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Chapter One

Oi! You there! Why dontcha come over here, hmm?

Sparing a glance over her shoulder, Emma spotted the pasty man reclining in the
shadow of the pub. Most likely he had just had one drink too many, especially
considering the unfocused look in his eyes as he gestured loosely for her to come
forward. The skin was drawn tight over his bones and his dark inky marks looked
faded and crooked on his skin like old writing on parchment. Trying to rub off the
slimy feeling crawling up her arms, Emma ignored the mans appraising gaze and
drew her cloak around her even further.
Moving forward, Emma shouldered her way through the mass of people bustling up
and down the streets. Emma saw a variety of people shuffling here and there from
shop to shop, haggling and mingling in the charm of the popular port town.
Ladies laughed in small groups as they shopped for the latest fashions, their
swirling marks displayed at the crest of a neck, the flash of an ankle, and the baring
of an arm. The colored tendrils curled to and fro every so often as the ladies
giggled together.
Men sat in their stalls, bargaining for fair prices for their hard-earned wares. In one
store, a gruff old man was currently in a shouting match with another over one thing
or another, the dark red marks crawling up the bicep of his arm jumping with every
Emma tried not to stare at them too often. They seemed so alive.
Everyone had them.
Everyone except her.
Most marks reflected the life of a person, growing and winding as that person grew
up. They came in a variety of dark, subtle colors and often responded to the
emotions of a person. In some cases, people wore their marks as another judge of
beauty, another piece of jewelry to be admired. Many times girls got jealous over
whose mark was more graceful, or more fashionable than others.

In some rare cases, some marks indicated some degree of magic. These marks were
more exotic, much brighter and noticeable than normal marks. Of course, these
cases were as rare as diamonds.
But Emma didnt need to worry about any of that. She had other things to worry
about. Because the only time shed seen someone without marks was, well, never.
Not if they were alive.
Counting the number of coins she had in her pouch again, Emma wondered if it
would be enough. It wasnt a lot, but Emma hoped she could pay some in part with
When the smell of the sea permeated over the mix of smells that characterized the
town, Emma knew she was drawing closer to her destination. The character of the
people around her started to change and the more quaint shops and bakeries
started to peel away to more rough establishments.
Near the ports was where youd usually find your black market dealers, selling all
sorts of worldly and other worldly contraband that came in from the distant, wilder
lands. Out of the corner of her eye, Emma swore she saw a glittery flutter of
something beneath the dreary cover of a cage from a crooked old man wheeling by.
She didnt dare take a closer look as the man noticed and sneered in her direction.
Brushing it off, Emma looked towards the ports, where multiple ships were resting in
the harbor. Some of them on the north side of the ports were the large, elegant
royal ships that were guarded by troops of soldiers. No doubt they held valuable
goods and possibly even parts of the royal treasury. Other small and modest fishing
boats lined the smaller southern section, situated near the fish market. The smell
made Emma want to wrinkle her nose up, but she figured shed have to get used to
it sooner or later.
Between these ships were ships of various sizes and made for various purposes.
Many of them were supposedly trading ships, but anyone with common sense knew
better than to believe that. More likely than not, these were the ships that supplied
the local black market with their merchandise. They just hid under the pretense of
trading peacefully.
Fortunately or unfortunately, one of these ships was Emmas destination.
Look young forever with this magical faerie potion! Faeries never lie ya know! Hey
you there, ya such a pretty little thing, whatll be the price for such a lovely young
face? A haggard old lady shuffled up to Emma, swinging around her supposed
faerie potion. It sloshed around haphazardly it its tiny jar. She held out this jar to
Emma, and held out her other hand, as if to caress her face.
Unnerved, Emma declined as politely as possible, No, Im fine thank you for the
offer. She attempted to move away, but quicker than an old lady should be able

to, the vendor skipped around and shoved the glittery jar in Emmas face once
Ah, but what a waste! Ya know, I used ta be young and spritely just like ya. Had all
em boys lined up right ta me. But time took away all that. now look at me! The hag
cackled as if it was very funny, and Emma shifted on her feet, eager to get away
from her. The old lady settled down and looked Emma in the eye. But you, you
could keep that little face o yours forever. Just rub a little bit o this on your rosy little
cheeks and voila! Such pretty hair too. I gotsa something for that too! Find yaself a
rich husband in no time!
Feeling her cheeks starting to heat up in irritation, Emma snapped, Look, I
appreciate the offer, but Im really not interested. Good bye. With a huff, Emma
pushed past the hag and stormed forward, not making any eye contact with any
other prospecting vendors.
Suit yaself! Such a pity too! Suppose ya too busy looking for something else.
Emma could hear the hags cackle diminish among the noise of the port and tried to
ward off the chills running up and down her arms. Glancing up at the sky, she
started to walk faster as she realized how late it was getting. The sun would set in
an hour or so.
She surveyed the ships around the port, trying to gauge which one might be willing
to accept another crew member. On the outside, they all seemed to look the same.
Standing there, Emma was starting to receive weird looks from passing crew
workers, who seemed more annoyed than anything. Who would be willing to take in
a girl like her anyway?
All the men seemed cut and shaped by their experiences, and from what she could
tell, it didnt look like an average day job. She doubted that theyd take anyone in
who didnt carry their own weight. Determined to prove them wrong, Emma began
to head towards one of the nicer looking ships.
Suddenly, she felt a grip on her arm, and her temper flared once again.
Look, I dont want any of your stupid po
She stopped short as she turned to meet a pair of unfocused, bloodshot eyes.
Ayyyyy, it seems that ya didnt hear me earlier now did ya? His breath fanned
over her in a single wave of stink and rum. Up close, his unruly body odor made
Emma want to gag and she got a better look at his sunken skin covered in liver
spots. His greasy and mangled hair flopped over his forehead limply as if he had
given up trying to slick it back into place.
Not like that wouldve helped if he did.

Why dont we heada back to ma place and have sooommme fuunnn hmmmm?
His words sloshed around in his mouth as if they didnt fit quite right and he started
to lean on her a bit more as his intoxication became more apparent. Actually, it may
have been on purpose as Emma felt his hands pressing against her body more as he
drew her closer.
Trying to tangle herself out of his embrace, she attempted a polite smile.
Im sorry I have other plans for tonight, but thanks for the invite, As she tried to
move away, his grip tightened. Emmas heart started to beat a bit faster as she
realized that he was more sober than he let on.
It wasnt exactly a suggestion, he breathed down her neck as he pushed her up
against a wall that seemed to come up out of nowhere. His eyes held a new glint of
lust as he peered down the front of her shirt and his marks pulsed with a malicious

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