Ember Summary & Prologue

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Ember Summary:

I dont remember how it happened. It just did. I cant recall exactly when or
how my life transformed so completely that I allowed myself to get swept up into
this silly dream I never want to wake up from. It started with a voyage, a quest to
find answers that lead me to see the most breathtaking sights, learn the hardest
lessons, and remember how to feel what I thought Id never feel in a thousand
Ever since an accident when she was a child, Emma Leighland had lost the ability to
feel the cold or any warmth. Upon hearing of a living Witch in the faraway Arcane
Lands, Emma becomes determined to find this so-called Witch to find out for herself
if this Witch can help cure her. In a continent dominated by superstitious lords and
villagers, Emma is hard-pressed to find anyone willing to take her across a vast
ocean to a mystical land where the supernatural creatures run wild. Little does she
know that the ship she takes along with its people will show her things shes never
seen in her wildest dreams or nightmares.
All rights reserved. 2014
It felt like hell had broken loose.
Roaring thunder and crashing waves drowned out almost all sound as the sky
opened its mouth and rain poured out in almost endless sheets. Im pretty sure the
rain was frigid too, but as usual, I couldnt feel it. Rather, I could see it in the numb
fingers of the men as they fumbled to tie ropes and secure sails.
The ship tilted at sickening angles as it was tossed back and forth by the
tumultuous waves. The pounding rain made everything I tried to hold onto very slick
and all around me, and the crew was running around frantically trying to wrench
back control of their ship from this beast of a storm. Shouts and orders rung
around the deck, but it was impossible to see more than a couple feet in front of
me. A blinding streak of lightning lit up the deck and I caught a glimpse of Luce as
she worked with a team of men to close the sail that had bust open. The fierce
determination on her face was clear, but even with Phillips help, the progress was
achingly slow.
I moved towards them to offer help, but another lurch of the ship had me sprawled
on the deck and sliding into a crate of supplies. The jarring impact stunned me for
a moment, and I had to wipe my hair from where it had plastered onto my face just
in time to witness a massive bolt of lightning striking one of the main masts of the

The crew froze, tension wringing the air. The mast gave a splintering groan as a
crack sliced along its length. The smell of scorched wood permeated the air but ,
the mast didnt give away and come crashing down on all of us. The men shook out
of their relief and resumed their work.
I steadily got to my feet and leaned on the railing of the ship, trying to blink the
water out of my eyes. It was almost impossible to see anything with the rain
constantly blowing in my face. Just as I was able to see normally again, I caught
sight of the most colossal wave I had ever seen.
It seemed to dwarf everything as it loomed over the ship, and my heart stuttered to
a stop. In those moments before it rammed into the ship, my eyes connected with
icy blue ones high above the deck, crouched in the crows nest.
What kind of idiot hangs around in a crows nest during a storm?
I didnt have time to think about it. I only had time to take a panicked breath as the
monster wave plucked me off the deck and swept me off to sea.
There was only the will of the ocean and it seemed determined to beat me around
like a rag doll. Waves bashed me around, pushing me down into the ocean. My
strength dwindled rapidly and soon it seemed pointless to struggle. Every time I
made it to the surface, Id only open my mouth to swallow more seawater. Then,
another wave would simply submerge me once more. Every time a wave crashed
into me, I felt like Id been charged by ten men.
I think thats when I just decided to let go.
Underwater, sounds became muffled and the chaos of the storm seemed so
distant. In the sudden quiet, I thought I faintly heard someone calling my name and
at the surface, I could imagine a large dark shape silhouetted by a flash of
lightning , but my limbs felt too heavy to do anything about it. My whole body was
too exhausted. I closed my eyes and felt content to just sink, disconnected from
reality. I couldnt even feel the icy temperatures of the water.
I suppose there were worse ways to die.
Then, on the edge of my consciousness I felt a presence curl around me, and that
strange tingling feeling enveloped me again. It seemed to fill my whole being with
its soothing waves and it made me feel odd. I didnt know what to call this sensation
before, but as I drifted off into the darkness, I decided I rather liked it.

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