Problemsofl A Nationsafterindependence-Parti

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1. How did the Cold War affect Latin America?

Why did the United States get

The USA and USSR asked countries which side they were on. The USA had to fight
against communist nations of Latin America including Cuba, Guatemala, Nicaragua and
2. What is the difference between left and right wing? And why is it
This term refers to the people with opposing political views. Right wind is smaller, where
fewer people make the decisions. Left wing is a bigger governments controlled by
3. Why did the United States get involved in Cuba?
Because they had lots of sugar that the USA took. Castro took leadership and converted
the nation to communism making them an enemy of the USA.
4. Whats a banana republic?
A country that has almost no power in the government and is run by a company that
produces exports(often bananas)
5. How did the CIA get involved in Guatemala?
Jacobo Arbenz Guzman created land reforms that were communist. The US was anticommunist so the CIA helped to overthrow him.
6. What is the other infamous September 11th?
In 1970 socialist leader Salvador Allende took control of Chile. With the help of the US
Augusto Pinochet overthrew the leader. But under Pinochets rule people suffered
because he violated human rights.
7. Who were the disappeared in Argentina?
The people who were killed were known as the disappeared because they were taken
out of their homes and off the streets.
8. Why was it controversial when the United States intervened in Nicaragua?
The USA supported the anti communist countries. Congress said that the president
couldn't support the contras anymore. But still they were supplied secretly by sending
the weapons to Iran then to Contras.
9. What violence occurred in Brazil and El Salvador?
Brazil turned to dictatorship. The government slowly became fascism(a very
conservative government). After Vargas was overthrown Brazil returned back to
democracy. In El Salvador fighting broke out between the left wing and right wings.
75,000 people were killed and later the two sides signed a peace treaty.
If democracy is a goal of the L.A. nations, what does a nation have to have in order to
achieve this goal?
In order for a nation to be Democratic it needs to possess certain attributes. One major
characteristic it needs to have is give freedoms to the people. This includes allowing people to
vote on who they believe is best for the nation. There has to be equality between the people.
They cant support any form of communism because thats the enemy of democracy. The nation
needs to get rid of any connection to its parent nation such as Spain or Portugal so that its free
from their grasp. A strong and healthy government needs to be established with a president to
lead the country to success. With all these steps followed the nation should achieve democracy.

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