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Erika Betancourt

What they do?

Veterinarians take care of the health of the animals.
They examine animals to diagnose their health

Work Environment
Most of the veterinarians work on private clinics and
hospitals, others travel to farms. The work place can be
to noisy as the animal make noises when the animals
are sick.

How to become one

Veterinarians have to complete a doctor veterinary
degree in a college of veterinary medicine. To complete
a veterinary medicine takes about 4 years. Most
colleges were people wants to study to become a
veterinary they ask if they took a sciences classes such
as biology, chemistry, etc. They will also need to get a


The median annual wage for veterinarians was $84,460

in May 2012. The lowest 10 percent earned less than
$51,530 and the top 10 percent earned more than
$144,100. Most veterinarians work long hours. They
might work nights or weekends and they might have to
respond emergencies outside of schedule work hours.

Job outlook
Veterinarians employment is projected to grow 12
percent from 2012 to 2022. Veterinarians Job will
increase as more people take their pets for a health
care conditions.

Similar occupations
One similar occupations is veterinary assistants and
laboratory animal, caretakers look after animals in
laboratories, animal hospitals and clinics. They care for
the well being of animals by performing routine tasks
under the supervision of veterinarians, scientists, and
veterinary technologists, and technicians.

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