Bates Motel - Past Continuous

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Bates Motel is a TV series inspired by Alfred Hitchcocks famous movie Psycho.

The series tells how much Norma Bates, the Mother, influences her son, Norman.
They move to a new town hiding a secret from the
past and buy a Motel. Norman helps his mother to
run the Motel.
The situation gets critical because Norman has a
mental disorder as the series goes he develops
his psycho side, which he cant control and this makes him do horrible
These are some of the main characters:

Norma Bates
The Mother

Norman Bates
Younger Son

Dylan Bates
Older Son

Emma Decody

Family Friend and Motel Receptionist

Youre going to watch a scene from Season 3 in which Norma hears something she didnt like from her sons.
They want her to meet with her brother, but she doesnt like him at all. As a result, Norma gets very angry
and decides to run away. Watch the scenes and fill in the blanks using the right forms of the verbs. You may
use either the Past Simple or Past Continuous Tenses.
While Norma (go down) the stairs, her younger son .. (shout).
Then, her son Norman . (start) to break things in the kitchen. While he
(shout) his brother (punch) him on the face.
While Norma (drive) her older son (call) but she
(not answer) his call.
While she was out on the street in another town, her son Norman (have) some
hallucination he (think) the dead animals were alive. After that, he (go) to bed
with the help of his brother and friend. While he (lie) on the bed, his friend Emma
(feel) sick.
In the middle of the night, while Dylan (sleep) in the living room Norman
(got up) and then he .. (make) breakfast for them. However, there was something very
unusual: he (think) he was his mother!
On the other day, at 7:15 a.m. Dylan (enter) into Normans room while he .
(sleep) and Emma (take care) of him.
Two days later, Norma . (go back) home.

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