea doesn't scare children. Sometimes dreams seem
more real than regular life. Family sharing in spiritual practice and experiences
can be very good for them. There may be a clear recollection of doing something or
being something in a dream that one has never been or done. Does itr make more sense
to deem this a past life or the imagination?
"The Dream of Life," from The Dream of Life/Lessons from the Master, 1988 ECK
European Seminar, audiocassette #101311 & Chapter 13 of The Eternal Dreamer, Mahanta
Transcripts, Book 7, #011263 has the selection for lesson 10 or Gifts of the Dream
Master. Dreams of the future may not be at all prophetic dreams. Muhammad the
Prophet taught that the prophetic dream is one of the parts of prophethood that will
remain with humans after he dies. Sometimes a dream has a lesson like not fighting
the inevitable or not letting anything bother you that doesn't need to. What seems
prophetic may very well be another insight into one's self or life. Does Harold
Klemp really expect people to seriously think he is controlling everyone's dreams?
The tools to deal with dreams and experiences in Eckankar are not unique to that
group, as far as I can tell, unless you mean something very specific.
"Dreamland: Have It Your Way, Part 1," from Dreamland: Have It Your Way, Parts 1
and 2, 1989 ECK Springtime Seminar, audiocassette #101341 & Chapter 6 of The Dream
Master, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 8, #011273 has the selection for lesson 11 or
Looking at Our Past. Do people really make appointments to meet up in non physical
planes? Is the truth behind "Souls has no past or future," be that we are to live in
the present? I think using creativity to figure out the dream as it goes along
sounds a lot like lucid dreaming. Is Harold Klemp pretending when he claims to
remember what people write him claiming to forget about? It sure seems like he went
out of his way to invent an experience around one of his main interests-the Old West.
"The Road to Spiritual Freedom," 2002 ECK Worldwide Seminar, audiocassette
#102021, DVD #202252 has the selection for lesson 12 or Dream Travel to Soul Travel.
The distinction between dream and soul travel seems arbitrary. If soul god out when
we sleep, we may be aware of it at times. If a dream is like being awake, it may
just mean we are more conscious of it. Sometimes we may remember a experience where
our own nature or reactions will be found on others and we should identify that when
it occurs.
"The Universal Nature of Dreams, Part 2," from The Universal Nature of Dreams,
Parts 1 and 2, 1989 ECK European Seminar, audiocassette #101391 & Chapter 12 of The
Dream Master, Mahanta transcripts, Book 8, #011273 has the selection for the What's
Next? letter. Spiritual goals may very well have material value. Dreams and
creative imagination is best used and may be bestowed on us for the purpose of
connecting to God-to whom all returns.

Baraka Bashad (May the Blessings be)!

24/4/1435 Introduction and Welcome to The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp
Page ii has the label that is so often a part of Eckankar books by Harold Klemp
and implied for the other books by him or before August 7th, 1983 by Darwin Gross or
Paul Twitchell. That is to say like "authored and published under the supervision of
the Mahanta, the Living Eck Master, Sri Harold Klemp. They are the word of ECK." It
seems that, as far as we know from what we have, that the prophets and messengers of
God did not consider all their words after gaining the prophet hood to be God's
revealed word or even completely inspiration. That is why the prophetic figures of
old identified what teachings were quotes and which were authoritative explanations
of metaphysical or religious matters. There personal character may have been to be
submissive to God's will, but the personal tastes and styles were largely not an
explicit part of their own teachings. Is the highest conscious being is a mahanta?
What do you think of a leader claiming to only write and speak quoting divine spirit
or God as a Verb?
Page vii of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp says that Harold Klemp is
the Dream Master. Could this be part of the same delusions of grandeur he mentions
being questioned about during a psychiatric hospital stay for a condition like
paranoid schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder brought on by his heavy drinking
and poor eating at the time and when younger? He still admits in Spiritual Wisdom on
Healing to bouts of it or a somatic form of schizophrenia from eating mistakes and
being overwhelmed by over exposure to certain elements in his surroundings.
The new format of the Eck discourses is to make the books twice as big with
workbook pages and to have a CD with it. It seems to be like having a members only
Eck Satsang class; even when none is available for the discourse on is on. Few areas
with Eckankar centers would have one going for each of the discourse series that the
local members are one. One of the two leaders for the Eck Writers/Journaling
Meetings said he was currently doing four at a time. A brief review of this second
of a series of seventeen is showing that the workbook pages are no more profound than
you'd expect the eighteen years old or older individuals who are reading them to come
up with. I would most strongly agree that making some record of one's spiritual life
and developing an awareness of one's experience in that context is a good idea.
Is Harold Klemp a true friend of those who have to pay to be a member of his
group or those who worship him at all? Is dreams the most interesting study? I
believe it is for some. Does he really start off this discourses series explaining
the true nature of dreams? I would agree that the spiritual exercises are the best
part of the discourses, when they are appropriate. Eckankar seems not to focus on
them being for devotion or out of love of God as much as to witness sights and sounds
in a spiritual way. Are any of them revealed especially from God? I'll let you make
your own decision regarding that as you read what I share. The first page is right
about both being a newcomer on a spiritual path being as a new spiritual life and
that the holy can cleanse what remains of your previous existence. Is the message
about the secret rhythm and mentions of the discourses being of God to cause people
to feel privileged and thereby imbibing it with a status? Is that a reality?
The third page calls to make a note of that drew attention and the emotional
reaction to the Welcome letter. I have shared the former and latter can be guessed
by the mixed reaction.
The fourth page ask to visualize whomever the Mahanta of Eckankar is opening the
gateway to the inner worlds. I don't believe in all that, but I can visualize just
about any material thing. Bouncing a reflection or something into my peripheral
vision when I watch a show is one thing, but I'd rather picture myself opening the
way to my own inner worlds. I've watched too many movies and shows to not picture
the gateways as not in some way like for a mansion or a technological device. On the

other side for me is like my own private musing and alterations of what is on the
outside. Is that what the gate and inside is like for you too?
The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp, page 5 has the third workbook exercise
for the Welcome letter. How is any human the Inner Master? I can't see myself
treating a Living Eck Master as the voice inside my head who controls me. Would that
scare you too?
I have and will ask God to find out even one item to improve with my
spiritual practices, though. My studies and interactions with other continue to
provide me with next steps at times. Often it is just personal reactions that cause
me to sense what I should do next.
The next page calls one to imagine a baptism in spirit-Baphomet as you will.
Many faiths call for an introductory washing that is also spiritual. Here the
imagining of being bathed in God's presence as water is called for. September 23,
2000 C.E. is When I became Jaefar Saaee An Bak Ntjr Wae. That and my formal
confession of faith at the Jumah before Ramadan were such experiences. It was as if
I was being washed of the old by Heaven in a way even before those first born-again
baths taken later by myself; which were also special in feeling. The change in my
life I notice was as if something was lifted. I can do practices of the presence of
God and that the shekinah/light beings/holy spirits are witnesses with or without
light visualizations and find a comfort beyond mere escape. I guess that is more
than one difference that has brought me closer to God and knowing death is closer.
Page 7 has the fifth Welcome workbook exercise. I again won't pray to anyone who
would call themselves Mahanta for a personal spiritual exercise. One reason is I
have my own ways. Another is I only feel comfortable praying to God for ways to
express my personal understandings. I want my ways inline with God's. I'll focus on
my obligations and what is recommended. Voluntary practices will surely come in
time; within boundaries.
Baraka Bashad (May the Blessings be)!
23/5/1435 Pleasant Review of Your Day Today & The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold
Klemp Lesson 1
Before this discourse started on page x has a photo of Harold Klemp half
grinning. The caption makes it unmistakable that he is whom he refers to as The
Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. Don't be mistaken as to whom is being mentioned when
these terms come up, until he dies and is replaced by another.
Lesson 1 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp is called, "Dreams-The
Bridge to Heaven."
The illustration on page 8 is of a woman shielding her eyes from
the sun atop a mountain. She is not to well protected from the elements, even though
snow is in the background, but she tries to see onward.
The next page has the caption to the drawing. It is about starting a journey to
one's innermost self that isn't started. I thought that is what they claimed was
being started by joining, if not looking into Eckankar.
Eckankar claims to center on love. Love of what? What kind of love? The claim
for the Eck Dream 1 Discourses and Stranger by the River by Paul Twitchell has the
same claim attributed to it here. The first quote from that book that is said to
have recorded occurrences near the Jhellum River that runs through Srinagar of
Kashmir mentions a love that destroys all else being compared to freedom. The second
quote of this book said to be interactions with a space alien that took on the form
and culture of a Tibetan mentions a love that starts in the heart and get developed.
This is said to sprout into freedom and truth. Love is referred to as the center and
start of spiritual growth. Al Qoor'aan 2.165 mentions a love for God that is greater
than the love of all others being linked to realization of the truth and doing
otherwise stifling freedom. Al Qoor'aan 3.31 asks one to love and follow the prophet
of the age, if we truly love God and want forgiveness. The next verse calls for an
obedience to God and the messenger prophet to earn divine love too.
Eckankar here calls people to follow a program as well, but in order to gain an
understanding of dreams which is really an understanding of self. Al Qoor'aan 13.11
and other passages refer to a change that comes from the inside being what happens
before God changing a condition. Harold Klemp on page 111 agrees with this philosophy
in a way, but speaks in terms of dreaming into reality rather than the way intention

is mentioned by the prophet of this age; Muhammad. It may be important to question

as Al Qoor'aan 52.32 says, "Is it their dreams that dictate their behavior or are
they naturally wicked?" At least Eckankar attempts to put things in a spiritual
context. Does that rather than religious context from a man who went to Lutheran
ministry school makes the mention of growth and Eck sound selfish or elitist to you
too? Eck here is spoken of as either an angle, angels, or God as a Verb. People
mean different things by Holy Spirit other than Gabriel or Jibreel or Vohu Manu of
the monotheist faiths.
In Eckankar dreams are thought of as direct manifestations of God as sound and
light. Usually this is merely psychedelic phenomenon produced by the brain and body.
It doesn't take much experience to realize there is more than sights and sounds in
dreams. The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp are said to focus on the creative
side of dreams and dream interpretation. The implication is clear that Harold Klemp
admits that many psychologist would not give the response that Al Qoor'aan 12.44 has
when it says, "They said, 'Nonsense Dreams. When it comes to the interpretation of
dreams, we are not knowledgeable." Eckankar wants to provoke an interest in dreams
where individuals develop a broad interest and personalized system of interpretation
of dreams. How does this compare to the teaching of interpretation of dreams that
God provided for Yousuf in The Two Lands now called Egypt mentioned in Al Qoor'aan
this another way by which that prophet was taught by experience? Is the
teaching of people like Harold Klemp about people always being the best to interpret
their dreams part of their separation from orthodox (correctly believing).religion,
psychiatry, and psychology? The goal of Eckankar on page twelve is to surpass mere
wisdom and attain God-consciousness. Much in the way of parinirvana found in Buddhi
Yoga; Al Qoor'aan 2.0-3 starts in God's name with a mystery and calls the Godconscious to Al Qoor'aan, Contact Prayers, and to give alms.
Eckankar spiritual exercises are typically easy ones and are prescribed as at
least daily for members. Whether you call it a Spiritual Eye or emotions, mind, and
intuition; dreams and visions involves different parts of you and that is what
translates the experience even when it involves metaphysical elements. I would
wholeheartedly agree with the statement that souls have more than physical
experiences, but disagree on the idea that they are always reworked into what we can
handle. I am fine with gaps in my understanding and don't believe in changing an
account when it is not readily understood. Eckankar speaks of a dream censor as a
function rather than a being. Sometimes suppression of memory is intentional; on
some level. I believe God does not give us more than we can bear or withstand
temptation from, but the idea that it scrambles messages when they are too strong
seems refuted by modern brain science. One function of dreams is they help us
remember. Another function of dreams, from the scientific point of view, is to
reorganize and work out what we were involved with during the day. Therefore the
seeming abstraction or fragmentation of dreams can very well be explained by our
working out what we encountered during the day in another way than we may typically
do. All this combined with the findings on living cells making records of the light
and sound they encounter explains the astral library or spiritual records sort of
experiences people have; at least partially. Anyone who has been troubled with a
recurring dream and had it go away or change upon interpretation of its symbols may
know that The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp page 14 does make a valid point
about being forced into making an interpretation.
Are the Heavens according to Eckankar reality? Eckankar teachings refer to Paul
the founder of Christianity his vague statements on heaven as a hallmark of
Christian ignorance of spiritual realms. Paul does seem to refer to something he and
his followers has an obscured viewpoint of that will be made clear someday. Did Paul
Twitchell, Darwin Gross, and Harold Klemp provide an actual look into divine
Dreams and visions are often either of the unknown and can be
contradictory to what we have been taught in church or temple. Is the Ocean of Love
and Mercy described as The Worlds of Eck-God-Sugmad actually projections upon the
psychedelic structure of consciousness?
The Story of Alexandra Costa called Stepping Down from the Star is mentioned on
page 15 through 18. She became loyal to the Americans in 1970. She was a well
educated upper class woman in Russia. She and her husband were ordered to try to get
Russian documents published. She was amazed to find out how different it was in the
U.S.A. than what her government told her. The stories had a grain of truth, but they
were not the general conditions. There were so many conveniences! A trip home to

the Soviet Union left them feeling like they had little in common with their
countrymen. They went back to the States and found sympathy in the other Russian
immigrants. Eckankar involvement is said to be a similar culture shock of no return
to many. The government of the U.S.A. helped her family adjust after they formally
Alexandra Costa still ran short of provisions one period and began to
doubt her abandonment of the familiar. She was soon provided for and prevention of a
repeat of that sort of situation was established.
Sometimes what we adapt to is not needed for survival or even coping. The old
system of actions looses its strength as a new system is adapted. This sometimes has
to be done slowly in order to not leave people lacking what they left behind. The
new system should ultimately replace every truth or value with equal or better
eventually, if it has the whole truth. I have found this true for Islam throughout
the ages. Al Qoor'aan 2.106 does not speak of Quran being made obsolete, but of
locally relevant revelations being forgot or otherwise replaced by the directions for
living in this international age. In as much as all the verses no two verses can be
followed Quranic abrogation is an unnecessary belief that was picked up during the
crusade period. the other way of translating the passage as forgotten verses can't
apply to a book compiled hundreds of times over hundreds of years with exactly the
same verses in to the letter in each dialect they were written. Even Al Qoor'aan was
gradually learned in its specific order by Prophet Muhammad as is mentioned in Al
Qoor'aan 25.32. This occurred from 610-633 of the Common Era. During this time
Muhammad received other revelation and was inspired to explain the Sunatullah or
God's Way of this age in terms that did not place man as superior over woman, nor one
race as superior to another, nor people of one land as superior to another, except in
terms of how conscious and righteous they chose to be. Some societies were changed
quicker and some individuals underwent paradigm shifts slower.
Page 18-19 of The Eck Dream Discourses by Harold Klemp mentions a story as a
supposed example of "the dream censor" obscuring a "spiritual message" almost to the
point of losing its "truth." A woman dreamt of a lost boy looking for his parents in
a many roomed building. He was turned into a mosaic after disappearing where another
woman pointed him. The dreamer turned this paper image into a kite with pictures of
a number of other children attached. She flew it near happy children by the ocean.
Harold Klemp is what religious studies professors used to call a savage
philosopher. Such an individual believes that when we dream of those we know that we
are actually directly interacting with them. The dreamer had a nephew taking Bible
classes before taking a confirmation at the church where the other woman was a
curator. Allegedly she saved him from Christianity which is called a paper image and
a dead faith with a dead master by many. Eckankar was founded by a former Radhasoami
member; Paul Twitchell. That form of Sikhism teaches that with a dead master nothing
works as you need a living master in physical body. Can't spiritual practices work
with a direct connection to God whether or not you have a sworn leader available?
The ocean was interpreted as God's presence. Diabolos is the Devil as separate from
God. One may not be God or part of God, but you can't escape the presence of the
Omnipresent. one can only live like God is only elsewhere. Page 18 and 19 seem to
contradict the earlier mention of the dream censor as not being a being by calling it
a negative thing that wants to hide a connection to God.
The Spiritual Exercise of the First Month of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses:
One starts by saying HU (like Hugh or hue) for a few minutes. Then one
undertakes a pleasing review of one's day for the up to twenty minutes as you go to
sleep; working back to the start of one's waking hours.
My first performance of this rite was the night following sunset on Thursday, the
6th of February, 2014. I continued with it nightly till my final performance of it
between 10:38 P.M. on Wednesday the 19th and 5:07 A.M. on Thursday the 20th of March,
2014 or the 4th -11th hour of the night 19/5/1435. My results are as follows: My
memories became vividly visual. I could see frames of documentaries, pages of books,
and other scenes like they were happening afresh. i don't know how else to explain
it, but they became like water I was pouring from plain clay jugs into a river that
ran through a barren landscape. When they were empty, I turned around and saw a six
pointed turquoise star with thirty-two rays going forth it, bot not extending far
from it. These streaks of light formed a somewhat even circle. On the side of the
top point were five streaks each. On the sections on each side of the bottom point

were five streaks each. On the sections on each side of the bottom point were four
points. On the left side was six points and on the right was eight streaks. I was
curious about this unevenness, but I remember nothing as to the answer of if their
was one. There was a rainbow of light that went into me, but not in the order you'd
expect. From bottom to crown were the layers of green, pink, orange, blue, purple,
yellow, and white.
I was warbled into a scene one may think is comical, but it was one of
seriousness and contentment after the rushing and washing feelings that came with the
lights faded. I saw myself with a horse head on a stick, like a child's toy, but
real and not rotten. I rode it as a child would through a modern city or cities;
crossing over bridges. I took these different coins that were like the Goetia sigils
69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 1, and 2. All were on equal size and were large enough to mostly
fill my palm. I stopped seven times to hand over a coin. The first was silver. The
second was tin. The third was copper. The fourth was iron. The fifth and sixth
were gold. The seventh was copper. I finally came to a place where I placed the
horse head on a stick into the ground.
There was a white winged horse there that shone like lightning. I mounted it
without a saddle. It took me through the dark of the heavens till I saw six sapphire
constellations in the way as if there were a band around me of the Shem Ha-Maphorash
sigilli #69-72 and 1-2.
I plummeted into a place where three seas met to swim with a giant creature much
like a mollusk without a shell and a lung fish. I felt a heady euphoria with a warm
powerful quickening, despite utter calm and hypersensitivity. The seas were each of
a different color. I felt like each had a different approach. I saw Pluto, a mostly
dark waning moon, and then the sun appear in the sky above. Two of the waters were
almost the same, but the dark one was hardly like the next two I saw at all.
Surly, if there was an official Eckankar Tarot, The Blue Star of Eck would be its
Star card. The rainbow was their colors for the Physical Plane, Astral Plane, Causal
Plane, Mental Plane, Etheric Plane, Soul Plane, and higher five or so Planes. Where
does the second scene lay between Defeat and Happiness? It may not be the Five of
Swords, but it seems to be like a Nine of Cups that contains elements of it. Where
does the third scene lay between Science and Satiety? It may not be the Six of
Swords, but it does seems to be like a Ten of cups that contains elements of it.
Where does the fourth scene lay between Futility and Love? It may not be a Seven of
Swords, but it does seem to be a Two of cups that has elements of it.
The feelings of the fourth scene and the fact that the waters are three makes me
think of the Iranian Haoma and the Hindu Soma. The colors of the waters make me
think of the decanates of Aquarius as Venus, Mercury, and Mercury. The stellar
bodies were another view of the decanates of Aquarius as Pluto, Moon, and Sun. The
moon was at the current stage of the lunar cycle of the experience; which was the
nineteenth. The combination was a reminder not to stay confined to one view of a
system. Each system of interpretation has its particular laws or ways to follow that
may face consequences for not following the ways of the place I'm at.
The animal that ruled each of the three later scenes seems to be the
constellations which are the decanates of Aquarius. The second scene was a defeat or
a goal to defeat what is represented by the Goetia sigilia for the period of
Aquarius; numbers 69-72, 73 is connected with Halahel, and 1-2. I was happy with the
process and am comfortable casting blame when I am without that sin and sure of guilt
of the blamed. The dumping is to be grateful of the past and move on,
Dreams, soul travel, astral travel, and the like are to be a science of
aspiration as are the Shem Ha-Maphorash sigilli.are symbols of aspiration and
identity with the processes or individuals. In the case of the third scene that is
being overjoyed at realization of the Aquarian principles.
In the first scene, the blue star is as the thirty-third and final stage in
enlightenment. Its rainbow is as a clarity through all my being and which I am to
operate in. This means to be a reminder of God as manifesting in accord with Its
Workbook Activities:
The first workbook activity asks three questions. I answer the first by saying
I found the concept of searching out the answers in what is present of special
interest to me. My heart was opened by making connections to what was not in the
discourse; as most who read this paper alone should be able to figure out to a

degree. When I day dream of myself a year ahead of time, I see finished projects and
a greater understanding. I treasure experience of consciousness and piety over other
riches. I reread and edit papers often enough that I may review this in a year as
The second workbook activity is on page 22 and asks one to take a few minutes of
one's pre sleep schedule for spiritual practices. I would rather make an agreement
with myself about what I intend to gain with dream work and ask God for help with
this as i do not believe any Mahanta or human master can really be party to inner or
prayer agreements.
Page 23 or the third workbook activity asks one to relate to Alexandra Costa's
story. I can relate to the new view of ways I really knew nothing about, abandonment
of the old ways & friends, and help along the new way parts of the Stepping Down from
the Star story. I would recommend to take it easy and not go through the change
alone to a friend looking to change for the better.
Page 24 has one look at how one would act in the dream of the dreamer. I
personally might accept the decision of the youth as they probably reached the age of
accountability and stop trying to control other people. I might appreciate the
beauty of someone practicing even a fragmented spiritual path.
Page 25 has a drawing of a bridge with a six pointed star, Eckankar style, at the
end. The fifth workbook activity there was answered as I shared what I learned and
how to apply it in former explanations.
The next page invites to record the pleasant recalls. The page after that finds
my telling that I don't see any real change in my dreams since I started with this
month's spiritual exercise on February 6th of 2014. I do feel more and more like I
will remember something curious rather than shocking like my last major dream recall.
Baraka Bashad (May the Blessings be)!
26/5/1435 The Dream Master Technique and The Eck Dream 1 Discourses Lesson 2
Before The Eck Dream 1 Discourses Lesson one starts is a close up of the center
and center left of a painting of Harold Klemp. Is Harold Klemp God's agent as the
caption calls you to?
Lesson 2: The Dream Master
As if one didn't already know such beliefs were part of Eckankar, This discourse
proclaims that Harold Klemp or whoever heads Eckankar is the Dream Master, the
Mahanta (Way-shower), and the Inner Master. If you dream about someone, are they
really there? Is it different for any of the spiritual leaders that call themselves
Godman? Perhaps they are saying that the spectral evidence of witch trials the world
over is not only valid, but something a governing body should punish for like
physical offenses. How can multiple beings have omniscience, or omnipotence, or
omnipresence? How does page 31 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp speak
truth in this even for The Agent of God who is fully submissive in thought, word, and
deed to God at that moment? Harold Klemp contradicts all three of these in his
public talks, public works, and private works. He has said many a time to the effect
of, "Don't expect me to prove any of these to you; even if you are a High Initiate."
It is even contradicted by the implication in "he can be with all chelas (spiritual
students) at the same time."
Dream help is said to be available in the Eck-Vidya or Ancient Science of
prophecy that is not as reliable in detail or accuracy as one would expect from a
science or a revelation. I must agree with the idea of accepting guidance or
mentoring to understand dreams or gain spiritual attainment. I have taken this from
many others; both human and metaphysical, just as long as it's Islamic.
There may be protocol to the places we visit even in a dream or vision in the
waking state. There may very well be nightmares and other unpleasant situations that
arise from even ignorance of such. That is why it is important to gain some detailed
when practicing inner plane projection, astral projection, lucid dreaming, or soul
travel. It may be best to not be vague and speculative when working on projections
upon the structure of consciousness. Thought or dream work can help us to learn
lessons we don't have to relearn in our outer lives. Can we really be taught books
of the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad (Way of the Eternal;The Eckankar Bible) without being

exposed to it and somehow accepting the leader of Eckankar as more than a corporate
head, but an Outer Master. Most would think the warnings and advice in dreams and
psychedelic visions are from ourselves or from some being more holy than one who
would inhabit a physical body. I would agree with page 32 about not only Harold
Klemp being two-faced, but Paul Twitchell and Darwin Gross (The First and Second
historical Eck Masters). I would humbly disagree as to how, but agree that there is
a "power of love." How else can God be described as Most Loving in both Al Qoor'aan
and some of the world's bibles, if there was no power of its manifestation? After
all, from the Greek word dunamis or power over comes Dhunami; which is the title
befor the subtitle of The Ancient Science of Divine Contentment; which is a spin off
from the Ancient Teachings of the Masters; an Eckankar spin off founded by Darwin
Gross after he was voted out of leadership in 1983.
Repeating true names of God, action in God's name, and passionate love of others
are ways you'd likely agree are for attaining purity of heart; whether or not Rebazar
Tarzs ever existed physically or metaphysically. You might disagree with the concept
of a God who only gives to those who live some for other creations; unless you think
this is impossible to never do. Even the worst beings got something right; It seems.
Eckankar may not fully agree with Islam about their being no Evil God in conflict
with The One and Only God, but they do not believe in any fully negative creation,
One Eckankar member worked for a medical company where conversation on religion
was frequent. The born-again Christians wanted to save every soul there. The
Eckankar member denounced the belief in death and listed karma and reincarnation in
its place. How is calling death translation making it not a death? The Eckist
(Eckankar Initiate) explained about what seemed like a novel faith to some of her coworkers and even gave out information to some. This caused the Christians to form a
prayer group to pray for her. One Christian later showed off her new car with a
Bible on display showing what the faith had provided. Had it really? Do physical
things really make one happy in themselves? I would agree with Harold Klemp on page
34 about their being more important things to a religion that what it can get you
materially. The proselytizing was getting annoying, but there is an implied justice
in that the woman's car turned out to be more problems than it was worth.
By then Eckankar material was being listened to or read by co-workers. People
seemed to remember more spiritual (psychedelic) experiences. The Eckist shared
several copies of the Eckankar Journal with her co-workers. A fellow employee
thought a recent dream was her chance to provoke the Eckist's salvation. Her dream
seemed more real and detailed than any previous dream. She dreamt that she visited
the Eckist's home with a Bible to find a woman long trapped in a cage with EK upon
it. She thought it was the Greek word ek or the preposition meaning out of, from,
from among, without, far from, since, immediately after, on the part of because of,
or inconsequence of. The Christian didn't know what it meant. So, it was explained
as meaning Holy Spirit, spiritual, God as a Verb, or some other Eckankar usage. In
the dream there was a distraction from noisy children outside. The dreamer lined
them against a wall to pray from them till they were quiet. The dreamer went back in
the home for Bible retrieval; only to have it disintegrate. In the dream the Eckist
tried to help put it back together again, but it was too fragmented.
The dream was interpreted an psychic invasion of the Eckist's space and that the
woman was actually the dreamer trapped in her own consciousness. The EK symbol was
drawn later and said to resemble the dream symbol. The Christian most assuredly saw
it on the Eckankar material that was being shared. She probably rightly interpreted
the dream the first time as a conviction that the Eckist was sort of imprisoned by
Eckankar. The person in the dream thought to be the husband of the Eckist looked
like pictures of Harold Klemp that are in many of the material available from
Eckankar; even on the cover. The interpretation the dreamer got from another was
probably right in that she wanted to control people who she thought were enjoying
themselves in childish way through interest in Eckankar. The Eckist told her, "If
you don't stop praying for me, I'll turn this matter over to the mahanta, the Living
Eck Master." The Christian woman probably deemed it a threat and later was heard in
her prayer group telling them not to pray for others without their permission. I
would think page 37 is wrong about the Christian finding agreement with the Eckankar
doctrine of "the spiritual principle of noninterference." It would seem she likely
though this was a threat to have what she probably deemed a psychic vampire or black
magician and the threat was not to be tested. Do people thus have the power to

invade dreams of others without their permission like Harold Klemp claims to have
done here? If true, how is that not a violation of a spiritual law too?
Dream study should be connected to taking guidance within and from others. A
desire to understand them as involving one's outer life is also essential. You'll
have to judge for yourself about the third principle here in the third step of the
staircase in workbook activity number 6 of this lesson. I don't deem it coherent or
a nondestructive belief.. Dream work should be part of an effort of gaining in
consciousness. Spiritual exercises or practices can be of great help to any personal
or group psychological practice. I would say that religious actions are more
important than study of religious books. I would also agree in the implication on
page 38 about revealed or inspired books being the best ones. I would, however,
think that spiritual practices are more about enforcing beliefs and holding on to
knowledge than taking on new information. There is the experience of it in different
circumstances, though.
There are a lot of book that seem to have a diluted content of value and the Eck
Books seem more and more to be no different. Are there not wish-fulfillment dreams
that are better left ignored as Muhammad and the other prophets of God taught? Is
Harold Klemp right when he teaches that dreams should always be an important part of
decision making? Dream analysis is better when more complete. Are all dreams of
spiritual value beyond that as page 39 teaches?
I have received warnings in the form of dreams that came true; at least in a way.
Are we really less likely to understand when the warnings show in regular life? That
hasn't been my experience. The pareidolia or apophenia that is inherent in GoldenTongued Wisdom is often missed and the only way left to divine the missed message
seems to be through dreams. Is it God as a verb or Eck who is giving us Eck-Vidya,
these ways? Harold Klemp claimed to have dreamt in a nap that a friend being locked
out of his car related to his job at a printing company before he was fired. Was it
Harold's misunderstanding or his employer's that could have got him fired had he not
phoned that evening to correct it? I forget whether it was Paul Twitchell or Darwin
Gross that was being called the Dream Master by Harold Klemp at this point. Wouldn't
it be much easier to only worship God as a Noun or Sugmad directly? Why should it be
only for the head of religious corporations and other organizations to be directly
accountable to God? God may know us better than ourselves, but doesn't that mean
something is seriously wrong with us, if any other gendered being does too?
Shouldn't we be able to interpret our own experiences without creations being
The Dream Master Technique:
I have no desire to picture Harold Klemp or any past or future Eck Master as I go
to sleep or pray. Picturing him as I say HU like hue and imagining myself flying
through the picture seems not right for a spiritual practice. I understand why
people would use Tarot cards like hieroglyphic or other diagrams instead of images of
figures they worship like this. I would side with Al Qoor'aan 5.105 in saying Harold
Klemp is wrong on page 40 when he says, "Do not worry, because Soul cannot suffer
injury of any kind." That verse teaches to take care of our souls, because harm will
not come to a soul when it is in the right. This makes clear that those who believe
in Al Qoor'aan do distinguish between the fate of the body and that of its operator.
Almost all spiritual paths have our identity as the operator of the mind and body.
The Eckist is supposed to believe whomever Eckankar calls the Mahanta, the Living Eck
Master, the Dream Master on the other side to hand you a woven basket to put the
day's negativity in. I imagine, I'd place manure in it. After all Harold Klemp in
The Wind of Change shared that shoveling manure prepared him for leadership in
Eckankar. Page 41 says to repeat this singing HU (like Hugh) while visualizing
flying through a picture of Harold Klemp to meet him on the other side to put your
problems into a basket, which is then washed in an Eck Current which is like a stream
by a sandy beach up to thrice.
A story is related about a person who imagined herself putting a bad movie, bad
thoughts, the bad behavior of others, and recreational drug use into the basket.
This Eckankar initiate dreamt about being commanded by Eckankar's Living Eck Master
to take it to a colorful stream where the contents were changed to love. She asked
if she could sleep without taking any of it with her, but her dream answered that it

was gone. Is dream travel or remembering it really the first stage in God's Kingdom
as he says? I have thought for many years that all creation is God's Kingdom.
Workbook Activities:
Page 42 has the first workbook activity. I don't deem him anyone's inner master,
but I figure if he had a special gift to me it would be like gold dust in a
concentration within a rock that would be of the same use as goldstone. The things
called "Special Gifts from the Mahanta" are either mass produced parts of the inner
and outer Eck Works, the apophenia called the golden tongued wisdom, or things God
has provided you throughout life. I won't imagine Harold Klemp handing me this
discourse and reading it to me. Eck Works are like goldstone, if its glitter were
gold. The gold in the Eck (of Eckankar in this context) Works is what it has gleaned
of religion as it survived in the spiritual paths it incorporates and that which one
has not escaped through the natures of things. Eckankar is like a goldstone in as
much as one looks at it from different angles and appreciates the beauty it contains
within the substance the is structure that is around it.
Page 43 calls one to reflect saying HU after listening to track #3 of Excerpts
for the Eck Dream 1.Discourses. I'm not going to daydream about a man or attribute
my dreams to him. Why would I pray to him asking to be reminded of what he gave me?
Page 44 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp calls to wonder how claims
of him being the Inner Master and Outer Master as the Mahanta, the Living Eck Master
releases love's power. How is he an inner master to anyone but himself? How is he
an outer master to anyone who doesn't submit to his command or control? He shows a
way, alright. What way though? Is it the way of a true spiritual master or God's
authorized liege lord? For me it opens an aversion to accepting anything from
Eckankar as reliable for its own sake.
My experience of the Islamic version of the practices mentioned on page 45 with
activity 4 has been shared in how I related singing attributes of God as Singular
(Allah) like a lullaby to whom I call the Princess of Cups; How everything seems
better dedicating it to All Divinity (Allahumma); and how loving God most & even the
creation who does what I don't like action or traits of brings a peace that wasn't
otherwise there.
Avoiding bad karma in the form of unnecessary hardships is what one asks about in
exercise 5 on page 46. Noninterference is about freedom and I would never take it to
the indifferent place Eckankar teaches to take it.
To answer the staircase of work book activity 6 on page 47: I will go up it by
saying as much as God is the ultimate guide; I also am my own inner guide. My outer
guide can be said to be the prophet of the age; Muhammad Ibn `Abdullah. The second
step up has been of special help in entering my dream worlds in terms of
understanding and openness to experience, because my desire to understand the
connection between dreams and outer life is of psycho-spiritual importance. God may
be in control of experience of light and sound, but God is not really one with
creation. Isn't Harold Klemp by that step really saying he is God as a Verb? I
don't believe he is holy or an angel either. Longing for a higher states of
consciousness is also an affirmation or goal that helps with dreams in one's world
view. The fifth step below the Six Pointed Star is doing the Spiritual Exercises of
Eck as far as they don't conflict with orthodoxy or orthopraxy, for me.
The seventh workbook exercise includes drawing a picture of one's self doing the
Dream Master Technique on page 49. I won't make graven images, but I can just
imagine myself in bed trying to keep balance by at least momentarily letting go of
problems by expressing what they are. The next page asks to write the general
experiences and insights of dreams particularly around this practice. Being open to
dreaming and waking visions has been a secondary nature for a while; for me. I will
say that thinking about a vague dream and hoping for clarity seems to make a clarity
of detailed experience more likely.
28/6/1435 Formula Two Technique and the Eck Dream 1 Discourses Lesson 3
Lesson 3: The Ways of the Dream Master
The fifteenth month's discourse in Eckankar is proceeded of page 52 of The Eck
Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp by an illustration of a Pegasus on its hind legs

and possibly at the edge of a cliff as a symbol. This is presented as a symbol of

spiritual flight, but can't their literally be beings we may take soul travel upon as
some beings can be used for physical travel?
Eckankar professes to draw both the curious and the lonely on page 53. What does
joining any path do to us? Is it the means by which God cleanses our innermost being
and outwards? Does life take on new meaning through being on a new path. What good
is it to accept a mediator by declaring such as a Mahanta as a Dream Master. Why
should it be necessary to accept a Living Eck Master into this role? Do we have to
have others point out how profound what we have gained by changing our lives is or
will we know all on our own? Sometimes we do need reminded how insightful dream
study can be.
Eckankar is a bit for the ethnocentric American, if you think the inordinate
focus on American history as guidance for the whole world that was allegedly
specifically engineered by so-called Eck Masters and other Eck Adepts. On to page 54
is the story of Abraham Lincoln's recurring dream during the Civil war of 1861-1865
C.E. before major battles, he'd dream of a warship approaching a darkened shore.
Abraham Lincoln always realized how important these battles were. It was a civil war
and he would have known he was going to receive messengers of war and face important
battles frequently enough. The dreams may have had no actual outcome on the Civil
War. Any psychology student would tell you that dreams include reworking of what is
thought about during the day. If karma means action, that is truly a continuance or
working out of it in the dream state. Then one could say dreams are a way of working
out karma, but few would think that a Mahanta, Living Eck Master, is the Dream Master
of anyone or otherwise the doer of these things.
Al Qoor'aan 3.13 hints at a different story of a vision of battle that actually
influenced the outcome and still encourages visionaries. It was not only of what
became victory, but it was not for a side with mixed intentions for going to war.
In Al Qoor'aan 3.30, One finds mention of the good and evil deeds going with you.
Eckankar would refer to the debts as sunspots upon a soul. I would agree with the
idea that a true spiritual teacher's job is to show how to undo the mistakes of life.
The next verse of Al Qoor'aan mentions following God's messenger of the age as a sign
of love of God and a way to God's forgiveness and mercy.
Eckankar agrees with that in some way. Why do we have to be visited in dreams by
alleged Sat Gurus (the ture ones who bring out of darkness into the light)? How can
any creation travel through all time and space in dreams? Wouldn't this be like
Zurvan of the Ancient Persians or some other concept of god beyond time and space?
People may have dreamt about whomever leads Eckankar (always American, thus far) or a
Rebazar Tarzs who is said to physically be in Afghanistan, but that doesn't mean they
were taught by anything but their memory or concept of them.
The section called "How the Master Removes Karma" says that problems arise when
the work is only internal without outer spiritual study and practice. As true as
that may be, isn't it the student's own hero deeds that get the work done regardless
of any perceived help from a creation? Is page 55 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by
Harold Klemp may be correct about a spiritual battle taking place with entities that
form bonds between their negative presence and people. The difference is that it
would seem that battle in our being is entirely ours and no one can do it for us.
The church (This is from kirk; which is the Scottish word for hero shrine.) belief in
actions of others counting for us by merely accepting or acknowledging them as true
seems to be overthrown by the fact that certain personal feats always seem to be
required too. There are always beliefs and practices that will help to some degree
in any spiritual path. The question is how much? Can't the results be more in first
hand experiences than being wholly accepted as unknown?
The personally responsibility for one's deeds is a valid purpose of Eckankar
listed on page 56 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp. This is a truth of
both more and less true spiritual paths. You cannot avoid karma in the old sense and
moralizing the concept has serious theological issues, though. The religious person
or even the secularist who allows himself a judgement would believe or even find out
that it makes a difference what one does things in the name of. Al Qoor'aan 6.136
makes a good point about those who offer to false gods (Eck as Holy Spirit and
Mahanta as Embodiment in the case of Eckankar) and end up giving of what would have
been dedicated to God were they not to do things in the name of partners. If Sugmad
is God as a Noun and Eck is God as a Verb, thus doing things in the name of God is a

sound practice. There is more to being liberated through your joy in a spiritual
life, but that is a basic.
When one dreams that you are flying over a family member's vehicle with a chosen
spiritual master; it doesn't mean that is how you saved your family member from a car
wreck a year later; no matter what you thought to do in the dream. If the Intuitive
Soul, called nasamah in `Arabee, is much larger than the human body, or somehow
shared, or connected with others, then there may be truth in people feeling the
presence of those not there, though.
Revealed religion teaches against any being tested beyond what one can succeed at
or atone for wrong; at the very least. Page 58 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by
Harold Klemp sides with this dogma on divine will only allowing what can cause
progress, if we so choose.
Another dreamer had dreams of different roads that Harold Klemp teaches mean life
before being a member if the Eckankar corporation, the first two years (before
attaining the second initiation), and afterwards. In this context being trapped on a
washed out road makes sense as loosing touch with one's old religious system. The
damaged, but present road can mean the difficulty of Eckankar, even after being in
the First Circle or initiation. What is the real reason for the increased difficulty
or maintained difficulty of life in Eckankar members? Blaming it on being ready to
deal with difficulty from alleged past lives seems to give members meaning to the
sufferings in life. The dream of smooth driving underwater makes sense as being
fully immersed in a spiritual path after a further commitment to it. In Islam, that
may be said to be learning and becoming adapted to maintaining the practices. In
this dream, one may say that that person is no longer resisting Eckankar, but is
unconscious of the true reality of it.
Dreams full of emotions and feelings are said to be of the Astral Plane. Whether
or not this is an actual separate realm from the Physical Plane, these aspects of
dreams and visions can be very important to look at. Other than being told such by
Eckankar works and members, there is no reason that can connect to a belief that the
Living Eck Master weaves anyone's dreams, visions, or ordinary life. Page 59 of The
Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp does speak truth about insights into ourselves
being opportunities to break cycles of action.
Another story is told of someone who dreamt about visiting the Eckankar Spiritual
Center on the Spiritual Campus of Chanhassen, Minnesota. Harold Klemp calls it the
Astral Plane, because he denies the very same loss of size and bulk that he describes
in earlier works and admits is caused by mistakes in eating that he knows of ahead of
time. How can health problems of one's own choosing with prior knowledge of what one
can't get away be the actions of a Mahanta, if such is supposed to be the most
conscious person on Earth? In the dream vitality returned to Harold Klemp as he was
there in the Spiritual Services department. Was this the dreamer realizing that
Harold Klemp is "small, insignificant, and weak." or is page 60 of The Eck Dream 1
Discourses correct in saying that is how the dreamer saw himself?
Psychedelic experiences like the dreams most remember can give way to
metaphysical experiences. Our inner life can include and transcend our regular life
and it is important to pay attention and even study what we experience. Dream Travel
and Soul Travel are not always the same as lucid dreaming. The level of control one
has over the visionary experience is not the distinguishing factor. What is, then?
Other than personal interpretation and saying one feels real or realer than regular
life is the difference in other Eckankar works.
Can the beings we see in our dreams be actual instead of symbolic of things?
Eckankar seems to say yes when it is their particular mythological constructs, but
implies that things like Pegasus, the winged horse of Greek mythology, is but a
symbol of soul on page 60 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp.
A story of someone else's dream follows. This person dreamt he was on a walk and
saw himself pursued by the angry. The account makes him seem naive to actually need
an inner voice to provoke running away. Pegasus showed up and he escaped to enjoy
the view more from above. They were hurled and shot at whenever they approached the
ground. So they took flight again. To me this represents the sort of detachment of
the worldly and spiritual that is fundamental to even not Christian churches and
Manichaeism. In the dream, Pegasus shot forth gold light to return their weapons
upon them. This reminds me of stories of Thor's eight-legged steed Sleipnir, but the
symbolism is the sort of curses return upon the sender talk or the returning of karma
upon those who wish ill upon the members of Eckankar. Is opposition to Eckankar

really opposed by any spiritual forces, except the souls of members? The dreamer
awoke with the lyrics to You Are the Wind Beneath My Wings by Jeff Silbar and Larry
Henley stuck in his head. Isn't it better to think that this is overindulgence in
entertainment music rather than thinking this refers to Eck supporting his soul? If
Eck is God as a Verb, wouldn't all light be God's? What them would Eck be if we say
some are protected by the Light of Eck? The hostility of others is not the dark
forces of our own barriers of consciousness, but this makes sense coming from a
diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic like Harold Klemp. The dream may be about
overcoming, but the idea that escaping and having something else fight our battles
seems the opposite of being fearless. God may create and allow light and sound, but
I would hardly consider compulsively remembering a song one has heard before as a
special manifestation of Music of God. Prophets like Muhammad, Moses, Zoroaster, and
the other Sent Ones heard the sound of God in that fashion.
The discourse seems to be engineering dreams upon leaving the body through the
crown of the head and riding winged horses. A story of a woman who had a Soul Travel
experience in that way in on page 62 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp.
She rode to a sandbar and entered a cave with violin music like tinkling bells. Paul
Twitchell said these were the sounds of the eighth (7th, if the Etheric Plane is
thought of as the higher part of the Mental Plane.) and second plane. Under Harold
Klemp's rule of Eckankar that is the seventh (This is the eighth when the Etheric
Plane is counted as a separate plane than the Mental Plane) and third plane. She
watched an orchestra there and was hypnotized. Being spellbound by frivolity is
considered to be heavenly to some, but the entrapments of the inner affect of the
devils by others.
Is a dream about floating on a cloud more spiritual or more a chemical reaction
in the brain that brings peace and cloudy phosphenes? He saw his life as a jungle
below the mountain he imagined to separate himself from his ordinary life and attain
a detached view of it. Shouldn't spirituality be an embrace of life rather than an
escape? He dreamt of Harold Klemp granting him license to ascend as much as he
wanted. He did as told and found it more and more difficult to have inner balance.
Is Harold Klemp right on page 63 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses in saying he was going
where he needed more and more self-discipline? Could it really mean that advancement
in Eckankar as a believer is to be more and more detached from reality as he had less
connection to matter? Galatians (H Pros Galatas Epistolh Pauloy) 6.8 would agree
with Harold Klemp on this one. I don't think any of the monotheist prophets would
have agreed, though.
Does the material world distract us from spiritual matters. The truly religious
and not merely churchly would tell us it doesn't have to. Al Qoor'aan 3.14 affirms
that the worldly things are supposed to be attractive, but the spiritual abode is far
superior to the lower worlds. Harold Klemp sort of agrees as it being the means to
the ends, but fails to see how both can be blended in the way the ancients used to
hold as a religious ideal.
Upon that point is the final story of lesson 3: The Ways of The Dream Master.
One woman dreamt before joining Eckankar that she had a home on the inner planes and
was taking a friend to see it. Apparently the inner worlds of Eckankar are a
Collective Unconscious that we all share, but this reaks of a degree of universalism
that seems a bit xenophobic at times. They admired the nice homes and grounds along
the way and turned down an invitation from a pleasing woman resting on a balcony, but
they continued till they were at her inner home. There can be merit to sticking to
one's path despite perceived alluring qualities outside it. She was bathed in white
light there. Eckankar does white light and other techniques light visualization.
Does the Golden Dawn have its origins in Eckankar or does Eckankar have Golden Dawn
roots? Eckankar works have mentione the Golden Dawn. This dream is interpreted as
being her home in Eckankar on Page 63 of the Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp.
Formula 2:
Harold Klemp's The Spiritual Exercises of Eck:Your Doorway to Wisdom, Freedom,
and Love shares the Formula Technique as Spiritual Exercise #15 or Chapter 2, Number
9. This is alternate breathing the number of times for the desired plane and say HU
(like hue, Hugh) the same number of times. The Soul Plane is given 5 instead of six.
The spiritual exercise for year 2, month three in Eckankar is given on page 64 of
The Eck Dream Discourses by Harold Klemp upon these lines. The variation listed is

to pay attention to our crown and picture white light shining on the head there. One
then one alternates singing HU twice and breathing deeply twice for five to ten
minutes as one drops off to sleep. One is to intend to continue this spiritual
practice while sleeping. People are told that they will begin having normal seeming
dreams from the Astral Realm with practice of this. The same claim is for waking or
sleeping practices of other Formula Techniques. True metaphysics does not work like
that. One can't honestly interpret one's self in one otherworldly realm or another
based on what you were meditating on prior. One can have psychedelic experiences
that are around specific projections in such a manner. These experiences can be
lucid and engineered, but the transcendent or ultimately holy is beyond our mental
constructs, I wouldn't recommend the part listed here where one pictures whomever
heads Eckankar as a method of filling up with love.
I have been seeing myself going through a moving yellow layer as I've went to
sleep doing this since 7/6/1435 or April 6-7, 2014.
My last performance of Formula 2 was between 5:35 and 8:27 A.M. P.S.T. on Monday
the 28th of April 2014: I visualized my crown bathed in white light until I warbled
through an electric yellow layer. This time, I recalled what came next clearly. I
spent a while following a crawdad pushing a silver sphere through the water and a
scarab beetle pushing a gold sphere through a landscape of complementary colors. The
colors that are called flashing colors did not include yellows and purples. The Shem
Ha-Maphorash sigilia for the period of Pisces or #3-8 went past us in the dark skies
above. These symbols were all pf a light yellow. After the last sigillum was
focused on in the sky, the silver sphere shed twenty-eight green drops into the water
and shot eighteen red drops into the sky. The silver and gold spheres were pushed
together by the scarab and the crawfish.
Beyond that was a very large airplane hanger shaped building like pink sapphire.
I went into six large rooms full of curious things in there. I had to use a key card
with one of the Goetia sigilia for the period of Pisces to get into each room. With
sigillum number three, I entered into a room with a wide variety of oracular devices,
With the fourth sigillum, I entered into a room with pyres, coffins, and other things
to treat dead bodies or place with them. With sigillum number five, I entered into a
room with medical equipment and machines. With the sixth sigillum, I entered into a
room with tools of entry and of stealth. With sigillum number seven, I saw treaties
and ways to start of end conflicts. I entered into a room with may precious and
intricate things with the eighth sigillum. Where the card with a tin colored seal on
it, or the one with a silver colored symbol on it, or the one with a mercury colored
sign on it, or the one with a copper seal upon it, or the one with an aluminum symbol
on it, or the one with a bronze seal upon it, there were things I didn't understand,
but they were in the category of the others.
The more ordinary sort of dreaming was when I left to find a lizard with bands
around a woman chained to a tree. A man who I deemed to be the father stood aloft
while the person I thought to be the mother boasted about the little nothings the
woman did. I awoke continuing with the saying HU twice and deeply breathing twice.
I thought to contact someone to reestablish contact with her as I think I was asked
about it in the dream.
Although I could not see the people clearly, I knew them to be decanates of
Pisces as Lacerta or The Bands & Lizard and Cepheus or the King of Ethiopia as the
first; his daughter Andromeda, the Princess as the second decanate; and Cassiopeia,
the Queen of Ethiopia as the third. Second Peter 2.4 and other places put the bands
as of death and the chains as of hell. The lizard survives hardship and will
sacrifice of its own body to save itself. We too should give up materially; if
needed to save the soul. The mother represents the distractions from the psychic
impulses of true spirituality. The princess represents the friend that moves with
those that hold her from the message of the mind or reason. The father represents an
eccentric in her life that she thinks of abstractly. He has to be willing to
separate from mediation for her, if it supports problematic addictions.
It may be good to remind the Princess of Cups about the message of the tarot
trump XVIII or The Moon. In my Astrological Eckankar Tarot, I call it, "Polarity or
Opposites." The first part of the dream is of that theme. The lack of yellows and
purples is to say that the sense of opposites in the higher realms is not the same
sense as in the lower worlds. The joining of the silver and gold spheres is uniting
the negative and the positive in righteousness. This unity is a key to the Kingdom
of Heaven in this life and hereafter. The crayfish means to scavenge my deepest

being to feed myself, but the pink sapphire warns to guard emotions with love and
wisdom. I must open to forgive and accept. The eighteen red drops above the number
of the trump tarot card and the twenty-eight green ones below are the lunar day of
the month. Today is 28/6/1435 Al Hijra. The ages of 18,19,28 and 29 were defining
ones and of crucial goals in my relationship with the Princess of Cups. The scarab
beetle is as the continued creativity upon metaphysical issues. The scarab and the
freshwater lobster and the worked together was the metaphysical or unseen spiritual
reality staying in touch having a physical connections. The signs above were the
aspirations along the way. The signs on the cards are reminders to repent of the
evils and ignorance along the way.
The decans of Pisces as Moon, Saturn, and Jupiter can be stated as, "The soul
is the unconscious reality to live our bodily or material life in accord with for
success." Also it may be said as, "Our associations, organization, and idealism are
all to be for this purpose which one only sees in semblances astrally." The decans
of Pisces as Uranus, Mercury, and Neptune can be said as, "I am to independently
express the knowledge for divinity of my dream life and visions."
Workbook Activities:
Workbook Activity 2.3.1 is on page 64. That is to tell you my favorite sentence
from my favorite passage (I see it speaking different truths than the discourse
lists.) or passage from the discourse at the moment is when page 60 says, "The
Experience was telling him not to put himself down before anyone, not even the Living
Eck Master." The next page calls me to look at special meaning, but I won't credit
the Mahanta for my insight. To me it is good advice that no matter what one thinks
of any creation, it is not fitting to debase one's self before them. I would like to
remember dreams from the Astral Realm; Whatever that means.
Page 66 has the next Workbook Activity. I won't ever pray to any Mahanta or WayShower, but I can tell you I have had transformations much like Harold Klemp's The
Spiritual Exercises of Eck:Your Doorway to Wisdom, Freedom, and Love #47 or 4.11
Bypassing the Mind describes. I have repeatedly been fascinated by study of
metaphysical understandings like upon the spirit-soul and its parts. In Egyptian
Mythology contains reference to how when one becomes an Akh/Ax or Shining One/Flower
of Heaven for accepting and submitting to God as Hu or Authority (Pronounced as a
breathy hoo). The spiritual practice listed in #47 includes to chant Hu-Akh like
huuuach with the ch like Loch or buch to remove blockages in practice. What I find
is a problem in what he says in The Spiritual Exercises of Eck on page 107 with "The
word given during an ECK intitiation is a name of God from a specific plane" is that
he mentions his name and titles being given out in intitiations. Yet, he has said
many times in regard to the Eck Masters, "Give them/him respect, but not worship."
Workbook Activity 2.3.3 asks me to choose what dream story leads to the most help
for me. I would have said the sixth; as I have been thinking of the issue of the
emergence and response to secular life and its attempted immergence by turning it
into sacred life. For me, such would mean I have to be braver and gain ability to
confront my problems on my own as much as is fitting. Also I would say that I can't
give in so much to popular aversions. Another dream that would be interesting is the
one of a connection reminded of the year after.
The next Workbook activity is on page 68 and is idolatrous. If page 55 and 56 of
The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp makes clear a problems arise when only
inner work is made; despite the Mahanta's alleged connections with initiates. If we
have to do the work of picturing "unnecessary karma" being removed by the one
currently called Mahanta, why not skip the reliance on intercessors and credit
ourselves? I can't say how it feels, since I won't pretend that continuances of
action are being stopped by any spiritual master. As a key for liberation a quote
from page 60 can be attached to a broader lesson of experiencing only what one can
benefit by through one's choices. It says, "Every inner experience is important;
otherwise it would not happen."
Page 69's Workbook Activity has me answering, "I am dealing with a challenge in
my life." Even if it kills me, in my soul, I will transcend it. Daydreaming can
provide distractions, but thinking I'm flying above it just make me think of death.
By illness or persecution, I am fine with dying, but would like to focus on what I
can do to preserver and benefit myself and others in this life. The implication of
"fly on the wings of Soul" just as strongly implies that you are not the soul as much

as saying you have a soul. The monotheist traditions tend to have from a prophet
mention of the innermost self as being beyond the living operator of the body.
Workbook Activity 2.2.6 is on page 70. Singing Hu, I remembered how my
Shadhdhuliya name of Raheem or Compassionate was given to me by Shaykhm Muhammad alJamal ar-Rifa`i ash-shadhuli. No Living Eck Master will ever show me "a godlike
quality" I'm gaining right now. I would like to think that I am improving in
kindness and compassion, but God is not like any in creation. We only understand and
manifest things like mercy
Page 71-73 or Workbook Activity 2.2.7 asks to record results from spiritual
practices and the most relevant to this discourse go with the initial results of
Formula 2.
3/6/1435 Twenty Nine Spiritual Exercises and The Eck Dream 1 Discourses Lesson 4
The illustration on page 74 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp is of
an old black woman on a curvy trail through a futuristic city with five shining
spheres. There are also five birds, a monorail, a dome behind a building, and a
planet or the sun in the sky. Joseph Campbell once said something about people not
seeking a meaning or purpose of life, but an experience of it. The caption implies
the goal of Eckists is such an experience of moving at will between the seen and the
unseen. The expression on the woman's face in the illustration shows indifference to
the inner or dream experience. Show we care whether or not we have such. Religious
people might say the goal is to hold to orthodoxy and orthopraxy. Al Qoor'aan 81.24
tells us how the last exemplar prophet was not avid of the unseen nor did he hold it
back. I would follow that example. .
Lesson 4: How to Remember Your Dreams
Are the interests expressed in our dreams really interest in the divine or are
they manifestations of what we spend our time on in our waking hours? Should dream
interpretation be in support of individuals or groups? If the interpreter or dreamer
is a sociopath or psychopath, the interpretation could be skewed one way or the
other. Meaning in life is important in every aspect of it. Do dreams provide the
link that yoga does in connecting the spiritual and the physical?
Epidaurus of southern Greece was not the only Asclepieion that people came to
seeking healing. The healings there were of a physical and spiritual nature. This
was whether or not one went there to dream and go through a series of purifications
or another method. The Temple of Eck in Channhassen, Minnesota supposedly has such a
goal of being another place for incubation rites, but I've never heard anything of
magical sleeping practices in any of the Eckankar literature. I would agree whole
heartedly about Illness being disharmony, but would disagree about benefit of
divining spiritual leaders in such ways. I wouldn't do such things to attempt a
vision of a past or current spiritual leader.
Can a person really be so distant as being on opposite sides of creation? Al
Qoor'aan 50.16 says, "...God is close than the jugular vein." What Harold Klemp says
about Sugmad being so distant to an individual on page 76 of The Eck Dream 1
Discourses is agreed with as God being not like anyone and beyond the heavens, but
the God of revealed religion is Omnipresent. Untested assumptions can render us as a
little Diabolos or The Lair/He Throws In for our baseless speculations forming our
faith. We can become as Iblis or He Despaired because of the many spiritual paths.
I disagree with how Harold Klemp implies most of the paths have been formed merely
benefit their leaders. Isn't the focus on the personalities of the leaders the
distinctness of Eckankar? Isn't it their wants and ways that dictate the
organization? Using it to benefit individuals or society regardless of justice may
be how it has gone wrong so many times. Secular society has faired even worse with
that; historically. Each soul will have its needs and specific ways that are its own
and cannot ultimately be suppressed. Revealed religion would agree with the aspect
of returning or connecting to God in Its ways. The signs of God that are heard and
seen can connect us to God. Isn't this something to worship along with and according
to? Islam would say the verses and the witnessed miracles in life are to bring us
towards directly connecting with God. There may very well be secrets that we will
grasp all on our own. Revealed religion would also disagree with Harold Klemp in the
idea of rising above material existence. The secularization of material life has

been a common problem over the past forty thousand years. The ancients understood
that the mind and the body were to be operated by souls for spirituality or religion.
Gradually that idea of a fully sacred life for all has faded from common ideals.
Aleister Crowley spoke of magick as shifting states of consciousness in
accordance with will. How is such raising consciousness different from Soul Travel?
Unusual states can bring us into deeper submission to Eck. This makes sense, if that
means what is truly spiritual. It also makes, if that means God as a verb. The
meaning of Eck on page 77 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp doesn't make
sense, because we are always separate beings with other creations. Al Qoor'aan 53.9
mentions coming as near as possible to God, but still being two the separation from
We are to raise our consciousness, but shouldn't we raise our righteousness and
decrease our wickedness to? New experience can expand our outlooks. The reasons for
hardship may become clearer and that can keep it from being a hindrance in our
spiritual unfoldment. Eckankar shares with so-called organized religion the attempt
to remove the sting of death and expose other mysteries of life and the herafter.
Where is this unspeakable joy that is described for "identifying with the nature
of God"? Al Qoor'aan 30.30 mentions the setting one's system of judgement to strict
monotheism which is the natural religion. Could it be the rejoicing in sectarianism
that is mentioned two verses later? Eckankar members seem more likely to revel in
their elitist spirituality, but seem no more full of joyful experiences than people
of other spiritual paths. Certain experiences may be more likely, but are we the
sort of mystic that this makes one a new spiritual being or are we distracting
ourselves from bonding with God? The deflection of prayer to intercessors historical
and mythological seems a distraction. The insult of petionary pray and general ideas
of worship seems to distract from religion. Eckankar had its subtitle as "The
Religion of New Age" or something like that at some point. Did they not mean it?
Did they lie to the government when they declared themselves a nonprofit religious
organization three decades ago? Eckankar is certainly a church or kirk for its
worship of Eck Masters as heroes. The "bridging the gap" mentioned on page 76 is the
same idea found in Christianity that an intermediary is needed for God to be more
direct with us.
Four sets of questions should be answered with this discourse. How valid are the
Daily Life Practices on page 78 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp of
active listening, memorizing the details, avoiding alcoholic beverages, and avoiding
the like of tranquilizers? Is it good to do the Preparations for Dreams on page 79
of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp like a night set aside to focus on your
dreams; going to bed earlier; keeping witting material near one's resting place or
elsewhere, if avoiding disturbing another; and visualization of the face of the
figurehead of Eckankar followed by the rest of him and what he has on? Does it work
to follow the Remembering Your Dreams advice on page 79 and 80 of trying to relate
your dreams or tell a summary of them to someone upon waking; have family discussions
of dreams; being precise in detail; and making interpretations more personal? Since
Islam calls people to be careful about interpretation and sharing with those one
loves and trusts, imprecise recall and wild speculations about what they mean never
seemed to be a problem. I guess you could say I do all 4, except not interpreting
dreams that relate to my religious and political activity as such. When we look at A
Month Long Dream Introduction to Eck on page 80 and 81, are we convinced that our
mind will become more adaptable to spiritual ways with the month of different
spiritual exercises each night; be they chanting an Eck Master's name, the name of a
Temple of Golden Wisdom, the name of an Eckankar Plane of God, or alleged holy word?
Hardly anyone will become so in tune with it that a dream will be remembered nightly,
much less one that fits. That is why people are encouraged to attribute their first
thought in the morning to the practices. Sometimes what we remember before, during,
and after will not really be effected at all. I will share something of ideas I
connect to each.
Why would people be discouraged by having a variety of simple practices to go
through? I admit to starting on a previous practice before remembering to use the
next one on some nights. On page 86 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp it
says, "It is a temptation to try to follow a program like this to the letter." If
these discourses were really God's word or the authorized word delivered by the Holy
Spirit, why would it say that? I wouldn't attribute problems at home as a sign to
drop off spiritual practices for a day or so. Why would just spiritual practices
ever throw one out of balance? One shouldn't expect to experience a notable

difference between what one experiences with these practices. Is the discrimination
or viveka a mental or spiritual thing? What is the real resistance, if you had it to
some? One should consider that the abrogation may be opposition to the saint
worship, belief in a hierarchy of gods, projections upon consciousness or other
universalism, or other dogmas of Eckankar. True spirituality may be of the heart,
but people can have almost any belief and worship system and feel better off than
those without any such convictions.
First Week: The Eck Masters (The first week calls for the invocation of the Eck
Masters below by name.)
Wah Z (Harold Klemp's nickname Wah Zee)
It is thought that sixty years ago, a man who wanted to be called a nickname that
was close to pederast (sex with a preadolescent) made Eckankar a public path. He was
followed by a man who wanted to be called a nickname similar to dampen (Dap Ren). In
his third twelve year cycle of being called Mahanta, the Living Eck Master; he still
wants to be called a nickname like woozy.
Rebazar Tarzs (Rebah-zar Tar-z)
In Aramaic we have ReB as Chief; AeZR/AeZRH as help/helper; and TRSW as Tarsus.
The name makes me think of Paul of Tarsus, the founder of Christianity and Ezra, the
arranger of the Hebrew Bible and the founder of a path more recognizable as Judaism
than what came before it in those sixteen decades of exile. When we project this
upon the Sufi order that Paul Twitchell was involved or the Chisti, Tibetan
spirituality, and maybe some Scientology, we have a complete explanation for what
Rebazar Tarzs is in Eckankar.
Rebazar Tarzs is said to be a six foot tall Tibetian with heavy black eyebrows
and beard. They say he tends to wear a maroon robe and carry a walking stick.
Fubbi Quantz (Foo-bee Qu-want-z)
This projection of one with white hair and a light gray beard in a white robe is
more likely to be a projection of ruby quartz as a symbol of purifying love than
anything else. Just pronounce the letter R instead of F in the first name and
instead of N in the second name.
Yaubl Sacabi (yeeow-bul sak-a-bee)
This projection of what looks like a 5'9" Egyptian priest or Buddhist monk with a
shaved head in saffron robes may be mocking us with his name by saying, "Yeah, it's
bull. Sucka B."
In Biblical Aramaic, we get the following: Y-BuL or BAeL-SK-ABY O Protective
Covering Of the Nothing or Household God/Master/False Lord, (you are) of Sorrow!
YAWBL Into the River SK thorn ShK stop BY need
Peddar Zaskq (Paul Twitchell's nickname like Ped-dar Zas-k)
Paul Twitchell was number three in Scientology at some point according to a
brochure for Scientology. He followed Inayat Khan at another point. He was a well
known disciple of Kirpal Singh and appears in photos with the guy. He admits to
studying many manuals and scriptures of many small and large spiritual paths. He was
around five and a half feet and liked to wear blue business suits to match his blue
Rami Nuri (Ramee Nooree)
It is said he looks much like the idea of Rubbi Quantz with hair that has turned
white and a curved Romanesque none. He is said to be a little taller than Harold
Klemp and be about six feet. His name is like Raama as God of Sound and Noowr as a
Semetic word for light. This all makes him seem like an Indo-Aryan projection of the
Eckankar path as having Hindu origins.

Lai Tsi (lie tsee)

Lao Tzu means old master and this is the projection of a small Chinese man like
Zhuangzi; whom Daoism is based around. The idea of him as one who tends to speak so
gently that one has to listen carefully to hear him reminds me of how I often speak
in a way that is either so quiet that it isn't heard, or that it is in a way that
calls for closer attention to understand as meant.
Second Week:Temples of Golden Wisdom (Some of the names of the sixteen Eckankar inner
and outer temples are like real places, but do not fit the historical places. We are
more likely to seem what we mention or an idea thereof with these practices of inner
plane projection.)
Faqiti (Fa-qee-tee) Monastery
Out of the five main temples listed on the Physical Plane, only the Temple at
Chanhassen, Minnesota is described as being physical and available for material
sight. The guidance that people think of around doing this is generally attributed
to the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad's Introduction and the mythic Eck Master Banjani. The goal
of Eckankar is to attribute personal experience and the remembrance of the world's
wisdom to Eckankar origins. Is this at all appropriate?
I started with this after dawn on Mother's Day 2014. I saw vague remnants of a
picture of this monastery like in the book.
Katsupari (Cat-soup-aree) Monastery
The first section of the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad is said to be here with the Abbot of
the Monastery, Fubbi Quantz, to show it. Could Eck Masters be a reconfiguration of
Ascended Masters and the rest be projections of Hinayana Buddhist beliefs?
After dawn on Monday the 12th I switched. I awoke remembering being asked
questions and thinking about Harold Klemp talking and Orsen Welles. I found nothing
online about such a talk. Maybe I should think of how they are related. Orsen
Welles was gifted in many fields an was a science fiction writer. Harold Klemp
claimed to be advanced in many ways, but expects belief without actual verification
of such statements. Harold Klemp has been a spiritual fiction writer for the past
few decades and is of a way that is not so much for praying to God.
Temple of Gare-Hira (Ga-ray-hee-ra)
The first of the so-called temples of spiritual vision is said to be in the Gobi
Desert. The second is said to be in the mountains of northern Tibet. This one is
said to be in the mythic Agam Des of the Hindu Kush and the next in Retz on Venus.
Gare-Hira is said to be where interplanetary travelers like Rebazar Tarzs
acclimatized themselves as that is a place to do such. The Way of the Eternal or
Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad is said to be there too. This fourth main Temple of Golden Wisdom
of the Physical Plane seems a projection of Indo-Aryan or Bactrian culture.
After dawn on Tuesday the 13th: The only thing remembered is blue smoke.
Temple of Askleposis (Ask-lep-osis)
Again, only the name is chanted. This is said to be the main temple of the
Astral Plane. The description is of an octagonal structure of "translucent white and
rose sandstone" that seems almost round. Gopal Das is said to be the Germanic
looking blonde Ancient Egyptian that people mistake for Jesus, the final Northern
Semetic Prophet. This is about the most mixed up Eck Master story of them all, that
I know. His description is like the German version of Fabio with a Hindu name, yet
originally one that didn't seem out of place as a native Egyptian. Why would
Asklhpios the Aspired One or Mole Builder of Epidauros be the name that is projected
upon a temple for the Realm of Emotion? Healing and preventative medicine can call
to go beyond the senses to heal. If there were spiritual or Akashic Records to go
view, it may be important to look at them separately form regular input.
After dawn on Wednesday the 14th: I was a pink cone in my dreams.

Temple of Sakapori (Sak-a-pour-ee)

It makes sense that one's past life would be in the Realm of Memories, but must
we really project this upon a "city of Honu, on the Causal Plane? Does it make sense
to claim a Mahanta or other human leader of an organization takes us on dream and
other inner journeys?
After dawn on Thursday the 15th: I saw orange stars.
Temple of Namayatan (Nam-aye-atan)
Is it necessary to attribute universal reality to the inner plane projections of
a Realm of Mind where several Eck Masters are said to have their base of operation?
The sound of running water may be a symbol of moving thoughts.
After dawn on Friday the 16th: I saw a blank light blue and felt in some unusual
fashion, but forget what exactly.
Temple of Param Akshar (Pa-ra-mak-shar):
This place called the House of Imperishable Knowledge is of the Atma Lok or Soul
Plane and the location the Self-Realization is attributed to. One clear difference
between Eckankar and what may be called revealed religion is that revealed religion
admits that God-consciousness, Self-Realization, and the truth of God-Realization can
be achieved before even taking on such a path. Eckankar does agree about their
always being more for the creation to achieve. Why can't these important steps be
just as independent of places as they are of the scripture of the age?
After dawn on Saturday the 17th:
I saw colorful fire casting shadows.
Third Week: Planes of God (Be aware of your own surroundings and the nature of
psychology when doing such things
The Astral Plane is called Sat Kanwal-Anda (Sat Kahn-wall On-da)
Jakob Bohme and Emanuel Swedenborg may have thought seeing pink light was
special, it is what most see at some point when they shut their eyes or go to sleep.
The roar of the sea is most likely to be the sound of one's own breathing or the wind
as one slips into unconsciousness or even super-consciousness. The sound of the
Physical plane as Thunder and the other sights and sounds of the planes can easily be
those of the environment that surrounds you or how your body reinterprets it in an
altered state..
After dawn on Sunday, the 18th of May, 2014: I saw a blank pink both times while
hearing the roar of the sea and occasional thunder; both times I went to sleep that
The Causal Plane is called Brahmanda Lok (Brahm-on-da Lock)
Is it best to interpret our play of memories and how our mind organizes stories
as past lives? The memory during, after, or around the practices is most likely to
be the aspects that fit into the mythology or other structure of the practice. In
this case people are told to think of orange and tinks of bells.
After dawn on Monday the 19th: I saw orange stars twinkling to the beat of bells.
The Mental Plane is Brahm Lok (Brahm Lock)
It makes sense for the Realm of the Mind to be the place of the intellectual
symbols of math, music, and letters to be projected here. Philosophy is also such an
intellectual think. For the uninitiated to Eckankar the Blue Star is of Eck and
after the hope is to call it the Blue Star of the Mahanta. Blue is one of the most
common colors of psychedelic light to see in meditation, in sleep, or around sleep.
The star form or light blob is one of the most common phosphenes to see as well. The
sound of running water is mentioned with a color of blue here.
After dawn on Tuesday the 20th: I saw a blank light blue and heard running water.

The Etheric Plane is Saguna Lok (Sa-goo-na Lock)

There is Saguna Brahman or With Qualities Absolute and Nirguna Brahman or Nondifferentiated Cosmic Spirit. To worship God we may reference forms or qualities
with saguna. I would not refer to the Immanence as anything but the highest or
limitless, unchanging qualities that are appropriate to the essence of Nirguna
Brahman or The Expander Without Bad Qualities/Without Material Form Creator. This
discourse says the sound of buzzing bees is often heard on entering this Realm of
Intuition. I never understood the idea that the Etheric Plane "is the top of the
Mental Plane." Either it is a separate world or it is not.
21/7/1435 and 7/5/1436 Dreams:
After dawn on Wednesday the 21st of May, 2014: I saw myself tunnel through into
violet and purple. I heard a buzzing.
I must have practiced this for over thirty-one nights in the two or three other
periods of time I decided to repeat this rite. Some nights were more clear or more
detailed than this and others were less. My final practice of this ritual was
between 1:20 and 4:55 A.M. on Tuesday the 26th of February, 2015 or the eighth
through tenth hours of the night of 7/5/1436: I saw a twinkling of electric blue
sparks as I felt like I was sinking down through my bed and further. I came unto a
place like a deep purple cloud. The air was thick and heavy upon me. A sound of
bees grew as I approached a violet building. A reddish black goat was climbing this
building shaped like a tub rounded at the top. It would land upon the edges of the
design of this building like unto the pictures of the Dayaka Temple; until it reached
the top with its sphere upon a rod top. The goat looked down into the sphere that
functioned like a microscope. It would stick little coins into a gap. The first was
silver. The second was copper. The third was aluminum. The fourth was steel. The
fifth was bronze. The sixth was gold. Looking at each coin made it like a sports
field sized labyrinth. The goat would carefully trace each line with a brown light
that seemed to come from its eyes. Before the sigillum for Belial was that for
Amduscias, Cimeies, Andrealphus, Flauros, and Andras.
I drew my attention to the Hindu man leading an indigo heifer around the grounds
of the temple that had fly agaric mushrooms all around it. They entered through the
door of the temple. Violet light poured brightly out of that door. I followed them
from a distance and entered into this building that seemed to be carved out of a
single precious stone. It wasn't amethyst, but it was of a similar color. I could
not see where the dark Hindu and the heifer went after I entered and looked around.
There was no other entrance or exit than that one door.
Upon the high and rounded ceiling were the Shem Ha-Maphorash sigilia for the
period of Capricornus or segments sixty-three through sixty-eight of the year divided
into seventy-two or seventy-three when starting with the spring equinox; etched in
red. The signs were in clockwise order. Starting left of the door was the sign for
Aenuwaal, Mechiyaal, Dumbiyah, Munqaalm Ayae'aal, and Chebuwiyah, I sat on the
cushions that lined the circular wall. Two shadows moved about in the bright violet
light. Each talked with a different toned Chinese accent. In unison, they said, "In
Arcadia, this arcanum is brought about as simply as to only imagine it and it as if
the projections exist." The scene faded. I then felt warbly as I heard bagpipes.
This went away as I heard the beeping of my alarm.
Interpreting the Dreams of 21/7/1435 and 7/5/1436:
One can look at the dream of May 21st, 2014 as a projection of the attributes of
the supposed Etheric Plane or the Upper Part of the Fourth Heaven. The sound of bees
may be the sound of prosperity. Purple may be a symbol of devotion. Violet may be a
symbol of divinity, the spiritual realities, and that which is more fine.
When one looks at the dream of February 26th, 2015 the meanings can include the
following: The sound of the bagpipes is said to be the sound as the pure traveler
crosses the zone that guards the Soul Planes from the material and psychic world
below; according to Paul Twitchell's The Tiger's Fang: An unmatched Spiritual Journey
to the Astral, Causal, Mental, and Soul Planes-and into the heart of God Itself! I
may know of nothing where someone has claimed the exact experiences he professed to

have had, but it seems that his experiences were equaled or surpassed in every
respect by prophets of God; such as Zarthost and Muhammad. The feeling of the
warbling can also be as being deeply moved by the changing tones of the bagpipes.
Arcadia in mythology is of idealism, utopia, paradise, the secluded, the
protected, and the preserved. The saying as a whole can be as the Eckankar Law of
Facsimiles, mysteries representing ideals, and a heavenly existence that one brings
about one's self.
The Shem Ha-Maphorash sigilia are signs of aspiration to the good and truth of
the portion of the year they represent, symbolism of their element, the symbolism of
the Zodiac sign that they are listed under, and the meaning of their names, those
light beings, and their allies.
The shadows in the violet light can be said to be obscuring of the top levels of
consciousness. Eckankar literature says Lai Tsi is an ECK Master from the 6th
Century B.C.E. that rules the Dayaka Temple of the Etheric Plane with his underling
Jagat Ho; who was also said to be a Chinese ECK Master, but from the 5th Century
B.C.E. The meaning of blocking the crown can be seen in the focus on projections
rather than the actual structure and function of intuition and the unconscious.
can't think of how the sound of bees and bagpipes fits into that at the moment. One
shouldn't merely awaken dead images, but seek out the reality behind psychological
The Hindu and the Heifer are as the constellation Indus. Its symbolism of an
enigma are clearly seen in the disappearance and the unpredictable effects of fly
agaric mushrooms. Fly agaric mushrooms also show that constellations meaning of
seduction in their allure as a means to attain certain states of being. The blue cow
may also be as a symbol of high quality nourishment. The Hindu man can be as the
initiator, preserver, and protector of the mysteries.
The building and deep, dense clouds are an obvious projection of the Dayaka
Temple in the Etheric Plane. Out of stones, I can find pictures of, it is closest to
sugilite. That is a symbol of deep spiritual love. That combined with the sound of
the bees can be the devotion that involves exploring and contemplating upon the
supernatural or truly metaphysical.
The Goetia sigilia are symbols of renouncing and seeking protection against the
evil and ignorance of such entities, their legions, those periods of the year, those
planetary categories, and what is within the meaning of their names.
The Goat is as the constellation Capricornus. The brown light that seemed to
come from its eyes is as the cardinal and objective nature of Capricorn. Its
meanings of self-conscious, preserving, and patient can be seen in the carrying and
use of the sigil coins. The process of climbing the Dayaka Temple can be as its
symbolism of perfected matter. The reddish color of the goat can be Capricorn's ego
and its identity as a Fire sign in this Age of Aquarius.
The top of the temple with its sphere on a rod design can be seen as the
constellation Microscopium or the Microscope. It represents all those "As above, so
below." and "As within, so without." sayings.
The sparkling blue light can be said to be the light of the Lower Part of the
Mental Plane; which is said to be below the Etheric Plane or the Upper Region of the
Third Heaven.
For the Soul Plane sing Sat Nam; which means True Name.
The Eckist would say that this is the Fifth Plane, Dividing Plane, and the first
truly spiritual world. Wouldn't listing the Physical, Astral, Causal, Mental, and
Etheric Planes below that make it the sixth? With the terms they are described in, I
would not necessarily agree that anything listed as below the eleventh plane or the
Sugmad World is not mixed with matter. The descriptions of deeper and deeper yellows
till one reaches the Soul Plane or Atma Lok where you hear the single note of a flute
seems so psychedelic or even purely physical in nature. Such goes with the same with
the whole descent of sounds after the many realms of and beyond Akshar Realization,
the Music of God, and the Music of the Universe. Hu or the sound of a whirlpool, the
music of woodwinds, a thousand violins, deep humming or just a humming sound, heavy
wind or just a wind, a single note of a flute, buzzing bees, running water, tinkling
bells, the roar of the sea, and thunder do not seem metaphysical at all. Neither
does green, pink, orange, blue, purple, yellows, white, and black seem like
supernatural colors to me.

After dawn on Thursday the 22nd: I fell asleep to being bathed in a deep yellow
For the Invisible Plane chant Alakh Lok (A-loch Lock).
Alakh Lok or Invisible Plane is listed as the Sixth Plane where one is supposed
to hear heavy wind and see a softer yellow than the deep yellow of the Soul Plane.
Why can't God give you dreams and take you places without a Mahanta or intermediary
being? I would think you are to be given the ability to experience such things on
one's own with God's permission.
23/7/1435 and 20/5/1436 Dreams:
After dawn on Friday the 23rd of May, 2014:
wind outside.

I saw a light yellow and heard the

The seventh through tenth hour of 20/7/1436 or between 1:17 and 5:40 A.M. of
Wednesday the 11th of March, 2015 was the last performance of this ritual for this
stage of context from the discourses.
I felt myself floating away. An electric blue came over me and my voice became
like deep gusts of wind. I was in a peculiar air. I could see; yet couldn't see
anything. Then I was in a soft yellow fog that seemed to dance to the drone of the
wind. I went through a layer that was like very soft flesh. Beneath me, it felt as
if I was walking on water, but I couldn't see it. The constant feeling upon me was
as if I was being misted upon like the weather we used to have for months every year
in the northwestern United States.
When I finally saw an object, I saw a tetrahedron shaped area that seemed to have
bright colored lights. All of its six edges were about nine feet in length. The
left quarter was a rich green. The right quarter was of a deep blue. The front
quarter was of a red that had a glow much like burning embers. The top quarter was a
light yellow. Whenever I stepped into an area, a scene came without sight or sound.
I initially entered into the green region. The scene in thought was of a world
map with people standing on the area of the map most fitting to their physical type.
While staying in tetrahedron shaped space, I moved to the blue area without
entering the yellow. The scene that was sensed was of a hidden person grabbing
random things as they went by.
I went into the red area without entering the yellow. The scenes that moved my
spirit were of martyrs dying for a good cause. I was happy at this, because I had a
sense of their ultimate success.
I entered into yellow floating up till i was no longer in the red, blue, and
green at the same time. I felt very heady. The scene that I was aware of was like a
head in a giant scallop shell writing things in chalk upon sculptures. I felt a deep
sinking as all these things went away.
I was left in the dark with a feeling of satiety. An electric blue went over me;
in the direction my feet were from my forehead as I lay flat. This happened
repeatedly with a strong analgesia. I felt a slow blissful pulsing all over till
around 6:06 A.M.
Interpreting the Dreams of 23/7/1435 and 20/5/1436:
One can interpret the dream of May 23rd, 2014 as a selective remembering of the
color and sound that is attributed to the Sixth Plane on the Eckankar God Worlds
The first interpretations of the dream of March 11th, 2015 shared here will be
the way I think a typical ECKist would explain them. Here, that would center on the
Mahanta taking me to and from the main temple of the Invisible Sphere. There, at
Alakh Lok, they would say I went to the Tamanata Kop Temple to meet the Sokagampo ECK
Master, Tomo Geshig. Eckankar would want you to believe that I sensed the message of
the Shariyat Ki Sugmad (The Eckankar bible has two outer volumes and an alleged ten
more on the inner planes.); while we were surrounded by the ECK Masters Hari Tita,
Hipolito Fayolle,and Chu-ko Yen. Tiger's Fang: An Unmatched Spiritual Journey to the
Astral, Causal, Mental, and Soul Planes-and into the heart of God Itself! by Paul

Twitchell gives a similar account of the Fifth Heaven in terms of the mist, golden
dancing fog, a velvety feel to a layer gone through, invisible things, silent
communication, and a strange atmosphere. I felt no presences, except my own. All
the themes and experiences in and around my dream amount to psychedelic matters that
I have already experienced before on an individual basis. It would be better to
interpret the whole thing is an understanding of the concepts that underlay such
things rather than to say I went to a supernatural heavenly realm of pure spirit.
Astrological interpretations of my dream of 20/5/1436 seem like a better place to
start with most people. The scene of the center point of the tetrahedron was as the
constellation Sculptor or The Sculptor. Its meanings here are in the altering or
covering up of invented things being done by a symbol of the birth of what is healthy
in a detached sort of manner. Innovation is not a sin in Islam as long as it is not
changing to rules of what is allowed and forbidden; as well as if a matter is
required, recommended, or voluntary. Prophet Muhammad said, "Any new thing which is
not a part of The System of Judgement will not be acceptable and will be thrown back
upon him." It should go without saying to note that anything good and true is
automatically Islamic; whether or not the person who does or thinks it is Muslim.
The scenes in the front corner was as the constellation Phoenix or The Firebird. Its
meanings here were as self-sacrifice resulting in a flourishing immortality. The
scene of the right quadrant was as the constellation Tucana or The Toucan, Its
meanings here were as being withdrawn and taking risks whenever one comes out to
obtain material things. The scene of the left area was as the constellation Grus or
The Crane. Its symbolism here is as the pedigree of humanity. The dance of the soft
yellow mist can also be seen as the constellation Grus representing a crane's exotic
dance with longevity being in how the wind gusts just kept going on; as did the mist.
The whole series of events can be seen as some of the symbolism of Aquarius or The
Water Bearer. Here that is how it was in the contexts of a water experience; in
which I rejoiced upon what flowed. At times things were a gamble.
Then it might be fitting to put parts of the dream through the symbolism of the
Tarot. The Venusian symbolism of the Nine of Cups can be seen in the happiness
contained in the dream. Its Plutonian meanings can be seen in that the four scenes
were but fragments of the issues. That may also be seen in the originality of the
sculptor. The Ten of Cups Mercurial symbolism can be said to be in the satiety as
the dream ended. Its Lunar symbolism of wellspring can be seen in the feeling of
water beneath me and in the overflowing of emotions at times.
The tetrahedron is the Pythagorean solid for the element of fire. It can be seen
as representing energy and disruption. Being in yellow may just represent the fact
that we are in the warming quarter of the solar year in the Northern Hemisphere. It
may also mean that the will is to be spiritualized. Further, it may convey that the
enjoyable states may need disrupted at times; in order to grow, know, struggle in
God's way, and to reflect on purely spiritual realities.
The blue in, blue out is as a symbol of the intellect. It indicated that no
experience is devoid of needing interpretation.
The wind may be better seen as how no experience is recalled in this life without
some loss of information than as the sound of the Fifth Heaven.
The walking on water is as being connected to the mind and emotions, but taking
matters into a higher place.
The fleshy layer can be seen to represent the delicate nature of the physical
forms. I should be cautious about them as I live a spiritual life that has more then
temporal effects.
For The Nameless Plane chant Anami Lock (A-na-mee Lock).
How is there "several other planes between the sixth world and the Anami Lok" or
tenth word when only the Alaya Lok or Endless World, Hukikat Lok or Highest State
Soul Generally Reaches, and Agam Lok or Inaccessible Plane are listed? That seems
just a few. This hierarchy of god as the same God makes more sense when thought of
going into the Ocean of Love and Mercy and realizing Akhsar. One can't go beyond
Sugmad or God as a Noun. One may rather think of God one way verses another in
another state.
The idea of a Tenth World or Having No Name Sphere here reconciles the mention of
its sound as Hu and the sound of a whirlpool by having the sound echo out of the
whirlpool. The place is described as white, but not the Ocean of Love and Mercy

where "Souls are created." That place which is called the Thirteenth Plane and
beyond, elsewhere, is said to be closer to God.
25/7/1435 and 1/6/1436 Dreams:
After dusk on Saturday the 24th of May, 2014: I saw a white haze.
I performed my last session of this rite between 3:40 and 5:14 A.M. on Sunday,
the 22nd of March, 2015 or the ninth and tenth hours of the night of 1/6/1436. I had
been seeing peacock colors when I went to sleep to this ritual. Sometimes, this
Spiritual Exercise would leave me waking up hearing HU (pronounced like hue) said
once or more.
That night, I likewise fell asleep seeing myself surrounded by a rich green
interlaced with a rainbow of colors. The difference was the euphoric tingling and
melting feelings that accompanied it.
Then, I saw myself in a bright white place where the surfaces were like angel
food cake without the crust. In the middle of this world was a whirlpool spinning at
tremendous speed. There was a fuzzy white sphere in the sky. It was much larger in
the sky than our sun is in our sky.
I cast different shaped pieces with the symbols of the Goetia for the period of
Aquarius, or #69-72, 1, and 2, into the whirlpool. The sound of HU spiraled above
it. The first sigillum was gray. The remaining sigilia were blue, light green, red
with dark green dots, yellow, and dark green. On the first was the sign to have
mastery over Decarbia. Then came those to banish Seere, Dantalion, Andromalius,
Bael, Agares, and their legions. I likewise tossed the parallel sigilia from the
Shem Ha-Maphorash, or numbers 69 though seventy-two, one, and two into the whirlpool.
These six were large tin coins.
After these twelve were cast forth into the whirlpool, the bright white sphere
turned an even brighter turquoise. I followed the sound of HU (God as It) spiraling
upwards above me till I realized that I was moving upwards into the vortex above the
whirlpool and the fuzzy turquoise sphere at the same time.
I found myself in a deep clear blackness. I was there with three groups of blue
sapphire cups; two cups before me, ten to my right, and nine to my left. The
darkness was as everything other than me and God and as nothing at once. Tremendous
breathing sounds were heard and I pulsed with warmth and a sense of power.
I awoke with my heart racing and felt far more rested than my sleep hours for
that day and those before it would have left me.
Interpreting the Dreams of 25/7/1435 and 1/6/1436
One can interpret the dream of May 25th, 2014 as a selective remembering of the
color attributed to the Tenth Plane or Ninth Heaven on the Eckankar God Worlds chart.
One can interpret the dream of March 21st, 2015 as a projection of the Eckankar
sights and sounds of Anami Lok or the Nameless Sphere and the Tenth and/or Eleventh
Heaven; all the while not accepting their system of interpretations and beliefs as
authoritative. The Eckankar interpretation may be also be that I attained Akshar
Realization in one of the many planes past the Sugmad World and Sugmad after becoming
one with God. One in the sense of thinking and acting submissively to the will of
God, but it would probably be best to interpret it as being entirely psychedelic; as
it seemed to have no elements that Rudolf Otto would have definitely called, "ganz
Andere (Wholly Other [truly metaphysical)." It was certainly paranormal, though.
The experience parallels that found in Paul Twitchell's The Tiger's Fang: An
Unmatched Spiritual Journey to the Astral, Causal, Mental, and Soul Planes-and into
the Heart of God Itself. The differences include not feeling like I was God and that
the spiraling upwards sounds were of HU rather than breathing. The ECKist
interpretation of the breathing was that it was the Voice of God, but it might be
better to say it was my own breathing remembered in an altered state. The HU
spiraled off the vortex above; while the discourse said it bounced off the whirlpool.
The whole thing represented supreme achievement in the visual sense and going
beyond that.

The whirlpool can be said to represent the past. The vortex can be said the
represent the future. The darkness shows how it is virtually unknown. This combined
with the sphere is as living an intellectual life that is just as spiritual.
The interpretation of the colors of the symbols of evoking and invoking can be,
"I cast forth lunar, jovial, venusian, martian with venusian aspects, solar, and more
venusian renunciations, and as many aspirations of fixed water. All twelve were
under the twelfth of the year attributed to Aquarius; like a month
The astrological interpretation includes the Aquarian themes of cup bearer,
service, flowing, and exchanging. The decantes of Aquarius can be seen in the dream
as original & happiness, revelation or inspiration & satiety, and
suppression/oppression & love.
As the place was white and gentle, so do I intend to dwell in this body in a ways
that are best for its operators; which is connecting to God and creation.
Some spiritual laws start off in the unseen as original revelation or inspiration
and manifest in the seen worlds beyond suppression and the oppression. Then, with
love before me, satiety to my right, and happiness to my left, I went with the star
as the Cup Bearer of ECK (Here, it means God as a Verb, or The Holy Spirit Gabriel,
or what is spiritual.) into the darkness that was like everything aside from me, the
twenty-one cups, and God; while being as nothing at the same time.
Fourth Week: Holy Words
Either the Spiritual Hierarchy of Ruler of Plane is the same god or it makes no
sense to say, "Sugmad (soog-mahd), it is simply the highest God of all." Why else
would that only be listed as ruler of Plane Eleven and Twelve; while Akshar is listed
as Ruler for Plane Thirteen and beyond.
After dawn on Sunday the 25th of May, 2014: I saw a throbbing, textured yellow.
I am skipping this one as repeating this word seems to be worship of whoever is
called it. I am sure that actually knowing Christ or Messiah means still leaves some
of us unable to repeat it like the Christians would or such tiles would be repeated
in other churches and shrines. Eckankar may say, "We give him respect, but not
worship." The non-monotheistic or Christian way that they call him "the Word of
God", The Eck made incarnate in the Living Eck Master," the Living Word, the Inner
Master, the Outer Master, the Dream Master, and just plain Master should be clear
enough to prove Eck Masters are worshiped in Eckankar. That is why its leaders
wanted the organization called a church with all that training that would have made
clear to them that a church is a kirk or a hero shrine where people worship other
than god like a god or gods.
It makes sense to dedicate practices to God, if they are worthwhile. I agree
about asking God for truth and the implication to be ready for whatever that may be.
Given the attribution of day four of week four, the Hukikat Lok or Ultimate Reality
Sphere or Eighth Plane is the place to attribute this to.
After dawn on Monday the 26th: I saw a throbbing, whirling purple.
Some systems would attribute scientia or knowledge from external senses or
information as preceding sapientia or wisdom from eternal sources. This is the way
Eckankar teaches that a soul generally gains before the Ninth Plane called Agam Lok
or Unapproachable Plane. This makes sense as a soul's descent from the highest on
down. Eckankar teaches that the soul is created higher than the Tenth Plane, but the
implied meaning is that knowledge is a lower state and people just don't attain to it
before this.
After dawn on Tuesday the 27th: I saw yellow sparks in a white cloud.

The implication here is to soul travel; which is really like lucid dreaming for
the active and aware role played in it. Would you say it is different from dream
travel, astral travel, inner plane projection, or other forms of psychedelic
manipulation? Do people really go to heaven or where we will be in the afterlife
this way?
After dawn on Wednesday the 28th: I saw a neon green cloud fill up my view.
God-Realization is said to result in freedom. This is probably, because when we
realize the reality of what god is or spiritual truths, we are able to acquire
attributes that attune us to that reality instead of whatever delusions we had. Are
wisdom, freedom, and power attributes we are meant to have? It does makes sense to
say that God is the most free.
Before dawn on Friday the 30th: I saw hot pink waves.
Satsang (Sat-sa-ng)
The communal satsang classes for learning and understanding texts of a spiritual
path seem the most actual of satsang.
These are generally around one of the
seventeen years of discourses or other member only books. Sometimes they are on
books available to the general public. The Eckankar definition extends to any
instruction interpreted as being between its leader and an individual. Experiences
attributed to being from a class in one of the over 16 alleged Golden Wisdom Temples
are also said to be satsang. I'll stick to interpreting my inner dialogue as being
primarily psychological.
After dawn on Friday the 30th: I saw turquoise ripples in water.
Say Love as l-o-v-e or in four syllables for the remaining days of the month.
After dawn on Saturday 31st of May till dawn on the 3rd of June, 2014 would be
that period for me. I can't help but think of the way love is said in the song This
Love by Pantera. Eckankar teaches, "God Itself is Love." Revealed religion teaches
love may be for evil, out of balance, or out of ignorance. I would agree with the
prophets in saying, "God is Most Loving!" Is love "the final passkey into the
Kingdom of God?" It may be essential, but our other emotions should be directed
towards submission to god too. I believe it is better to act out love as a verb and
attain more to love as a noun. Whether or not you agree that love is the feeling and
being behind Eck or Eckankar works; it is an important trait to a spiritual or
religious life.
After dawn on Sunday, June 1st, 2014: I saw hot pink waves distinct from
lavender colored waves.
Workbook Activities:
Workbook Activity 1 is on page 87 asks why twenty-nine different spiritual
exercises. To me, variation is not so much about the possibilities as not being too
rigid about doing the same exact thing al;l the time. With spiritual or merely fun
things, it can be well worth while. Even the usual practices that I seldom, if ever
mention in these papers on Eckankar have variation or are worked in sort of a
rotation. I want to remember my dreams; not because I am told it is important, but
because it seems like it would be beneficial psycho-spiritually. I identify with the
mention in the discourse about no drugs and being open as a dreamer. If nothing
else, Eckankar meetings are a place to share some dreams and visions.
Workbook Activity 2 is on page 88. They stop mentioning living your usual sleep
or other practices as the discourses progress. In the Eck Dream 1 Discourse, the
implication is that the reader would have abandoned their other spiritual practices
and replaced them with prayers to Eck Masters. Some resist this saint worship for
years in the organization, but I don't know if the Second Initiation will force me to
quit to not shirk my spiritually. Being an active listener or detail learner can

help people remember dreams, but I don't know if I changed in this when I started
years ago.
Workbook Activity 3 on page 89 asks what happened when one set aside a dream
night. I have always tried to be ready to record or remember whatever comes. Of the
twelve pieces of dream advice in this discourse, the last Preparation for Dreams is
the one I won't do. It is one thing to visualize, but picturing some person who
wants to be my Master and treating him as my intercessor with my soul is a
displeasing thought to me. I would recommend the night that starts on Thursday as a
dream night. Jews may want to pick the following night or the Sabat. Christians and
Vaishnavis may prefer to use Sunday.
Workbook Activity 4 makes clear on page 90 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by
Harold Klemp that even "Higher Initiates in Eck have still to learn" correct
judgement. I could understand that people will make mistakes, but how can being a
Fifth Initiate or beyond mean lacking in just discrimination? This only makes sense
if initiations are not chosen based on mental or spiritual knowledge of the initiator
or the authority dictating the initiation. What I bring into this work keeps me open
and I credit God and try to find comfort from the symbols and messages of truth that
exist whether or not it exists in Eckankar.
Workbook Activity 5 on page 90 and 91 goes over the list of Eck Master Wah Z,
Rebazar Tarzs, Fubbi Quantz, Taubl Sacabi, Peddar Zaskq, Rami Nuri, and Lai Tsi. I
might be comfortable repeating someone's name if they were present, but not to
worship them like a deity. It says, "Do these exercises as if feels comfortable." I
can shut my eyes and see a picture, but the context of these exercises makes me
uncomfortable with all of them. Does remembering a dream or something from the
process of going to sleep or waking up mean an act of worship is right for you?
Workbook Activity 6 on page 92 and 93 is a set I feel comfortable with. It only
asks me to mention seven imaginary temples. Some are based on historical temples
Inner plane projection of Faqiti, Katsupari, Gare-Hira, Askleposis, Sakapori,
Namayatan, Param Akshar are Temples of Golden Wisdom I am willing to explore even in
this context. With all four sets, they ask to check off dream recall and make notes,
even if they are thoughts after waking up.
Workbook Activity 7 takes the practice to include the day too. I think of these
Planes of God in terms of Astral Projection. Sat Kanwal-Anda, Brahmanda Lok, Brahm
Lok, Saguna Lok, Sat Nam, Alakh Lok, and Anami Lok are really ideas to project out
upon. The projections here include pink & the roar of the sea, orange & the tinkling
of bells, blue & running water, violet & buzzing bees, rich yellow & the single note
of a flute, soft yellow & a heavy wind, and sheer white & HU.
Workbook Activity 8 on page 97 and 98 calls to see if chanting certain words have
a noticed effect. Sugmad, Mahanta, Truth, Wisdom, Travel, Freedom, Satsang, and up
to three nights of l-o-v-e. I think I'll abstain from the second, but will tell you
that we should all be One Who Shows the Way to someone in something.
7/10/1435 Random Passage From Stranger by the River Spiritual Exercise and The Eck
Dream 1 Discourse Lesson 5: Understanding Our Dreams
Page 100 has an illustration of a little boy sleeping on his belly with his head
to the left. This is of the worst positions to sleep in for the body and brain. It
is to be avoided. The boy's dream of a meadow with big flowers, a tree, and little
flowers in the air is shown. The caption conflicts with Islam and modern science in
saying, "Most of us travel in the dream worlds while our bodies are asleep." Science
says we all dream, whether we now it or not and Al Qoor'aan speaks of things
happening with our soul when we sleep that many are not aware of. Dreams and their
realities are taken for granted in an age of not being medicated or a user of
recreational drugs is an exception:
5: Understanding Our Dreams
I would have to agree that most downplay the importance of dreams, but does that
they are often prophetic? I don't know if I have ever encountered an Eckist that
would say they were devoid of consciousness besides waking consciousness before
joining Eckankar. I find it hard to think of the Eck masters as further along when I
hear of the imbalances of Harold Klemp and behavior issues of him and the other
living Eck Masters. Who moves through the planes at will except God's angels? If

God is closer to us than our hearts, as Al Qoor'aan 8.24 claims, how can we always be
conscious of this aspect of our travels, if we cannot consciously participate in
that? Eckankar claims its "spiritual travelers" do such, but contradict this with
their stories. Al Qoor'aan 48.4, 18, and 26 mention a sakinah or tranquility for the
believers who were active participants in God's kingdom. Eckankar would say we do
this through lucid dreaming rather than being a believer who holds to the good
thought, good word, and good deed as for all. I am reminded by the opening five
verses of Al Qoor'aan Soowrah Annaaaziaeaaayat or 79 that draws the difference
between the harsh removal of souls from bodies by unfallen angels or light beings for
some and gently for others. More literally this refers to rising and setting in
view, floating around, overtaking each other, and fulfilling different commands.
While this is more accurately a reference referred to stellar bodies in space; soul
travel and dream travel seem to fit right in.
Pages 101 and 102 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp include reference
to a soul's unfoldment as progressive steps of "unconsciousness, emotional awareness,
mental awakening, dream perception, soul travel, self-realization, and God
Consciousness." Islam would agree that a foundation needs to be established in order
to build on it. In Islam this is belief in God, light beings/unfallen
angels/malaikah/devas/ahuras, his revealed scriptures, God's messengers (over 144
thousand to humanity) without inventing distinctions between them nor discriminating
inventing differences, Judgement Day, and predestination/divine decree. Eckankar
shares Radhasoami beliefs about having a living spiritual master. Finding out with
one is the true one of the time and submitting to him is the foundation of the
spiritual life in those paths. Does exploring different dimensions of our self for
the sake of God require this? Al Qoor'aan and many other sacred text speak of a
journey to God with resting places, but the resting place is more of a consciousness
and state of being than features of a psychedelic experience.
People make mistakes or have pitfalls. What they think of them and their
reactions are more important. Julius Caesar and William the Conqueror both fell in
front of their soldiers and declared the land they fell in their possession. Souls
fall too. Consistency of faith and deeds with get us through. Harold Klemp ignores
repentance here on page 103. Are that and asking God's forgiveness and trying to
reconcile with creation essential too.
The goals of understanding dreams in Eckankar are listed on page 103 as "what
they are, where they occur, how they occur, and what place they have in our spiritual
lives." As not to make the discourse too high content, the subject of interpretation
is said to be tacked in month 18 in Eckankar. Does The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by
Harold Klemp provide an understanding or interpretation of dreams in itself? Al
Qoor'aan 12.36 speaks of people regarding prophet Yuwsuf (Joseph) as the one to
interpret his dreams because of his righteousness. If we look back at verse 21 of
Soowratu Yuwsuf, God established him physically and in dream interpretations. Are
our understandings "well founded in knowledge" as Al Qoor'aan 3.7 says? Eckankar
says God leaves information in realms of heaven that we can explore with the right
techniques. Dreams can be communications between seen and unseen. If that is
entirely true, it is mostly of our own lower soul to our body and mind. Knowledge of
the holy must be beyond the wish fulfillment Eckankar focuses on. Al Qoor'aan 81.24
mentions Muhammad, and by extension all God's I fail prophets, as not withholding
about the unseen or seeking out secret knowledge of creation their purpose in life.
Eckankar teaches that the most advanced people withhold spiritual secrets and all
should make seeking out unusual experiences the basis of spiritual life.
Harold Klemp was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic after being committed
following jumping off a bridge and getting naked at an airport. When we consider
that, it makes sense that he would sometimes write things that seem like arguments
where most would agree. Such is the mention of dreams being a real part of life on
page 104 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp. Al Qoor'aan 39.42 implies
soul travel for the sleeping is for all. There is the Islamic teaching about a
believer being more likely to have true dreams, but not even that is implied to be
the domain of the initiated. Is the rest of that verse wrong about it being God and
it really being the Mahanta, the Living Eck Master who uses the sleep to inject
dreams into our soul till we are enlightened away from fear with love? Fear of
consequences of actions is an important motivation in doing right and abstaining from
evil. It actually is essential in becoming a Soul at Peace. Fear does not have to
detract from the love of God and creation.

Al Qoor'aan 40.46 mentions dreams being shown unto the dead in their metaphysical
graves. Al Qoor'aan 6.60 mentions God bringing mortality on the soul in sleep and
knowing everything we do after our ultimate return to him. Surely this must include
what occurs in the sleep, even when we never remember dreams. The Eckankar teaching
is that most people remember dreams from the Astral Plane, unless an initiate of
Eckankar. Third and Fourth Circle Eckist are said to recall from the Third and
Fourth Planes. Then one could say Etheric Plane and Soul Plane visions and are the
domain of Higher Initiates. Is this so? While they are not listed as being only for
these, it seems many long time members have more automatic projections of the Eck
Masters and Eckankar projections upon consciousness. The attributions of where the
dreams occurred are based on these. They are more likely to happen without warning
like some schizophrenic crack up, but they accept it to the point that the frantic
side never comes into it. Many leave Eckankar convinced it was demonic control that
did this too them and Harold Klemp or another Eck Master was a psychic vampire. The
Etheric Plane (It is really the fifth, but deemed to be the highest part of the Broad
Mental Plane and the only one that is not given it's own plane.) is said on pages 104
and 105 to be the storage place of everything that happens on the physical and astral
levels. I can understand how people who lived before computers describe our
spiritual records like labeled cards in a filing system, but the Eckankar view of
spiritual records seems to literal to be anything but obsolete and wish fulfillment.
A forgotten dream is then said to be a failure for a soul to make the connections
between the mental or conscious and the etheric or intuitive. I can't help but think
that it is implied in the mention of a dream censor is a subtle teaching about who
they call Mahanta at the time and not a function of the mind. Revealed religion
teaches God doesn't give us more than we can bear. This can be the trail through
knowledge of dreams, but wouldn't self-knowledge be an obligation of those without
knowledge of established religion? The memory or Causal mind is said to be where the
Etheric is supposed to store dream memories only to check them out later. The
intellect is then said to look at it there. Is waking It is very rare to be so good
at controlling dreams or believing in this so much that we see it like they say.
This is counteracted by saying on page 105 that, "From the dreamer's point of view,
he knows nothing about the complicated perception, storage, and retrieval system that
Soul has established with the three divisions of the mind." This process is their
explanation of waking in a daze from sleep. These will not be the only think that
the Eckankar corporation commands a conviction of without any faith or knowledge.
The Eckist is to just believe by inference from Eck works. Just like he is called to
believe this explains why the Astral Plane is the place of most people's dreams, even
without actual mention of it in this passage.
Harold Klemp on page 106 of his The Eck Dream 1 Discourses teaches Eckankar
departs from mainstream psychology on being what the last exemplar prophet taught
were the sayings of the lower soul. We do speak to ourselves in dreams and this is
what Eckankar focuses on. They try to project them into the category of the true
dream, but desires informing imagination is the base of the dreams that are the goal
of Eckankar. They also are taught to relish the dreams from devils as Eck Masters
helping them burn off karma on the inner. Therefore, bad dreams are taken as better
than not having them. Islam differs in the ways it teaches prevention of bad dreams
beyond mere better consumption and staying of even minor intoxicants like caffeine.
Autobiography of a Modern Prophet by Harold Klemp pages 106-107 teaches the process
of dreaming "starts when Soul leaves the body and enters a neutral blue-grey zone
that is like a silo" "that is perhaps two hundred feet in diameter and more than two
thousand feet deep." Is going further really because of merit? Is that usually
through one of the official Spiritual Exercises of Eck? How does the living Eck
Master keep his followers from being harmed by the powers of darkness when even they
are said to take the guise of Eck Masters by Harold Klemp? Islamic historical
accounts have Muhammad say that demons don't take his form in visions, but nothing
about him being a protector for the dreamer or visionary. There have been false
claims of such not being true, but they always have the person of the vision not
resembling the historical descriptions of Prophet Muhammad.
Eckankar members are taught to assume they dreams are where their supposed master
usually shows them Akashic or Spiritual records, or performs a spiritual healing, or
reveals a prophesy. So nonmembers and members who don't worship the Living Eck
Master, Paul Twitchell, and the nine hundred and seventy mythological Eck Masters
have regular dreams and lack a sound way of spiritual protection. Al Qoor'aan 22.17

reminds us that God will be the one to judge between the believers and those who have
the developmental condition of Jews, Sabians, Christians, Magis, and people who
misassociate with God without being part of a faith directly based on a scripture
with remnants of revelation from God. Al Qoor'aan 2.62 teaches that people have no
reason to fear or grieve about, if they believe in God, a Judgement, and live
righteously. These Askashic Records are said to be reviewed when going through
consequences or karma on the outer. The explanation shows how this is just another
way of wording the psychological explanation of dreams as reworking conscious life.
Modern scientific findings agree that mental blockages can be cleared up in sleep;
even when we don't remember it. The healing of body, emotions, or mind is not
explained separately on page 107, but can be implied through the words viewpoint,
attitude, and strengthening in the other two contexts. Prophesies are said to be
shown from the Spiritual Substance/Space Records. Al Qoor'aan 85.22 can be used to
say that Al Qoor'aan was part of the actual akashic or Original Spiritual Substance
Records. As other scriptures came down from their originals, such was the same for
this book with prophesies that may be beneficial to all. It is possible that
prophetic dreams involve a connection to God's foreknowledge that benefit the
individual. Must we credit insight we get as that of a spiritual leader going on
spiritual leader finding it and placing it where we can benefit from it?
I would think most with even material knowledge of dreams would agree dreams help
us out with our waking life and that is primary. Most spiritually minded people
would say that dreams are spiritually important and may lead to more holy
experiences. I think that is what they mean by soul travel. Al Qoor'aan 25.47
mentions sleep as a time of repose and by implication, healing. Most would atheists
would agree with Eckankar about healing is a factor of sleep. Psychologist and
psychiatrists would tell you that the two other factors here are projections upon
consciousness. Is Temples of Golden Wisdom where all twelve volumes of the ShariyatKi-Sugmad (The Way of The One We Seek has two volumes written by Paul Twitchell; the
founder of Eckankar.) reside and private audience with the Living Eck Master
realities beyond what we allow to be done to our consciousness? I see enough
abrogation amoung Eckankar members and literature to know that the "assurance to
dwell in physical and spiritual worlds" may not be gained overall when all five are
Luke 11.34 is brought up as an analogy referring to the Spiritual Eye or Tisra
Til in Eckankar lingo. Even if we leave this verses 28-33 and 35-36, this rings
true. Some may not have gotten it by that alone, because evil was how they usually
spoke of physical maladies. I think many who read this would disagree that the
spiritual sight is from a spot between and above the eyebrows. That is our
perception of vision and the spirit-soul is probably not so physical as to do more
than operate the pineal and pituitary. Does the psychedelic experiences that the
Eckist and other pseudo-metaphysicians aspire to resides in the centers of the
physical body alone? We should be a light that shares of what truth we learned,
though. I would certainly think that most who only read this discourse of mine will
find that awakening to the presence of God and experiencing strange light and sound
needs no presence of a living master for it to work.
Many will not have the gap in connecting dreams and waking life all on their own
without organized religion/spirituality. I will reinterpret three dreams by a Higher
Initiate on page 109 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp. The dream about
a gas pump pulling gas out of his gas tank may have really been about him loosing
more than he was gaining from Eckankar. The dream about sailing through fog not
knowing where to anchor may have meant he had trouble finding spiritual truth amoung
the Eckankar teachings and the light he saw was other spiritual ways. Maybe, it was
religion verses mere spirituality. The third and final dream that night was about
yelling at one ticket agent at an airport for another one taking a shift change right
before serving him. He may have been complaining about something that was being done
in his outer life too. Maybe all this was a sign that his prayer to Harold Klemp to
explain the change in his life was misguided.
Carol "Poke" Runyon spoke in his Dark Mirror of Magick video how his operations
always invigorated him. Page 110 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses speaks of how many
Eckist like their unusual experiences and then feel worse afterwards. Some of this
sounds like guilt. What do they have to feel guilty for, if Eckankar is right in
what they teach? Overdoing things physically may cause problems and spirituality
should not ignore the needs of the body. Bibliomancy is said in Eckankar to increase

spiritual stamina. It is really an exercise of mental variety. In Islam, we recite

different passages of Al Qoor'an and other things to give variety to our Salat or
Contact Prayer. There is much to be said inside and outside religious communities
about what this does for the mind. Harold Klemp is right about moderation. We
should not try to build up in intensity all at once.
Satisfaction, piety, and consciousness are said to be the keys to happiness
traditionally. Eckankar focuses on dream study and contemplation as the way to
happiness and love her on page 111 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp.
The story here is about someone who awoke to see little value in indulgence with his
possessions decided to do a contemplation instead. Thinking he heard Harold Klemp or
Wah Z's voice telling him to light a candle to know what it is like to be on the soul
plane touches on a truth that we are living in a metaphysical existence, but fail to
make the small shift to pay attention to that fact. The hearing it in a familiar
voice is based on a memory of what he thought the voice would sound like and what it
would say. It often seems like every warm or good feeling or thought is deemed to be
love in Eckankar. What do you think the secret word was that came with that feeling
was and what it really meant? It is not said, but maybe it has something to do with
the radiating outwards from the heart part.
Paul Twitchell's Stranger Random Passage Spiritual Exercise:
The Easy Way Discourses by Harold Klemp, Lesson 6: Your Initiations in Eck, pages
59 & 60 mentions contemplating on chapter 23 of that book from a quarter to half an
hour after reading pages 124-128 or The Trembling of a Star. Can We Live In a World
Without Love? or Lesson 8 of The Easy Way Discourses by Harold Klemp pages 79 and 80
calls one to take paragraph 9 of 15 of The Loving Heart from Stranger by the River
into contemplation for a third of an hour or the whole of chapter 15; pages 78-81.
This time it was to choose a short passage at random.each night asking "the Dream
Master to let you understand the underlying spiritual meaning..." If one means God,
sure. If one means as they do, no. I do not have grandfather issues that would lead
me to pray to someone four decades older than me. People are told to keep a record
and consider it spiritually important.
After dawn prayer on June 11th, 2014 was when I started with this. I first
flipped around reading small bits at random. Pages 130-134 or the 24th chapter was
the chapter I read before my first sleep session with this month's Spiritual Exercise
of Eck (Yes, it is redundant, if the word Eck means spiritual in some contexts.). I
may have chose the chapter "No Greater Love", because 24 was my age when I met the
Princess of Cups. For the second period of sleep after dawn, I chose pages 118-123
or the 22nd chapter. It is called "Freedom." I think this will be my selection for
the rest of the month. Thus far, my sleep has been rather blank and the colors
coming in and out of it have been rather monochromatic.
In the third solar hour, of the fourth day, of the ninth month, in the year
fourteen hundred and thirty-five of Al Hijra, I had the following experience between
9:17 and 10:42 A.M. on Wednesday, June 2nd, 2014: I saw a vault of pink stars with
an expanse of purple stars. I threw six spheres through the air. These had the
seals of the Goetia for the period of Taurus for the period of Taurus upon them.
They were numbers fifteen through twenty; in sequence. The first two, the fourth,
and the fifth were neon green. The third was a combination of hot pink and neon
orange. The sixth was neon yellow. A neon blue enveloped me and it was like I was
somewhere else.
I saw a meadow; full of orange flowers and blue flowers. There were two rabbits
fighting with eachother. Then it seemed like they were flirting with each other, but
something seemed lacking in the female rabbit. They reconciled and became as one in
the silvery moon.
That moon was watched by an armored hunter of old. He was gathering rocks and
herbs. Soon he would have to seek out a mate or even travel far to connect with one.
A strange sight met him in the wilderness. A stout man riding an onyx black
chariot rode across the sky with a she goat, a male kid, and a female kid in his
luggage area. This cloud riding chariot was pulled by three strangely colored
horses. One was purple. One was orange. The other was green. A white horse
circled around them on the right side and a black horse did the same on the left
side. The black and white horses stuck to their sides. The charioteer wore a cap
like a snake wrapped three and a half times around his head. His aura was yellow as

he spoke of the creation of the Earth and other earthly matters. I remember not what
he said. I awoke much more rested then my sleep hours in the past day would
typically give me.
This seems to be both a progression of the decant of Taurus and the Goetia seals
against Eligos, Zepar, Botis, Bathin, Saleos, and Purson. I think I should read it
in terms of Stranger by the River by Paul Twitchell, Chapter 22, Freedom.
The first sphere is a symbol of opposition to the evils of war; amongst other
things. The second sphere is a symbol against the evils of barrenness and courtship;
amongst other things. The third sphere is a sign opposed to the evils of reconciling
friends; among other things. The fourth sphere is a talisman for use against the
evils of herbs and stones. The fifth is a sign against the evils of heterosexual
love; amongst other things. The sixth sphere is a sign against the evils of earthly
answers; among other things.
The decanates of Taurus are Lepus or the hare, Orion or the hunter, and Auriga or
the Charioteer. The planetary attributes of Lepus as Mercury and Jupiter can be seen
in the orange and blue flowers. The planetary attributes of Orion as Moon and Mars
can be seen in the Hunter and the silvery moon. The planetary attributes of Auriga
as Saturn and Sun can be seen in the stout man's onyx chariot and his bright yellow
aura. His crown was the energy of the seven chakras or the 10/11 sephirot.
To further understand the vision, we can look towards the chapter. The purple
horse was a symbol of love. The orange horse was a symbol of freedom. The green
horse was a symbol of humility and truth. The white horse was of purity. The black
horse was of gratitude. The she goat was a symbol of a free and independent soul;
which provides for the same of mind and body. The mind and body were seen as the
female and male kids. The couple must go beyond their personal tastes to be people
of God. We learn this in the mineral, plant, animal, and human stages of life.
You think that you want to touch her to accomplish something?
All you are is bound to attachment!
Do you want to touch her in more than her body?
Seek love, freedom, and humility to rise above attachment.
Have you ever felt with soul beyond the symbolic affections of the body?
Freedom and independence she seeks to bring out in you with her catchment.
God has his way. So embrace love, truth, and freedom.
Let her bring out love and purity in you with her adjustments.
Perfect body, mind, and soul beyond yourself and actively join God's Kingdom!
Don't look to the lower things or return to the past to deserve new chastisement.
Workbook Activities:
The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp pages 112 and 113 tries to get people
to wait for a gift from the leader of Eckankar giving him credit for "an insight,
dream, or experience." The real goal of Eckankar is a scary one, if you think of it.
The purpose of Eckankar is to get its members to credit the organization and its
Mahanta for anything of value in their life. It is one thing to say God is in charge
of fate, but to place that on a human and call them your Dream Master is another
thing. I am fine trusting in God and won't falsely attribute what I figure out to a
guru. i won't draw such false associations of being gifted either. My technique to
better understand what I read with this month's exercise is the same as the past two
months like it. Poetry and prose works for me. What works for you?
The second workbook activity calls to remember when one has stumbled. What was
done? What could have been done? How was it a blessing? I have fell doing good
deeds and because of poor coordination, at other times. None of the times left me
anything, but going on. Either by continued effort got me respect or I was
considered brave for doing something right despite the cost. Either way, I was
blessed in at least the material world by it. I might have been able to do better,
but that time has past and I have to turn to the future.
Page 115's third workbook activity is to listen to the sixth track of Excerpts
for the Eck Dream 1 Discourses number 6: "The Eternal Dreamer Part 1" from The
Eternal Dreamer, Parts 1 and 2, 1988 Eck creative Arts Festival and Chapter 11 of The
Eternal Dreamer, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 7. My personal dream worlds are more of

my own personal projections and the occasional truly spiritual realm or elements. I
try to put it all in a religious/spiritual context through intentions and
remembrance, but don't think that makes it all "visits to the higher worlds of God."
I do not think metaphysics is such a onion layered existence of just go up and down.
Eckankar and some of the Gnostic groups have taken this speaking of heaven too
literally. Paradise and Hell realms are not so much as you want them to be and can
imagine them. Dream worlds are largely other views of what you processed in your
waking life. What makes yours different?
The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp page 116 has Workbook Activity 2.5.4.
I have wondered where my early and other dream experiences occurred. I wonder about
what parts of the mind and body are involved in visions too. I would tell a child
about this and I would also mention the holy or metaphysical realms as the place of
the rarer dreams and visions. Harold Klemp would have you try to use a technique
like active imagination to recall forgotten dreams "from the Causal mind and replay
it." The difference is that it is used as more of a making it up from scratch in the
context of prayer to whom Eckist call the Living Eck Master. I wouldn't mind praying
to God to remember things, though.
Workbook activity five of lesson five on page 117-118 is to review the quote from
Autobiography of a Modern prophet by Harold Klemp to identify what is familiar. I
have seen blue-gray areas and other colored areas in dreams and visions. I know
enough about the psychedelics of the mind to realize starry, pastoral, winds,
tunnels, and bright landscapes do not mean I am in different Planes than the Physical
The next workbook activity is on the next page and I can recognize knowledge of
my spiritual past, spiritually based healing, and prophesy in dreams without praying
to a creation to help me figure it out. What is your dream? What is your
Page 120 has workbook activity seven. I don't like to use to term Wah Z to refer
to Harold Klemp. Out of the five ways listed, the projections upon consciousness of
Golden Wisdom Temples full of Eck Masters (There have been 970 mythological ones and
3 historical Living Eck Masters called Mahanta during life in the physical body.)
teaching Eckankar Books and the projections of private discussions with the leader of
Eckankar are the only two unique things of the "five ways Eck Study of dreams gives
an advantage in life." Do those ways give an advantage? I could see how imaginary
journeys into Eck Temples could be of benefit without idolatry, but the second I list
is not one I'd like to explore. Would you pick one of these two or looking at dreams
as having insight to regular life or how dream work leads to more purely spiritual
realities or the healing provided by God in sound and light?
Workbook Activity 2.5.8 is on page 121. It implies that this month's spiritual
exercise can be used to understand other discourses and books. It provides another
place to put the page number of the reading (or other context), its' meaning, and
dreams. I would highly recommend sourcing understanding, or fiqh as it is called in
Arabic, whenever possible. Context of unusual experiences is not only important to
those who would want to recreate yours and its circumstance, but may form an
important basis for explanations.
I started with pages 130-134 or the 24th chapter of Stranger by the river as part
of my bedtime practice after my experience between 9:17 and 10:42 on the 2nd of July
until I went on retreat on the 17th of July, 2014. When Ramadaan was over and we
were observing `Iyd Al Fitr (Holiday of Ending the Fast [the first three nights and
days of the 10th month Al Hijrah), I picked up this practice again. No Greater Love
is the title of the chapter I read before sleeping till my experience between 7:31
and 10:50 A.M. PST on Friday the 1st of August, 2014 or the 2nd-4th solar hours of
I had felt like something relevant was happening in my sleep after reading this
chapter several times. finally, when I thought it would escape me, i remembered. I
felt very well rested and strangely powereful. i felt a sinking until my body in my
bed was no longer felt and I didn't see in the manner of a person laying with his
eyes shut. I walked till I came upon a flat top above its lower peak after a dip.
Clockwise, around the sides, near the top was the Shem Ha-Maphorah sigils for the
period of Taurus or numbers 15-20 in ruby. This was above the blue cloud around the

There was a giant bull there under a tented booth holding open conversations and
hoping to convince others. Later, he went to a different area to teach a class that
sat at tables. A third thing he did was to supervise people at easels. They each
painted different things. A giraffe led a dance that seemed symbolic, somehow. A
computer had a swordfish screen saver, but I knew I did not have access.
I noticed a dove and followed it into the north. It landed on a restoration
cross (what the cross type is, not what I believe about the symbol) with the word
Omnipresent on its circular rim within the boundaries of the cross. Its up-down bar
had Omnipotent written with the letters in their regular slant; reading starting at
the top. Its left-right had the word Omniscient; in the same manner, if you tilted
to the right to read them.
The blue cloud on the mountain lifted. I could see a funny-looking wooden ship
with a large compass that could be seen from afar. The stem and keel were also
rather distinct. The waters it sailed in were strangely colorful; like oil on water
in the sun. We went west and came upon a land where we saw chameleons. We then went
east till we reached a place with lynxes in the distance. We continued another way
and saw a flying fish along the way. There was a small rocky slang where a couple
was chained to the rocks. They fought six sea serpents. I felt like trying to save
them. They were trying, but he seemed better at it
Finally we entered into a valley between civilizations. A big dog led a little
dog who was riding a unicorn there. i walked alone when these three creatures were
out of sight. There was a castle shrouded by a red cloud. I went inside and found a
room like a pearl with the softest bed with a curtain around it. The Shem HaMaphorash sigils for the period of Gemini or numbers 21-26 were counter-clockwise
upon the sides of the bed in lapis lazuli. Two were on each of the long sides. The
guardian was a voluptuous woman with a golden cord. She was strangely dressed. I
could not see the mate for me that I knew was there. When I went outside with my
bride, we saw a wall open up to reveal a treasure.
My Interpretation of this Dream:
This is sort of a dream of the fifth and sixth numbered Tarot cards as Eck
Vahana/ Eck Arahata/Giani Marg (Eckankar Missionary, Teacher, and Eckankar Arts) and
Lovers/Soul Mates. The constellations of the first card are Mensa (Table Mountain)
and the Large Magellanic Cloud, Taurus (The Bull), Pictor (the Easel), Camelopardalis
(the Giraffe), Dorado (the Sword Fish), Columbia (the Dove), and Volans (the Flying
Fish). The constellations of the second were Carnia (Argo Navis's keel), Puppis
(Argo Navis's Stem), Pyxis (Argo Navis's Nautical Box), Chamaeleon (the Chameleon),
Lynx (the lynx/tiger), Volans (the Flying Fish), Canis Major (the Big Dog),
Monocerous (the one horned), Canis Minor (the Little Dog), and Gemini (the Twins
[also as the Woman). The blue could was as the this happened under the twelfth of
the year that is listed under Gemini. The red cloud could be of how I was focusing
on the period for Taurus. The bull is a symbol of abundance and drought. One can be
productive in the sharing towards either. The giraffe is a symbol of support and a
firm belief in clear creeds that forms an axis to operate around. The swordfish is
about being direct. I am limited in my confidence and effectiveness, but I must go
and try. The dove is a symbol of light beings/unfallen angels and messenger/exemplar
prophets that point us towards God; who is transcendent. The chameleons were a
symbol or be ready to take on different outer appearances and actions. We have to
learn how to be discrete like a chameleon or lynx or tiger. When approaching a
unicorn in a fanciful scene with dogs, one encountered a flying fish and that is a
symbol of being out of one's element. This must be the false truths and comparative
truths that are ways from the House of God as chapter 24 of Stranger by the River by
Paul Twitchell mentions.
The preaching, teaching, and arts are passionate and active matters. Both lovers
and soul mates need a touch of passivity and indifference. The journey continues
from there and we realize we are not the material, but that is the vehicle of
consciousness and the spirit-soul operates that. I am willing to lay down my life to
save another, but I must leave some behind to do their own work. The House of God is
accessible to soulmates and other pairs who appreciate the fullness of life and the
feminine for the sake of God. There are the same spiritual heights that can only be
reached with a helpmate. Value is realized that may go unnoticed when without a

spiritual twin. The body is the way home. Salvation through knowledge and love of
God and his ways is available for even those who must travel the path alone.
My 19/8/1435 Explanation of Stranger by the River, Chapter 24, No Greater Love:
Why should a chief spiritual master attend to the grave markers of the spiritually
A marker of first aid forms the marker at each head.
I was twenty-four with her that April and did not dread.
The sun shown briefly upon Earth.
Joy of spiritual heights was in sight of the dearth.
I would have layed down my life to save yours; for what it's worth.
I continue to explain for her what is my berth.
Seek out knowledge and love like rare earth elements.
From falsehoods and partial truths, make embarkments in your philosophizing.
Ride the spiritual current in you by affirming. Like a divine mint, God is baptizing
(See Al Qoor'aan 2.138).
Look behind the scene and find out that all the highest qualities reside in God and
those come down out here.
So give up on the finite in order to grasp some of the infinite grace, mercy, and
manifestation of Sugmad (The One We Seek Out)!
Hold tight to the rope of the Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient (See Al
Qoor'aan 3.103).
Let our hearts be reconciled and illusion disappear!
14/9/1435 I Dream of You Mahanta, May the Blessings Be & The Eck Dream 1 Discourses
Lesson 6
Page 124 has an oriental lady wearing a shirt with a design like one of those
Chinese/Japanese drawings of a flowing tree with a moon. She sits on a chair or
bench with clouds and music notes behind her. Her forehead shines.
We have a solar symbol on her head and a lunar symbol on her right breast. The
message I get is she puts out music and tranquility while accepting the nature and
beauty of night. One can find beauty and tranquility in all sorts of things. One
can also endow a practice with qualities of nature and peace, but that doesn't mean
that is automatic or even the sort of those things we should seek.
Lesson 6: How to interpret your Dreams
It must be a good things to see dreams as an in integral place of one's broad
spiritual life. Just as the introduction to The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold
Klemp hides the truth that you get more out of t Spiritual Exercises of Eck than you
could from the secret discourses, here implies the same thing about working harmony
into life via dreams, but we know that we can use our dreams to find harmony between
us and the physical vehicle we inhabit without any Mahanta as an intercessor even
A person is put together artfully out of different things. Dreams do help us
understand the depths and layers of being. Dream study can continue to yield new
information for the rest of your life, but ultimately the reason why the information
in the discourses is spread out involves the diluted content typical of Eckankar
writings. Those who have read my commentaries on the Eck Works may have notice that
I have to draw from other material to even make what I say on the addressed issues
even a tenth of the length of the discourses. The purpose of Eckankar Interpretation
of Dreams is to form a bond between the Chela (Eckankar Initiate) and Mahanta (the
human head of Eckankar) as if they were interacting in person. Is that something you
wish to convince yourself of?
The Mahanta teaches by example in reality by sharing from letters to him and
other readings. Every other grandfather does it just as well, I think. There is no
need to regard someone as a prophet, give them an extreme expense account, treat them
as a powerful god, and help them acquire millions of dollars for it. It is okay to
admit that dreaming isn't time travel and the only human that can make you dream is

The story on pages 126-128 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp seems to
be an example of seemingly blind obedience against all better judgement. The claim
attached to it was that Harold Klemp or Wah Z gave two people the experience of
watching the first of the Knight's Templar train their horses by the command of a
trainer. This step-by-step instruction was compared to the gradual release of
information by the Master of Eckankar on page 127. I would think most people know
that skill, wealth, and power tend to be things that build up in individuals and
organizations rather than being usually just acquired. When unquestioned obedience
despite personal objections to some ways works out in one area, does it work it
another where one doesn't know the outcome? The Knight's Templar surely grew till
Friday the 13th in 1307. We know Phillip the Fair was their enemy, but who is the
enemy and the battle field of the two Eckists mentioned on page 128? It is a
Buddhist enemy of the five passions of the mind. They are anger, greed, lust,
vanity, and attachment. Some of these may always be a problem, but must all of them
be? Anger can be at what is wrong and not misused. Greed can be the hard striving
to take on good deeds and thoughts. This doesn't have to be extremist. Lust can be
only directed to what is righteous and fair. Pride like selfishness is not a good
trait and is partly delusion. Being attached to the right beliefs and the correct
practices is a good things. One's state of being depending on current material
connections is not.
In Eck is a phrase that means an Eckankar member in the context of page 128. I
do agree that most think dreams are not as tied to reality as modern science tells
us, but I would have to disagree with saying that every inner experience is a visit
to a world as real as any out here. All experiences in life are deemed to be those
of soul or nafs in Islam. Our Spirit or ruwh communicates through most of these
according to Islamic belief. That is a higher aspect of ourself that Al Qoor'aan
17.85 teaches is an affair of God that humanity is given relatively little knowledge
of. Most teachings on the spirit and soul are very vague and it is truly something
holy to know rather than just believe that you are/have either instead of just being
the body and/or mind. Some Islamic commentators would agree with how Harold Klemp
teaches we live in higher realms while we are here on the physical. Of the nasuwt is
both the scientifically verifiable universe and the metaphysical aspects of the souls
in creation. The fallen and unfallen angels are different types of creation that
intertwines with the seen realms. If this can be said of the jinnuwt and the
malakuwt, what can be said of the Lahuwt or the Eminence of Divinity that is how God
is manifested in creation. God's Essence is not something we can say anything about,
besides such things that let us know it is not limited by space, time, or matter.
Eckankar would at times lead us to believe that things are more vague and even that
creation is part of God.
There is a story of someone meeting the leader of Eckankar in a dream on pages
129 and 130 of the Eck Dream 1 Discourses. The state they call God-Realization was
the goal in life for the initiate who dreamt of himself as having a sickly aura like
unto Wah Z or Harold Klemp. Harold Klemp admitted that the initiate was better off.
Rebazar Tarzs, the space alien who took on a Tibetan appearance, discoursed there on
what it is to be godlike. I would think self-divinization would be central to what
is called delusions of grandeur. People can remind people of God's perfect
attributes. Would you rather agree with Al Qoor'aan 112.4 in how God is "not like
anything in anything?" The mountains of the Hindu Kush-Himalayan and Agam Des in the
story seems and analogy to the mythical Mountain of Agam Lok where Eckankar teaches
people go to be God-possessed and thereby become the God-man of the time. Realizing
God is Omnipresent is a higher realization that understanding God as being in you.
Wouldn't it bring a person to the lowest spiritually, if they thought themselves to
be as a god or "the Eck made flesh?" Being offered a coat, shirt, or other garment
is important in paths such as Sufism in terms of authority and tokens of advancement.
The Eckankar teaching about harm not coming to souls is conflicted by unpleasant cold
being part of the experience shared here. I would hope none of you would be shaky in
the vision state and fear death as this man did. That is the implication of the idea
of facing death at the Master's bequest. Or is it just Harold Klemp's justification
of his own crazy behavior like jumping off a bridge into freezing water, provoking
workmen, and getting naked at the airport? God-Consciousness is a struggle to attain
and maintain, though. Why should the ways of spiritual survival be secret teachings
of Eckankar? Page 130 implies that there may be no Eckist who know Sugmad or God as
a Noun, so. Isn't the leader an initiate as he claimed to have the fourteenth

initiation in the 1990s? He is right about how no one can do your spiritual tests so
you can advance spiritually. Those two things should be enough to form a realization
that Eckankar does not bring anything unique to spirituality that would be of a
greater spiritual authority or greater advancement than one's own understanding and
Spiritual dreams may need no interpretation, but I think you would agree that I
have shown value in interpretation of it. The Catholic Church teaches there are
still somnia a Deo missa or dreams sent by God. Even those dreams of revelation that
are part of revealed scripture to an exemplar or messenger prophet or the inspired
speech that they give forth could use interpretation. Especially the compiled works
of men or those who have a less universal role in society could use interpretation of
even the most spiritual of experiences. The point that they can be understood on
their own should be an agreeable point. Dreaming about an Eck Master or thinking one
did is the criteria in Eckankar for what was definitely a spiritual dream. Our
dedication should be to Eck, if this means God or even if it just means what is
spiritually best in that context. What is the difference between a projection upon
consciousness and a real spiritual being? Eckankar doesn't teach us here and is
vague in other of its materials I read.
If Eck-Vidya mean spiritual knowledge, it would encompass more than we can
fathom. Our spiritual condition would surely be in there. The Eck Dream !
Discourses by Harold Klemp mentions on page 131 how spiritual masters are required to
set people free, but one is sworn to the Mahanta, the Living Eck Master as Inner
Master, Outer Master, and Dream Master instead of directly accountable to God until
one is made the new Eck Master. It seems like Eckankar would detract from the
spiritual freedom of direct relation to God without partners as much as any
polytheist path.
I would think the seeing of how others perceive you in a dream is more of a dream
of the personae or concept of public image rather than a guru making you dream
things. A dream by an Eckist about a temporary job as a busboy was deemed to be such
an Eck-Vidya dream. He dreamt that his old spiritual leader was telling one of his
followers that he was mad at someone who quite his path. People may have encouraged
good or truth or discouraged evil, but people's deeds are their own choice that will
be to their merit or demerit to do on their own. People can survive spiritually
without a particular living spiritual leader, now a days. The old master told the
dreamer that he was willing to help where Eckankar failed. Did the dreamer know that
Eckankar did not have all the truth and good things of his old path? The dreamers
love for the old path had turned to hate and demonization. A psychologically minded
person would regard it as paranoia and psychosis when page 131 says, "The Dream
Master may use your dream state as a screen upon which others project their feelings
about you." Not only is the Eckist taught to worry about others putting thoughts and
feelings into them and making them live them out, but that their very own leader may
help them at it. Some spiritual protection arrangement that is! Isn't the rejection
of Kal Niranjan or God Over Time Beyond Fear the real negative force in life? His
former master wanted his name displayed and Harold Klemp likes his name and titles
displayed as well. If the old master thought of him as beneath him, what does Harold
Klemp really think of his worshipers? The initiate of Eckankar or Eckist comforted
himself by invoking "Wah Z, Rebazar Tarzs, Fubbi Quantz, and Yaubl Sacabi" for help
instead of trusting in God for help.
A second type of Eck-Vidya dream is the dream where problems of this life are
projected upon the concept of a past life. Surely we may dream of what can only be
about the past, but I have heard of no tale that would require this belief to make it
true, if it was detailed enough. People want to be more important than what they are
in this life, but confidence in life and a sense of importance in what one can do
doesn't need it. I have heard people tell me how belief in reincarnation made them
fear death more. They would rather just try to do well and leave it at that rather
than keep going through it. Like other experiences, Eckist are encouraged to take
the current Mahanta over Eckankar as their Inner Master whom they credit with having
the experiences that are interpreted as past-life memories.
Harold Klemp thinks he lived in the fortress city of mythic past in Lemuria.
Page 133 describes a mastodon with light greyish blue skin that was a war machine.
He was scared as these beasts tore down the fort and he hid at the side of the fort
away from the attack. A puzzling aspect of the story is the mention of livestock
pins by the middle of the building. He died being caught by three enemy officers

before he could get to the safety of the trees. How silly is the idea of elephant
like beasts breaking up stone buildings with their trunks? Wouldn't it hurt to be
stabbed to death, even though a dream of such included no pain and the end of fear of
attack? Page 134 mentions there is no symbology in this and just to accept it as his
visit to the Causal Plane to retrieve a past life memory. Symbolically this is much
how Al Qoor'aan 4.78 mentions how death how death comes to even those in high and
sturdy fortresses. Harold Klemp dreamt that he slept on the side away from the
attack only to awake at dawn anyway. Lust like the passage that verse was from,
Harold Klemp saw himself as one fleeing from the struggles of life and unsafe even in
the cold, quiet of the early morning. The Door's song Texas Radio and the Big Beat
mentions, "No eternal reward can forgive us now for wasting the dawn." Was he
wasting the dawn on purpose? Would he find the comfort he seeks in the dawn by some
other methods?
A lack of fear of death can give you a confidence. So can understanding that
their are solutions to problems. Shouldn't we be careful to ground our confidence in
what we know rather than speculations?
Death is inevitable and we go on. Few
spiritual paths would disagree with that. Gratitude and happiness are to be sought
out in life. Some people do this by trying to simplify their dream stories. I would
think it is more important to be accurate and detailed at the start instead of making
things simple to start with and trying to think out more detail later. The Eckankar
way here seems prone to false memory and self-deceit. Eckankar admits that most of
its teachings are your life. This is no living book concept of traditional religion.
That implies most of the good in the path are your own teachings not its own. The
Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp says, "Only the smallest portion of truth is
ever given in the outer writings." According to others, the inner Eckankar writings
hardly give any real information that the public works do. It may be true that we
shouldn't wear our thoughts out on symbolism all the time, but that doesn't mean the
focus should be on unquestioning obedience who admits to withholding guidance. I
would have to agree that one's own life is what we should be looking for an
understanding of. Shouldn't a path for today to a jest of all righteousness and
Singing, "I dream of you, Mahanta, May the blessings be."
The spiritual exercise of month eighteen in Eckankar membership is to sing before
sleeping. I am not comfortable with the concept of singing, "I dream of you,
Mahanta. May the blessings be." It seems fine to say, "May the blessings be." This
works generically and for greeting whatever is present. In that context, it is
misassociation with God as it is calling to one no present more so than when people
talk to graves. To speak to a spiritual figure that is not there physically as in
conversation is worshiping them as a god. I guess the second sentence makes people
feel like they are only giving him respect as that would be respect if he could hear
it. Out of acceptance, one can also say, "May the blessings be."
Workbook Activities
Page 136 and 137 has the workbook activity 2.6.1. I figure that people would
imagine the author of a lot of books is reading it to or with them. This practice of
imagining Harold Klemp inviting me to this seems silly to me. As much as people in
Eckankar are taught to believe there is a secret rhythm in the discourses, the
implication of him revealing wonders is more like personal revelation unto you. This
enforces the false belief that Eckankar is headed by a Godman. People may pretend
that there is some Dream Master giving them special insights about one's dreams or
self, but I do not think my discoveries in those compartments have anything to do
with anything unique to Eckankar.
The second year, sixth month, and second workbook activity is on page 138 of The
Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp. I wouldn't like to see how the leader of
Eckankar teaches, because I know that the Eck program trains people to put a Mahanta
or Way-Shower as central to their dreams and their interpretation. Again I would ask
people to first ask from God and not never ask people who are not their to show them
things. I will say my recent gains with Spiritual Exercises of Eck are in knowing
how to work that specific context. I don't notice any sudden changes. My different

reactions have to do with a smoother way through my opposition to fanaticism,

sophism, and extremism in some groups.
The third workbook activity is on the next page. Many of us would agree that
many dreams and visions are experiences that are part of the real world. Everyday
life can use interpretation of events too, but some things are just fine as is. I
would hope that the number of Eckist (Eckankar members or practitioners) who take the
current Eck Master as an imaginary friend is less common than perceived. It relates
to me in my unfoldment in the way that I am in better shape physically than Harold
Klemp was forty or even more years ago. I would hope my mental and spiritual energy
has not faded to become more like him. If I could meet him and ask about these
matters, my questions to him would be, "Isn't the aura in a dream of the spiritually
and mentally healthy strong not weak? What does that say about you?"
The Workbook Activity around the seventh audio excerpt is on page 140. I
decided to listen to Excerpts for the Eck Dream 1 Discourses an average of more than
once a month for the second year in Eckankar, but I decided that I wouldn't listen to
it in Ramadaan (Month 9) or any of the Four Sacred Months (1, 7, 11, and 12). If an
Eck-Vidya (Spiritual Knowledge) dream is about your spiritual condition and shows how
things are effecting your life, how is this any different than the typical playback
of external influences than runs through typical dreams taken outside a spiritual
context? I try to never intend any secular experience. Then any review of influence
has a direct bearing on my spiritual condition.
Workbook activity 2.6.5 is on the following page. When I picture myself as an
Eternal Soul, I feel like the temporary hardships matter little and it affirms a
purpose that extends past this life. I won't ask a guy who has never been there to
help me be confident. I shall try to share something tonight with others to express
Confidence of Soul.
The sixth workbook activity is on page 142 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by
Harold Klemp. I typically let go of a dream after I have tried to thoroughly
interpret it, but going back a month can help to gain insight. Going back through
what one deems as sacred texts can bestow something on you. Contemplating on past
dreams are not a way for a created Master to trying to show you something about your
life. They are you figuring out matters on your own, with God's permission.
The final Workbook Activity of this lesson is on the next three pages. The
implication here in the seventh Workbook Activity is to unquestionably accept the
guidance of the teacher of Eckankar despite any repulsions. That does not sit well
with me. Harold Klemp is my teacher as far as heading an accredited program. Thus
far, I do not have to accept him as he wants accepted to advance. Instead of sharing
my dreams here, I will share them as they relate to a past Eck Discourse or Aetikaaf
1435. If God so wills it, I will share those in their respective papers. I have no
intention to cut down Spiritual Exercise 2.6 to sing something like, "I dream. May
the blessings be."
12/12/1435 Look and Listen For the Light and Sound of God With a Few HU & The ECK
Dream 1 Discourses Lesson 7
The opening picture has what I presume Harold and Joan Klemp (She used to have
the last name Cross till Harold Klemp had her renamed like property just like John
Jenkins did to her.) standing before concentric circles of radiating light. A woman
in the foreground lies on her right side before bird filled clouds. She sits reading
a book in between the two scenes with a bird above her right shoulder.
Sleeping on one's rights side is a symbol of balanced personality and was called
sihasana or the Lion's posture. In accord with the quote about three ways dreams
influence while in Eckankar, we have the scenes illustrated. The alleged Master and
his Inner Secretary are the symbols of direct guidance. The radiation behind them is
a symbol of protection from them. Do they really protect us and guide us like that?
The woman reading is probably the actual direct guidance. What quality of guidance
does he actually give? The woman laying there among nine birds is a symbol of
assurance in that because of her peaceful rest and the nine birds being a symbol of
spiritual council. Her insights and intuition are her own for her study and
experience. People deserve credit for what they teach, encourage, or discourage. We
do deserve credit for our own experience and expounding of these, though.
Lesson 7: Dreams in Our Daily Life

I would agree with what The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp has to say on
page 147 about having a greater recognition of our inner life by developing a habit
of recording dreams and impressions. Is the design of the Spiritual Exercises of
Eck (short here for Eckankar, but they want you to think it means revealed through
The Holy Spirit) to slowly open you outer and inner awareness? The clarification of
what they mean is before the end of the page in saying it is to make you feel like
"the Mahanta is always teaching you" even when what you recall is not clear. It
seems the people in Eckankar seem to have less and less actual clarity in their lives
as things progress, if they maintain belief in Eckankar. Instead of interpreting
blue phosphenes and the subtle sounds as physical and psychological phenomenon,
members are asked to call it Light of ECK and the Sound Current like it is something
different entirely. Is the sound Eck? Sounds may not be static and God may be known
through sound, but does page 148 really mean to equate that with God?
Eckankar wants credit for anything spiritual that happens to its members, except
the suicides and the acts that get them negative attention. A woman who dreamt about
crushing her bottle of muscle relaxants was said to get direct guidance as an answer
to her letter for a dream on how to heal her back when medication and treatment were
not working. How can a frail man who is often confined to his home cause people to
have dreams? Intuition and projections of assurance of alleged involvement in one's
personal life are the other two ways that Eckankar says the dreams of its members are
seen in daily life. Wouldn't the third part be delusion? I don't want that.
The Art of Spiritual Dreaming by Harold Klemp repeatedly calls people to think
that the ECK Dream 1 & 2 Discourses and the 15 other formal discourses are Advanced
Spiritual Study. The Art of Spiritual Dreaming and others seem to actually go deeper
than the discourses in concepts and in the details of stories. The Eck Dream 1
Discourse by Harold Klemp, page 148 may have this list of three sorts of dreams of
Eckankar members, but The Art of Spiritual Dreaming by Harold Klemp page 122 has a
lit of eight types of dreams by members. These "are (1) daydreams; (2) initiation
dreams; (3) dreams of intrusion; (4) dreams of release of fear; (5) the waking dream;
(6) the Golden-tongued Wisdom, which is part of the ancient science of prophecy, the
ECK-Vidya, (7) dreams of understanding; and (8) dreams with the Mahanta... " These
Mahanta dreams are an interpretation of what one doesn't think fits another category
as being a visit from or to the current corporate head. This type also includes Eck
Masters, Golden Wisdom Temples, and other projections on consciousness that members
often program into themselves or let others brainwash them into seeing. Al Qoor'aan
68.51-52 is used as a prayer against the illusory projections of disbelievers that
can be said as a means of protection against hallucinations and undesirable sights of
the unseen. I can't help, but think that ECK is spelt like that as a acronym for
something. What could each letter stand for? The meaning placed on the word is so
varied and it is difficult to tell exactly what is meant by Eck. Golden-tongued
Wisdom is pareidolia or seeing patterns and connections as clear or significant The
other Eck-Vidya practices include apophenia or seeing patterns or connections where
there are none.
Another story mentions how a couple wanted advice on moving a number of states
away in order to live somewhere bigger, but didn't want to separate from the local
Eckankar community. There isn't any mention of anything that can be called "direct
guidance by the Mahanta," but that is how their son offering his house with a garden
for them to rent as he was moving to another Air Force base, because of a promotion.
It was what they wanted, but they needed a strange dream to convince them to move
that summer. The wife had a dream of a large sphere of fluid that was faintly
golden. She left her home in it and ended up thinking they could be within the
sphere no matter where they went. The interpretation of this being their part of
love of Eck (Eckankar) seems sound, but the lack of solidity and the faint color
implies a diluted spirituality without a base in physical realities. Should her
perceptions from the view as a soul have taught her that Eckankar is a mix of
baseless speculations and partial truths?
People should be open to be surprised by learning or getting something we would
have wanted in an unexpected way. Such was the dreams between 2 and 5 A.M at an
Eckankar seminar by an Eckankar member. She intended to awake at 5 to finish
composing a song. She woke up to contemplate what lesson each dream had before going
back to sleep. Her alarm didn't turn on and she awoke at around the time she
intended to. She was awakened by her roommate snoring instead. Was her disturbed

sleep a special gift or a sign not to finish the song? The guidance of the dreams
she had is unknown to the reader. It is safe to say that these dreams offered little
to lead people to think Harold Klemp or one of the previous Living Eck Masters was
ever anyone's Dream Master.
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp page 151 relates three dreams where
someone was said to have insight to their development. Eckankar Seminars have been
in hotels or have involved a deal with the Hilton or another hotel to attract Eckist
to stay there during a seminar held in the locality. Does this make dreaming about
watching clowns in a hotel lobby mean that Eckankar members were a joke to her in
what they were doing? She seemed to get the message of the clown who traveled to
spread cheer to not take herself as seriously. Can't being serious be just as good
of a way to develop or help others feel better? Her dream of caring over a plot in a
communal garden may not have been to passively let others fail around her while she
could help. Eckankar members often have an elitist thought that those who don't
consider themselves Eckist are not even spiritual and are bound to fail in life. The
dream about missing out on a gift of an apple, because of being distracted on a
street, only to have a similar opportunity to receive an apple may really be about
overlooking spiritual gifts that others are the means for. Could it be a way out of
Eckankar? She knew she was to try to be more aware of something.
The same page and page 151 tells of the dreams of another woman's dream about
someone trying to mentally control her. She had bad moods and was quite irritable.
In desperation, she tried to submit to the Mahanta or the Spiritual Leader of
Eckankar as if he was a good for a couple weeks. She didn't notice the same darkness
"and the ECK again flowed through her." The God-possessed talk of Eckankar and Eck
in such contexts sounds more like demons from the fire beings/fallen
angels/jinn/asuras/devas/faery to many of us who were raised upon one fo the prophet
of God based religions. The night after starting this practice she dreamt about
traveling home from an Eckankar seminar with a friend. In the dream, she hopped out
of the driver's seat to nap while the car drove itself. Could this be a dream of
Eckankar being a relatively reckless spiritual path; despite it seeming to have all
the desired functions at a rate that could be handled at the time? Harold Klemp's
interpretation on page 152 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses is along the lines of
letting him take over decisions for the person.
Another dreamer dreamt about showing guests a room that she forgot. Plants
were hanging from the ceiling that had grown in a deformed way. A skinny cat lived
there that merged into the thick cat that lived downstairs after angrily knocking
over an ashtray. This dreamer was in Eckankar for a few months during when Darwin
Gross was the only one called Living Eck Master. She rejoined fourteen years later.
In her forgetting her spiritual side, she picked up smoking. I would agree about her
developing spiritually in an odd way due to not paying attention to it. I would also
agree with the idea that quitting recreational drugs would help her to put her
physical and spiritual sides in agreement with each other.
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp pages 153 and 154 mentioned someone
who dreamt of "rock climbing on El Capitan in Yosemite National Park in California."
He was perched on a narrow ledge when he realized he had not secured his rope to any
of his pegs the whole way. He clung for dear life till the cliff gave way. He flew
to where he could rest comfortably on the mountain and watched the events. Rest
Points in Eternity is what Eckankar calls the places of detachment where we review
things. Is the better interpretation to look at progress in Eckankar as not having a
firm grounding in actual spiritual authority and that is what he became aware of?
One mother had a dream during a troubled time in her life. She dreamt that her
son pointed out that Harold Klemp was riding in a car behind hers. In the dream
Harold Klemp urged her to follow him. Is it a good idea to turn around and follow
one who is not quite as far down the road as you?
Another dreamer dreamt about dogs entering her home by force. Her housekeeper
urged her to chant. She dreamt that she chanted HU (like Hugh or hue) till her
husband woke her. The HU chant was as an exorcism of negative influences for her.
Why would negative things be able to intrude upon her in nightmares, if a Mahanta
could really protect a dreamer?
People try for something called God-Realization in Eckankar, but are often too
impatient. Paul Twitchell once tried to have God-realization by a particular day,
but nothing unusual happened. The reference to it being a "the high consciousness"
on page 155 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp makes sense under having a

correct comprehension of what God is, but that is not the implication that they want
you to have. They want people to think anyone they call an Eck Master not only
completely understands God, but becomes a god or God-man. That would make them
essentially as Omniscient as God and that would imply that they are Omnipresent and
Omnipotent; as well. The idea of multiple figures like that has a number of logical
problems. Should your concept of God-Awareness only be about living with the idea of
God existing?
Someone set a goal to be God-Realized in their twelfth year in Eckankar. Was his
loss of material and social well-being before the two months were up a sign of his
failure? People only let themselves down, not the voices they trained themselves to
hear in their head. The voice reminded "the twelfth anniversary of the day he had
joined Eckankar" was only eleven days ahead. He felt better that day and took a bike
ride. He thought Harold Klemp was talking to him through a child that admired his
bike. Is this Golden-Tongued Wisdom anything, but the free association of the mind?
He thought his mother looked like a Gypsy from the group of "travelers" mentioned on
the news. Should people attribute any of these associations in waking life or in
dreams to a Mahanta or Way-Shower giving them even any of their insights? If the
Spiritual Exercises of ECK is really a way to develop our dream worlds and such
things, wouldn't it be our own development without any intermediaries between us and
God? Harold Klemp on page 156 says, "The tree of the mind bears little fruit in the
worlds of Spirit." Is he right or is our mind the vehicle of consciousness that is
the means by which we have the "wisdom and understanding which we have the right to
expect as the enlightened being?"
Look and Listen for the Light and Sound of God With a Few HU:
On page 157 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp we have the spiritual
exercise of the 19th month in Eckankar. The first question is why would "this one
work well for many who are further along in their understanding of ECK?" I would
recommend that part about being still in a quiet place of one's home and looking and
listening with the screen of your heart, but the part about lovingly thinking of the
current human leader of Eckankar as Master is too far. The idea that it works better
may have to do with the deeper indoctrination of members as time goes along.
Idolatry, superstition, and worship of the Living Eck Master seems to be deeper and
more common as the discourses progress. I find my sense of opposition to the
movement growing with the more I learn about it. One may be able to guess that it
starts by saying Hu like Hugh or hue a few times. One looks for light during this
and then one goes silent and listens for sound behind the more obvious sounds.
Should we interpret the light and sound we see as Light and Sound of God? There are
psychedelics and there are the existing sights and sounds that will be noticed before
one gets in that state. Light and sound belongs to God. Wouldn't you agree that it
is usually going to far to try to find special or unique messages from God in such
I started including this as part of my nighttime routine on the night after
sunset on August 11th, 2014. Between 3:24 and 5:59 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time on
Friday the 3rd of October, 2014 or 10/12/1435 in the 10th and 11th hour of the night,
I had the following experience with my final working of this rite:
I felt a few rushes of relaxing euphoria as I drifted off to sleep. I saw myself
in a vehicle like a blue sphee encased in a square, red sheet with a hole cut out. I
ascended through vibrating layers of color; lettuce green, flesh pink, neon orange,
lapis lazuli blue, fleshy purple, dandelion yellow, other yellows, white, and clear.
Surrounded by the blocky vehicle, I descended without seeing the colors. I did hear
different sounds; one at a time. It started with a breathy hooo. Then was the sound
of a whirlpool, a woodwinds symphony, a hum, a light wind, a sharp flute note, bees,
dripping water, a metallic tinkling sound, the roar of the surf, and a crash of
The vehicle disappeared and I was led along by a big black dog. It led me to a
woman who was covered in four flowers that collected water like cups. There was this
wonderful smell in the air. Gold dust rained down upon the silver dirt that the
plant life grew out of.
All disappeared. I was given a point of view that showed the current position of
only Uranus and Mars in the solar system.

I saw myself in a different place. I was being led by a little dog that followed
a raccoon. I arrived at a mulberry tree. There was a woman there. I did not notice
the racoon and little dog after noticing her. I stayed there with her till we ate
three bunches of its fruit. One was white. The Second was red. The final bunch was
blackish. I heard something run and she was gone. Her silken shawl was left behind.
I heard different sized lions; in the distance. I walked on and saw three sets of
gazelle tracks in the parched land that was far away.
For a moment, I only saw the position of the Sun and Venus in the solar system.
Later on, I saw a crow or a raven drop coins into a blocky goblet. One had the
symbol for Saturn and the others had the Goetia symbols for the twelfth of the year
under the period of Leo or number thirty-three through thirty-eight. There was both
a blue coin and an orange coin to renounce Gaap. There was a red coin to renounce
Furfur. There was a silver coin to renounce Marchosias. There was a blue coin to
renounce Stolas. There was a forest green coin to renounce Astaroth. There was a
silver coin to renounce Phenex. There was a red coin to renounce Halphas. A centaur
led a hundred calvary to the place where the cup was. This drove the crow or raven
away. The cup broke leaving two piles of coins. The hundred and one collected them
into twelve barrels. One set of them was emerald and had the seal number thirtythree through thirty-eight of the Shem Ha-Maphorash or the sigilia for the part of
the part of the year for Leo. The other six were carnelian; each bearing one of the
symbols of the Shem Ha-Maphorash for the period of Virgo or numbers thirty-nine
through forty-four. Each barrel only had one symbol of banishing upon it. The
hundred and one hauled them to where they were given to a very modest queen as a
gift. She was dressed in luxurious green clothes and adorned with many red diamonds.
The hundred and one placed the barrels on a giant scale hanging from a button cross.
The two types of barrels were separate on the balance, but all was in balance. Upon
each of the spheres on the red cross was a word in neon green; Justice, Temperance,
Fortitude, and Prudence.
Dream Interpretation:
An Eckist might venture to say that I attained to Eck-Ynari or the Secret
Knowledge of Dreams and Visions in the first scene. This is as Tarot card number
seven or The Chariot; which is Eck-Ynari, Soul Travel, and Dream Travel in my more
recent Tarot series that puts things in Eckankar terms. Eckankar would teach that I
ascended through thirteen or so realms of existence; The Physical Plane, the Astral
Plane, the Causal Plane, the Mental & Etheric Plane, the Soul Plane, Alakh Lok, Alaya
Lok, Hukikat Lok, Agam Lok, Anami Lok, Sugmad World, Sugmad, and Akshar Realization.
There would say that the sounds upon descent were the sounds of the nine lower
heavens on the way to the physical universe. Is is just psychedelic projections?
The second scene is about Canis Major or the Big Dog. The Big Dog leads me
faithfully to abundance, but my beautified knowledge and understanding of the
blending of male and female is somewhat beyond my experience. Loyalty and more
productivity than needed or required are central issues.
The third scene is the attributes of the Four of Cups and the second decante of
Gemini or Canis Major.
The fourth scene is about Canis Minor or the Little Dog. It is a symbol of
variation. Such is the same with the ripening of the fruit of the mulberry in its
grape-like bunches. The racoon is said to be before the dog in both mythology and
science. The Racoon is also another variation of that constellation. The silk of
the silkworm that feeds of the mulberry fits in with the lovers meeting at this tree.
There are both the stages women go through and stages a relationship goes through.
She wears the modesty of what they share. Whether dead or otherwise, he must go one
without her or be able to. The lions were Leo and Leo Minor. The gazelle tracks are
also Leo Minor. In that context, we have love, separation, and loneliness. Love is
not contingent on presence or exact reciprocation. All relationships are a science.
The fifth scene is the attributes of the Six of Swords and the second decante of
Cancer or Canis Minor.
The sixth scene is of Crater(Cup or Crater) as the first decante of Leo, Corvus
(the Raven or Crow) as the third decante of Leo, Centaurus (Half-Man & Half-Horse
and Hundred Men) as the second decante of Leo, and the eleventh Tarot card as Lust or
Strength and Self-Mastery in my recent Tarot series that explains things in an
Eckankar way. The cup is the cup and symbols is about a leader's gain because of

turning from evil and preventing bad that is represented by the Nine of Disks or
Pentacles. The breaking of it is the transformation or change that the raven
represents as the Two of Pentacles or Disks. The centaur and his men represent the
wealth in the the aspirations that are categorized under the Ten of Disks or
Pentacles; as well as Leo (Lion) and Virgo (Virgin). One clears out the problems and
attains a balance of goals for the purpose. The red carnelian is a symbol of drive
or passion. The purpose was to bring this wealth to The Virgin for the sake of her
virtue.that holds these in balance upon the scales of Libra. The emerald is a symbol
of eternal life. The constellation of Crux has the attributes of what the Scales
hang from. The ending is like the ninth and eighth Tarot card mixing together. The
ninth Tarot card is The Hermit or Laws of the Chela & Danda (the righteous law) in my
Astrological and Geometrical Eckankar Tarot series. The typical Laws of the Chela
are giving harmony, purity, and perfection of soul. The standard of Danda or the
Righteous Law addresses the rights of rulers and people.The eighth is
Adjustment/Justice or Balance, the Middle Path, and Unity in my recent Tarot Series
that uses Eckankar terms.
The question that I must ask is if this is supposed to be three different women
or sets of concepts or to be part of a single story? My dreams can relate to what
I've read, watched, analyzed, or experienced. My dreams can be lessons for others or
a different way to understand what I have studied.
Workbook Activities:
Workbook Activity 2.7.1 is on page 157 and 158 of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by
Harold Klemp. I have in a sense highlighted and underlined what catches my attention
in my summary and comment of Dreams in Our Daily Life or Lesson 7 of The ECK Dream 1
Discourses by Harold Klemp. I can't necessarily say that Eckankar has taught me
anything of value that I can't find in Islam and probably in at least some other
paths; much less from Lesson 7 alone. I will say that keeping a record of feelings,
thoughts, and senses from inner experiences has given me greater realization of what
goes on in and through me. A second thing is that accepting dreams can be direct
guidance. A third thing is that dreams can be allusions to other truths. I answer
the final question by saying that I would both like to hear the music of God as Al
Qoor'aan, other scriptures, the sounds of nature, psychedelics, and through truly
holy experiences.
The second workbook activity of discourse seven of The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by
Harold Klemp is on the next page. I have experienced the Light in my waking and
dream states through psychedelic and truly holy phenomenon. It is most often through
Assalat (Ritual Prayer), Al Qoor'aan, and meditation (both when I intend to stay
awake and when i intend to sleep).
Workbook Activity 2.7.3 is on the page after that. To some degree, I would like
"to hear the Sound Current at almost any time." Sometimes I notice sounds in a
spontaneous way rather than trying to hear sounds behind other sounds. Lately, I
have been hearing very faint patterns being broadcast with television shows.
Workbook activity 3.7.4 is on the next page. I would strongly discourage praying
to any but God. Who better to show you how God is manifested through creation than
God? Who better to ask about the spiritual realities present in the physical
universe than God?
Turn the page and find the next workbook activity. Most should want "more
understanding or guidance on something," but the trick is to e patient and not turn
to fruitless means and allow answers to be invented. The cassandra is wrong when
correct and incorrect. There is a place designated for casting a spell or making a
charm that is supposedly enforced by the spiritual leader of Eckankar. Does anyone
who read what I wrote believe a Mahanta personally reveals guidance, or insight, or
protects anyone in such an individual way?
The next two pages have Workbook Activity 2.7.6. I had no such request as in the
previous Workbook Activity. I can work through symbolism, but have no such
experiences as Golden-tongued Wisdom that I can attribute to entities or places
specific to Eckankar.
Pages 165 and 166 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses have the next workbook activity.
I dreamnt about meeting a woman who was mentioned in international Eckankar
literature before I went to the last ECK (to me it meant God as a Verb) Worship
Service. The gift was the reminder of the secretiveness that members really have

about the true nature of their belief and how most show embarrassment about some
aspect of what Eckankar is and what it teaches. My dreams are mostly vague and
relatively meaningless. I pay attention and keep track, but who wants to hear of
every color and shape I dreamt about or every wish fulfillment dream? My dreams give
me awareness; even when they are not something worth focusing on.
The last three pages are reserved for the final workbook activity of Lesson 7.
Most of this Music of God is mundane. Some of it is psychologically profound. Other
sounds heard are to holy to remember or relate in direct ways. I am grateful for it
all and try to make use of it as is right.
7/1/1436 Alphabet Game & The ECK Dream 1 Discourses Lesson 8
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp has an illustration of what may be
Harold Klemp on page 170. The position of this figure upon a bed is reminiscent of
the Hanged Man of the Tarot. This is entirely appropriate, for the quote pertains to
the Water Card; Which is trump number 12, God-Realization, Bhakti or Devotional
Service, the Law of Love, and the Zoas (four laws of the Fifth Initiates). Laying
with your hands behind one's head may alleviate pain and stiffness of the arms and
sides. Laying with his left leg bent and his foot pressed flat may do likewise for
the leg, hip, or back. The beam entering the face is the Light and/or Sound that
comes into one's consciousness with "the Spiritual Exercises of ECK." The question
is the waning moon among the starry scene with the bed turning into clouds really
about a decline in what one reflects as one becomes more of an Eckist? Are the
frosty windows a symbol of the cold reality of that view or religion? Is the light
at the upper left hand corner coming from the same source as the beam? Does that
mean that you are getting some of the knowledge of manifestation that is available to
you, but missing most of what you could have as a result of Eckankar being the base
of one's choices?
Lesson 8: How We Learn in the Dream State
Humans and other creatures try to understand their environment. As time went on,
people had an understanding of a larger world. People started to disagree about the
beliefs they formed without knowledge. The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp
includes a fallacy on page 171. It wasn't that science appeared, it was just that
the amount of knowledge people had to support or formulate mythologies and ideologies
has grown. Progress was slow, but it forced a lot of the mere opinions out of
existence or into the background, at the least. Science is progressing very quickly;
now a days. Society may not always advance, though. We may fall backwards like the
occasional churchman who deemed the world flat or some such other thing. Eckankar
denies the historical findings about the Catholic Church not allowing their mythology
to keep in line with geography. History has shown that it has always been the case
that most Catholics believed the world was a globe.
It is important to determine the difference between what logic decides and what
is actually knowledge. Deductive reasoning and such may have a tendency to go
astray, but do Eckist really do this with their so-called spiritual experiences. The
very phrase means they are what is called a metaphysical religion. Things are not
otherworldly merely because they are thought of as such. The 172nd page claims that
the conclusions an Eckist reach are wholly their own. Can that ever be the case? If
they really take the Spiritual Head of Eckankar (currently Harold Klemp) as their
Dream Master and think he gives them experiences that fit their needs, then it takes
a degree of the sense of personal decision and accountability away from the dreaming
process. Faith is a conviction based on partial knowledge. Eckankar tries to deny
that it is a faith group at times, but Christian churches are not the only ones
ignoring advances and bending "truth to fit their misunderstanding of scripture."
Eckankar relies more on the experiences of its followers or mere members more than it
being a path of alleged orthodoxy and orthopraxy. It does heavily rely on the Eck
books and discourses by whoever the current Mahanta, the Living ECK Master is for
their convictions of what are correct beliefs and correct actions. It doesn't seem
that most members ever reach the state where they are convince themselves that Harold
Klemp and the rest of the alleged Eck Masters taught them more in dreams and other
states of consciousness than the books present.

Eckankar refers to dream travel as an initial stage; even before its First
Initiation upon its chelas or members. Dream initiations are virtually
indistinguishable from other types of dreams and people are trained to believe they
had the first sometime during their first year of membership; after the age of
eighteen solar years old. Is enlightenment really confined to stages of one time
experiences known as Eck Initiations? Many will even go years in the organization
with no change in the dream life they recall. At Unlocking the Puzzle Box: The
Golden Heart or some other such workshop, a man asked why the spiritual exercises had
still given him none of even the most simple distinct experiences with light or sound
in the years he spent as a member. Harold Klemp may have answered, but he was sort
of dumbstruck. Never again did he answer questions live at seminars again.
Chelas are supposed to have humility and dignity. Is page 173 and The ShariyatKi-Sugmad (Way of The Master [a Eckankar Bible]), Book One be wrong about otherwise
not being possible for its members? Both the official Eckankar writings and other
sources seem to make it sound like people are repelled more by the fact that people
belief in Eckankar rather than be attracted by it. Whatever one's path, people
should be able to display it with or without mentioning it to others. Eckankar
borrows the idea that people are sons and daughters of God from other faiths. Isn't
it enough for males and females to have the physical parents they do? Isn't claiming
to be a child of God a pretending that arising out of certain psychological
deficiencies? Eckist are taught to have faith that brings about humility and causes
the love of God as a Noun or Sugmad on page 173 and 174 of The ECK Dream 1
Discourses. Wouldn't it be deflecting to turn to an intercessor, like an alleged
Dream Master, to help with learning when one can use the same effort to turn to God?
The second year of Eckankar discourses may focus more on dreams than the previous,
but its hard to see any actual preparation for what they call Soul Travel in the
lives of the vast majority of people who didn't quit thus far. The idea her that all
life is spiritually relevant can apply for those who think life or part of life is
merely mental, emotional, and physical.
Harold Klemp was disturbed by a dream; a dream the night before his Second
Initiation. Why are so many of these things are listed as names and abbreviations?
Harold Klemp dreamt of being among a wild dance after a wedding. He was raised to
think this was sacrilege and that weddings were calm and more formal. He discussed
the dream with Paul Twitchell. Paul Twitchell interpreted like a marriage to Eck.
Harold Klemp took a while to accept it, because his mind still wanted to be orthodox
or correctly believing. It took him a while to break that inclination. Is Harold
Klemp's later interpretation of all wedding dreams really being about initiations or
a soul becoming closer to God, the Holy Spirit (Gabriel is the Holy Spirit throughout
the Old Testament and in much of the New Testament), the shekinah/sakinah or angels,
or even one metaphysical being? Some people have spoke of ECK Initiations like
spirit possession or like gaining a spiritual familiar; particularly the second and
fifth. Do ECK Initiations really bring ecstatic joy in themselves? I noticed no
difference with my first and I have no idea which one the fellow Eckist would
consider it. Do ECK Initiations bring anyone closer to God? The fact is laid clear
in the mention on the next page that the love that changes a person is the bonding
with the Mahanta, the living leader of Eckankar. Is this bonding metaphysical or is
it just a psychological projection upon the situation of a program of loving and
worshiping the Living ECK Master and the other ECK Masters? I'm skipping the worship
of ECK Masters part, because I only consider God to be Yazadan or Worship Worthy; as
the Avestan speaking people would have said. Harold Klemp wanted to hold on to some
of his church upbringing and schooling while being in Eckankar. How are Christian
baptisms any less alive than Eckankar rituals? Some of my thought forms and
processes must be valuable. Would you want a Mahanta breaking up all the foundations
of your thoughts, if he could? A true spiritual study should not be abandoned. If
Eckankar was true, why would he recommend a vacation from spiritual learning that may
only be a minute or two a day? True spiritual exercises should not be abandoned for
a while. If the Spiritual Exercises of Eck (I don't just mean the book.) are to
strengthen spiritual ability and bring us in tune with God, why would it be good to
risk religious atrophy? I can't help but feel like it is to ignore or forget the
questions we may have that cause conflicts with fully accepting Eckankar.
Eckist are told to accept the Living Eck Master as a Dream Master who will give
them a "true assessment of" themselves. I don't know if anyone who hasn't gotten a
letter from Harold Klemp or received other direct contact from the Living Eck Master

can really assert that he even knows they exist in a convincing way; much less knows
them well enough to analyze their situation. Shouldn't people take accountability
for their self-assessments rather than project them upon a worldly master?
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses 1 by Harold Klemp tells of an ECKist's morning dream
of applying for a job. It doesn't seem that he was looking for a job in real life.
In the dream, he was upset to be told that his qualifications would probably result
in him landing a job as a custodian. The dreamer asserted that he was more qualified
than the one behind the counter, because he was greedy. Words didn't work in getting
what he wanted and he controlled the man with violence. He talked to one of his
personalities who asked him, "Is this behavior fitting of someone of your spiritual
station?" People should live up to their degrees; whether that be of knowledge or
acknowledged positions in society. The dreamer then prayed to Harold Klemp and was
told the dream was about humility. That may be so, but how do we know that the
voices and spectral figures that so-called ECKist see are not actually projections
upon factions of their own personalities? It may be true that one can't become fully
spiritual all at once, but what do they mean by "become entirely the ECK?"
Pages 176-177 tells of a woman sitting on the floor of a Golden Wisdom Temple, in
an entryway, by a hallways, eating chicken. Harold Klemp showed up and people wanted
to shake his hand. In real life, the Living ECK Master never allows physical contact
between himself and the common members of Eckankar. A younger woman smugly
approached. Wah Z, as he is called responded to her smiles with a scowl and she was
cast out. The dreamer dreamt of being worried about her physical condition as Harold
Klemp approached. The Secret Doctrine or Wah Z shook the greasy hand of the woman
seated on the floor. She woke up elated with a feeling of approval by her Mahanta.
Arrogance may be more of a problem than outer unseemliness, but good manners matter
Pages 177 and 178 tell of the story of someone standing by Harold Klemp as a
giant rocket landed nearby. She started to run away, but he called her back.and the
rocket didn't bring disaster. Is this dream about wanting to flee the spiritual
dangers of invoking the presence of and ECK Master in your imagination or about her
outer problems turning out okay, if she would only face them?
Can we really have "ever-richer experiences in the worlds of ECK", just because
we intend to have them? Firm desire can result in wish fulfillment dreams and
experiences. It may be true that we only encounter what we are capable of being
spiritually ready for. What is our faith in that makes us humble? What type of love
does it nurture? How is that used?
The true dream goes beyond mere symbolism. Isn't it important to have a
satisfied mind?
Eckankar teaches that the longest time is the approach to death. Wouldn't death
be quickened or easier upon the correctly believing and correctly acting (orthodox &
orthoprax)? An ECKist's dying father allegedly started to have experiences after
reading from an Eckankar book. Why read and Eckankar books or do any Eckankar
practices, if they are not much for nurturing good thoughts and good practices? The
ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp page 179 tells us the only purpose is to have
an active relationship with light and sound that is supposed to be a direct
manifestation of God. Someone's Baptist father decided to write whomever was the
Living Eck Master about a dream he had. After a visit of a being he called and
angel, the man lost his fear of dying. Would it be more or less fitting to interpret
the one who assured him his entry into higher words upon death was not an angel, but
"an Adept of the Vairagi (Detached) Order?" The ECKist's father thought it was a
waking vision. Is this what is meant by an experience that "moves aside" and makes
way for sight and sound to directly be a part of our consciousness? It seems Harold
Klemp means to say that one can become something without experiences or learning to
provoke it.
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses seems to have a new definition fo Eck as something
that feels like electricity. Perhaps he means the tingling sensations fo relaxation.
This is why not smoking, taking other recreational drugs, or even medicine that is
not needed for survival is an important aspect of both Islam and Eckankar, One's
spirituality is to be felt in both feelings and emotions. Drugs can only lessen the
overall capability of the experience of a religious life. Some have problems with
such claims of exclusivity as Eckankar does for the feelings of presence claimed for
initiates. Eckankar teaches that unusual feelings of warmth and such are secondary
to sights, sounds, and love. It would be fair to say that our spirit increases it

connection to matters of God as we become enlightened. Can't one be just as pure

without the psychedelic visions and even metaphysical visions? Does one have to see
Holy Scripture or encounter it in a vision to become as a living word by manifesting
it in situations beyond the book in stone? Even this discourse says people in such
peak experiences may neither see or hear such words. There may be actual
transcendant experiences to be had, but the words inspired or revealed among them are
not incoherent, if it is God's guidance to you and those who take heed. Or is the
Diagnosed Disorganized Schizophrenic who is the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master or
Eckankar right about these individual messages available to each that may be beyond
expressing here? The applications of teachings may be specific to a situation or
type of person. How is progress automatic as one spends time involved in the secret
workings of Eckankar? It seems to me that the Higher Intiates of Eckankar became
less advanced in spirituality as time went by. The Law of Silence or Kamit prevents
people speaking of this Void where all fears are faced. It seems that this excess
love and worship of the Mahanta and the alleged ECK Masters has been used by many in
Eckankar to get through things, but I see no reason to think anyone has became
fearless and regularly into truly metaphysical places of indefinable joys.
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp makes clear on page 180 that people
may not have an easier or more enjoyable life by studying dreams. It speaks of
people thinking they have been forsaken by the Mahanta like the Mahanta ever knew of
most ECKist as more than a number or figures in reports at the Eckankar Corporation
board meetings. Wouldn't God know doubts better than the others people treat as
their Master? A High Intitiate (They try to minimize those who have a Fifth
Initiation before being members of Eckankar twenty years.) with doubts about Eckankar
saw in contemplation that she was on a peak out somewhere in the dark. She thought
that not even God could help her. This person was panick stricken. She affirmed
that this wouldn't become one of these stories where one of the 973 ECK Masters shows
up to save the day. She decided to move on her own. After the dream, she wasn't
fearless, but her abrogation faded as she pushed herself to play a clerical part in
Eckankar. At some point she asserted that she had no beliefs, That is when she
heard a voice tell her, "Welcome; now we can begin." Page 181 describes the ideas
that the Eckankar programs gave her about God, the Living ECK Master, truth, and
other things were illusions. How can we trust a system that will teach us extremism,
sophist, and fanaticism till we no longer take its teachings seriously? The woman
lived her life knowing that she would always be in some degree of confusion; unless
she would gain some sort of God-Realization beyond this spiritual foundation. Islam
would teach a simple and profound monotheism to build one's foundation upon. Do we
start with understanding about God's oneness and transcendence and then build a
religious life around that principle or build up a spiritual foundation that is full
of baseless speculations and illusions till we finally figure out the truth?
Alphabet Game With an Emphasis on ECK:
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp has the spiritual exercise for the
20th month in Eckankar on page 181. It is to quietly sing words in an alphabetical
order before going to sleep. There should be a word with relevance to Eckankar for
each letter of the alphabet. How does thinking up words following a pattern "help
one into the dream state, if you have trouble falling asleep?" I have heard of
counting imagined sheep and never got that. It could be that imagining up anything
to focus on besides where the mind wanders can be helpful. Psychological practices
with mythological contexts show more promising effects and long term results than
their atheistic counterparts with equal or lesser efforts. He does say to do this
with reverence at a slow pace and that should entrain one to a more restful state.
The words that came to mind on 7/1/1436 were arahata, baraka bashad, chela,
danda, ECK, Faqiti, Gare hira, HU, Ism-I-Asm, Jot Niranjan, kala, lok, mana,
Namayatan, Omkar, Param Akshar, Quiddity, Ramkar, SUGMAD, Tirmer, udghata, wu wei,
xylophone, ynari, and Zoas. Which of these words do you have any meaning for and
which ones do you know the Eckankar definition for?
Between 2:38 and 6:27 A.M. PDT on Friday the 31st of October, 2014 I had the
following experience: It was a dark night, before a dark peak with a thin haze upon
it. A thin blonde woman chopped off from the left side of here hair and carried it
up the mountain. She met a full-figured woman in a glowing red dress. The shapely

woman held a green scepter and corn in green sheaths. The thin blonde women handed
her the hair she had cut off the left side.
A long-haired man came circling in with the wind on a sled pulled by two dogs.
He landed on the ground and was given six medallions by the full-figured woman.
These were as the Goetia sigilum for the period of Virgo or numbers thirty-nine
through forty-four. There was an orange one to renounce Malphas. There was a red
one to renounce Raum. There were two rusty coper ones; one to renounce Focalor and
one to banish Vepar. There were two silver seals; one to exorcise Sabnock and
another to renounce Shax. The man gave them to the thin blonde woman with the funny
haircut. They watched the sun rise together in the darker third of the year. She
handed the six seals, that she wore, back to him and handed him his four elemental
wands out from his cart.
He went along on his journey With his six symbols of renunciation and his Earth,
Air, Fire, and Water wands. He took on twelve different appearances on his journey.
He came upon a maze lined with acai beads that were so large as to obscure the
size and form of the maze. At the entry was a wand that seemed to symbolize both
Spirit Active and Spirit Passive. He picked it up and traversed this classical
labyrinth with a four and three pattern. He progressed up, down, up, down, up, down,
and up into the center where a silver crown was. It had eleven peaks, ten curved
dips, and nine gold spheres imbedded in it. He put it on. He felt like that a lot
of striving was left to do and it would be a struggle. He made his way out;
clockwise, counter-clockwise, clockwise, counter-clockwise, clockwise, counterclockwise, and clockwise. I awoke for dawn prayers at 6:27 A.M. with my heart
beating fast.
Dream Interpretation:
The maze an the crown were as the Five of Wands with Corona Borealis or the
Northern Crown as the third decan of Virgo. Its Saturnal symbolism is the austerity
of the continued struggle. The near at hand austerity to observe is that of 911/1/1436; which is Muharram or the Muslim Passover with one or both of the days next
to it. These three days hold more merit for those who fast them than any of the
first eleven months of the sacred year. One sees this in the number of gold spheres,
curved silver dips, and silver points. Its Mercurial symbolism is the strife that
lies ahead. The acai symbolizes the help and comfort that the constellation
represents. The Spirit Active-Spirit Passive wand is the material actions being
joined with that of the spirit-soul. The Venusian symbolism of Hercules as
Completion also sees itself in the Fifth wand. A crown is both a symbol of liberty
by accomplishment and slavery to a role at the same time.
Hercules as the Four of Wands has its Jovial symbolism seen in the experience
represented by the twelve different appearances. The Earth, Air, Fire, and Water
wands are as Completion for forming an Elemental set of magical weapons. The twleve
appearances are as the twelve hero deeds of Hercules in the myths. The presumed wife
giving back her talsimans and aiding in him collecting his wands is as being a part
of his completion.
Bootes or Herdsman is as the third decante of Virgo and is the constellation of
the Three of Wands. The dogs of his sled or cart are canes Venati or the Greyhounds.
They symbolize weather; as well as harmony & joy. Coma Berenecis is as Bernice's
Hair; which according to the myth was for the return of her husband. Bootes
represents the husband; who is as Hercules. The virtue in his stay and what was to
come is as the Solar symbolism of Bootes. The first decante of Virgo sees its
Martial symbolism in what was attained by both him and his wife. These six symbols
represent a means to combat evil and ignorance.
Virgo or the Virgin is seen in the time of year that they are in and in the woman
with the glowing dress. Its redness is the Fire energy to hold on to from the other
two-thirds of the year. The Three of Wands is seen in the scepter, green corn ears,
and the hair of the blonde woman. Her purity benefits both body and soul. The thin
blonde woman must sacrifice for the sake of becoming as pure and virtuous as she
needs to be. The peak and darkness is the state of loss she is in. The lack of
reaction to her environment by her is how used to how she is. He was there to
brighten her world; not just emotionally, but mentally and spiritually.
Workbook Activities:

The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp has Workbook Activity 2.8.1. As
usual, I cannot say that Eckankar discourses have given me any insights. My dreams
sometimes give me different ways of looking at the same things or provide me
something to enact or otherwise share in life.
The next page has the next Workbook Activity. I don't think, I wonder too much
what the importance of humility is in development. People need to focus on what they
can continue or achieve rather than merely glory over recollections of the past.
Imagining you are talking about this or any other topic with someone doesn't mean
that they will make themselves known as your Inner Master.
Workbook Activity 2.8.3 is on page 184 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold
Klemp. My way of learning relates to Harold Klemp's dream before his Second
Initiation and the conversation with Paul Twitchell, because I too learn to look at
things differently through dreams and discuss my dreams with others. I stepped upon
the path of Eckankar to share upon good and consciousness with others and do not
believe that it teaches anything from any actual spiritual authority of its own. I
can think of nothing about it that took a while to accept aside from the fact that it
was in my 12th year of hearing of Eckankar that I deemed that it might be worthwhile
to be a member, as long as I didn't have to compromise with Islam to continue.
The following Workbook Activity is on the following page. As much as one can
experience a slight wonder and be in state of well-being at will, is as much as one
can possibly experience it when asking for it; unless God provides better out of his
mercy to those who pray to him instead of some alleged Mahanta. Nothing unusally
happened when I tried this without Eckankar misassociation. Althought, I do fully
agree that people should ease into a spiritual life rather than try to become
religious all at once. People should maybe start of with being observant of what
they can do right away and add volunary and recommended things that one can be
consistant about.
Workbook Activity 2.8.5 is on page 186 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold
Klemp. I think every spiritual person should have something they'd want to hand over
to God. The Mahanta is not God, part of God, specially God-Possessed, the Holy
Spirit, an angel, or what seems to be a purely spiritual or religious being. I
therefore will not pretend to hand over my problems to him, I feel not as stressed
about issues and more content with situations when I picture my role in them as in
accord with expression for God or Light an Sound as it is called in Eckankar.
The next Workbook Activity is on the next page. I choose the story hinted at to
be a claim that the person not having the position they are qualified for is a lesson
of debasement to the status that you think Harold Klemp or whover runs Eckankar has
set you up to be in. Is it really a "loving lesson" to try to try to push people
down into a sociopathic state that they only acknowledge the ability that an
organization uses of them and their position in a corporation? Should our sense of
self-worth be reliant on more than one type of source?
Workbook Activity 2.8.7 is on page 188 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold
Klemp. I don't like to daydream that I'm hanging out with old men at psychological
projections of temples. Shouldn't actual metaphysical places not be dependant on the
light we can personally picture? Shouldn't God's scriptures not be something with
parts only for individuals? Although, it might be best to live them in the way that
would be best for each. When I am absorbed in study of Quran, or what remains of
Divine revelation and inspiration in scriptures before that, strange and blissful
thoughts, sights and feelings may come upon me.
The final Workbook Activity is given the last three pages of Lesson 8: How We
Learn in the Dream State. My experiences since starting with the Alphabet of
Eckankar Game after dusk of Friday, October 3, 2014 or 10/12/1435 haven't resulted in
any remembered dream journeys. I don't think it is right to call anyone or anything
a child of God. No Eck word or atleast no ECK word with meaning or a known use on
Eckankar literature has came to me of the letter or letters I couldn't think up a
word for. Xenophobia and xylophon for x can both said to be possible, but I can
think of no official Eckankar words. I have found words that most outside of
Eckankar wouldn't know and atleast one word that has a different meaning in Eckankar;
quiddity or the essence of Eck as Sound Current. The most interesting experiences so
far include a could dreams where words flew by so fast that I couldn't recall any of
them and one time waking up between dawn and sunrise hearing HU like the word hue.
As far as I know no Eckankar specific practice has given me any awareness of dreams
or anything else.

6/2/1436 The Leaf in a Box Spiritual Exercise & The ECK Dream 1 Discourses Lesson 9
Page 192 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp has a black and white of
the painting that forms the cover of Child in the Wilderness by Harold Klemp. The
illustration of a man on a bridge shining light into the night with clouds below both
represents bridging the inner and outer experiences and the possession that Harold
Klemp claims came upon him on a bridge before he jumped off it into freezing water.
The Wind of Change and The Soul Travelers of the Far Country are the other books in
his trilogy of his life of ascent to acquiring the title Mahanta in the board meeting
of August, 1983; which is not spoken of in Eckankar material, but can be found in the
1985 court case against Darwin Gross or alleged ECK Master #972. He deemed himself
God-Possessed among pain and terror. The quote implies that this is about becoming
the connection between an Inner Master and an Outer Master. Could they mean not being
abrogated in terms of self-mastery and submission to whoever they deem to be leader
of Eckankar? A Living ECK Master is not the voice inside your head. As far as I can
tell, no one ever receives any message they attribute to an ECK Master without it
containing information they might already know or is based on what is said about some
figure; such as ECK Masters. The other side of the quote rings true in that we
shouldn't have an inner and outer life that are in conflict with each other.
Lesson 9: Our Dreams of Purpose
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses lesson nine, like many other Eckankar writtings,
paraphrases a biblical saying. Do we really have according to whatever our faith is?
A faith in an ECK Master, the Living ECK Master or not, is surely something that has
been more than shaken in most who had it. Are our dreams more real than or physical
existence? it would seem that the inner and outer life of an individual are just as
real; albeit in different senses. Are dreams there to realize our spiritual design?
We can operate the Law of Manifestation be creating a vortex around our experiences
that makes our dreams come true. Do ideas from before entry into Eckankar block the
truths about ECK? Whatever ECK is supposed to mean, previous ideas don't have to
stand in the way of finding out how somethings work. Like Christianity, Eckankar
admits that it relies on people not accepting full responsibility for themselves.
Doesn't Eckankar go to far in blaming everyone for every negative in their lives? It
would seem that some of that is the case, but surely some things are tests. Surely,
there must be victims who didn't deserve it to repay karmic debts. Eckankar removes
the hope of a savior god who atones for them; while demanding all the worship of ECK
Masters that worshipers in other cults might direct at their concept of divinity.
Is the purpose of dreams really to end anxieties over death? I would recommed to
start repenting and being a more pious person to remove reasons to fear an afterlife.
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp makes the claim that chelas or initiates
of Eckankar will have a dream sent to them by their alleged Master when they are
ready to confront misconceptions of death. Would putting hopes upon an alleged
spiritual master for one's dream life result in some having dreams around the
concepts attributed to the so-called godman? Fear of death, by plan and accident,
plays a role in media and government.
A chela dreamt of flying in a small spaceship outside our solar system. They were
sentenced to die, but wasn't told why. She considered a number of reasons for their
upcomming execution. They flew through a light that made them unconscious. They awoke
on a hill with no sign of an enemy in that beautiful park. She looked behind her a
saw a warrior with a ray run. She told her sister that they would soon meet there
Mahanta or Way-Show-er soon. They chanted HU as they filled with warmth. Her
consciousness of that body was no longer there, but she was aware of that environment
till it faded and she awoke. Was this dream a journey given by the Living ECK Master
or was it a projection of false hopes? Harold Klemp tries to make any skepticism
about dreams not being what they seem like as an inferior act. Eckankar uses the word
querent to refer to the one who would question whether or not the words of the socalled ECK Masters is true. It may be true that death is just a part of our
existence, but that doesn't mean that actually dying still can't be unpleasant.
Scientology and Eckankar share similar ways of speaking about battling forces
within us, but use different phrases to say such. Eckankar talks about spiritual and
psychic forces of both ECK and Kal battling within. Didn't the discourse start out

with mention of a vortex of love and power working on our behalf. If Kal is Jot
Niranjan or The Highest Blameless One, than it would hardly make sense to say that
ECK is in conflict; unless the meaning of ECK here denotes something low that must be
blamed and that has a reason to fear. I know right well that feelings of love and
power, as well as the drives to, can be part of the same states of consciousness. Is
my experience real or is The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp correct on page
196 about them being polar opposite parts of consciousness?
A man with a circle of influence went to an Eckankar seminar and wanted to convey
the message of Eckankar; from that point on. He was too shy to share the messages of
the Mahanta and those he deemed to be of the Mahanta with those who seemed to admire
him. Could it have really been that he was not that firm of a believer? He certainly
seemed to not feel anything that could be interpreted as a bond with the Spiritual
Leader of Eckankar when he did that. He became troubled by a later dream about not
being allowed past a black door with stars on it, because he only came in his own
name. He contemplated on the dream and saw himself enter saying, "I come in the name
of the Mahanta." He ended up in a lake with a fountain that others rushed to. He
thought the fountain people swam to was the Mahanta.
Some might rely on God, but Eckankar wants you to feel lost without Harold Klemp or
whomever the board chooses to lead the corporation after he dies. Are dreams of
Eckankar Initiates the same sort as those outside the corporation? Not as far as I
know. Some even adapt Eckankar specific projections without ever joining the
organization. Aside from that, there seems to be nothing unique to that path. Are
dreams the same for those who treat the Mahanta and the other ECK Masters like gods
the same as those who don't? Page 197 tried to convince you that similarities are
only on the surface. If ill effects are to be worked out in dreams, does it matter
whether or not one is an ECK chela? Most would say no, but Eckankar wants you to
think that only acceptance of its doctrine can lead to alleviation of bad karma and
generate good karma that can result in total "spiritual liberation." It closes A Look
at Forces within Us by saying ECKist really know these things, but won't try to
convince others of these secret teaching of exclusivity.
Dream work does have an individual nature. Your experiences will always be
individualized beyond what others share in or learn of.
A man dreamt that he was just a soul looking down on a room with a lot of
furniture in it. He seemed more material as he focused on the details. He sat on a
couch when he descended. He looked out the window of this new place telling someone
about the similarity between it and his parent's home and that the both of them must
be having an out-of-body-experience. How I learned to Soul Travel is the book being
plugged in Lesson 9 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses. It is one of the books I have not
read from the local Eckankar lending library, It recommended the idolatrous practice
of calling upon a spiritual master in order to see an apparition of them. Calling
Harold Klemp his Master, he asked him to appear if present. He saw a spectral image
of Harold Klemp that showed him "that he was out of the body." He later found out
that his sister joined Eckankar and had a very similar dream. Could they both just be
dreaming that it was time for them to have the roles in live that their parents had
earlier in their lives? They certainly focused enough on Harold Klemp to be able to
see his image without directly trying to visualize it. I do agree that the sense of
fulfillment must have been individual experiences and understandings.
The dream worlds are worth exploring and sharing discoveries about. Eckankar
members may be more interested in such things than most, but they are hardly unique.
Page 199 asks people to believe that hardly anyone would be interested in a desire of
God-realization before Eckankar was founded in 1965. Did anyone know of these
Eckankar names, places, things, and terms before Paul Twitchell borrowed, changed,
and even made up them up? Evidence outside Eckankar influence for its uniqueness
seems non-existent.
A second book is plugged in The Eck Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp, Lesson 9:
Our Dreams of Purpose. I bought a copy of Paul Twitchell's Tiger's Fang recently. He
was known as a follower of Kirpal Singh, one of the top few in Scientology, read
about the Chisti Sufi Order under Inayat Khan. He also had an interest in Theosophy
and a number of so-called metaphysical societies. His interest continued as he wrote
this book that is either his own experiences, plagiarism, or a combination of both.
Harold Klemp admits on page 199 that "his experiences...may never be yours." Why then
ignore everything we have learned on the subject and take a leap of faith unto
Eckankar doctrine? Faith, and even belief, can be good when placed right, but where

will faith in a mix of truth and lies land us in the view of God. Letting yourself
have your own experiences with Spiritual Exercises of ECK or other religious or
spiritual practices may be good advice, if the rituals are not somehow sinful to do.
Only God knows how many came before and are to come.
Eckankar and Islam both
allow some flexibility in adjusting the recommended and required rites in certain
personal ways; like for variety within them. Whatever your path, it is up to you to
discover truth in its personal and universal implications. Shouldn't piety be the
implications of good consciousness? If you find their ideas of truth untrustworthy,
ECKists want you to learn more about alleged past lives before you judge it
unreliable. Are the dream worlds only of God or can they be psychological or even
satanic? Harold Klemp talks on page 200 about how Ptolemy, Aristotle, and others held
to a Geocentric world view, because of their lack of knowledge; which was overthrown
by discoveries of Copernicus and Galilio. The implied message is that Eckankar is the
path of new knowledge gained by its members as the explorers. Each individual to have
their own beliefs, but it is true that some of us who try to be orthodox or correctly
believing (This is th understanding of the word given to Harold Klemp in his Lutheran
upbringing) do consider there to be a New Age threat. Don't the reasons not to break
with tradition vary? Pride can be a reason people don't change, but I wouldn't assume
that. Aren't there doctrines of old that ring at least true or truer than Eckankar
teachings? Islam also teaches that a time will come where the spiritual eyes will be
opened and everyone will know the utter reality of things, but we don't think we are
reborn till we chose an enlightening path. People have plenty of chances to gain
awareness of the worlds within and the worlds without in one lifetime. Wouldn't
people who intentionally or as an unintended result of some thoughts and actions keep
doing it, if they had future lifetimes? Wouldn't being made to forget past-lives make
this problem just as great? Why would you want to focus on psychological worlds that
contain people without good feelings for SUGMAD or God as a Noun? We get enough of
that out here. A lack of love is called wrath; after all.
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp seems to explain why mental illness
becomes more common during and after Eckankar on page 202. It tells how ECKist
(members of the Eckankar Corporation or followers of that path) confuse the
difference between dreams and soul Travel; also outer realizations and inner
realizations. Inner life and outer life gets blurred and confused in many. Chelas or
Eckankar Initiates often don't remember the nature of experiences and may not even be
able to tell when they are fresh. Is Eckankar a path of higher and higher
consciousness till one reaches God Awareness or are these signs of it being a way to
develop delusions? Most people can fantasize without thinking it is actually being
visited by the one they thought about. What would happen, if you told someone outside
of Eckankar that you thought they were literally present during your dream,
contemplation, or fantasy?
A mother once contemplated next to her baby in the early morning. She pictured
herself going through her house. She heard a rainstorm. She heard and felt the strong
wind upon her. Was this a theophany as Harold Klemp states on page 202? In the way
that all creation is a manifestation, it must be. However, we have no sign that this
was a direct communication with God. Was this a sign that she went from the Physical
Plane to the Alakh Lok or Invisible Sphere that is the Sixth Plane (It is the seventh
by name because it is said to have the Physical, Astral, Causal, Mental, Etheric, and
Soul as the lower realms to it.)? Most would say the sounds of a rainstorm and heavy
wind are of the same thing. Was the dream really about somehow leaving her home
Another mother found the dreams of her four year old to be of interest. She would
let him dictate them to her. The child would relate more such experiences than anyone
in the family. The kid told them that Harold Klemp and all the alleged ECK Masters
were glittery in his inner world. This is interpreted as being their Astral bodies.
Is it rather that the projection was not as detailed? The kid told them of things
that Harold Klemp allegedly said to him and of a window screen being removed and put
back so Harold Klemp and someone else could visit him. Were these dreams of purpose
or a child trying to realize the stories his parents told him? I would be worried
about the source of the voices and the content of what my child heard. Eckankar tries
to program you into thinking that all such things are of Spirit and true. What
Spirit? Harold Klemp says the window screen was removed and put back as the kid said.
If this is based on the parents checking it out, they should have taken their kid to
a doctor and called the police. I accept that people hear and see things other don't

without it being delusion, but I would consider what I know of physical reality when
acting upon them. I would consider the content and context when interpreting those
experiences of other and myself rather than merely accept and follow them at face
value. Wouldn't you?
Leaf in a Box Spiritual Exercise:
In the 21st month in Eckankar, they ask you to start the Spiritual Exercise of
ECK with saying HU like hue. The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp tells you to
picture yourself being met by Wah Z (Harold Klemp), Peddar Zaskq (Paul Twitchell),
and Rebazar Tarzs (a space alien turned Tibetian that is only known through Eckankar
based claims) along a path of white pebbles to a Temple of Golden Wisdom. I will not
try to visualize any of the alleged ECK Masters as a spiritual practice; this extends
towards the three historical ones as of 2014 and the 970 that are part of the
Eckankar mythological system. One is supposed to see oneself enter a long vast room
with many there. Again, I will not try to picture as many ECK Masters there as I can.
I think it is just fine to see yourself being handed a box with a leaf in it. I also
think it is just fine imagining opening the box, taking out the leaf, and touching it
to both one's own chest and forehead. Page 203 says to "touch it to your heart, then
to the Tisra Til, the Spiritual Eye, and the Master will be there." I don't believe
in such a presence of any spiritual leader. God may be Omnipresent, but all else is
limited by space. With non-physical objects, one can picture them point into the
chest to touch the heart and into the head to touch the pineal and pituitary glands.
The leaf is a representation of love between all who have been to the Soul Plane and
the lesser realms of the Etheric Plane, Mental Plane, Causal Plane, Astral Plane, and
Physical Plane. Wouldn't it be more true that these are all the same and any
experience can be both physical and spiritual? Why would one not have permanent
access to soul realms till one has five initiations by permission of some corporation
like Eckankar or some other hierarchy of alleged spiritual authority? I believe God
will allow you the ability to have the physical, psychological, and spiritual
experiences necessary for your development without sending gurus to travel with you
in them. ECKists will do what I call the Leaf in a Box spiritual Exercise for "about
twenty minutes a day" during that month of their discourses.
Between 8:41 and 9:40 A.M on Thursday, November 27th, 2014 or Solar hour 2-4 on
4/2/1436, I performed my final operation of this rite:
Things got darker as I grew numb. I heard a piano beat similar to Becoming by
Nine Inch Nails. I felt euphoria as I experienced life as if I was not laying on my
bed, but only in the bliss wiping over me as I listened to the music.
Things cleared up and I saw a male Wilson's Bird of Paradise or Cicinnaurus
Respublica walk down a path of small white stones on the grounds of the Temple of ECK
in Chanhassen, Minnesota in all of its splendor. It had a green tail, black head with
blue on the top, a yellow strip down its black neck and part of its body, a red strip
down part of the rest of its black body to its red bottom, brown among its lower
body, and lavender feet. Three shadows in the white and gray light of midday came by.
They were surrounded be a maroon cloud. They went through the Temple of ECK until
they reached the chapel. There was a book with 973 pages in it. I saw that each page
bore the image, physical name, and spiritual name of a different alleged ECK Master.
I only remember that Harold Klemp is Wah Z, Darwin Gross is Dap Ren, and Paul
Twitchell is Peddar Zaskq. When the bird finished the book, a box appeared. The male
Wilson's Bird of Paradise picked up the box and opened it to find a blue sapphire
leaf with gold veins. It took it out with its feet and touched the leaf to the center
of its chest and its forehead above the eyes.
This caused the bird to disappear. There were 973 leaves suspended in the air. I
swept the chapel with a ruler and formed the 973 leaves into a sphere. I impressed a
square on the globe to divide it into squares. Then I quickly drew a circle per
degree causing the room to disappear into blackness. I awoke energized as if I had
three more hours of sleep than I had. It had been a very painful morning, but I felt
no pain. I was utterly relaxed and felt very aware.
Dream Interpretation:

The Wilson's Bird of paradise is as the constellation of Apus. That is a symbol

of the continual quest for paradise. With its colors, it represents the variety of
life and the variety of tools to deal with it.
The path of white pebbles represent the clear consciousness and purity we seek in
the way we want to go.
The three shadows in gray and white light represent the patriarchs of Eckankar or
the only three historical ECK Masters. The maroon light that surrounded the shadows
represents Rebazar Tarzs; the Eckankar version of the Holy Spirit of Judaism that
other traditions call Garuda, Vohu Manu, and Jibreel. Together they are as the
stability of the constellation Triangulum Australe or the Southern Triangle. To me
the shadows in the gray and white cloaked by purple means the mixture of evil and
ignorance with a spiritual side that these figures taught.
The chapel is a place where ECKist worship the eleven ECK Masters portrayed on
the wall and all the ones called an ECK Master, except Darwin Gross; who they have
discredited more and more since the August 1983 board meeting that he lost the vote
to stay a Living ECK Master in. It is called a church, because a common phrase they
use proves false and meaningless. They say, "We give them respect, but not worship."
The book touches upon the subject of their mythical linage. The fact that I don't
even try to come up with a more complete list of names and titles than Eckankar
teachings shows that I do not ascribe to their dogmas and contest them.
The leaf in a box is that initiations are within mental constructions. The blue
and gold are as the Thursdays and Sundays that are the days of the week that most of
the Eckankar meetings I attended fell under. Yellow and blue are also colors most
mentioned as sacred in Eckankar. They are symbols of the soul and mind. It is also as
the mental conceptions of the metaphysical upon the emotions and its results upon the
body and soul. There is a feeling in these Metaphysical groups that what they do is
truly metaphysical; despite their clear focus on psychedelics and pseudo-psychiatry.
In a sense they are right, because everything is spiritual for the fact that the
realms and beings that transcend the physical are always playing a role. That
includes human souls and human spirits. In Eckankar, fallen leaves are those who
haven't lived up to their initiations. Is that true with the Eckankar conception of
ECK Masters? In Islam with its 114 Soowar (plural of soorah) of Al Qoor'aan, one must
remember soorah means rank or step in a structure. One who learns one of these and
doesn't practice or express it can be said to have fallen from their rank.
The ruler and square is as the constellation Norma. It represents knowledge and
expression. It represents a straightening. The globe into squares represents the
squareness of Earth. The ruler or level with the square represent the worldly tools
which are then coupled with the tools of the truly holy existence.
The compass is as the constellation Circinus or pair of compasses. The circles
represent the roundness of heaven. Did my mind go through the concept of 129,600
circles cast in every direction? The disappearing of the Temple of ECK in Chanhassen,
Minnesota certainly seemed to represent breaking past constructed ideas about it.
Paintings of old show what is supposed to be God or a saintly figure using a pair of
compasses to control the above and below. The symbol was also of the goal of
practitioners of theurgy, thaumaturgy, and such.
Workbook Activities:
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp has Workbook Activity 2.9.1 on page
204. It first asks you to highlight a passage that stick out. On page 199 it says,
"Since your dream experiences depend upon you, consider yourself at the forefront of
discovery....The Tiger's fang is Paul Twitchell's account of his experiences in the
spiritual worlds. They may never be yours." I now have the trilogy of Stranger by the
River, Tiger's fang, and Talons of Time. I can probably put my understanding of the
issues of these into poems and have an experience with each, but that doesn't mean I
have to have the experiences in those ways or interpret them according to Eckankar
doctrine. I have my own beliefs. How do people not realize that asking the Mahanta
for a dream of purpose or another request is a prayer and worship rather than just
respect? I will worship no gendered individual. In a way, I visit the soul Plane
whenever I sleep, because my soul is always in its own world; even when I am not
aware of its purely spiritual existence.

The following page has the following Workbook Activity. I would like to live out
or enact more of my inner thoughts and experiences in order to strengthen the bridge
between inner and outer. In the past, sharing and ritualizing has encouraged me in
developing my ability to think and feel my way through issues.
Workbook Activity 2.9.3 is on page 206 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold
Klemp. I don't think I fear death as a Muslim, aside from occasionally wanting to try
to address a wrong before dying. I don't think it is any Dream Master of choice that
helps alleviate our fears in unique ways. I think it is our own thoughts on the
matter that may be organized in our sleep to give us messages, Twelve years ago, I
had a dream where I was as a soul watching what can only be described as a guardian
angel. That was a dream that made me think of myself as a spiritual being among
different spiritual beings, but now in a human body. I never thought of myself or
anyone having past lives as far as I know.
The following Workbook Activity is on the next page. There may be competing
spiritual forces inside and out, but I have no desire to pretend I am having a
conversation with a being that I know isn't there. I knew a woman who would use the
phrase "debating with myself." I love her honesty and how she seemed to have a lack
of the delusion that most seem to have. It's been years since I talked to her and I
don't know how she has been in the past few years.
The next Workbook Activity is on the following page. The idea that a dream can
pay off some karmic debt relies on the principle that hardship and good deeds can
help one atone for a sin. The idea that I might be repenting or replacing demerit
with merit by dreams is a comforting though. I recently dreamt about words going by
really fast and made me wonder what the nature of the words I was reviewing were.
Learning and understanding would fit more upon the good to cancel out the bad side.
They ask you to complete a sentence. My dream helped me to have something interesting
to think about.
Page 209 has Workbook Activity 2.9.6. I discovered long ago that heaven is the
sky and Eckankar based experiences rarely touch into anything but psychedelics and
projections upon reality. The truth that no ECK Master is truly Dream Master of
anyone, but themselves seems to be a truth that reveals itself more and more to me.
The problem with so-called metaphysical groups is that you don't really experience
the transcendent out of wishes and wondering about it. Doesn't the holy go beyond
The following two pages have the next Workbook Activity. It is implied that one
will become more a part of one's dreams, if one pays attention to the fine details of
the external and internal environments in it. The Spiritual Exercise of the month is
then gone over in detail. I don't know why it needs to say that the white stones of
the garden path are "firm." "Walking to a Temple of Golden Wisdom" may symbolize the
slow approach needed for attaining wisdom. The idea of meeting Wah Z (Harold Klemp),
Peddar Zaskq (Paul Twitchell, and Rebazar Tarz represents much the same as meeting
Angel Gabriel/Vohu Manu/Garuda/the Blue Bird/The Big Fly/The Holy Ghost along with
whoever you deem to be the main prophets of your faith. Along with this symbolism
should be the second historical and the 972nd ECK Master, Dap Ren (Darwin Gross). I
will imagine no such thing; much in the same way that I don't imagine archangels and
such in cosmological rituals. One may also say this group is a representation of what
is current, what was the original, and what the source was. Entry into a long vast
room may represent making room for an experience or a set of actions. It may also
represent a mental construction of consciousness that is beyond what is simple to
grasp. The imagining other ECK Masters sitting waiting for you represents a desire of
approval from a hierarchy. The idea that the leaf in a box comes from the Living ECK
Master represents perceived approval from a current system of authority. Is the leaf
in a box about being sentimental or holding on to the remains of a dead way?
The final Workbook Activity of this lesson is on page 212 of The ECK Dream 1
Discourses by Harold Klemp. I've had no experience with the leaf so far except the
fact that I can visualize things. In my Eckankar related dreams, the ECK Masters
never have the presence of living things or actual beings. The Mahanta doesn't give
anyone gifts who doesn't encounter him in the physical body or through communications
that rely on his physical body. I can, however, wonder about the spiritual purpose of
my dreams and think of how they can bring me closer to God.
11/3/1436 The Sound Technique and The ECK Dream 1 Discourses Lesson 10

The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp page 214 has a man laying on his right
side with an awesome, but unrealistic painting of the night sky on the other side of
his bed. It looks like he could reach over to his nightstand and put on his glasses.
Then he could go over and use the pencil and blank pages in the nearby book to record
his experiences. The quote confirms the implication of the placement that means that
Eckankar wants credit for all your inner experiences and to hold it as the head of
all teachings for what is attained one one's own. Is it counterproductive to
spiritual freedom to assert that you are constantly being taught by a group when
there is no physical teaching going on and it is controlling your life outside of
what you do as part of it?
Lesson 10: Gifts of the Dream Master
Some businessmen were curious as to what Eckankar was and it was difficult for
them to talk without using Eckankar jargon. The ECKists explained it to the
Christians in parallel terms. It is important to use language that others can
understand and to show similarity, but be honest. If one can speak in terms of
similarity, why wouldn't telling differences not be as easy-going?
Is Eckankar responsible for the inner teachings? Certainly this must be the case
in terms of projections it programs into you. Do its "inner teachings..set it head
and shoulders above everyone else?" The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp
speaks of "outer trappings" that are similar to other so-called religions. Why
should religion need to trap people, if it was about true liberation and
enlightenment? I tend to think actual religion breaks one free from the trappings
one was in. Eckankar tries to make its members and practitioners feel special for
being exposed to teachings "seldom put into writing." Eckankar speaks of an Ahma
Qavani speaking on behalf of the barons before King John of England and helping them
towards drafting the Magna Carta of 1215 C.E., but an internet search only showed
results that relied on Eckankar members for his existence. How would being involved
in such efforts speak of a Living ECK Master having "a spiritual concern only?" The
taking a role in counteracting outer debauchery by intitiating a series of initiates
and speaking to them seems a very arbitrary allegation.
Is "reading the ECK-Vidya" a "talent of clearly seeing the effects of our past
and present behavior upon future events?" Trouble may be karmic, but it is probably
unjust to blame people for being responsible for everything or to say they deserve
all the hardship in their life. Does organized religion have a better answer for the
problem of evil in how the prophets taught that we are tested and rewarded for our
patience and perseverance? Life is full of effort and we have to wonder at claims to
be able to divine the causes of things. Does prophecy come naturally with looking
into dreams? When people look into their dreams trying to find prophecies in them
and previously unknown things that are seeing their results, it certainly can feel
that way. Is Harold Klemp right on The ECK Dream 1 Discourses page 217 when he
teaches that there can be "great spiritual goals too soon" or is that the ideal to be
slowly and realistically striven for from the start? A concept of "God Awareness and
all the virtues that accompany it" can be worked on today without procrastination.
The prophets often received their revelations only as fast as they could learn and be
inspired by them, but how can this be the same in terms of exposure to outer
initiations and inner ECK works or things like Eckankar discourses? Some will be
more attracted to "love, teaching, service, or contemplation" than prophecy or other
forms of divination; like Golden-tongued Wisdom. Some will develop any part of a
teaching they come across rather than specialization. Does the complete Eckankar
program bring God-Realization and its fruitive actions or Karma Yoga? Harold Klemp
offers a conflicting picture; both in example and word. Harold Klemp talks on page
218 like he can't even put together a single discourse upon the issue of ECK-Vidya.
Again the issue relies on you to find it in the dream teachings that he allegedly
gives you. What about dreams had by people before membership in Eckankar? What
about dreams by people who never join? The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp
admits on page 219 that the ECK-Vidya has flaws, but still claims it is a reliable
method of gauging your conditions. Page 220 seems to draw me towards the idea that
ECK is more properly E.C.K. and the 9 of the order of the Order of Vairagi Adepts
mean the nine of the Greek Enneades or some other such thing represented by the Nine
Silent Ones who use to run Eckankar. It was a board of nine, plus two Living ECK
Masters, until the one who voted for Darwin Gross to remain the 972nd ECK Master and

Mahanta and a Living ECK Master. Now a days, it is said to be five or less corporate
leaders. Is Ennead Corporate Kinesis or something like that what ECK is supposed to
mean? The ECK Dream 1 Discourses are said to be the result of a "decision reached by
the Order of Vairagi feature...near the entry level into ECK.
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp goes over an experience Harold Klemp
allegedly had with Peddar Zaskq in a research room of the Param Akshar Temple on the
Soul Plane. He was looking over a copy of an ECK-Vidya reading for him from years
ago. People used to pay whomever was called the Living ECK Master for this Akashic
Record like readings. Is this upon reality or mere soothsaying? Wah Z deemed it
important to look over Paul Twitchell's style of writing. A hologram of a knight
during the first crusade was interpreted as a past life of his. Peddar Zaskq (Paul
Twitchell) was to make a note of the images as quickly as they appeared. Peddar
Zaskq was said to have went through and selected the images with the quickness of
lightning. The style changed as it went to a scene interpreted as Harold Klemp
having a past incarnation as a contemporary poet of Jalal ad-Din ar-Rumi. Despite
all the poetry and such, the room was quiet. Harold Klemp ended up convincing
himself that these ECK-Vidya dreams and similarly categorized experiences was the way
to gain convictions on non-specific issues. The goal was to be able to read them for
one's self. Isn't that what a person does in the dream state rather than the dream
characters being separate from his consciousness who tell external information? If
this method is broad and fallible, how can the message be as clear as it is said to
be with the claims of help?
We don't start full of knowledge. Belief and faith are what we start with upon
our conscious return to God. Every path seems to strive towards some sense of selfmastery, but ECK Mastership takes this individuation to the extent of auto-deism.
Our experience of reality may be fully based on what we are and what is in us, but I
hardly think that means "every higher human and spiritual force combines within us."
We may be capable of transcendental experiences and may exist on a metaphysical
level, but that doesn't mean that we need any less of a relationship with what is
outside us. I guess that is what they mean by spiritual rather than religious.
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses page 220 attempts to program people into thinking
survival isn't that important. It tries to support this by relating to the material
reality souls are in as a burden we are weighed down by. The next page tells people
that laws of survival are just where you have to be in a physical body. How can what
we are told outside of Eckankar about heavenly realms be misconceptions, if it is
truly orthodox or correctly believing? That is how Harold Klemp refers to the
teachings of priests or those who lead rituals.
"A Higher Initiate of ECK" drew attention to how the Americans kept Vietnamese
isolated from each other in small cells; hoping to break them psychologically. One
of them had already been tortured "by the North Vietnamese." A man on the other side
regained his will to live when he found a method to communicate with him by a wire
shoved through a crack between cells. It seemed to "the Higher Initiate" that former
prisoners of war had a greater chance of worldly success than the veterans that
weren't. Whatever field of work they found, they credited the discipline and selfpurification they underwent by their ordeals. There are other ways and no one should
bring such hardship upon one's self. The point is that beneficial learning may occur
in almost any situation. Page 222 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses tries to convince
that nightmares and horrible inner experiences are "a gift of the Dream Master."
Doesn't this make it seem like this alleged Dream Master casts powerful curses on his
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl tells of a composer in a
concentration camp had a dream in February of 1945 that the war would end March 30th
of that year. The dreamer slipped into his final unconsciousness with typhus on that
day instead. Could an astral entity really kill a person as Harold Klemp teaches?
The drug doctrines of Eckankar mentions how hard drugs, like tobacco, alcohol, and
medication opening one to influences that might otherwise be resisted or play no
conscious role. Drugs kill people, but I'll have to side with the Islamic teaching
of their being no ghouls or spirits that physically hurt people. Are dream studies
without so-called experts guidance full of any more dangers? The next page teaches
that ECK-Vidya shows "future probabilities." How does one know what is a prophetic
dream? Eckankat teaches that it takes effort and imagination. Doesn't that seem
like it is personal philosophizing that mostly guides the ECKist rather than

A spiritual view of a dream is a mental placement of it in that category or a use

of knowledge of it for such a purpose. How can one be receiving "crucial
information" that one is to "take for granted?" Why develop a conviction that the
spiritual leader of Eckankar is the Dream Master using such for communication, if
such a contradiction is in the same paragraph that Harold Klemp refers to as "the
Word of ECK?" The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp page 223 does not speak of
the sunny-side as optimism, but it refers to such as considering whoever Eckankar
believers call the Dream Master as working on your behalf rather than to maintain his
salary and celebrity. Dreams can warn of things, but I think they are ignoring that
the messages are often transformed versions of personal conceptions that don't ring
true. Soul and Spirit can become as one. To keep our true being, the reality of
ourselves that transcends the material world, in agreement with itself is a very
important thing to strive for. I would agree with Harold Klemp that people should
act as if they've already realized the truth about God, but not in the sense of being
gods right now. That is really what the ECK Masters are treated as-lesser gods.
Reality is not whatever we think and it is important what we choose to believe. A
practice of the presence of God and other spiritual exercises can be done in any
place and any situation.
A Chela or Eckankar initiate kept a dream journal, but found few entries in
years. She started to record occurrences that she thought were significant in their
too. I've kept as detailed of a spiritual journal as I deemed reasonable, for years.
She started to let her defenses down and it helped her to change how she reacted
towards others and herself. The point isn't made in Eckankar, but it is more
important to strive for orthopraxy or correct action than for experiences. Eckankar
tells people they can "receive the full Light and Sound of God." Wouldn't you agree
that the idea of receiving the full light of The Light or the full sound of The Sound
severely limits God to what his creations are? This must be true, even if you
consider these as names of God. We can be prepared to manifest more. We can climb
the Mountain of God beyond what we have been prepared to, if God so wills. Are or
will any of the so-called ECK Masters ever be at the Top of the Mountain? It is
certainly so according to the minds of their worshipers. Eckankar teaches to give
them respect, but not worship. Aside from those who haven't decided to do otherwise,
I don't see how the phrase can be anything, but contradictory nonsense.
I Want to Hear the Sound Current Spiritual Exercise:
The 22nd month in Eckankar has its Spiritual Exercise of ECK starts off by
saying, "I want to hear the Sound Current." in silence and then drifting off to sleep
listening to all the sounds in the room. This is called the Sound Technique and it
allegedly makes people notice of celestial sounds beyond that. Some people have
claimed to have more dreams where sound was noticed when doing such things. Are we
experiencing ECK or Divine Light and Sound by such methods or is it the usual
stimulus with the occasional psychedelic phenomenon?
My final practice of this rite was between 1:20 and 5:12 A.M. on Wednesday the
31st of December, 2014 or the 8th through 10th hour of the night of 9/3/1436: For a
week or so, frivolous songs would get stuck in my head as I did the Sound Technique.
That didn't happen that Wednesday night. I heard wind blow through grass as I went
to sleep. I saw the moon rise shallowly over nine thrones. A vampyre was seated in
each of these. Things grew very dark. Then, I saw two rainbow colored serpents wrap
around each other and me. A peacock stood by making different pitched sounds as they
changed colors. The peacock made higher pitched sounds as the colors tended more
towards red and lower pitched sounds as the colors tended more towards violet.
Mermen and mermaids swam in the nearby sea. A human became a wolf and I found with
it till I could bind it. The werewolf became complacent as I carried it to an altar
that fifty-six people were building. I separated the two snakes and sat them down.
They became plainly colored and the peacock went away. I sat the lycanthrope upon
the altar and watched it turn into the Princess of Cups. She was at an age that she
was about to hit puberty or had already become an adolescent, but didn't yet look
like a woman. The sun rose low over eleven thrones; each with a vampyre in it. She
quickly aged from about 10-12 to where she looked around forty-six years old. I
carefully handed her the Goetia sigilia for the period of Scorpio or numbers fiftyone through fifty-six without touching her. These were in the form of a golden coin,

a green & red coin, an orange coin, a red coin, a tin coin, and another red & green
coin. I picked up a tortoise shell lyre and played a tune upon it. I chanted,
danced, and performed other arts. A wreath was placed upon my head. A dragon
circles round her breathing sparks upon the altar. I knew not to fight, because she
was not bound. I would stop on occasion to do something that was obviously
religious. I would notice her waving at me from afar when I took a break. As the
scene faded, the tortoise lyre turned into a giant tortoise that I rose into the
sunset. I heard crickets. I continued to hear them as I woke up. I woke up with my
heart racing. I felt sped up for a while after waking. I was extraordinarily calm
and content. I felt fully rested, despite lacking some sleep; as per my usual
Dream Interpretation:
The crickets can be seen as a symbol of protection and of prediction of movement.
I wish to protect the Princess of Cups, but can predict some of her future to a
degree that others don't seem to be able to.
The tortoise is as the constellation Lyra; which is the first decante of
Sagittarius. The mercurial expression of this decan is as Work being the Three of
Disks. There is still work to be done. As a venusian decan, it means Initiate or
Devotee. I must go on my way not compromising my life as a devotee to God and should
go on to gain further spiritual initiations by experience or learning. The Lyre is a
symbol of armor; as well as the devotional and healing side of music. I must
maintain my spiritual defenses in relation to her and other manners. I should
perform my spiritual arts for the benefit of myself and others.
The dragon is as Draco or the Second Decan of Libra in its lunar mode as Debauch
or the Seven of Cups. The merfolk and vampires can be seen as its saturnal guise as
Self-Sufficiency. Dragons guard treasure and princesses in mythology. The Arcadian
Apples that distracted Atalanta in the myth are also represented here. The dragon
represents what is holding her back from winning the race.
The sound of the sea is said in Eckankar to be a sign of being on the Astral
Plane; which is listed as the Second Plane and First Heaven. If true, this would
imply it was an experience of emotions.
The wreath is as Corona Australis or the Southern Crown. This is as the Two of
Swords sees its Venusian meaning as Peace with her waving at me and witnessing to the
effects of my spirituality. This constellation's Solar meaning or Achievement is
seen in that I conveyed what was necessary.
The Altar is as the constellation Ara as the Ten of Swords. There are myths of
the building of an altar to worship God by those treated as lesser gods and
goddesses. Its solar title or Ruin is seen in the fifty-six that built it and the
fact that it seems to be a symbol of a potential for future destruction. I have
shared the fifty-six explicit verses of love by and for God that are found in Al
Qoor'aan with her. I am almost certain that I have shared my views upon the eleven
verses of this subject from the Bible as well. This card's solar tile as Oppression
can be seen how she has been scapegoated, despite people being partially or just as
responsible for her bad behavior or being guilty of similar misdeeds themselves.
This can also represent people discouraging her in regard to each of those fifty-six
messages for this age. There are fifty-six cards of the Minor Arcana in the Tarot
and most lives have seen some hardship in each of these categories. The uranian
symbolism of this card as Responsibility or Duty is seen in my handing over of the
Talismans representing the defeat of the evils and bad things attributed to Gamory,
Orobos, Murmur, Camio, Alloces, and Ba`alam. My duty was only to convey ways to deal
with these categories of life and that which is referenced by the number fifty-six.
If one starts the New Year at the Vernal Equinox and divides it into seventy-two or
seventy-three portions, this dream was in portion number fifty-six.
The peacock is as the constellation Pavo. The symbolic role here is as the paean
it sang along with the colors and the bliss that I felt. This constellation also
represents immortality. Are we not immortal, in a way, as souls?
I was as Ophiuchus or the first decante of Scorpio. This is the Nine of Sword in
the Tarot. Its martian symbolism is as the cruelty of the dragon towards me and the
behavior of the fifty-six towards her. Its venusian title is Resourceful and that
was seen in the resources that I shared with her.

The werewolf, I picked up was as the constellation Lupus or the Wild Beast. Its
docile nature after the fight was as the jovial title of the Eight of Cups as
Indolence. Its plutonian title or Make Haste was seen in how quickly the Princess of
Cups aged upon the altar; from years before I met her to when I met her to the point
where most of her potential life span is gone.
The snakes were as the constellation Serpens or the constellations Serpens Caput
and Serpens Cauda. This is as the first decante of Libra and the Six of Cups. Its
solar symbolism is its title Pleasure. That was seen in the pleasures I experienced.
It's lunar title is Ethics. That was represented as its patterns. These two snakes
and me was as a caduceus. The whole of the experiences in the dream was as medicine
to me. The other thing a caduceus represents is business. It may be that is
something left from me that the to sell people on.
The low dragging of the sun and moon is as the myth of the heels of the sun and
moon connected with Scorpio. It was the eleventh day, starting with the Winter
Solstice. The sighting of the crescent moon rendered it the ninth night of the
month. The thrones were those numbers. The lowness is as the idea that a pursuer is
hot on the heels. The Twentieth numbered Trump of the Tarot is Judgement or Aeon and
having a system of Judgement that is relevant to this era is central to the messages
that I convey.
The sound of wind is said in Eckankar theology to be the sound of the Alakh Lok
(Invisible Sphere) or 6th Plane (It is listed as the seventh named one; as the
Etheric Plane is listed as a Plane rather than merely a higher area of the Mental as
it is described). If the word of the Plane is Shanti, that would imply the
experience is one of bringing peace.
Workbook Activities:
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp has Workbook Activity 2.10.1 on pages
226 and 227. I like useful gifts "that make my life go easier," but I don't belief
Harold Klemp offers many to people. Things that come with a paid membership or by
buying other things from the Eckankar Corporation can hardly be considered gifts.
Fun gifts can inspire. I am grateful to God instead. That keeps me finding more to
be grateful for. I'm not writing a thank you letter to Harold Klemp; nor will I
write any future Mahanta thanking him for what I do or what God does for me beyond
The next Workbook Activity is on the following page. Eckankar considers a person
as graduating from a year of study when they renew their membership. The
practitioner has to wonder whether or not they are finding out the cause of the
effects they are seeing the results of wishful thinking. I don't feel like imagining
that I am side-by-side with Harold Klemp in his dream he considered to be of a
research room in Param Akshar. I can think of no gift I discovered beyond specific
meanings and applications that I figured out. I will work out some of those in
different ways as time goes by.
Workbook Activity 2.10.3 is on page 229 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold
Klemp. I think almost anyone would like to spend more time feeling "strong, free,
and" not held back by limits." I would strongly discourage anyone asking a Mahanta
who is not physically present about these traits. Isn't the idea of being limitless
delusions of grandeur for a creation?
The next Workbook Activity is on the following page. The woman in the story
about a dream within a dream about the world ending was about looking on the bright
side; as she decided to just watch it rather than worry and resist. My dreams lately
have been hidden, except for shadows in light. Whether a dream or experience is from
ourselves, one of the devils, or even God, I don't think it makes sense to even try
to pretend that everything is a gift of love. Do you think you could convince
yourself that looking on the bright side of life is to consider your dreams or
experiences as out of your control and controlled by another? I can't convince
myself that is always positive or even the best thing. Some control of other's
experiences, psychic or otherwise, must be in ways not in a way pleasing to God.
Workbook Activity 2.10.5 is on page 231 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold
Klemp. Aside from saying HU (like Hugh or hue), few Spiritual Exercises of ECK come
with a message to do them "as often as you like." I was never the sort of person to
pretend as if I had my own divinity. I don't recommend that. I do recommend acting
as if you have realized the truth about God instead of the sense some speak of when

they speak of being God-Realized. I believe that Self-Realization requires knowing

you are a separate and no one is ever truly one with God or otherwise looses their
individuality. I have tried to act with consciousness of the reality of God enough
that I notice no change; feeling or otherwise. This page recommends it for an hour.
The next page has the following activity. I can look back on the last few days
to see if I made any progress, but won't ask some shower of the way to posses me and
draw attention to things. It can be a great idea to put experiences from the day as
well as dreams in a spiritual journal.
The following page has another activity. This is to examine your emotions as to
why you would want to hear sound. The implication is that of a theophany, but is
almost always an epiphany of a psychedelic or even ordinary sort. One is asked to
draw or otherwise record what you have come to understand. As the discourses
progress, the urging to worship the one they call Mahanta increases. Harold Klemp
often writes or speaks about himself in the second or third person narrative in order
to seem less like a megalomaniac.
The final workbook activity of Lesson 10 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold
Klemp is on pages 234 and 235. I notice no effect of Sound or sound upon my dreams
that wasn't there to begin with. Sound is usually just an enhancement of what was
there or even just noticing something in contemplation. The sound the women
mentioned that did the Sound Technique before it ended up in the discourse heard
changes in sound that were different than those listed as signals for what Plane on
is on according to Eckankar cosmology charts. One lesson it to gain understanding
that is more than just repeating a list. One should pay attention to the states in
meditation, when you are hypnogogic, and sleep.
30/3/1436 HU Blank Silent HU While Casually Looking for the Light Spiritual Exercise
& The ECK Dream 1 Discourses Lesson 11
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp has an illustration of a haloed woman
standing on a cliff's edge on page 238. Is she just a soul considering jumping and
ending her life that rests firmly on her perception of the material world and
starting a new life upon the conceptions of multiple lifetimes with Eckankar? She
looks down on a daytime scene on American pioneers with a covered wagon. What lessons
can she learn from the way things were? In the distance is a nighttime scene of a
futuristic palace in the moon light. What lessons can she learn from what people
think things will be like? The picture is captioned with a quote from page 242 of The
ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp. The context is a woman wondering why she is
in her current marriage. Is she just imagining past lifetimes rather than dealing
with her marriage in terms of this life?
Lesson 11: Looking at Our Past
People who wanted to read an in depth study of dreams symbols will be
disappointed in The ECK Dream 1 Discourses. It relies on you to come up with that
stuff; as well as finding the Apollonian and Dionysian values in life. If
understanding or experience is all your own to control or figure out, what good is
Eckankar as a guide to life?
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad is the chief text of Eckankar and is said to exist in
twelve volumes or one for each plane before Akshar Realization (except the Etheric
Plane which is counted as part of the Mental Plane). The first of two volumes is
quoted on page 239. The quote refers to the soul enjoying its experiences in life
and their vehicles. It goes on to imply that people become supreme rulers of their
personal worlds through lucid dreaming. Is this true? Can't one achieve selfmastery while fully accepting God as ruler in all aspects of life; Lord, King, and
Harold Klemp is right that we should want to live a fully spiritual life today.
Would that be best through a path like Eckankar or should we follow Al Qoor'aan 2.208
and "Enter into Islam whole-heartedly?" The verse continues by saying, "do not
follow the footsteps of Satan. Certainly, He is to you an enemy manifested." Is one
of the ways the satanic forces manifest is through what people project as Dream
Master and other apparitions of a Mahanta and other ECK Masters? They are said to
reveal their way. Part of that way is projecting current issues upon alleged
incarnations before our existence in this human body. Why can't looking at this

current incarnation be sufficient? There are dreams and other experiences where time
and space seem to have no meaning, but that doesn't mean "any experience..a thousand
years ago is just as accessible as one of today."
The Tahitians invaded Hawaii about a thousand years ago. The ECK Dream 1
Discourses page 240 implies that people knew of a dream master and helped their
families to understand their dreams each morning. The truth behind this was that
they preferred the elders of the community to interpret dreams; which they called ho'ike na ka po- or visitors of the night. There would also be personal
interpretations and familial interpretations of kupa wale or dreams that come on
their own and no'ono'o mua or premeditated dreams. Thus far, Eckankar projects the
dream giving function away from God and spirits to ECK (Ennead Consciousness
Kinesis?) Masters and doesn't mention that you can program yourself to have certain
dream as clearly. Tales from the Night Rainbow by Pali Lee and Koko Willis talk of
flying dreams being thought of as traveling through inner worlds among the Hawaiians.
Dreams are a way of figuring out your health and other personal truths in more
cultures than that. Harold Klemp is wrong about the Tahitians being opposed to dream
interpretations and love in general, but they certainly placed their culture as
superior in public life. The Eckankar doctrine is that this was a war between Kal or
Jot Niranjan (The Highest One without Blame) and ECK (God as a Verb or the Holy
Spirit; which is called Gabriel, Jibreel, Vohu Manu, and other names). I don't see
how any interpretation of these makes sense, if God is the Highest, God is Ever
Active and the Unfallen Angels, like Archangel Gabriel never disobeyed God. Are
people attracted to Hawaii for its climate and outer beauty or the alleged past lives
of those who visited there. Do you think Eckankar is right about the Garden of Eden
being nearer to Paliula than the Mesopotamian valley? Hawaiian tradition certainly
has the Green Cliff (Paliuli) as an equivalent, but neither the descriptions or Eden
is as the same place. Both myths refer to a natural and spiritual paradise that
likely have links in physical realities.
Al Qoor'aan 30.30 teaches we were created upon nature. Eckankar teaches our
truest state is a divinity that we work towards. How can "the dream teachings of
ECK..bring you closer to your divine nature," if healing, finding lost things,
gaining riches, defeating enemies, and other miracles do not happen more commonly in
the lives of the initiates of Eckankar? Even the blind and deaf may see light and
hear sound. Connecting to Light and Sound is supposed to be the focus of the leader
of Eckankar, but isn't focusing on a leader as an intercessor diverting us from a
direct relationship with God? The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp is correct
on page 241 about the best part of a soul's existence is after they connect with God
through sights and sounds. Al Qoor'aan 8.35 agrees with him on the next point about
wind and percussion instruments not being a path to God. Why then are musical
instruments used as part of ECK Worship Services, other official Eckankar events, and
in heard in some Eckankar media? The way to God may be through the secrets of our
heart, but the outer deeds reflect the inner beliefs and feelings. It is also true
that spiritual practices lead to realizations and expanding of consciousness, though.
I do not agree with the teaching on the next page about spiritual realities being
hidden to those who revel in the bodily enjoyments. Some of the people who enjoy the
physical realms the most are also the most spiritually aware. Do you ascribe to
their hierarchy of separation into physical realms, psychic realms, and spiritual
realms? I see no reason why one has neglect one to fully realize another. Nor would
I consider the nature of any one of them to be impure.
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp speaks of the past resulting in the
current conditions on page 242. Is it a Dream Master showing you past lives or your
own thinking over the issues that results in understanding specifics of that? The
freedom to love life probably doesn't rely on coming up with an explanation of your
situations. I will tell you truly that this life alone will explain any emotional
state. The story of a Higher Initiate who dreamt of reading an orange binder that
said she was a nun in a past life doesn't establish that it was either a Causal Plane
dream or that it was reconfirming a knowing that she was a nun in the past. Couldn't
she have figured out why she felt like she was being suppressed?
Is anyone really
freed by thinking that a condition stemmed from a past life? If they feel liberated
from the condition, are they just repressing the truth?
Aren't marriages of convenience explainable by the perception that they somehow
make life easier or better than not being married? The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by
Harold Klemp teaches that they aren't on page 242 and 243. After stating that they

probably stem from a past life, he mentions an alleged past life recall that projects
an ECK Initiate (Card Carrying Eckankar Member) and her spouse as an old couple
traveling in a covered wagon to a new life in the Old West. They needed each other
to survive in the dream as they do in what everyone knows is real life. She thought
that she had grown spiritually and was probably dissatisfied that her husband hadn't
changed with her. Eckankar teaches that dreams or visions of the past or future
require traveling on the Time Track. Is that what she did with who she considered
the Dream Master? The dream both made clear that she still felt an attachment, but
she wanted it to be more. As much as Harold Klemp and the previous two known as
Living ECK Master, in their lifetime, make it sound like they fate people into
situation, he admitted that they have their decision of what they will do together in
the future. The ECK-Vidya: Ancient Science of Prophecy by Paul Twitchell projects a
past of Eckankar before 1964 and is also wrong about automatic liberation when dreams
are understood. Don't we have to act on truths we figure out?
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp page 243-245 speaks of space visitors.
Why would he feel hesitant in witting about this, if he really knew, as the Mahanta,
the Living ECK Master, that it was the explicit Word of God for the discourses?
Eckankar says that the Agam Des of the Hindu Kush Mountain range is a landing place
for both ships from the Astral Plane (the place of UFOs and psychic phenomenon) and
other planets. Agam Des is a place that seems unknown outside of the Radhasoami
groups, the Theosophical Society, Eckankar, and related groups. How then can people
claim to objectively know it exists? Harold Klemp was trained as a Lutheran and
knows orthodox means correctly believing. If he is really a believer, why would he
refer to any other church as orthodox since before he became a leader in Eckankar?
Harold Klemp is mostly right in his profession that the rejection of the concept of
life was because it questioned the superior role of humans among creations. The
format without the Workbook Activities and CD of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold
Klemp was first printed in 1988. So you can expect some out of date ideas. The
Vatican made the possibility of alien life and encounters an official doctrine of the
Catholic Church after Pope John Paul II. Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis have
made that clear.
This would be supportive of how Harold Klemp describes some
"experiences that people report about space visitors which are actually meetings in a
hyperphysical state of awareness or a hypo-astral state" as having "little to do with
space visitors from some other galaxy in our universe. He mentions Communion by
Whitley Strieber. I used to read every relevant UFO and alien book in the library.
Whitley Strieber was one of my favorite authors in High School. The truth behind
Whitley Strieber may very well be explained through his 1988 diagnoses of Temporal
Lobe Epilepsy by Doctor Donald Klein. Harold Klemp's association of UFO and related
phenomenon as psychic and astral may be in how he formulates a theory of Whitley
Strieber around that man's claims of being a psychic. Harold Klemp doesn't deny the
reality of such experiences; just that they are not how they have been interpreted.
I do not deny that people in Eckankar and other paths have certain experiences. I
just do not believe they are always what they are interpreted as. Flying around a
room is clearly an out-of-body-experience, but some distinguish it as a physical
reality rather than an psychedelic or psychic. Strieber's wife speaking with a
different voice may be an astral entity or demon rather than control of spacemen.
Whitley's little white thing was more likely to be a fallen angel or even a psychic
projection. Most religions and spiritual paths would agree that beings of other
dimensions and nonphysical types of creation commonly dwell in this world or go back
and forth between this and another realm. Most spiritual paths would agree with
Harold Klemp in that those metaphysical being can't conquer Earth. Only beings in a
physical body can do that. Is the ECK-Vidya right about how space aliens will
conquer Earth in several generations? Harold Klemp doesn't want aliens to be a
central issue in Eckankar. I think it is for a lot of people.
Eckankar teaches that people have went through hundreds of reincarnations; some
of which are not physical. I would not hesitate to agree that we have had existence
in metaphysical realms; even before birth. Wouldn't Astral Plane, Causal Plane,
Mental Plane, and Etheric Plane experiences and lives be while incarnated in the
current physical body? They all sound psychedelic or psychic to me. That requires a
physical body to operate in and around. The ECK Vidya; The Science of Prophecy by
Paul Twitchell is likely most of what will be encountered in Eckankar material about
out lives on the other planes. Those lives and experiences as well as those of the
purely spiritual realms are important to dream study. I would say they are important

to the whole of life, but it seems better to not see them as separate incarnations
from the body we have had since before birth. Is it true that without the ways that
Eckankar teaches, people wouldn't be able to remember early dreams and be convinced
of personal freedom? The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Book 1 teaches that no one achieves the
spiritual heights without Eckankar training. The next quote teaches that a person
will be a failure without "a specific attitude and viewpoint" that amounts to
depersonalization disorder. Do you really want a clinical psychiatric disorder just
to try to be satisfied with your alleged spiritual powers?
Eckankar teaches that Dream Travel and Soul Travel can include that which ranges
from peaceful to warlike. Sahasra-dal-Kanwal is said to be the capital for the
astral. Harold Klemp I am very much reminded of Genesis 6.1-4; when The ECK Dream 1
Discourses by Harold Klemp page 246 talks about the intermarriage between the
visitors to the Astral Plane and astral beings. Other Eckankar works make clear that
these astral beings are what is known as fire beings, fallen angels, faery, daevas,
asuras, and Jinn. I don't believe in ghouls or that beings with material bodies can
have hybrid children with incorporeal beings. How could such a blend be
indistinguishable from natives of whatever realm the offspring end up in? Harold
Klemp teaches that these are "a little smaller in stature than the original citizens
of the city...fair haired and gentle..slight roughness of the skin." Could they be
thought form entities like golem and tulpa? Harold Klemp tells us that peaceful
visitors to the Astral Plane go there to learn about past lives and gain "the
experiences...which they need." I am reminded how Al Qoor'aan 72.4-6 talks about
people seeking refuge with jinn, the foolish among them attributing lies to God, and
only ending up with more into sin and transgression. Could Eckankar mentions of God
Worlds be falsely attributing personal and demonic projections to be revelations of
God? Harold Klemp says the astral beings in charge round up illegal immigrants and
keep them in jails long enough to prove who is in charge; as if people outside of
Eckankar usually only have such experiences through forbidden occult or black magic
that they need punished for. Could the detention centers for visitors to the fallen
angel realms be hellish experiences that God's exemplar and messenger prophets called
the madness and appearance of devils? Dream Travel and Soul Travel is described like
inner plane projections with the talk of inner planes. It doesn't appear to me like
people tend to increase in compassion as they social network online; much less with
various psychic and truly metaphysical creations through such systems of practice.
Eckankar talks about focusing on visiting other places rather than focusing on
trying to recall a past life all the time. They are probably right about that
getting boring. Broadening and exploring one's conception of cosmology is probably
more enriching. After all, Genesis 6.3 claims God as a Noun and Verb said, "My
Spirit won't dwell in man forever, since he is of a physical body..." I whole
heartedly believe that is true and we are hear to become more knowledgeable in
spiritual matters and act that out in daily life. There is some truth to kamit or
the Law of Silence, but that probably doesn't mean that personal knowledge and
experience of psychic (Astral, Causal, Mental, Etheric) and metaphysical (Purely Soul
or Spirit realms) needs to remain a personal secret. Is that just to not throw doubt
on the idea that Harold Klemp has the Mahanta Consciousness or the Highest State of
Awareness? I would venture many do know of things that none of those called ECK
Masters will ever understand. Al Qoor'aan 10.28 speaks of what will happen between
those who treat others as a partner or co-worker with God and the worshiped. Those
were were treated as gods and goddesses will be separated from their worshipers. The
next verse speaks of the testimony that the worshiped lacked knowledge of their
worship. People may create or support a cult of worship instead of mere respect
(Eckankar members says, "We give him respect, but not worship" in a meaningless
way.), but they don't know the fine details of what they are not physically there to
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp goes over the benefits of a dream
journal on page 248. It seems odd that someone could go fourteen year as an Eckankar
member without ever having a dream journal to occasionally record dreams and such,
but that is the claim. He found it helped bridge his inner and outer life. One
should expect this; as a primary function of dreams seems to be processing our waking
existence. He was able to use the record as a memory aid. I too have forgotten
dreams and details of dreams and visions, because of being unable to get the details
down quick enough.
He formulated dream interpretations as he organized his account
to think about what says about him. I primarily interpret things in themselves and

in their immediate context. He relished in the release he got by recording what he

recalled and not focusing on it. Whether this is leaving the mind free to work
through other issues or not dwelling on bad dreams without ignoring them, it seems
like good advice. So many Eckankar members seem to have bad dreams and ultimately
ignore the truth of them by considering them a way of paying of a debt. Al Qoor'aan
opens up by saying God is Lord of all worlds. Surely, this includes all light and
sound, but is the Eckankar context of these ideas accurate?
Hu, Blank, and Silent HU while Casually Looking for the Light Spiritual Exercise:
The 23rd month in Eckankar calls for a Spiritual Exercise of ECK that consists of
singing HU (like hue) as a love song to God for a minute or two, pausing in silence
for a minute or two, and then silently chanting HU. The whole time, one is supposed
to be paying attention for any light that shows up. One is supposed to gaze at the
inner view "in a dreamy sort of way; not being too eager to see anything appear upon
it." Contrary to The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp page 249, I tell you
that no Dream Master or Mahanta tells you when to stop or go silent. Am I right that
it is your own internal clock and processes that determine this? The practice is to
do this "at least four times each week" and alternate a basic HU (slowly say Hugh)
chant on the days you don't do this. Like most of the Spiritual Exercises, this has
a recommended twenty minutes. HU: A Love Song to God is a CD that ends with a group
HU chant that is of a similar length. The practitioner or ECKist is supposed to let
the images go and come until light that is deemed the Light of God takes over.
Psychedelic light may be according to the laws of God, but that can't be the same as
a theophany.
I had started with Spiritual Exercise 2.11 after dusk the night of the 31st of
December, 2014 and included it as part of my sleeping practices until just before
dawn on January 19, 2015. Between 12:33 and 5:08 A.M. was my last working of the HU,
Go Blank, and then Silently Chant HU spiritual exercise. In previous workings, the
light would become less wild and varied. Sometimes, I would wake with my heart
beating faster.
7th through 9th hour of the Night of 28/3/1436 Dream:
Last night, I was filled with a deep calm and sense of power as the light cleared
to form like a cloudy, but bright day. A gigantic turtle rose out of the water like
and island. There was a giant human skull atop it. A wheel with eighty-four spokes
coming out of its rim was attached to its forehead. Each of these spokes had a
different number painted on it. I stood in the middle of a triangle upon the shore
of this lake. Around me, was six white mice and six black mice. A snake approached
me from outside of the left side of the triangle asking, "Do you want to know how
many past lives you had?" I said, "Yes." It swam across the lake and spun the Wheel
of Eighty-Four. It landed on number zero. A tiger approached me from the right side
of the triangle asking, "Do you want to know how many future lives you will have?" I
said, "Yes." It swam across the lake to spin the Wheel of Eighty-Four. Around and
around it went until it landed upon the black spoke with the number zero in white
upon it. A weasel approached me from corner of the triangle that was behind me. It
had a hand-held mirror. I watched it turn it about showing the celestial sphere of
stars in the lower heaven; both Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere. I
stepped outside the triangle to see if I could hold the mirror. All I saw
I was suddenly at the foot of mountains that were higher than any on Earth.
Between them was a canyon with a bizarre river that sparkled and foamed. It flowed
through the valleys and had many distributaries. An ibis came up to me and told me,
"It is time for your initiations." I went off alone to bath in different waters and
it bathed in this strange river.
We met again at night by a dirt road up the left side of the mountain on the
left. I led this bird in thirteen bows of Taraweeh Assalat (Extended Contact
Prayers). We then meditated into the night. As we stared into the darkness, a neon
pink enveloped us, but we continued in our remembrance, Then a dark yellow came from
all sides to replace the pink. This sort of thing happened with nine more layers of
yellow; each lighter and brighter than the last. The later layers were so white that

it was hard to tell there was any yellow in them. Each layer felt like being pressed
in while a breeze went through us.
A thunder was heard as the mountains shook. A mountain sized beast, like and
eagle, landed at the foot of the mountain. I had six different light green coins
with me. Each had one of the sigillum of the Shem Ha-Maphorash upon it from the
period of Sagittarius. I mixed them with my coins of the Goetia for the same twelfth
of the year or numbers fifty-seven through sixty-two. I put three into a yellow bag.
I put four into a blue bag. I put five into a blue bag. I would periodically cast
one towards the beast and it would leave us alone for a while. I progressed to the
top of the mountain and saw its nest filled with eggs and a silvery stone flecked
with orange and purple.
Day reached its brightest, but dark shadows lurked. The sparkling and foaming
waters of the river that went through the canyon needed to be crossed. The ibis and
me cut and shaped a tree into an arrow with the eagle's stone edged to form the
arrowhead. We bridged the gap and proceeded to cross. We heard Eck being chanted
over and over again when we were on the mountain to the left. As we crossed the
arrow bridge, Hu (pronounced like hue) was heard. When we got to the mountain on the
right, we heard Sugmad (soog-mahd) said over and over again. The eagle saw that we
stole its stone and got mad. We were worried. We chanted what we read upon the
arrow. We started to chant what we read upon the arrow; YHWH (God as a Noun and
Verb). As we chanted Yahweh, the arrow shattered into many splinters that rained
through the canyon upon the waters below. I awoke euphoric and as if I had an hour
or so more sleep than I did. I have felt well rested all day.
Interpretation of Dream on What They Call Martin Luther King Day in 2015:
Eckankar would have you believe my experience was the inner form of my Second ECK
Initiation that was repeated till I realized it. They would have you believe that
the eagle was the Talons of Time; a manifestation of Kal. This is their name from
Satan is defined as being Yahweh as well as Jot Niranjan or The Highest Without Fear
or Blemish. That Blameless One over Time or Kal Niranjan is not a separate God of
Evil, but God as a Noun and Verb as shown through one sort of meaning for SUGMAD and
ECK. Just as HU is seen as the song to God that bridges them in this dream, Yahweh
encompasses both themes, except for the idea of ECK as the Holy Spirit or Gabriel or
angels. An ECKist interpretation also shows that the dream is an understanding of
some of their spiritual laws. Agawan or the Wheel of Eighty-Four is seen in the
scene representing an endless cycle of births and deaths. The snake, tiger, and
weasel were as the three poisons of ignorance, anger, and greed. Also they were
representatives of past, future, and present. The black and white mice are day and
night. The skull and snake are symbols of certain death. The tiger is seen
elsewhere as a symbol of time catching up with you. The rest of the dream would be
seen in Eckankar as being the Mahanta or Way-Shower, the Living ECK Master appearing
in bird form to give me an initiation and show the Spiritual Laws of Spiritual
Unfoldment, Economy, Evolution, Progression, and Life. They would see the river as
the Rivier of Death as that crossed on the way to the peak of Mount Aknok and the
Valley of Girgenti. What is the more truthful way to interpret all this?
My interpretation lays in grouping the first scene into a form of experiencing
the 13th numbered Tarot Trump as Death, Life, and the Wheel of Eighty-Four. The
first group can also be seen as having themes that can be related to mythology of the
constellations Scorpio or the Scorpion and Telescopium or the Telescope (also known
ad Mustela or the Weasel or Urania's Mirror. The sneakiness of the weasel was seen
in how it lured me to where I didn't know I couldn't go. The triangle was both as
the first plane of material manifestation and as the attribute of Scorpio in a former
age; which was Cardinal Water instead of Cardinal Air. The mirror refers to the
concept of mysteries within mysteries. The Wheel of Eighty-Four represented the many
ends and beginnings in life. That is the truth that underlies the endless cycle of
births and deaths myth. I believe in a preexistence and an afterlife for each of us;
even though I deny the implications of reincarnation usually represented by these
symbols. The tiger was as fear of the future. The snake was as ambiguity about the
past. The giant's skull was as the translation known as death. The turtle emerging
was as the translation of birth. I didn't think anyone has had a series of lives. I
guess it was another inner guidance about the subject.

The second group of events can be seen as the 14th numbered Trump as Life,
Economy, Progression, Spiritual Unfoldment, and Evolution. This series of events
contains elements of myths of Sagittarius and its decantes Lyra or the Harp (also a
Vulture or Ibis), Aquila or the Eagle, and Sagitta or the Arrow. These decans are
connected to the Three, Four, and Five of Disks. The planetary attributes in
Triplicity are Venus, Mercury, and Saturn. The planetary attributes of these
decantes are also seen as Mercury, Moon, and Saturn. The Venusian symbolism of Lyra
was seen in the Ibis and me as devotees. It was also seen through the visionary
experience of the initiation of light and feeling. Its Mercurial symbolism was seen
in the washing, prayer, and meditation that we had to do as our work for the
initiation. The Mercurial symbolism of Aquila was seen in the adventure we had
escaping it. Its Lunar symbolism of power was seen in the control it seemed to hold
over the terrain. The bags the coins were sorted in represent the Three of Disks as
having a secondary Air symbolism, the Four of Disks as having a Water symbolism, and
the Five of Disks having a Fire Symbolism. The aspirations of Mutable Earth or the
twelfth of the year represented by Scorpio was seen in the Shem Ha-Maphorash sigilia.
The renunciation of the evils and prayers warding off the bad of the period and the
exorcism of its evil entities is are represented by the sigilia of the Goetia over
Ose, Amy, Orias, Naphula, Zagan, and Volac. In reverse order, these six coins were
orange and purple, gold, silver, orange and bluish-purple, and orange. The periodic
giving over of the bags was as spreading out the resources; yet still making them
effective. The colors of the eagle's stone were as these attributes of the Eagle
constellation. The Saturnal symbolism of Sagitta as usefulness was seen in the
functions it played in the dream. Its other Saturnal symbolism or worry was seen in
the shadows and worry felt upon our last confrontation. Yahweh is God as a Noun and
Verb; as opposed to ECK as God as a Noun and ECK as God as a Verb. Even if we
consider Eck to be an angel, angels, spiritual, or the Holy Spirit (which is the
Archangel Gabriel), the effect is the same with the use of chanting HU (like Hugh) as
a name of God to represent relations between the Eck and Sugmad or the God We Seek.
The Tetragrammaton breaking the arrow shows the Saturnal symbolism of Sagitta as
enlightenment of those who have merged their concept of God into a pure monotheism
rather the denial of it in those who question that and have taken on concepts of
plurality of gods and goddesses or plurality within God (the definition of
polytheism); like those referenced in Al Qoor'aan 38.5-6.
Workbook Activities:
Workbook Activity 2.11.1 is on page 250. I came to be studying The ECK Dream 1
Discourses, Lesson 11, by Harold Klemp because I was looking for free religious
literature and checked out a lot of material from the library in the year 2000 of the
common era. I finally decided to go to Eckankar meetings and share upon what is good
and true. I would bounce idea of their teachings and that led me to get the
discourse series. Positive responses inside and outside of the group has led me to
continue. I don't believe anyone has had a past life. So, there was no "greatest
joy" in it. There was no purpose or meaning behind lifetimes that don't exist.
The next Workbook Activity is upon the following page. Telling people to imagine
that they are in Hawaii and telling them that what they just imagined may be past of
a past life seems to be projecting concepts derived from the life of the body we are
in into a previous existence. My dreams do give clues about my existence through the
information conveyed. They sometimes make it easier for people to figure out their
health or another truth.
The next page has the following Workbook Activity. I have had insights about the
past through dreams, but not any that would lead me to think I had a life in another
material body. No male or female has the sort of divine nature that is implied. We
are God's and not part god nor becoming a living god. I don't believe that we can
interpret a dream as only on the Physical Plane because of a green color; nor a pink
dream as Astral, nor an orange dream as Causal, nor blue in a dream as being on the
Mental Plane, nor a purple dream as Etheric; nor a yellow in a dream meaning it was
of the Soul Planes. Some dreams do seem to effect the way we feel or think, though.
Workbook Activity 2.11.4 is on page 253 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold
Klemp. To a degree, all are probably ready to explore more of themselves. The call
to "stretch your inner universe" by letting your imagination run wild has led many to
find insanity via Eckankar, though. The talk of alien encounters as astral or

metaphysical experiences stands out. I would agree with Harold Klemp about these
beings not being from outer space. Whether by occult practices or otherwise, I would
add that some, if not most, of these are psychedelic experiences. Most of the heaven
experiences that Eckankar talks about are psychedelic without anything distinctly
otherworldly. You can tell by the references to the Astral Plane as emotional, the
Causal Plane as a place of memories, the Mental Plane as intellectual, the Etheric
Plane as the intuitive, as well as aspects of the Soul Plane and others.
The next page has the following Workbook Activity. I already shared my thoughts
around the 12th track of Excerpts for the ECK Dream 1 Discourses. I will say that
when one finds out a spiritual leader is diagnosed with schizophrenia, one doesn't
want to take their advice on matters of personal realities. The idea of not being
self-abrogated is a valid psycho-spiritual travel tip. As opposed to the previous
exercise, it makes the aliens from other worlds bit sound real as it asks you to put
a star in a journal entry that may be of that sort. I discourage anyone who would
pray to spiritual leaders.
The following page has the next Workbook Activity. I haven't made any dream
journal notes from the past few weeks, but recording them helps to organize and
interpret my experiences. I didn't discover anything new through review of or
recording in my journals lately.
Workbook Activity 2.11.7 is on page 256 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold
Klemp. Unwanted conditions don't just go away with picking some creation and praying
to it! Explanations don't always come. Life can become easier in some way, but
imagining some Mahanta as guiding and caring for you is false security. They just
proved when they send my slip to request the second initiation that the Spiritual
Services center hasn't read all my reports; much less their Living ECK Master reading
and remembering them. Recording of my experience of life does help me with recalling
or at least referencing more of it. Moving on to the next peak experiences are
easier when one is satisfied with the record and explanation of them.
The final Workbook Activity of Lesson 11 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses is on the
next two pages. I will share when I experience something unique or unusual with the
Hu, Blank, and Silent HU while Casually Looking for the Light Spiritual Exercise.
You may record the simple everyday experiences with it for a few days, if you wish.
Did you notice any difference when you looked for light than when you simply chanted
HU? I don't always.
18/5/1436 Going Through 3 Doors Spiritual Exercise & The ECK Dream 1 Discourses
Lesson 12
There is a picture of a woman with her arms outstretched being silly beneath a
six pointed star in a whirlwind. Does the Whirlwind represent the Anami Lok or
Sphere Having No Name or the Alakh Lok or Invisible World? Her posture can be seen
to represent an oath with the right arm and an offering with the left. Even if the
Fifth and Ninth Heaven are not being referred to, one can always get the message of
the woman as soul being beneath Spirit.
Lesson 12: Dream Travel Soul Travel
I will admit that I want to drive people away from Eckankar and repel other from
it through my study of it. I would also like to use it as one of my means to
encourage good and truth; while discouraging evil and ignorance. Every bit counts.
Epictetus was probably wrong about every person seeking to do whatever he wants
without limits. It seems that he may be wrong about everyone wanting to be happy.
Eckankar would agree with religion in that people should have freedom to do what is
responsible. Page 261 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp seems to direct
the person into thinking true freedom will not be found in any other philosophy,
mysticism, or sainthood aside from that of the Eckankar corporation. Is that true?
Are people of other paths ignorant of karma? It would seem that many people would be
more aware of cause, effect, and action that may get in the way of a connection with
God or some type of freedom.
A family of refugees from Vietnam had only been in America for a year when they
asked Harold Klemp what it was like to live here. Harold was surprised and got smug
about how allegedly great it is to live in a country behind more than fifty in terms

of happiness and contentment. He is right about how people here do not appreciate
the values of what we have.
Outer freedom is hardly freedom without inner freedom. Goethe was right in Faust
as liberty and being are to be earned daily. Eckankar says the two currents to
approach through daily Spiritual Exercises are the Light and Sound. Page 262 admits
that dream travel and Soul Travel are only imaginative techniques. How then can
imagination make you directly witness the God of Sound and Light when a god imagined
is not God? The Sound Current being ridden must be that of our own being and its
actions instead of God's revelation to you. Why should we take projections of an
Ocean of Love and Mercy in the Eleventh or Twelfth Plane or beyond as actually
existing? Shouldn't the goal of a spiritual path be more around doing good and
intention than to try to make yourself heard strange music? Page 263 is
condescending in how it refers to techniques of dream and soul travel as only at the
gates of Eckankar teaching. There is always this implication that the greater truths
are being held back and it seems like there is a severe abrogation in people trying
to act like they have advanced according to time as a member of Eckankar, outer
initiations, and positions of authority.
If the experience of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK are so focused on as the
signs of Eckankar being about first hand experience rather than merely following a
text, shouldn't a person feel a sense of failure? The failure is usually in that
being an ECKist doesn't offer what it proclaimed it would. People can probably
experience and express love better without the group. I see Eckankar making people's
lives as more complex rather than a way to take things simply. One can have a
personal relationship with God and a connection to spiritual things without seeking
to crystallize the conception of a trinity in one's life. The Mahanta, the ECK, and
the SUGMAD are terms than can mean many things to a person. A direct path to God
many consider there to be at least one prophet or even just spiritual guides, but
addressing them when they aren't physically there is called fanaticism. A perception
like a Gnostic with a conviction of a Holy Ghost as a god or part of god doesn't make
it so. Why seek God, if God is already there?
The quote alleged to be from Rebazar Tarzs is true in the respect that Al
Qoor'aan 95.4 mentions in saying our creation is upon the highest state of being.
The next two verses relate to the quote in how we are brought to the lowest, but the
exception of those who believe and work righteousness is not focused on in the
quotes. Yes, religion commands us to know ourselves and teaches we are to gain
experience, but the focus in Eckankar is different. Wouldn't nurturing the
relationship with God and creation that we call religion be better achieved by some
means other than a central focus on experiences?
Does Dream and Soul Travel give people special abilities to explore secret divine
realms? If ECK mean spiritual, then it would be prudent to cultivate an inner
purity, consider the right person to be a spiritual teacher, and to heed the
instructions of the spiritual master. Am I your true teacher because I tell you that
the secrets of light, sound, and indeed all vibrations are that they are
manifestations of God's powers of creating and sustaining?
A Frenchman called Montaigne experienced the fact of there being dreams that
interpret our inclinations. There was more to it than that comment in Essays.
Wouldn't it be inappropriate to try to claim that there is more to dreams by
demonizing personal desires? They are not all selfish expressions of the
consciousness of a personal reality or identity. How then can one become a full
being when you deny the understanding of yourself from the start? Giving up on
personal understandings to what you convince yourself are unique communications and
interpretations a spiritual master is thought to give you hardly seem like an
acceptance of the highest visions of reality.
Soul Travel is said to stand out from Soul Travel by being a clearer event. Page
265 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp teaches that dreams are things to
interpret, but Soul Travel doesn't seem that way. Eckankar teaches that we seem
detached from dreams, but as an integral part of Soul Travel. Is it as simple as
that? Are these perceptions really how to tell what was mere conceptions of the
other worlds and what was a truly metaphysical experience? There is a list of false
accusations made against the revelations of Islam; listed in Al Qoor'aan 21.5. These
might be true when applied to the Eckankar teachings on dreams instead. Harold Klemp
and the other historical leaders of Eckankar certainly tried to be poetic at times.
Doesn't it seem to you like Eckankar leaders are just making things up at times? The

discourses and other ECK works are full of mentioning dreams that are jumbled and
somehow false.
Someone dreamed of watching a blue flame come out a space shuttle through a
window to their backyard. Watching something designed to break through the
atmosphere was being dragged out by a plane and crashing down when it failed may be
as the lesson in Al Qoor'aan 22.11-13. The first verse mentions how some worship God
on the edge, but falls away into loss in the life and the hereafter when they fall
away when there is a trial. The next verse mentions how such flip-floppers end up
worshiping things that don't harm or benefit. The following verse is how the harm of
such going astray is closer than any profitable results of taking such an evil
patron. Her interpretation of her dream contains of these elements. If the plane
pulling the space shuttle was seen as the Mahanta, wouldn't the concept of her being
pulled by the plane be the absurdity of needing to worship ECK Masters to be
successful in spiritual flight? The plane moving away may represent that the Mahanta
is never there and this psychological crutch brings disaster when reliance means
being shocked and unable to continue at the times when one is unable to imagine it.
The interpretation of the erratic tracks left by the crashing space shuttle of her
spiritual life meaning her instability is probably very true. If the flame out of
the space shuttle is ECK and that means Eckankar, couldn't that mean that Eckankar is
not going to get her any where near as far as she wants it to?
People create false memories based on regular occurrences. Such is probably the
case of a Higher Initiate who was later said to have been witnessed by reliable
people to be at work on days that he was not. Harold Klemp refuses to assume that
not remembering a break in patterns in the first incident and not remembering the
right time are more likely interpretations than Soul Travel. We do exist on levels
that we are not aware of, but I would hardly jump to confirm the claim that these
were unconscious Soul Travel experiences used help spiritually awaken a couple people
at his office. Harold Klemp just wants all to believe in bilocation when not even
Higher Initiates have awareness of it.
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses page 266 claims that contemplation and dreams are
sometimes used as a jumping off point for Soul Travel. What then happens the rest of
the times?
The next story is about someone more active in attempts towards Soul Travel. How
can one merely think yourself into realities that are purely spiritual? The man
supposedly heard a voice to seek the inner journey before being able to enjoy the
outer journeys. Some people might not be able to properly enjoy outer life or
develop techniques like astral projection without some psychological exploration.
A woman had an experience deemed to be Soul Travel without trying. Regular
spiritual practice does make both psychedelic and truly supernatural experience more
common, but that doesn't mean the holy doesn't break through without expectations.
She felt a presence deemed to be Wah Z or Harold Klemp. Some experiences are real,
but the interpretation was off. She told the presence that she was ready to go with
it. She went in the spirit vision to what she thought was the highest point on
Earth, but the lack of detail or knowledge of being there made it more of a
psychological theme of being exalted spiritually. Could this theme come in as strong
without trust in a Master in the way a monotheist might trust in God? Billions would
probably tell you that the answer of Al Qoor'aan 21.43 is right. The false gods or
those (ECK Masters) whom are treated like that are not really guarding or helping
them. They can't protect themselves from God and his forces.
The next story is prefaced by a claim on page 277 that people are taken to the
Causal Plane or Second Heaven in full consciousness to see past-life records and find
solutions to karmic problems. By full consciousness, it is meant that the person was
awake. Is it really necessary to look for causes of problems a sibling is having in
a separate realm or to blame something not going on between you on something unknown
between you? Answers are always present in some way, but they aren't always the
right ones for you. Nor does experiencing something always related to the context
the experience was in. Is believing a spiritual leader in everything he says without
question and attributing anything your figure out on your own developing a spine or
is it self-debasement and blind faith? Through the looking glass, she pictured
herself in a cloudy place reading off bronze tablets. Bronze is usually copper and
metals like tin. That is attributed to Venus and Jupiter. Was it really the High
Priest of Lucifer who told her that she was being shown the records of their past
lives? Harold Klemp certainly likes to be called the Light Bringer. LVXIFEROUS is

the Old Latin form of Lucifer in a literal sense. Not being able to read the witting
can be seen as attempting to imbed something with meaning that remains unclear. She
saw herself giving a detached form of material support in a scene where the brother
needed emotional and probably mental support. How then is it that she was supposed
to have more vairag or nonattachment? The dream was seeming to tell her that support
in how she was better off instead of how they could have been more mutual in
interacting was the problem. It would make sense for her to have the self-righteous
haughty attitude many ECKist have. It seems odd to discourage something that is part
of the program. Blaming yourself for every situation in your life and those around
you is seldom the answer. The dream seemed more to be an answer of what do about
both the situation and her own sense of superiority.
A chela or Eckankar Initiate was lonely and depressed. He saw Wah Z (This
Spiritual name of Harold Klemp means Secret Doctrine.) like a warrior with a gold
breastplate and a sword. As much as this doesn't fit the Living ECK Masters personae
or physical type, it must be about the Mahanta (Way Show-er is another title for the
head of Eckankar.) as expressing his own intellect or spirituality rather than
copying it. This interpretation is confirmed by the words in the dream telling him
that detachment or viarag was to be his only protection. The sword is symbolic of
distinction and separation. This interpretation is part of the message of how he was
to consider Eckankar as the truth path. Is it though? Eckankar often uses the same
we are right and they are wrong in a nonspecific way that you see with many
fundamentalist Christians. The sword was interpreted as being Light and Sound. It
is implied that Eckankar provides it in a divine sense rather than the mundane
experience of sounds and sights that most have. All is God's and witnessing
vibrations as part of a spiritual order is far from a unique thought.
The advice to record dreams and other spiritual experiences to review later is a
good idea. The same goes with organizing these experiences in their own space or
book. A spiritual record of your life can help you gain a grasp of your own
knowledge and wisdom. I would tell you to credit God and take full accountability
for your own role in your spiritual life rather than projecting it upon a spiritual
leader or masters.
A Higher Initiate from the East Coast of the United States of America was
surprised to see how accurate his dream predictions were after the events when he
finally went back to review matters. Details might tell us whether these were vague
details like an oracle reading or something clear and precise. We are given the
ability to interpret events that we can handle. In Al Qoor'aan 12.21-22, it talks
about how Prophet Yuwsuf was prepared for his roles in life after being sold into
slavery in what we now call Egypt.
The discourse of the last month of the second year in Eckankar closes with the
story of a woman who would contemplate herself going through a series of doors. She
hesitated until she heard a voice tell her to continue. Going through doors
represents stages and initiations. Life is not about standing still. She was
blinded by the light after entering the third door. Could have her experiences been
blinding her to some truth about Eckankar? The light turned to a mist and she
declared her freedom thrice. It closes by letting you know that whomever is called
the Mahanta or the Living ECK master is to be considered ECK within the Light of God.
All are within the Light of God and we can welcome ourselves into the awareness that
all worlds belong to God. Thus we see the goal of these two years in Eckankar is to
gradually program you into having a conviction that the spiritual leader of Eckankar
is a god.
Going Through 3 Doors Spiritual Exercise Then Proclaiming, "I Am Free!
Am Free!":

I Am Free!

The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp, pages 270 and 271 says to chant Z as
the spiritual exercise for the month with a particular visualization. I chanted Vana
(like vah-neigh) instead of Z (like zee); as I would never invite someone to do.
Sing it out loud for a few minutes then quietly. One is supposed to picture a series
of three white corridors; each brighter than the last. One is supposed to picture
one's self opening the doors in order. One is supposed to picture the light around
the doors. The woman in the story proclaimed thrice, "I am free!" after going
through the third door. Imagining specialness doesn't make it so as all light is
ultimately God's. All worlds belong to God. No matter what Eck means, besides

representative of the Eckankar Corporation, Harold Klemp and others known as Eck
Masters are not it. Spiritual practices may open a person to accepting that God is
being made known, but saying that "You are building up your spiritual stamina to
receive the Sound and Light of God, and to have a fuller more joyful life" is going
too far. Advanced ECKist don't seem to be happier than those earlier in Eckankar's
programing. If anything, they are less balanced.
In previous nights, I could picture hallways and the door knobs or would fall
asleep trying. Between 3:07 and 4:50 A.M. of Thursday the 29th of January, 2015 or
the Tenth Hour of the Night of 8/4/1436 was my last practice of this rite chanting my
secret word rather than the original spiritual name of Harold Klemp. That night, I
saw the door knobs as silver and each corridor was longer than the last.
Once, I attained the visualization, the colors changed. Before the first door
was yellow light of different densities and clarity streamed out. The sound of Vana
(God of Sound is pronounced like vah-nay.) got louder as I approached the door. I
opened it to find a longer white corridor. A bright, neon green light came from the
cracks around the door lighting the room in green, The sound of Vana (A Bunch of
Sounds) bounced off the walls, ceiling, and floor; vibrating to the center of me from
my outer surfaces. The sound was stifled as I approached the third door. The light
shone brightest from behind me. A thick blue haze oozed out from the edged of the
third door. I opened it to find that I couldn't see and felt heavy. I was there in
a dark blue that rained down till I felt light again and could see.
There was a fox there speaking to an enormous flock of geese. The fox had a
golden cup and a golden shield with three points on the top to its left. To its
right, it had a sword of solid gold and a crooked staff made of solid gold.
When the red fox with green eyes saw me, it stopped and pointed saying,
"Bourchakom (This is pronounced like boh-oor-chalk-aum.)." The geese all said,
"Bourchakom (Eagle-eye Adept)!" as they turned to face me. The geese picked up their
shields and left in tight columns in the other direction. Their shields shimmered
like a sun upon the ground. I awoke with my heart racing and had a feeling like a
fluid flowing over my skin. I laid there for a couple minutes before getting up;
enjoying it before I got up for the day.
8/4/1436 Dream Interpretation:
The doorknobs in silver are as my manifesting the path. The white hallways and
doors represent a journey with a purity of intention; that has stages.
The light from the first door seems to represent my experience of Christianity.
Christianity is a mix of different degrees of truth and righteousness. The light
from the second door seems to represent Islam. The sound and light around the second
door was the clearest and most distinct. The stifling of the sound and light around
the third door seems to represent Eckankar as a mess of confusion and unnecessary
burdens upon those who believe in it. The corridors may also be seen as white for
spirit, yellow for soul, green for the physical, and blue for the mental or psychic.
The mist clearing can be as seeing past the shrouds, being free of their burdens,
and knowing the truth about Eckankar.
The fox and geese are as the constellation Vulpecula or Fox and Goose. It seems
to represent the Mahanta (Way Show-er is a title of the top member of Eckankar; who
is now Harold Klemp.), the Living ECK Master as being detrimental upon his followers.
The cup is a symbol of spiritual experiences. The shield is a symbol of
spiritual laws or creeds. The sword is a symbol of spiritual tools. The staff is a
symbol of spiritual exercises. The gold is a symbol of how it is all supposed to be
something you make your own rather than merely mimicking that of others.
Bourchakom (boh-oor-chah-kawm) seems to be my name or identification as not being
one of the flock. According to Paul Twitchell's Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds,
Bourchakoum are either space visitors "who are known as eagle-eyed adepts", "...the
living ECK master, or the adepts of the ancient order of Vairagi" (Viagra means
diamond in Sanskrit and Tibetian).
The shields of the flock of geese is as the constellation Scutum or Sobieski's
Shield. It represents a heavenly helmet, a coat of arms, a shed, but mostly
repelling. Ultimately, they leave the animal that represents the Living ECK Master
alone. The Mahanta, the Living ECK Master (People initially assume this just means
Spiritual Leader of Eckankar.) controls the path of Eckankar without going with the
ECKist or fighting their battles with them; as is presumed by believers. The

contrast of the silver for the followers and gold for the preacher is that he not
only considers himself better than them, but that they are really ones of secondary
sources as he comes up with the primary sources. Most spiritual or religious people
say their path is based on personal knowledge or at least faith; all the while, it
remains true that belief more central to their convictions.
Workbook Activities:
Workbook Activity 2.12.1 is on pages 271 and 272 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by
Harold Klemp. From my spiritual studies, I want to fulfill what is required of me,
be better at not doing what is forbidden by God, and to do more good than is actually
required of me. I am not one to mark up these books and will quote the books as I
see relevant or necessary. I would rather imagine a conversation that I can use
later than one with the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. The practice in this context
is obviously as worship. If only the ECKists would be more honest and say, "We give
him respect and lots of worship!" Why would anyone have to pretend that someone was
asking them a question that they can answer for themselves on their own?
The next Workbook Activity is on the following two pages. I think we all long
for more freedom at some point. The ones I will list are the freedom of being, the
pursuit of knowledge, of having my own philosophy, of a personal sense of priesthood
and leadership, of being able to strive for what is good and true, of being able to
choose whether or not to engage in sexual behavior, of being able to fast on
occasion, of being able to give from that which is beyond what I need, of being able
to at least pray the obligatory Salat or Contact Prayers (of Islam), and the freedom
to believe what I will. I will not pray to any except God and can tell you of an
image without that. I listed these freedoms upon the Tree of Life in Qabalah. That
column of four points with a column of three points three on each side will be my
symbol of spiritual freedom; for the moment.
The following Workbook Activity is on the next page. I won't invoke any socalled Mahanta to show me a spiritual exercise based on the quote from page 262 of
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp. I will explain it by imaging yourself
riding a river of sounds to a bright ocean where you feel like you are loved and are
being treated mercifully.
The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp has Workbook Activity 2.12.4 on page
277. It asks to compose a chart listing the characteristics of Dream Travel and Soul
Travel. The alleged distinctions rest on things like Soul Travel seems more real and
clearer. The actual difference is more along the lines that Dream Travel is always
when asleep and Soul Travel can be other mystical experiences too. Soul Travel in
sleep is more along the lines of lucid dreaming and vivid dreams. Sometimes I will
not know if I slept or not till I get up and check the time. What similarities and
differences do you find in the terms.
The next page has the following Workbook Activity. Everyone is a spiritual
explorer who cares about finding out and figuring out spiritual things. The first
person sought inner guidance and was then able to Soul Travel. Another person's
experience came when she felt ready to allow herself to go. Another person convinced
herself that there was a karmic bond between her and her brother. That person prayed
to go to a realm of cause to get an answer to the cause and effect of the current
actions that were giving her brother problems. These three examples make the point
that Soul Travel can be mere wish fulfillment. The idea of experiencing more divine
love seems to be a meaningless phrase, but the context here is in worshiping and
surrendering to the head of the Eckankar corporation. I would never create a
spiritual exercise to worship other than God. One might instead pray to God to be
guided, offer submission to whatever God may oblige of you, and then reason out the
causes of matters in terms of this world.
The following Workbook Activity is on the next page. Who wouldn't like a
pleasant surprise? The only divine being is The Divine Being. I already knew that I
could use thought exercises to change patterns of feeling, thinking, and even
sensing. I am learning that I am better working my way around the problems than I
thought I was.
Workbook Activity 2.12.7 is on page 279 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourse by Harold
Klemp. I will not pretend I am encountering any ECK Master. I certainly will not
convince myself that I have imagined it into reality. The Light was thick and

asthmatic. I was called a name or was told I was of a class of space visitors when I
met the being that represented the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master.
The final Workbook Activity is on the last page. I am not praying to any
creation to give me a spiritual exercise to do on the alternate days; as the program
here is to only do this month's spiritual exercise every other day. Almost no one in
Eckankar has a personal relationship with the Mahanta. Eckankar like to pick up
Christians and others used to the idea of a master who is or was in a human body whom
they can have a personal relationship with. Can't people convince themselves they
are having a relationship with someone who never had any conscious awareness of
personal details of them? I didn't alternate. I can't think of a spiritual exercise
at the moment to invent.
What's Next?
Apparently, just receiving the discourses and time going by would mean a person
is ready to advance according to Eckankar. Other faiths might say a person should
show they have learned or were educated somehow. Other faiths might observe the
outer works and make judgements of advancement based on reputations. Do people
realize how things really are as they read Eckankar discourses and do the Spiritual
Exercises of ECK? Family and friends might see the changes in you, if you ask enough
or the Eckankar program results in an obvious change. The most obvious change would
be missionary work or talking like the alleged ECK Masters are Gods.
Everyone forgets parts of the past, but it is better to be silent than to
actively create false memories. An actor who forgets his lines may add a gap to the
performance without adding confusion. Perhaps, creatively adding lines or acting
based on what one knows of the situation would lead things to work out just fine.
Is the way to gaining spiritual power to become more and more a part of a
corporation and its goals for your life? Myth has value even when not literally
true, but their is danger in blindly accepting and following a mythology. The dream
secrets in Eckankar rely more on rules of secrecy and threats to stay silent than a
truly unique program with examples the 973 ECK Masters set forth that no one else
Does becoming more a part of life start in the waking life or by what you do with
dreams? Everyone dreams and it might be a good idea to become aware and accept the
reality of dreams. I don't think we should cry or that everyone cried because of not
remembering dreams. Maybe, this is why many joined Eckankar or stayed in Eckankar.
Fear of loss of dreaming and a new interpretation of light as a specific sign of
God's personal message to you can be very stifling. We will have experiences of
whatever sights and sounds that we are meant to experience; with or without the
Eckankar corporation. There is not only one way to derive benefits in life or even
the dream world.
The Easy Way Discourses came before The ECK Dream 1 Discourses. The ECK Dream 2
Discourses by Harold Klemp, Letters of Light & Sound 1 by Harold Klemp, Letters of
Light & Sound 2 by Harold Klemp, Soul Travel 1-The Illuminated Way by Harold Klemp
and Paul Twitchell, Soul Travel 2 by Harold Klemp, The Secret Way by Paul Twitchell,
The Precepts of Eckankar by Paul Twitchell, The ECK Satsang Discourses: First Series
by Paul Twitchell, The ECK Satsang Discourses:Second Series by Paul Twitchell, The
ECK Satsang Discourses: Third Series by Paul Twitchell and Harold Klemp, The ECK
Satsang Discourses: Fourth Series by Harold Klemp, The Master 1 Discourses by Paul
Twitchell, The Master 2 Discourses by Harold Klemp, The Master 3 Discourses by Harold
Klemp, and The Master 4 Discourses by Harold Klemp are the fifteen years of
discourses to follow. Absent from the list is any mention of credit for content in
the discourses to Darwin Gross, the 972nd ECK Master, second figure in history to be
called Mahanta during his life, and the best writer of them all.
The titles of the lessons for the first two years of Eckankar discourses are The
Easy Way; In Soul You Are Free; Dream On, Sweet Dreamer; Karma-It All Comes Back in
the End; Reincarnation-Why You Came to Earth; Your Initiations in ECK; The Master
Principle; Can We Live in a World without Love?; The God Worlds-Where No One Has Gone
Before?; Ask the Reason, Say BeCAUSE; Mind Stuff and the Art of Listening; Putting It
All Together; Dreams-The Bridge to Heaven; The Dream Master; The Ways of the Dream
Master; How to Remember Your Dreams; Understanding Our Dreams; How to Interpret Your
Dreams; Dreams in Our Daily Life; How We Learn in the Dream State; Our Dreams of

Purpose; Gifts of the Dream Master; Looking at Our Past; and Dream Travel to Soul
Travel. These twenty-four discourses were all by Harold Klemp.
The titles of the next forty-two lessons in the program of Eckankar discourses
are also by Harold Klemp. They are called The Mystical Backdrop of Dreams, Soul's
Playhouse of Dreams, Awakened Soul, The Conscious Dreamer, Past Lives in Our Dreams,
Dreaming Your Future, Soul Travel in Dreams, The History of Dreams, The Spiritual
Nature of Dreams, Light and Sound in Dreams, Images of Translation in the Dream
State, Eternal Dreamer of ECK, What Place Has Worship in ECK for You?, Why Evil in an
Otherwise Good World?, The Limits of Sin, Baptism verses the ECK Initiation, Who's in
Charge of Your Life?, Are You Really Better Off in ECK?, A Better Understanding of
Death, Do You Understand Your Purpose?, Master of the Physical Plan, Doubt-the Leaven
of Spiritual Freedom, Between Two Worlds, Is the Master Necessary?, A Lukewarm Faith
for the Bumps of Life?, God in Our Time, Where Are the Light and Sound?, The Eternal
Teaching, Things Others Ask about Us, What You Need to Know about the Secret
Teachings, The Coins of ECK, What's in It for You?, The Ins and Outs of the God
State, A Passion for God, How to Live a just and Conscious Life, The Awakening Soul,
An Introduction to Soul Travel, Another Step in Soul Travel, The Law of Strength,
Love as the Doorway to Heaven, The Golden Coin, and The Rite of Passage.
Paul Twitchell wrote the following six discourses in the series. They are called
The Spiritual Travelers and Their Mission, The Universality of Soul Travel, The
Spiritual Hierarchy of the Heaven Worlds, The Secret Teachings of Eckankar, The
Spiritual Cities of This World, and The Ultimate Spiritual Consciousness of Man.
Then came twelve discourses by Harold Klemp. They are The Causal Technique of
Soul Travel, Changing Your Secret Word, The Pain of Purification, The Lower-World
Academy, The Problems of the God-Realized States, The Chaos of the Mind, The Role of
ECK Initiations, The Face of the False Teacher, The Immediacy of Soul Travel, Your
Identity as Soul, The Riches of Soul Travel, and Examples of Soul Travel.
Paul Twitchell wrote the next fifty-three of the series. They are called
Eckankar-the Secret Way of Soul Travel, The Use of the Sound Current for Soul Travel,
The Spiritual mind of Man and Its Processes, The Destructive Actions of the Lower
Mind, The Divine Wisdom of God and How to Attain It, The Rendezvous of Guru and Chela
in the Radiant Worlds, The Perplexing Question of God and What It Means, The Unique
Features of Eckankar, The Golden Temples of Wisdom, The Adepts of the Ancient Order
of ECK, The Characteristics of the God-Realized States, The ECK Master's Help in
Passing through Death, The Precepts of Eckankar, The Seven Levels of Soul, The
Thirty-two Marks of the Master, The Key to Spiritual Understanding, True Spiritual
Endeavor Makes One an Instrument of God, The Spiritual Exercises of ECK, The
Spiritual Influence of the Living ECK Master, The ECK Initiation and the Chela, The
Chela and the Spiritual Initiations, The Attainment of the Desireless Life, The
Adepts of the Ancient Order of Vairagi, The Love of the Living ECK Master for All
Life, On Being an ECK Chela, ECK as Truth in the Life of the Chela, The ECK Master as
Your Spiritual Guide, The Thirty-two Facets of Eckankar, The Truth about Metaphysical
and Religious Teachings, Eckankar as the Only Path to God, The Difference between ECK
and Eckankar, The Basic Techniques of Soul Travel, The Recognition of the Atma Sarup,
The Help of ECK in Your Daily Life, The True Understanding of Reality, Living the
Life in Eckankar, The Initiations in Eckankar for Chelas, Recognition of the
Spiritual Faculties, The Dream Teachings of Eckankar, The False Arguments of the
Intellect, The Seeking of Knowledge instead of Truth, The Chela as the Divine
Instrument for the Master, The Worlds of the Psychic Universe, The Eckankar
Techniques for Initiates, The Dark Night of Soul, ECK as the True Spiritual Force,
The True Surrender to the Divine Being, The Pitfalls of the God Seeker, The New
Approach to Eckankar, The Chela at the Crossroads of Decisions, The Works of ECK as
the Whole of Life, Sealing Our Karma with Others, and The Mahanta's Suffering for All
The following nineteen lessons in the seventeen year series of Eckankar
discourses are by Harold Klemp. They are entitled Invisible Communications, Paradise
Lost, What Happens to Those Who Leave ECK, Spitting in the Face of God, The Tradition
of ECK, The Chela's Rendezvous with Destiny, A Fool of Life, The Searing Touch of
God, Obstacles to the Mahanta's Mission, The Purpose of the ECK Initiations,
Initiation of the Death and Resurrection, Finding Your Spiritual Mentors, The
Spiritual Exercises of ECK, Soul's Progress, The Role of Ethics in Your Life, What
Leads to ECK Membership, The Law of Unfoldment: Changes Make Us Stronger, How Soul
Uses Creative Mock-Ups, and The Living ECK Master's Challenges with the Chela.

The next 12 discourses are by Paul Twitchell. ISBN# 1-570430200-7 gives their
names as The Supreme Doctrine of ECKANKAR, The Shadow of Reality for the Chela, The
Sacrifice of Self for the Universal Cause,
The World Chains and How they Affect the Chela, The Philosophy of Eckankar, The
Master Techniques of Eckankar, How the ECK Chela Views Life, Spiritual Healing as an
Aspect of ECK, The ECK Avatars of the World, The Reading of Soul Records, More Master
Techniques of Eckankar, and ECK as the New Religion of the Age
The last thirty six discourses are by Harold Klemp. In Your Road Map to the ECK
Teachings, Volume 2, Discourses, Talks, Other by Harold Klemp calls them The God
Force within Us, Journey to the Still Point, Another Look at Light and Sound, The
Pinnacle of God, Teachings of the Golden Way, The Sacred Circle, A 360-Degree View, A
Passion for Living, Rekindling the Fire of Love, Touching the Fabric of God, The
Quest for Consciousness, The Heart and Soul of Eckankar, Making Your Way Home to God,
Book of the Heart, Path of the Purified Soul, Message of the Sound Current, Your
Changing Spiritual Quest, The Call to Spiritual Excellence, Self-Discipline as SelfDirection, Cause and Effect for Higher Initiates, The Rain of God Falls Softly,
Building a New Life in ECK, Falling in Love with ECK Again, The Qualities of
Mastership, Five Keys to ECK Mastership, The Ninth Initiation, Until the End of Time,
You Are a Song!, Through an Open Door, Love in Unexpected Places, On the Edge of
Eternity, The Holy Word, Surrender to the Most High, Respect for All Life, Walk Every
Step with Me, and In Love's Way,
What's Next Workbook Activities:
The first is on page 285 of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp. I'm not
going to fantasize about hearing Harold Klemp as I converse with him about the What's
Next? letter. People haven't notice anything real change in me over the past year.
The claim of The ECK Dream 1 Discourses by Harold Klemp being the pure and explicit
word of God is disproved here by getting the page numbers being referred to wrong.
What's Next? is on page 283 and 284 rather than 282 and 283.
The second set of activities is on the next page. A spiritual step I have taken
is to use variety when I can get by doing the same thing with the ECK Journaling
Circle. I'm going to skip the part about praying to the Spiritual Leader of Eckankar
to show me how far I've come; and ask you skip such practices too. I'm fine with
chanting HU, though. The random two verses relate in that they both mention
initiates having their access controlled and really denied in spiritual ways by ECK
The third activity set is on the following page. People do not travel to realms
that defy description merely out of wishing to do so or inventing a spiritual
practice to will it into existence. One leads a spiritual existence whether or not
anything from dreams is recorded or even remembered. It may not be a good idea to
completely ignore them, though.
Turn the page to find the final activity page of the What's Next? letter in The
ECK Dream Discourses by Harold Klemp. The Conscious Dreamer is probably the most
interesting title from the list for year three in Eckankar. I'm not going to cast a
spell to make any Mahanta feel appreciated by writing out a statement of gratitude
for his spectral entities to read.

19/4/1436 My Initiation Into the Second Circle of Eckankar

On December 14th, 2014 or 21/2/1436, I was sent a letter that proved
that Harold Klemp had no knowledge of my initiate report that requested the
Second Initiation or what Darwin Gross called the Light & Sound Initiation
in Giver of the Gift. It also showed that Spiritual Services at P.O. Box
2000, Chanhassen, Minnesota, 55317-2000 had no knowledge of at least that
month's initiate report. It included a request slip to mail back requesting
the Second ECK Initiation; the only one ECKists are allowed to request. I
had previously told them I was ready for as many outer initiations as they
were willing to give me. I know Welcome to the Wonderful World of ECK! Your
Membership Guidebook by Harold Klemp says that initiations after the second
usually come every four to six years, but Darwin Gross received numbers 2-9
in a period of less than six months; allowing him to take the role of the

Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. Giver of the Gift calls the Fifth
Initiation, "the Soul Initiation" and says they occur every five years
unless there is reason to make them later or earlier. The Eckankar court
cases of the 1980s showed that the initiation schedule in Eckankar was
almost always determined by computer alone. So much for outer initiations
having inherent spiritual value. I took about a week to mail out the slip
and received the response with as little as one day for processing.
That letter referred me to what was sent to me on the July 21st, 2014.
Your Initiation in ECK reminded me to make another request for the Second
Initiation. Did it tell me "the purpose of initiation in ECK?" Not really,
because it tries to enforce a doctrine of how the alleged Mahanta, the
Living ECK Master is connecting the initiates to light and sound directly.
This can be said to be true as far as he is in charge of the organization
and these actions include light and sound. The First Initiation and those
after the Eighth Initiation are said to come on the inner, but the Second
through Eighth Initiations are outer ceremonies. The First Initiation is
supposed to come in a dream. Have you found any reason to think these
ceremonies are unique in opening people spiritually or emotionally? They
are certainly part of the ECK program of dividing life into stages. The ECK
consecration ceremony for infants and little children, the ECK rite of
around the age of thirteen or puberty, the ECK wedding ceremony, and the ECK
memorial service certainly perform those functions for the group at large.
The ceremony is supposed to be simple and eloquent, but many report how
complex and contradictory it is. People who abandoned Eckankar may tell you
how the beauty is what a person brings into the practices rather than the
styles and material themselves. As I said with starting The ECK Dream 1
Discourses by Harold Klemp, he admits that most of the benefit to the
program is the experience of their spiritual exercises. They tell you to
read Paul Twitchell's book Stranger by the River before hand. Reading or
listening to a book doesn't mean the characters in it or the spiritual
leader promoting it are going to show up to go over it with you or take you
to its scenes. Imagination and projection are useful tools, but let's not
get carried away.
What is the commitment I made as a Second Initiate and what one do they
want you to make? I continually try to commit my life to God. So, nothing
is new there. Being a member may grant you access to material or even
physical places that nonmembers may not get to see. As long as Eckankar has
been around, anyone called Living ECK Master was one to try to influence
everyone he encountered physically. This is true with everyone; whether or
not they admit it or not. I continually strive towards true living. In
that respect, I will try to make clear the difference between how the
Mahanta, the Living ECK Master plays no more than an indirect role in
"dreams, insights, and other revelations." The same goes for anyone else
you allow in your live. I will try to live in spiritual ways that are in
accord with what The Holy Spirit came with. I strive to be on the side of
the unfallen angels or light beings. I want my spiritual affair to be
towards God as a Verb. If any of these three are what is meaning by ECK, I
How did I change and how did they want me to change? Whether it was one
of the dreams that could be labeled as my First Initiation or my Second
Initiation, it seems neither myself or others has noticed a tangible change
in my personality or experiences. I do share my experiences of matters and
it that way, I have had some new things to say, though. The claim is that
people are better able to cope on a spiritual, mental, and emotional level.
If anything, I see that ECKists are less able to handle situations as time
goes on and they get more initiations in Eckankar. They are taught to

ignore shyness, guilt, shame, and fears. It is obvious that they still have
them. People even show guilt and shame about matters that directly pertain
to Eckankar. People renew their enthusiasm in the group through such
things, because they feel as if it proves their inner advancement. The
outer certifications play a role in any group, but they seldom prove or
provoke the awareness that is said to come with them; whether or not the
individual ever feels it.
Was I ready? People are taught to feel like they will be ready to be a
Second Circle member of Eckankar by the end of their second year of
discourses. Other initiations are left with a question mark as to how long
they will be. So, the idea is to always doubt your feelings and experiences
until given context by letters from corporate. Talk about a stuffed shirt!
The main leadership of Eckankar seldom directly communicates with members
outside the main offices. So, how can an initiation permission slip be a
sign that one is ready according to them? The spiritual sign is that they
are supposed to know and interfere with anyone who isn't ready receiving
initiations or roles of authority in Eckankar. The question about being
ready depended on what they asked me to do and if I had to blaspheme or do
deeds that I explicitly deemed contrary to orthodoxy or orthopraxy. I
talked with the initiator when scheduling the initiation and before the
initiation itself. I was ready to walk out, if I had to worship other than
God, ascribe limits to God, or do something false or otherwise wrong. I was
not ready to chant a secret word that asserted truth behind some Eckankar
doctrines that I did not agree with. I was ready to abandon the initiation
The letter inviting me into Second Circle was sent December 30th, 2014
and arrived January 2nd, 2015.
The Pink Slip For Initiation:
"***Second Circle***" might mean "The Astral Plane or The First Heaven
is of the spiritual realms despite your physical presence." or "The second
Circle of ECK Initiation is merging the physical into spirit." They print
the copy of the signature in a different color of blue ink upon the pink
slip to make people think that Harold Klemp plays a personal role in
arranging the ceremonies. Even corporate signatures tend to be printed as
form letters is virtually all they send out. It stated that it was issued
30 December 2014 and is valid till 30 June 2015. My Eckankar member number,
EN, and my address was on the left. 354 is part of that number and that is
the approximately the length of the sacred year as it is 32/33rds the length
of the solar year or 354.37 days. That is fitting for the fact that I refer
to Al Hijra dates. Instructions for replacing an expired slip is outside
They make it sound like each initiation makes it possible to have more
of God's love. I could understand that, if one think of Suwar in Al
Qoor'aan as ranks of learning to attain to and living up to those ranks.
According to the relevant court cases involving Eckankar, ECK Initiations
don't even represent degrees of learning; much less how much is practiced.
It is no wonder that I dreamt of the ECK Masters as fallen leaves or those
not living up to their initiations. The pink slip reminds people that the
Eckankar corporation wants you to view their leader as an ever present
guidance in your life. How many actually believe this? Why would anyone in
their right mind treat the leader of a corporation as being the source of
all guidance that members of that corporation receive? One doesn't have to
promise to keep it all secret, but they try to convince you how much of a
violation of spiritual law it would be to discuss the initiation with anyone
besides the person deemed to be the Living ECK Master. An exception is made

for those present for the initiation. One is allowed to discuss the matter
with one's spouse, even if they are not in Eckankar. One may talk it over
with family who live in the same house as the idea is you will practice
those secrets in the same home. One may not have to hate your family for
the sake of religion as the Bible explicitly teaches in the New Testament,
but it shows integrity to stick to the spiritual path that one feels best
whether or not one's spouse or family finds it agreeable. It is a good to
resolve the issues or agree to tolerance before advancing through the ranks
of a spiritual organization. Families are allowed to take the Second
Initiation together, but this is not so for Higher Initiations. Family of
the same household may attend for mere observance of the rite of the Second
Initiation. Parents are allowed to explain the ritual to young children at
a later time.
Eckankar initiations may happen at the hand of a local leader designated
as available for such, a RESA or Regional Eckankar Spiritual Aid, the
appropriate venue at an ECK Seminar, or someone at Spiritual Services in the
Eckankar Spiritual Campus. The form itself is to be brought. The initiator
is supposed to make notes on the back of the form and I will wonder about
what exactly was said. The Spiritual Center processed the form in time to
send out my membership materials for my third year in Eckankar that starts
February 6th or 11th, 2015. The Second Initiation form was copyrighted in
1991, but federal law allows sharing of it for religious reasons. I will
only talk about it to avoid the trouble that others have faced. I want to
remind you that neither spiritual realms or concepts can be copyrighted or
trademarked. I want to assure you that you are safe using terms from other
languages, even if you don't spell or pronounce them correctly. The
Eckankar corporation may disagree, but they do not have a monopoly on any of
these things.
I signed the line that I understood the instructions and the Four
Precepts of ECK. I accept them, but only that they are the Eckankar basics.
1) "But One God" is the ill Allah of the Shahadah or Testimony of
faith. I fully agree with that and that
Sugmad is the reality of that, if that means Who We Seek and God as a
2) I understand and accept that the Eckankar teaching is that
whomever they deem to be a Mahanta is
treated as a prophet of God. I don't agree he has such a special role
in the physical world; much less the
psychological and spiritual realms.
3) Those who are faithful and follow the works of God as a Verb, if
that is what ECK means here would
have the inheritance of heaven. This would also be true, if it meant
being on the same side as the Holy
Spirit or Gabriel, as Al Qoor'an 2.97-98 mentions. I would not agree
with it in the Eckankar specific
context; as that seems to be the rejection of orthodox or correctly
believing religion and rebellion spoken
of in the following two verses. but
4) I don't follow Eckankar, per say. So, I don't have to worry
about the issues of considering The
Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad as "the holy book" with "none above it." I know, I
can't change the fact that they
won't consider one of God's scriptures or even an adulterated form of
one of them as a greater spiritual
authority. I wish that was not the case, but I seek to make that
greater possibility in some ECKists.

They ask the person being initiated to bath fully and wear fresh
clothes. I did such for Friday's Jumu'ah (Congregational [Islamic weekly
services). So, I didn't have to do such special. Ritual bathing is good
for a series of physical and psychological reasons. The same goes with
preparing and designating clothing for a specific purpose. To those who
don't know, I have two thobes, a shirt, and a pair of sweat pants that I
painted with symbols that can specifically relate to Eckankar.
They ask you to bring fruit or flowers as a gift to the initiator.
Fruit and flowers are symbols of taste and smell. They are symbols of
transformation, but here it is as "giving yourself to God." Donating to
Eckankar is not an "entirely voluntary and personal decision" to donate to
Eckankaron the occasion of an initiation or any other occasion when reminded
that it is something some do. Be honest and call it a recommendation.
People are asked to abstain from drugs and alcohol for six months prior
to an ECK Initiation. This would be a good idea, if enforced, but they even
give initiations to people who never quit. I am not sure why they or anyone
else lists drinking alcoholic beverages and doing drugs differently.
Perhaps, it is to distinguish between legal and illegal, but that
essentially means nothing spiritually. The Four Zoas of ECK are requested
of Higher Initiates or those of the Fifth Circle and beyond are requested of
those taking the Fifth Initiation. They are to abstain from gluttony,
vanity & pride, dogma & karma, and to always manifest the teaching of
1) To do more than not use intoxicants, except for purely medical
purposes, gambling, and other
things as to not exist as a mere animal is clearly the best and most
clear of the bunch.
2) Sometimes being unhappy is not a matter of choices. It is
entirely appropriate to place blame and
speaking out or acting out against evils is often a good idea.
3) Love is fine, but all are constantly within a realm of cause and
effect. Pretending that this concept
and other Eckankar concepts are never rigidly held beliefs is
4) I don't see how even Harold Klemp, Darwin Gross, and Paul
Twitchell perfectly embodied the
contradictory jumble that is the Eckankar programming. The disciple of
Eckankar might think they need a
"Master in the human body," but I don't know how it has been shown,
except in terms of mere belief or faith. The ECK Initiate pamphlet claims,
"The Mahanta personally or through his Mahdis, connects the chela with the
ECK Sound Current." The initiator may aid in engineering an experience in
the initiate, but I would hardly deem the perception of going "through
regions of Light" or being accompanied as unique to Eckankar. I do
understand how people can be trained to feel it is only the leader of a
particular group that can bring such things into their life. The vast
number of groups teaching the same thing and claiming experience of the
unique truth of their path makes clear that most of this is projections upon
The Living ECK Master and You pamphlet makes clear that the sense of
connection with the Mahanta and the other alleged ECK Masters comes with
practicing the Eckankar rituals and do the program they prescribe. People
can pray to anything and think it answers their prayers. After all, Harold
Klemp talked about imagining the inner realms till they become a reality.

Paul Twitchell spoke of the art of projection in more books than Talons of
Time. How can a direct path or connection to God require intermediaries who
go with you? Why would Living ECK Masters need to be a reality, if it is a
path that doesn't depend on faith, but experience? I would support the idea
of not smoking or using other hard drugs before anyone who does not give
permission, but hardly think that those who are not in the physical presence
of a human are in their actual presence. Eckankar is full of a lot of ideas
that anthropologists used to call complex religious ideas of the savage
philosopher. This category includes reincarnation and other ideas that they
think could not have been possibly developed in a single generation.
The ECK Initiate pamphlet lists Three Basic Principles of ECK. I
disagree with the concept that each soul has no beginning or end; and
therefor is not a creation. If "high path of ECK" means a spiritual life or
the way revealed through the Holy Spirit, I would agree that those on it
would actively exist on spiritual levels. We do live in the present, but to
claim we have no past or future is absurd. It says that I now have the
whole of ECK, because I understand these. Do I?
My First Outer Initiation in Eckankar:
I received my initiation into the Second Circle of ECK between 9:55 and
10:40 A.M. on Firday, January 9th, 2015. The first think was that I went
into an office and sat on two chairs facing East as the initiator faced
South. He read from a book that was either called The ECK Initiation Book
or The ECK Initiator Handbook. I was asked if I had any questions before
starting. The nature of what the initiation was or was supposed to
represent was told. There was mention of the Soul going up to the Soul
Plane or Fifth Plane to feed on the food of God; whatever that is supposed
to mean. Al Qoor'aan 51.57 talks of how God has no need of provision or
food. So, the food can be seen as representing special spiritual
nourishment rather than God sharing what he feeds on. In the middle of the
reading was The Cosmic Word or Chapter 18 of Stranger by the River: A Poetic
Book on the Secret Knowledge of God by Paul Twitchell. After that reading,
I was told that I would receive a two syllable word that was specific to me.
"Vee Aye Vee Aye and that is pronounced Vah-neigh." I asked what Vana (vahnay) meant and was told, "It represents a lot of sounds...It is one of the
many names of God." I said, "Okay." He said, "I'm going to go over it
several times, then you are to chant it silently several times." Then I was
to chant it till I felt the nudge to go silent. I was supposed to sit with
my hands in my lap while facing forward. My right leg was not bend at a
ninety degree angle due to my physical condition. Allowances were made for
that. I was further instructed in the precepts and basics of Eckankar,
including my new recommendations as a Second Initiate. I was told about the
Friday Fast, to not write initiate reports that provoke responses or ask
questions that Spiritual Services or Eckankar corporate headquarters would
see as a reason to respond, and to not write about the details of the
Eckankar initiations. So much for a Initiate Report being secret, if one
has to follow rules that admit that the letters are not confidential between
a person and who is called the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. Is ECK
actually E.C.K.; which means something like Ennead Corporate Kenisis? One
is told that whoever they call Mahanta (Way Show-er), the Living ECK Master
will always be with them now that they have taken the Second Initiation in
ECK. Elsewhere, one reads that this idea is programmed in to imply a means
of the threats of physical, psychological, and spiritual consequences of
leaving the group becoming a reality. This sort of programming has really
messed up some people who stopped believing in some of these Godman and
other polytheist and superstitious claims. There is help and most of the

people who have left were much better after an initial stage of adjustment.
Possible experiences that may have presaged my outer initiation were
discussed. I ventured to say that my first initiation was my vision of
being handed a rose quartz wand while I stood upon a white circular platform
surrounded by three blue carnations. I have since considered that the most
fitting dream as a second initiation was that one where I swept up the
leaves of 973 after seeing a book with as many pages; each with an outer
name and a spiritual name of an alleged ECK Master. The Three Eckankar
precepts were gone over. "Soul exists, because God loves it" is not quite
the clarity of a meaning of life as what Al Qoor'aan 51.56 says about the
beings of choice being created only to worship God. Neither does "God is
love." answer the issues of different loves for different things. The
prophets taught of love by and for God as a noun and verb. Love itself is
not a god. I don't remember the third precept, but close this part with a
response to the aforementioned purpose of life. Al Qoor'aan 51.58 says,
"Verily! Allah is the All Providing, The Lord of Power, Most Strong."
The Cosmic Word or Chapter 18 of Stranger by the River by Paul Twitchell: A
Poetic Book on the Secret Knowledge of God:
Sharing this under freedom of religion rights and freedom of speech
should be enough legal justification to share the works of a dead man as it
pertains to spiritual practices that I was a party to. This chapter goes as
All was well this night with the seeker, until the wind began to
blow. He had finished his contemplation
and talked with the Master. His life was in order as always, until the
wind blew this night.
Yes, all was well, until this night when he stood by the dark,
flowing river in a world where a burning
star made a strange light over the hills and valleys and gleamed
beautifully upon the water. It was then in
the darkness from beyond the far shores he heard, the first time, the
sound of the wind. It was a low
sound, deep and humming, and seemingly a part of the darkness.
He raised his head and listened. He left off everything and stood
there listening, and soon everything
else was gone; his thoughts, his life, the starlit world; all gone and
lost-and that was all there was, the
darkness and the sound.
He turned to Rebazar Tarzs under the tree. "What is that strange
sound like the wind, O Master?
What might it be?"
"What you hear is of thy own true self, my son." the Sat Guru
replied, pointing. "There is no wind.
Look you yonder at the river and see there is no disturbance of the
The seeker shook his head. "Strange, I believe that it is the wind.
But it is a haunting melody which
comes from the worlds beyond, a formless sound which cannot be fitted
into any pattern.. It makes me
desire God."
"Tell me more of thy own feelings," the Master smiled. "What do you

"I an not sure what I hear. I listen and a wind hums, and the
humming seems a thing of my own body
and brain. But then it changes, It is outside of me. it flows into me
from the night over the city, the night
over the land. It comes from some far-off distance, across the sea, a
The Tibetian laughed. "Yea, and from the worlds beyond. What you
hear is the Voice of God-the
celestial Word which is that mighty spiritual current flowing forever
out of the throne of God to sustain the
worlds of cosmic creation."
"All men can hear It, if they stop and listen. Only some more
clearly than others. That is why you
hear tonight-because thy spiritual ears are open. That is why you stand
there listening to the Voice of
God speaking from His great throne in the far beyond. He is calling for
Soul to return to Its true Home.
And Soul has heard and is yearning to go."
"The Voice of God is that Sound Current within the cosmic body of
the Lord, and within thy own body.
Sometimes, It is known as the five melodies, or by many names by various
religions. St. John spoke of
It in the Holy Bible."
"The Voice of God is man's divine link with the Almighty SUGMAD.
Until you understand that the
unceasing internal melody within thyself is the path over which to
travel to reach the Eternal Home, then
you will struggle in vain."
"It is the true Spirit Current and is like the great river yonder;
for if you try to divert it one way, then it
flows another. Stop it and it will overflow the banks. So it is better
to open thy spiritual ears and listen to
the Music of the seven spheres as It flows through thee. Open thyself,
thy heart and Soul to It, unafraid
and gladly."
"So, I tell you that it is necessary to have both the Light and Sound in
thy spiritual life. The Light is for the
traveling Soul to see the pitfalls and obstructions on Its journey to
God, and the Sound is for Soul to
follow the path back to the throne of the King of Kings. So, you must
make contact with both aspects of
the Word within thyself, and this is provided by God, and unfolded by
the true Godman, for Soul to travel
along with the Sound step-by-step into the land of pure, eternal bliss."
"Once you have gained contact through ECK with the divine link, the
Word of God, Soul is literally
pulled out of Its clay temple toward the Heaven of Heavens from which It
came, with such force that the
world in which you now live is unreal and uninteresting."
The seeker's eyes strained into the dark sky, staring at the
brilliant star, at the darkness beyond the
star. The star was white, pure, and eternal; a bright beacon burning
into the night.
He leaned across the river's edge. The haunting Sound beat at him;
pulled at him. He seemed no
longer to be standing on the earth, but suspended in space. He
stretched out his hand across the water-

across the hills toward the burning star.

"If you have faith," said the Traveler's voice, "if thy heart is
ready, then you can follow the Voice of God
back to thy true Home! You can travel back again via the path of
The seeker's mind reeled; the night, the star, and the world reeled
around him. He started falling into a
deep, dark gulf where the darkness was blacker and deeper. He was
falling, reaching out, groping for a
hand, grasping at the Guru. The burning star was before him; the
roaming Sound in his head, and he
knew this was the Voice of God! This was ECKANKAR!
My Thoughts on Chapter 6+6+6 of Stranger by the River by Paul Twitchell:
So, the sounds and voices that throw a person off balance are not only
Eckankar, but the Voice of God? It seems like what they call "the Eckankar
program" is about trusting in gurus where a monotheist might trust in God.
People who are disillusioned by both secular life and their former spiritual
paths may want Eckankar to be right so badly that they will accept different
degrees of cognitive dissonance, and apophenia. Eckankar member may desire
to program themselves into having depersonalization disorder, derealization
disorder, or some other dissociative disorder. The law protects those who
don't seem to be a threat to themselves and others from treatment against
their will. The U.S. constitution provides for protection against diagnosis
or other state interference when it is alleged that the person has a
spiritual path that supports them in this. That remains true even when only
one person is known to have that path. Do people claim to believe in
Eckankar and other such groups, because they already have these conditions
or does the Eckankar program tend to create mental illness in their members?
There is no hypostatic union. No one is an incarnation of God. No one
actually puts a face on God or is unique in having God present, if God is
indeed Omnipresent and Omnipotent. Uniqueness in that respect would
obviously compromise both. I never utter agreement with such words and
It is true that one cannot stop the spiritual from existing and your the
spiritual reality will eventually come an known reality to everyone. To me
the seven spheres means the classically observed "wandering stars", the
seven colors or categories of magic or spiritual practice, the seven
chakras, and the seven alchemical processes. One can really experience a
reality of each in terms of sounds and sights. The reality behind the
concept of a cosmic body is not that God is incarnate in the universes.
The reality is that the universes manifest God's laws. God is Omnipresent.
That means that God is not confined to space. God is nearer to any particle
than itself and further away from it than anything else, but not it.
Eckankar speaks of distance to God in order to make people feel like there
are representatives working for God in God Worlds. All things in creation
seem to have vibrations that can be known as both light and sound. Yes, the
Light and Sound of God are within and outside us. Then, we essentially
witness to the Voice of God through the experience of this universe that was
created and is sustained according to his laws. If this alone was
sufficient to guide people, why support the idea of a guru or prophet? I am
not saying that awareness of what is around you is not just as important.
Is the implication of Al Qoor'aan 32.13 correct in that each soul is not to
personally receive all their guidance first hand? Is that verse correct
about God's Word as already established about how the detention

centers/Hades/Hell of the Astral Realm will be filled with humans and fire
beings together?
My 18/3/1436 Experience of My Second ECK Initiation:
My meeting that included my Second ECK Initiation was between 9:43-10:48
A.M. on Friday the 9th of January, 2015. Before the initiation, I handed
over three dried chrysanthemums and three lavender paper roses to the
initiator. After all, a gift of flowers or fruit was recommended. Both
symbolized the Three of Disks as Work and Initiation or Devotee. This
meaning was explained after the initiation. I wanted to commemorate the
symbolism of the decante Lyra or The Lyre; which was the part of the year we
were in.
Between 9:55 an 10:40 A.M or the fourth through fifth solar hour of the
Eighteenth Day of Rabi' Al Awwal, 1436. I had an uneasy feeling the whole
time that the man read from the Initiator's Handbook. This feeling started
on the side of me; or the side that the Book of ECK Inititiations or
whatever it was called was read on. The feeling spread to my right side;
until the whole of my body was feeling this uneasy feeling.
As I silently said VANA (like vah-nay), the uneasiness went away and I
felt pressed down upon. I closed my eyes and a mash up of different colored
dots were there. That was replaced by a pink all over as my heart rate sped
up. As this was happening, a pressure built. I saw a flash of electric
yellow as I felt euphoria drag down me; relaxing away all my stiffness and
relieving all pain. I was left tingly and content. The yellowish flashes
would linger as I was wiped over analgesically. My heart rate became very
slow afterwards. The pressure was gone after the first such incident, but
nine more of these experiences happened. Each time would start with the
sound of a metallic tink and would be followed by more white in the pink
cloud expanse. Each time, the yellow was brighter and more white. The
latter ones were so white that it was difficult to distinguish any yellow in
my sight.
When things ended, the Initiator said, "Salam al' (Salam Alaykoom or
peace be upon you is something a couple of High Initiates have started to
say to me by accident. As far as I know, no one in the group has knowledge
that I was ever Muslim.)" paused and said, "Baraka Bashad or may the
blessings be."
I continued sitting there feeling heavy as I listened to the
instructions that were being read from the book. This feeling left me when
I got ablutions in the nearby bathroom afterwards. I was reminded of
listening to Israel Regardie's Knowledge Lecture tapes for the Golden Dawn.
I am not sure how, though. I didn't specifically promise to keep this
initiation secret; nor did I make other such promises with Eckankar member
material. They just threatened me psychologically and spiritually; both the
official material and the members warn you of how it violates spiritual law.
These curses and programming do not even seem to cause me to hesitate in
revealing the workings of Eckankar.
Interpretation of my vision:
A basic ECKist interpretation of my experience that day would be to say
that my experience was dominated by the sight of the Astral Plane or the
First Heaven and sound of the Causal Plane or the Second Heaven. Then one
could be said to have became aware of the signifiers of the ten known realms
of true spirit or the 5th through 14th Planes (6th-15th, if the Mental and
Etheric Planes are counted separately).

In the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Book 2, it gives a list of twelve degrees of

initiation in Eckankar. In the 1990s, Darwin Gross claimed that he was a
Thirteenth Initiate. Harold Klemp promptly declared that he was a
Fourteenth Initiate. Dhunami, a spin-off of the Eckankar spin-off Ancient
Teachings of the Masters, claimed that Paul Twitchell had continued to
progress in the afterlife into the Twenty-fifth Initiation. The experience
of this may be seen in that and The ECK Initiate pamphlet as my passing from
being The Acolyte or Initiate of the First Circle to being The Arahata or
Intiate of the Second Circle. Then could be said to jump past the titles of
The Arhat and The Chiad or Third and Fourth Initiate to being of the Mahdis
or an Initiate of the Fifth Circle. I then proceeded to be as The Shradda
or and Initiate of the Sixth Circle. Then was being as The Bhakti or
Initiate of the Seventh Circle. Then was being as The Gyanee or Initiate of
the Eight Circle. That is a virtual glass ceiling within the Eckankar
corporation. No more than eleven or twelve have ever been ranked that high
at the same time within the Eckankar corporation. The Maulani or Initiate
of the Ninth Circle can be seen as the next rank I would have attained to.
Then I would have been as The Adepiseka of Intiate of the Tenth Circle.
Then I would have been as The Kevalshar or Initiate of the Eleventh Circle.
Then I would have been as far as Paul Twitchell and Darwin Gross ever
claimed to be before Harold Klemp took over as the only Living ECK Master.
That would be as The Maharaji or Initiate of the Twelfth Circle. Then came
being as The Mahanta Maharai or Initiate of the Thirteenth Circle. Finally,
I was as The Mahanta, the Living ECK Master or the Initiate of the
Fourteenth Circle. Symbolically it was telling me that I was already as far
advanced as anyone can expect the Eckankar corporation to bring them. The
outer initiations may go no further, but the Sound Current and Light within
me needs no such social confirmation to make me feel as if I have made
spiritual progress.
I don't, not even for a second, believe I saw "the radiant form of the
Mahanta, the Vi-Guru (Wahe/Vahi-Guru is a Sikh term for God used twice in
the Guru Granth Sahib. It means Wonderful Teacher.)" I believe the unusual
aspects of my experience of the Second Initiation were only psychedelics. I
always believed that I was free from a cycle of "incarnations in the
physical world." I don't think my soul or Atma was lit up by the secret
word; nor do I think it was a Living ECK Master that gave it to me. Seeing
yellows and stuff may be symbolic of the Soul Plane and beyond, but the
places called the ECK Worlds seem to be entirely or almost entirely
psychological. I suppose one might say that the feeling of being pressed in
or down upon is how mystics experience the role of dark matter. Dark energy
is that force that pulls everything apart.
I looked up Vanay and found it was the feminine form of Sound or Forest
or Sound of the Forest; which is Vana in the masculine form. The context in
Eckankar jargon of it being a name of God as over sound makes it seem
appropriate to use. I have not had as dramatic experiences with that word
in the past month.

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