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1. Introduction.
2. The role of ICT in education.

Positive impact of ICT on education.

Negative impact of ICT on education.

3. 5 Areas where ICTs can contribute to education:


Expanding access

Promoting efficiency

Improving the quality of learning

Enhancing the quality of teaching

Improving management systems

4. 5 Stages of Embedding ICT







5. Impact of ICT

On the curriculum

On teaching/learning process

On teachers role

On educational management

On assessment/evaluation

6. ICT and learning modalities: meeting student needs

7. ICT and issues of access and equity
8. ICT and the English classroom.
9. Some tools of ICT and how to use them.

1. The role of ICT in education.


Positive impact of ICT on education.

Ensures life long learning.
Life long learning can be ensured by E-education.

Also enables distance learning.

i.e. a teacher teaching his students through the use of ICT
even though geographically dispersed.

We can access teaching materials and experts from all over

the world.
We can consult to many experts by video conferencing.

It has the ability to perform impossible experiments by using

Some of the impossible experiments in the field of medicine,
engineering and industry can be performed easily with the
help of ICT.
Possibility for students to have individual learning.
Man power problem and human problems can be avoided by
conducting online examinations.
The curriculum, information about text books, reference books
and references are available using ICT.

Negative impact of ICT on education.

There are large costs involved.

Students, and sometimes teachers, can get hooked on the
technology aspect rather than subject content.
A childs imagination power decreases i.e. the ability to
imagine vanishes.

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