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Subject: Math

Date: Dec. 10, 2014

Unit: Unit 3

Geometry , Fractions

Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares, describe the shares
using the words halves, fourths, and quarters, and use the phrases half of, fourth of,
and quarter of. Describe the whole as two of, or four of the shares. Understand for
these examples that decomposing into more equal shares creates smaller shares.
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to:
partition a shape into halves and fourths
write a fraction to match a picture shown
color in a pizza based on the fractional recipe they receive
identify plane and 3D shapes and write how many sides, vertices, and edges the shape
add and subtract fluently within sums of 20

SMART board, circles, Ipads,
Students will work with a partner. Each set of partners will be given a
paper cookie. Students will be told that they have to divide the cookie
equally between the two of them. After, partners will pair up with
another partner group and then will be told that they have to divide
their cookie among all four students in the group.
11:40- 12:00: Whole Group
1) Review halves and fourths
How do you write one half? One fourth? etc
How do you draw these fractions?
How do we you read fractions?
2) Give instructions for centers
12:00-12:50: Small Group/Centers
1) Work with Me
Students will be split into their differentiated math groups.
All students will focus on writing fractions to match a shown
picture and the names of fractions (i.e is one fourth, one
quarter). We will use the white boards
Advanced Group:
Though the standard only needs students to address halves

and quarters, this group will be introduced to other fractions

such as thirds (2nd grade standard) and eights. These students
will also learn about comparing fractions. <
Middle Groups:
Students will focus on reinforcing the skills taught in the
whole group lesson. Students will practice partitioning shapes
and writing fractions which match a picture shown. They will
also draw a picture to match a fraction shown. Students will
also be introduced to comparing fractions. Students will first
take a guess at which fraction is larger ( or ) and then
draw the fraction to determine which is larger.
Lower Group:
I will primarily focus on halves and quarters. Students will
practice partitioning shapes and writing pictures to match a
picture. If needed, we will use cut out shapes as a
2) Fraction Pizza Chefs
Students will be given cards with pizza recipes on them.
Students will become pizza chefs and color a pizza to properly
fulfil the pizza order. For example, peppers and onions.
3) Mini-Assessment (G.1-3)
Students will complete a check-up assessment to see how
they are mastering the most recent standards. Students will be
asked to name shapes, their qualities (vertices, edges, and
faces), write fraction to match a picture and draw a picture to
match a fraction.
4) Ipads
Students will complete a session of Xtra Math. After, they
will practice their math facts using one of the three apps;
splash math, meteor math, sushi monster.
Students will be divided into groups based on prior assessment. When working in a small
group with me, instruction will be tailored to fit that particular group.
Pizza Chef:
My lower group will be given recipes with halves and quarters only. If needed, they can
reference the chart that we created together. My advanced group will be given a few recipes
with thirds.

Students who complete the mini-assessment early will be given tangram puzzles to complete.
Xtra math is designed to target the specific math facts that students need practice with. Some
students have surpassed addition and moved onto subtraction, while others are working on
sums below 10.
By working in a small group, Ill be able to assess students and get a stronger grasp on their
knowledge of the concepts being taught. The mini-assessment will allow me to assess
students knowledge of the current standards. The pizza chef activity will assess fraction
knowledge and xtra math will assess basic fact knowledge. It also allows me to see progress
for the month.

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