Jump Training

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Speed Squat 4 x 3 using a weight you can explode with

Squat 2 x 3 using a weight you can normally get 5 reps with
RDL 3 x 8


Explosive Push Press 5 x 3 with a weight you can explode with

Chin Ups 4 x max reps with bodyweight
Dips 4 x max reps with bodyweight


Depth Drops 4 x 5 from a 30 inch box

Depth Jumps 4 x 5 from a 21 inch box
Jump Squats 4 x 10 with an empty 45 lb bar


DB Incline Press 3 x 8-12

Cable Rows 4 x 15
Biceps & Triceps x whatever you want

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