Daikin VRV Schedule Timer Manual

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DAIKIN OPERATION MANUAL SCHEDULE TIMER MODEL: DST301B51 ENGLISH En, ‘Thank you for purchasing Daikin’s schedule timer. For proper usage, read this instruction manual carefully before using this unit. This manual will help you with anything you can not understand or should anything go wrong with the unit during Keep this manual handy for future reference. Ge, Wir danken Ihnen far den Kauf der programmzeitschalter von Daikin, Lesen Sie bitte diese Anieitung bevor Sie das Gerat in Betrieb setzen durch, um es richtig zu verwenden, Diese Anleitung wird Ihnen Ungewidhelten aufzuklaren oder evll, auttretende Bettiebsstorungen 2u korrigieren hetfen Bewahren Sie diese Anleitung fur spatere Bezungnahme griffbereit aut Fr. Daikin vous remercie davoir acheté sa minuterie horaire. Alin d'assurer une utilisation correcte, vouitle lire ce mode d'emploi avec soin avant dutiiser cette unité Ce manuel vous viendra en aide dans le cas oli une incompréhension ou un mauvais fonctionnement devaient se manifester pendant Fuilisation. Apres avoir lu ce manuel, le mettre de c6té pour référence ultérieure. Sp. Muchas gracias por su compra del temporizador de programa de Daikin a Para usarlo correctamente, lea culdadosamente este manual de instrucciones antes de utlizarlo por primera vez. Este manual contione instrucciones para el caso de que no entienda algo o algo vaya mal durante su uso. Guarde este manual en un lugar a mano para su referencia Grazie per aver acquistato il timer di programma Daikin. Per un uso corretto, prima di usare l'unita, leggere attentamente questo manuale distruzion ‘Questo manvale fornisce dettagliate descrizioni in caso di incomprensioni o di un cattive funzionamento del'unita durante uso. Conservare questo manuale a portata di mano per future consultaziont Gr. Zag euxopioroUHe Mou ayopaoare To xpovediaKonth Npoypéyuctos TMs Dakin Mea oworh Xonan. BiaBaore npooEKTIKH TO Napdv EYyEIDIBLO NPI xoNYIONOWETE m YOvaa OUTH. To evxeipibio aut6 8a cag BonBroe GE TUXOV anoplES Gog N GTHY RepITTwEN ROU RopoUaLATEI KENOIO npoBAnua Kara tn xphon, OUAGETE To eyxEIpIBIO GUTS CE BoA BEoN Yio HeAAOvNUR xohon Du. Dank u voor het in de Daikin schakelklok gestelde vertrouwen, Lees deze handleiding in zijn gehee! zorgvuldig door alvorens de schakelklok in gebruik te nemen. Deze handleiding helpt u bij het bedienen van de schakelkiok en het aplossen van moeillikheden die zich tijdens het gebruik kunnen voordoen. Bewaar deze handleiding in een goed bereikbare plaats. Po. Os nossos agradecimentos por ter adquirido umn temporizador de programa Daikin. Para uma optima ulilizacdo, lola culdadosamente este manual antes de utilizar a unidade Este manual ajuda-lo-4 em tudo 0 que nao perceba ou em caso de algo nao correr bern com a unidade. Mantenha este manual & mao para futura consulta. CAUTIONS DURING USE © Do not tamper with the inner mechanism Do not remove the front panel. Tampering with the inner mechanism is dangerous and may damage equip: ment, For inspection and adjustment, contact your DAIKIN dealer ‘Avoid places where the unit may be contacted by water, Water penetrating the inner mechanism may cause electncal leakage, or rendor olecinic parts defective Do not press the button on the central remote controller with a pointed hard tool This may damage the central remote controller. Avoid ditect exposure to sunlight Direct sunlight may discolor the LCD and obscure the image. Do not wipe the surface of the operation panel with benzene, thinner, chemically treated dust cloth, ete. This may cause discoloring or peeling. To clean, moisten a cloth with a neutral cleanser diluted in water, rinse and wipe. Blot adhering water with a dry cloth. Never pull or twist the electric wire of the schedule timer. It can cause the unit to malfunction ‘© Neyer inspect or service the schedule timer by yoursalt, Ask a qualified service person to perform this work. VORSICHTSMASSNAHMEN WAHREND DES BETRIEBS © Basteln Sie nicht mit der Innenmechanik herum. Entforen Sie nicht die Frontplatte. Es ist sehr gefahrlich mit der Innenmachanik herumzubasteln und das Gerat kann dadurch baschadigt werden. Setzen Sie sich mil Ihrem OAIKIN-Fachhandler ber Uberprifung und Einstellungen in Verbindung \Vermeiden Sie Orte, an danen das Geral mit Wasser bespritzt werden kann, Elektrische Streuverluste kénnen entstehen, wenn Wasser in die innenmechanik eindi elektrischen Teile konnen beschadigt worden. Driicken Sie die Taste an der zentralen Fernbedienung nicht mit einem spitzen harten Werkzoug Die zentraie Fernbedienung kann dadurch beschadigt werden, © Vermeiden Sie direkte Sonnenbestrahlung Direkte Sonnenbestrahlung kann die Fldssigkrstalianzeige vertarben und das Bild verdunkeln Wischen Sie die Oberflache des Bedienungsteldes nicht mit einem mit Senzin oder Verdanner angefeuchteten ‘odor mit Chemikatien behandeltem Tuch usw. Dadurch kénnte Verfarbung oder Abblattern verursacht werden. Zum Reinigan verwenden Sie ein mit Wasser verdinntam neutralem Reinigungsmittel angefeuchtetes Tuch und tracknen Sie anschlieBend das restliche Wasser mit einem trockenen Tuch ab. Die elekirische Drahte des Programm-Zeitschalters niemals ziehen oder verdrehen. Die Funktion des Gerats konnte dadurch beeintrachtigt werden Niemals versuchen den Programm-Zeitschalter selbst zu Uberprafen baw. instandzuhalten Diese Arbeiten sollte einer qualifizierten Serviceperson Uberlassen werden. gt oder die PRECAUTIONS A PRENDRE PENDANT L’UTILISATION ‘© Ne pas toucher au mécanisme interne, Ne pas retirer Ie panneau frontal. Il est tres dangereux de toucher au mécanisme interne et cela peut provoquer des dégats. Contacter le revendeur DAIKIN pour inspection et ajustemient Eviter tout endroit ou de 'eau pourrait éclabousser units, De Peau s’écoulant dans le mécanisme interne peut causor une fuite électrique ot rendre les pieces électriques détectueuses ‘© Ne pas presser le bouton de a télecommande centrale a {aide d'un outl dur et point Cela peut endommager le telécommande. Eviter la lumiare directe du soleil La lumiére directe du soleil peut décolorer Fatfichage & cristaux liquides et assombnir limage. ‘* Ne pas essuyer la surface du panneau de fonctionnement a l'aide de benzéne, de diluant ou d'un chiffon & poussiére chimique, ete ‘Cela peut causer une décoloration ou un écaillement. Pour nattoyer, imbiber un chiffon’ de détergent neutre ailongé d'eau, rincer et essuyer. Eponger l'eau restante a l'aide d'un chiffon sec. Ne jamais tirer ou tordre fe fil électrique de la minuterie. Cela peut provoquer un mauvais fonetionnement de 'unité. '* No jamais inspecter ou réparer la minuterie soi-méme. Demander a un réparateur qualifié d'etfectuer cette tache. PRECAUCIONES DURANTE EL USO ‘# No toque el mecanismo interior. No abra el pane! frontal. Es poligroso tocar, moditicar o reparar el mecanismo interior y puede dafar el ‘equipo. Para una inspeccién y ajuste, solicite la ayuda de su concesionario DAIKIN. ‘© Evite instalar donde la unidad pueda entrar en contacto con el agua El agua que entra en el mecanismo interior puede provocar fugas eléctricas o dafiar las piezas eléctricas. '* No presione ol botén del tomporizador de programa con una herramienta puntiaguda dura Esto puede dafar ol temporizador de programa '* Evite la exposicién directa a los rayos el sol Los rayos del sot pueden hacer que e! LCD pierda color y la imagen se vea mas oscura ‘* No limpie la superticie dat tablero de controles con bencina, diluyente de pintura 0 trapo con tratamiento quimico, etc. Pueden hacer que cambie de color 0 se despele. Para limpiar, empape un pafio en un limpiador neutro dliluido en aguja, enjugue y pase el pao. Segue el resto del agua con un pafio seco. '* No tire del cable eléctrico de! temporizador de programa ni lo tuerza. Puede hacer que la unidad se averie '* No inspeccione o haga e! servicio del ternporizador de programa. Solicite a una persona de servicio cualificada que realice este trabajo. PRECAUZIONI PER L’USO © Non manomettere il meceanismo interno. ‘Non tentare di rimuovere il pannello anteriore. La manomissione del meccanismo interno @ pericolosa e pud danneggiare l'apparecchiatura, Per il contrallo @ la regolazione, rivolgersi al rivenditore autorizzato DAIKIN. ‘© Evitare di installare Punita in una posizione dove possa venire a contatto con acqua, Se l'acqua penetra nel meccanismo interno pud essere causa di dispersione elettrica 0 di danni al attraversate da corrente elettrica ‘* Non premere il tasto del timer di pragramma con un utensile duro e appuntito Si potrebbe danneggiare il timer di programma Evitare di esporre I'unita alla luce solare diretta La luce solare diretta potrebbe attenuere la luminosita del display a cristal iquidi e rendere scure le immagini '* Non pulire la superficie del pannello operative con benzene, solventi, panni per la polvere teattati chimicamente, ee. ‘Quest elementi potrabbero provocare scolorimenti o gratfiature. Per pulirlo usare un panno inumidito con un detergente neutro diluito in acqua, sciacquare e asciugare. Rimuovere 'acqua nmanente con un panno asciutto. ‘© Mai tirare © torcere il cavo elettrico de! timer di programma Potrebbe essere causa di un cattive funzionamento del unita, © Mai tentare di controllare o di iparare il timer di programma da soli Per esequire il lavoro rivolgersi ad un tecnico qualiticato, parti TIPOLOXH KATA TH XPHZIH © Mnv “oKoAizere” Tov cowrepiKs unxaviond mE ovoKELUAS, Mnv apaipeite thy enpoctia enigavela, Ta “uoctopéyata” He Tov cowtEpKe LnxavICHO EIvaL enikivéuva kat unopet va mpoKGAEgOUY KGTaNTPOMH TOU HMxavruaToS. Ta EpYOSIEG EAEYXOU Kat pu8uons, onevuvBerte ato BK Gag avINPsGWNO THE DAIKIN AnopuyETe Ta onseia énou n Hovde EMOpE\ va ENGEL oF ENaMA HE VES. Ay SIGENBEL VEPE CTOY EOWTEDIKD UNKAVIOHS TH HOVIBaG, AUTO UMOPE! va MpOKGAE GE BLapPOR NACKTPIKOY PELNATOG f BAOBN Gta NAeKTpIKa LEAN TE GUGKELTS ‘4 Mny navare ta KoUMMIa TOU xpovodlaKoNN NPOYPAUHGTOG HE aIxuNPo OKANPO EpyadE.o Kan TETOIO Nope’ va NpoKAAGoEI THY KATaGTAOGN TOU xPOvOSIeXSNTN NpoyPaULATOS ‘* Anoguyere Ty Guean EKBEon mg OUOKEUAC CTO NAIGKS GUE, H an’ cuBerag axtivoBoaia Tov MAIOU LNOpE: va NpOKAAETE! TO OXNHATIOLS KNAIBWV OTHY OBOvN UYPLY KPUOTOAAWY HE GTOTEACOHG Thy GReKPUIM TOY OMEKOVIZEEVWY EvBeiEEwv 4 Mnv xaBapigere thy emipaveta TOU nWvaKa XeipIoHOU He PevZOAlo, He SiaauTIKO, He GyaoHA MOU exes unootei xnuiki) eneEepyaota, KAn. Kant Térolo rope! Va NPOKAAEGEL TO OxNUATIONS KNAIBWY A TO EePAOUBIOUA tHE EMUPaVEIOG. Ta TO KaBopioud, vypavere éva upaoua Re OVBETE_O KaBEIOTIKO StaAULEVO OF vepo, Kal OTN GUVEXEIA EenAivere Kal oKOUTIOTe THY EMtPAVEID, ANOUOKOUVETE Ta UMOAEIWATa VEpOU Ue Eva aTEYvS UgAoHO. © Moré va yny TpoBaTe Kai va uy OTPIBETE TO NAEKTAIKE KAAWBIO TOU xpovOBIAKOTTN MPYPANWATOS. Kan Této1o umropei va mpoKadEoet TPOBANHG om AetTOUBYIA THE HOvddac, # Mote va pny exteacite npoowmma epyacieg cheyxou A emtoxeung GTO xpoVvOBIaKONTN NPOYPAuPaTOS, AVABEGTE TIG EPYAGIEG GUTEC GE EIDMEYUEVO TEXVIKO, VOORZORGSMAATREGELEN TIJDENS GEBRUIK ‘* Breng geen veranderingen aan het mechanisme van de schakelkiok aan. Verwijder het voorpaneel niet. Het aanbrengen van veranderingen aan het mechanisme van de schakelklok kan gevaariik zijn en de apparatuur beschadigen. Neem voor afstelling en inspectie contact op met uw DAIKIN-dealer. Gebruik de schakelklok niet in plaatsen waar de eenheid in contact kan komen met water. ‘Wanner er water in de schakelklok Komi, kan er kortsluiting optreden en kunnen elektrische componenten worden beschadiga. Druk de toetsen van de schakelklok nooit met een hand en puntig voorwerp in Hierdoor kunt u de schakelklok beschadigen, Voorkom dat de schakelklok aan direct zonlicht wordt blootgesteld, De LCD-display kan door direct zonlicht verkleuren en is slecht afleesbaar Reinig het opperviak van het bedieningspanee! niet met benzine, verfverdunner of chemisch behandelde reinigingsdoekjes, enz Hierdoor kan de afwerking verkleuren of afbladeren, Bevochtig een doek met een oplossing van een neutral ‘einigingsmiddel en water en reinig hiermee het bedieningspaneel. Droog het paneel met een zachte, droge doek at ‘© Trek of verdraai de elektrische bedrading van de schakelklok niet. Hierdoor kunnen defecten optreden. © Inspecteer of repareer de schakelklok novit zelt. ‘Laat inspectie en onderhoud vitvoeren door erkend onderhoudspersonee! CUIDADOS DURANTE A UTILIZAGAO + Nao moxa no mecanismo interno, Nao retire 0 painel frontal. € perigoso mexer no mecanismo interno @ podera danitcar 0 equipamento, Para inspecgao e ajustes, contacte o seu revendedor DAIKIN: «Evite locais onde a unidade possa entrar em contacto com a égua ‘A penetragio de agua no mecanismo interno pode causar fugas eléctricos, ou danilcar as partes elécticas Nao pressione o botdo do temporizador de programa com oblectos com pontas agucadas. Isto pode danificar 0 temporizador de programa. ‘Evite exposigao directa ao sol A exposigao directa ao so! pode descotorar o LCD € obscurecer a imagem ‘Nao limpe a superficie do painel de operagao com benzina, diluente, panos de pé tratados quimicament, etc Isto pode causar descoloragao ou descascamento, Para limpar, humedega um pano com um liquido de limpeza neutro diuido em aqua, enxagde e limpe, Seque os vestigios de agua com um pano seco. ‘© Nunca puxe ou torea os fis eléctricos do temporizador de programa Pode causar mau funcionamento da unidade ‘+ Nunca inspeccione ou repare o temporizador de programa Deixe que isto seja feito por pessoal de servico qualiicado CONTENTS BEFORE USE CAUTIONS DURING USE FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF OPERATING SECTION 12 MANUAL OPERATION, OPERATION CONTROL CODE ERROR DIAGNOSING FUNCTION SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS OPERATION OUTLINE DRAWINGS SETTING PRESENT TIME 13 SETTING NO. OF PROGRAMMED TIME 0.13 Fig. 1.2 CHANGE AND CANCELLATION OF NO. OF Fig. 3,4,5,6.7 PROGRAMMED TIME 15 INHALTSVERZEICHNIS VOR DEM BETRIEB HANOBETRIES VORSICHTSMAGNAHMEN BEIM BETRIEB ......2 BETRIEBSSTEUER-CODE MERKMALE UND FUNKTIONEN 19 FEHLERDIAGNOSE-FUNKTION EZEICHNUNG UND FUNKTIONEN DES BETAIEBSTEILS 20 TECHNISCHE DATEN TECHNISCHE DATEN BETRIEB UMRIBZEICHNUNGEN EINSTELLUNG DER UHAZEIT a1 EINSTELLUNG OER PROGRAMMZEIT-NR.....22 Abb. 1,2 ANDERUNG UND LOSCHEN DER Abb. 3. 4,5,6.7 PROGRAMMZEIT-NR, 23 TABLE DES MATIERES AVANT L’UTILISATION PRECAUTIONS A PRENDRE PENDANT CUTILISATION PARTICULARITES ET FONCTIONS NOMS ET FONCTIONS DE LA SECTION DE FONGTIONNEMENT FONCTIONNEMENT REGLAGE DE L'HEURE PRESENTE REGLAGE DU NO. DE L'HEURE PROGRAMME MODIFICATION ET ANNULATION DU NO. DE UHEURE PROGRAMMEE 28 29 30 a1 FONCTIONNEMENT MANUEL CODE DE COMMANDE DE FONCTIONNEMENT FONCTION DE DIAGNOSTIC D'ERREUR. SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS ESQUISSES Fig. 1,2 Fig. 3, 4,5, 6,7 16 17 7 74 76 10 7 25 25 2 74 76 10 7 33, 33 33 4 6 19 7 ANTES DE USAR POR PRIMERA VEZ INDICE FUNCIONAMIENTO MANUAL, PREGAUGIONES DURANTE EL USO 3 CODIGO DE CONTROL DE DETALLES Y FUNCIONES 35 FUNGIONAMIENTO NOMBRES DE LAS FUNCIONES DE LA FUNCION DE DIAGNOSTICO DE ERROR SECGION DE FUNCIONAMIENTO 36 ESPECIFICACION FUNCIONAMIENTO ESPECIFICAGIONES AJUSTE DE LA HORA 37 DIBUJOS ESQUEMATICOS AJUSTE DEL N? DE TIEMPO PROGRAMADO a7 Fig. 1.2 CAMBIO Y CANCELACION DEL N? DE Fig. 3, 4,5, 6,7 TIEMPO PROGRAMADO .. 39 INDICE PRIMA DELL'USO FUNZIONAMENTO MANUALE PRECAUZIONI PER L'USO 4 CODICE Di CONTROLLO DEL CARATTERISTICHE E FUNZIONI 42 FUNZIONAMENTO NOMI E FUNZIONI DELLA SEZIONE FUNZIONE DIAGNOSTICA D'ERRORE ‘OPERATIVA 43 DATI CARATTERISTICI FUNZIONAMENTO DATI CARATTEAISTICI IMPOSTAZIONE DELL'ORARIO CORRENTE ...44 DIMENSION! € ASPETTO. IMPOSTAZIONE DEL NUMERO DELUORARIO PROGRAMMATO 45 Fig. 1.2 ORARIO PROGRAMMATO. 46 Fig. 3.4.5,6.7 NEPIEXOMENA TPIN TH XPHEH XEIPOKINHTOE XEIPIEMOZ MPOEOXH KATA TH AIAPKEIA THE KOAIKOE EAETXOY AEITOYPIAE XPHIHE 4 AEITOYPFIA BIATNOEHE ECAAMATON XAPAKTHPIZTIKA KAI AEITOYPCIEE 50 ONOMAZIEE KAI AEITOYPTIEZ TOY NPOAIATPAGES, AEITOYPIKOY MEPOYE 51 NPOAIAT PAGES EYNOMTIKA TEXNIKA QIATPAMMATA XEIPIEMOE PYOMISH THE TPEXOYEAE OPAZ 52 BK NZ PYOMIEH TOY AP. THE 2x. 3,4, 5, 6, 7 POF PAMMATIEMENHE OPAE 53 AAAATH KAI AKYPOEH TOY AP. THE NPOFPAMMATISMENHE QPAE 54 40 a “a 74 76 48 48 49 75 76 10 77 56 56 57 75 76 10 7 INHOUDSOPGAVE VOOR GEBRUIK VOORZORGSMAATREGELEN TLIDENS. GEBRUIK KENMERKEN EN FUNCTIES. NAMEN EN FUNCTIES VAN BEDIENINGSORGANEN BEDIENING PROGRAMMATIJDEN INSTELLEN PROGRAMMANUMMERS INSTELLEN PROGRAMMA'S WLIZIGEN EN ANNULEREN ... 62 ANTES DE USAR CUIDADOS DURANTE A UTILIZAGAO, CARACTERISTICAS € FUNGOES NOMES E FUNGOES DA SECGAO DE OPERAGAO. OPERAGAO ACERTO DA HORA ACTUAL REGULAGAO 00 NO. DA HORA PROGRAMADA ALTERAGAO E CANCELAMENTO D0 NO DA HORA PROGRAMADA HANDBEDIENING STUURCODES STORINGSDIAGNOSE 88 TECHNISCHE GEGEVENS 59 TECHNISCHE GEGEVENS CONTOUATEKENINGEN 60 ABB. 1,2 61 Afb. 3.4,5,6,7 INDICE 66 67 68 66 70 MANUAL DE OPERAGAO, CODIGO D0 CONTROLO DE FUNCIONAMENTO FUNGAO DE DIAGNOSTICO DE ERRO ESPECIFICAGOES ESPECIFICAGOES ESPECIFICAGOES E DIAGRAMAS DE INSTALAGAO Fig. 1.2 Fig. 9.4, 5.6.7 6a 64 64 8 76 10 7 72 72 72 75 76 10 7 @©®9o ® A FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS Operation controlled by programmed time Operating time and stopping time can be set to the minute by each day of the week. The operating and See page stopping patterns can also be set in schedule accord- 13-16. ing to the time slot given twice a day in tune with the uses Unified Operation/Stop By using this schedule timer, the unified operation/stop See page of the indoor unit can be executed manually regardless 16-17. of the No. of programmed time in operation l@ When used in conjunction with central remote controller (Optional Accessory) The operation controlled by programmed time can be set for up to eight different patterns (timer No. 1-8). Each schedule pattern can be also selected. " NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF OPERATING SECTION (Fig. 1, 2) UNIFIED OPERATION BUTTON Press this button to perform the unified operation regardless of the No. of programmed time. DISPLAY “23%” (PROGRAMMED TIME OF SYSTEM OFF) Displays the time programmed to stop. UNIFIED STOP BUTTON TIME NO. BUTTON Press this button to perform the unified stop See page 13-16, regardless of the No. of programmed time. OPERATION LAMP (RED) CLOCK ADJUSTING BUTTON ‘The light turns on during the operation of the Press this button to set the present time, indoor unit. DISPLAY “ss g ” (TIME NO.) PROGRAMMING START BUTTON Displays the time No. only when used in conjunction with the central remote controller. Press this button to set or check the No. of programmed time. Press it again after you are through with the program. DISPLAY “PROGRAM START.” (PROGRAMMING START) ‘The light turns on when the timer 1s pro- grammed. BUTTON FOR SELECTING DAYS OF A WEEK Press this button to select the day of the week. DISPLAY “ ore” (HOLIDAY SET- TING) HOUR/MINUTE BUTTON Lights above the day of the week set as holiday, The operation controlled by timer is ‘ot available on that day. Press this button to adjust the present time. and the programmed time. TIMER ON BUTTON DISPLAY “ — ” (SETTING OF DAYS OF A WEEK) Press this button to set the present time and the programmed time. Flashes below the day of the week pro grammes DISPLAY “35 " (MALFUNCTION CODE) HOLIDAY SETTING BUTTON Press this button to set holidays. Displays the contents of malfunction during the stop due to malfunction DISPLAY “ ida” (PRESENT BUTTON FOR COPYING PRO- GRAM OF PREVIOUS DAY Use this button to set the No. of programmed time same as that of the previous day, TIME) Displays the present day of the week and time. PROGRAM CANCELING BUTTON @ DISPLAY “0 ” (PRO- Use this button to set the programmed time to GRAMMED TIME OF SYSTEM START) Displays the time programmed to start cancel. The display shows °= ; ~~ Note) 1: Please note that all the displays in the figure appear for explanation purposes or when the cover is open, 12 ENGLISH OPERATION SETTING PRESENT TIME (Fig. 3) (Example) In case of setting Friday, 5:30 p.m. (17 Press the CLOCK ADJUSTING BUTTON. The present time display flashes. Note) © The present time needs adjusting in case cof tuming power supply on fr the frst time or the occurrence of power failure ‘over the period of a8 hours or more Vis a bage OE, (2 Press the BUTTON FOR SE- LECTING DAYS OF A WEEK. Each time the button is pressed, the day display shifts to the right. Note) # The display “MON follows he display “SUN. SATS], Setthe dayto com MOTOR Friday (3F> Set the time with the HOUR/ MINUTE BUTTON. Each time the HOUR/MINUTE BUTTON is pressed, the display is put forward minute by minute and hour by hour. When the button is kept pressed, the display is put forward continuously. Notes) ® Alter becoming “AM 11:00, when the button is pressed the display becomes "PM 0.00" «Alter becoming "59" (minute) when the button is pressed, the display becomes “00° (minute). 13 | HOLL) Sette time to a.com ey 93 5:30 p.m. (@J~ Press the TIMER ON BUTTON the moment the time signal of TV, radio, telephone, etc. is heard. The mark “ : ” flashes, and the clock starts. Press the TIMER ON BUTTON in tune with the time signal at §:30 p.m. Notes) ‘The clock used is of 12:hour type ‘* When you turn power supply on, the system may display “EIE} for about one minute and not start to ‘operate after all the liquid crystal displays appear at atime « I the CLOCK ADJUSTING BUTTON is pressed by mistake, press it again to return to the onginal stale [As the clock does not stop. the time indicated by the clock is kept correct. In case of power failure within 48 hours. the clock keeps operating by utilizing the builtin battery SETTING NO. OF PROGRAMMED TIME (Fig. 4) (Example) Time No. 5 (10 be programmed only when used in conjunction with the central remote controller} Monday to Friday: Operating from 8:45 a.m. til 5:00 p.m Operating from §:15 p.m. ti 11:00 pm Saturday and Sunday: Setting the whole day stop opera. tion (application for holidays) controlled by programmed time, (17 Press the PROGRAMMING START BUTTON. Programming is available. The display “PROGRAM START” appears, and the display of days of a week flashes. Press the TIME No. BUTTON, and select the desired number. Note} Unless used in conjunction with the central remote controller, The TIME No. is not displayed and can not be selected Select the TIME No. 5. (37 Press the BUTTON FOR SE- LECTING DAYS OF A WEEK, and set the proper day of the week. Each time you press it, the flashing dis- play of days of a week shifts to the right. Selto Monday, (1) Setting programmed time (47 Set the programmed time of system start 1 by using the HOUR/ MINUTE BUTTON. Each time the HOUR/MINUTE BUTTON is pressed, the display is put forward minute by minute and hour by hour. When the button is kept pressed, the display is put forward continuously. Sat the programmed time of system start 1 ate45 am, (7 Press the TIMER ON BUTTON, and set the programmed time of system start 1. Each time you press it, the next area to be set flashes. Note). Sot the other programmed tima in tho same procedure (2) Set the next day of the week. Set the day of tha week to Tuesday, and copy the program of the previous day (Monday}. In the same procedure, set the day of the week to Wednesday through Friday in sequence, (67> Press the BUTTON FOR SE- LECTING DAYS OF A WEEK and set the following day. Press the BUT- TON FOR COPYING PROGRAM OF PREVIOUS DAY. The same program as that of the immediately preced- ing day of the week is set. Note) Repeat each procedure 3 ~ 5 inthe above when not copying the contents of the previous day. (3) Holiday setting (77 Press the BUTTON FOR SE- LECTING DAYS OF A WEEK and set one or more days of the week as holiday. Press the HOLIDAY SET- TING BUTTON, and the display “OFF” is displayed at the top of the day of the week. If you press it again, the display returns to the original state. Sot Saturday 23S | and Sunday as holidays, “ ENGLISH Press the PROGRAMMING START BUTTON, and finish the program setting. Notes} @ Unless the bution is pressed within 20 minutes, the display will automatically revert back to the original state. In this, case, setting contents up to the point where the TIMER ON BUTTON {or HOLIDAY SETTING BUTTON or BUTTON FOR COPYING PROGRAM OF PREVIOUS DAY) 1s pressed will only take effect © The display "PROGRAM ~) START and the display of days of a week" — disappears © The flashing display goes off, and the No. of programmed time of the present day is displayed. Then the operation controlled by timer starts. ‘# The operation controlled by timer is ‘executed even while the program is being set This is the end of the sotting example CHANGE AND CANCELLA- TION OF NO. OF PRO- GRAMMED TIME (Fig. 5) 15 (Example) Time No. 3 (to be set only when used. In conjunction with the central remote contolier} 7 Ganga’ Gporamarow) [eaneelaaraliy Ssann | ————> 5:00pm. a [ict | Seem | ef itmurscann treo pm Whe da stop. 17” Press the PROGRAMMING START BUTTON. The program setting is ready. The display “PROGRAM .JSTART" appears, and the display of days of a week flashes. (ay Press the TIME No. BUTTON, and select the desired No. Select the lime No.3 (@]~ Press the BUTTON FOR SE- LECTING DAYS OF A WEEK, and set the day of the week to be changed, The set No. of programmed time of the day of the week is displayed. Sat the day to Wednesday. A. Change/eancel partially (47~ Press the TIMER ON BUTTON and change, and the display of programmed time flashes. Each time you press it, the next area to be set flashes. Shift to the display "PRO- GRAMMED TIME OF SYSTEM OFF (SJ Press the HOUR/MINUTE BUT- TON and change the programmed time. Press the TIMER ON BUTTON, and finalize the setting of change. Change the —_____. pragrammed time of system OFF pt t0 7:00 pam, (@F Press the PROGRAM CANCEL- ING BUTTON, and cancel the pro- grammed time. If you press it again, display returns to the original state. Press the TIMER ON BUTTON to finalize the cancellation. Press the PROGRAMMING START BUTTON. The program setting is now finished. Notes) © Unless the button 1s pressed within 20 minutes, the display will automaticaly revert back tothe original stale. inthis, case, setting contents to the pornt where the TIMER ON BUTTON for HOLIDAY SETTING BUTTON or BUTTON FOR COPYING PROGRAM OF PREVIOUS DAY) s pressed will only take effec «To continue the change/cancellation, do not press the PROGRAMMING START BUTTON until al change/cancellation are completed ENGLISH eee ee «The operation controlled by timer 1s fine ot executed even while the program is system start being set. 2 Set the programmed time of MANUAL OPERATION systam start 2 to program (Fig. 6) cancellation In the same procedure, cancel the programmes time of system off 2 B. Cancel the whole (77 Press the BUTTON FOR SE- LECTING DAYS OF A WEEK, and shift to the day of the week to be canceled. Then, press the HOLIDAY SETTING BUTTON; the display “OFF” appears at the top of the particular day of the week. The programmed time is canceled. If you press the button again, the display returns to the original state. Shit the day FUE) of the week to we Bhs oie PS Thursday to \ | sets. holiday. This schedule timer enables the operation/stop by pressing the UNIFIED OPERATION/STOP BUTTON in addition to the operation contralled by timer (opera- tion/stop according to the programmmad time) at any time. Press the UNIFIED OPERATION BUTTON, and the OPERATION LAMP turns on. Press the UNIFIED STOP BUT- TON, and the OPERATION LAMP is turned off. Notes) ‘© The operation automatically stops according to the programmed time of system off even during the manual operation. In the meantime, the operation starts automatically according to the programmed lume of system start even during the stop of operation. «Ifthe unit 1s used in conjunction with other optional contvoilers for centralized control, the OPERATION LAMP of the unit that is not under operation control may be tumed on or off a few minutes behind schedule, This shows that the signal is being exchanged, and does not indicate any failure. 16 Operation lamp ‘© Tum on: The light turns on when any of the indoor units 1s in operation whether the operation is controlled by timer or by hand © Turn off: The light tums off when all the indoor units stop. OPERATION CONTROL CODE Two different types of operation control codes can be selected when this kit is used independently (when not used in conjunction with the central remote contraller, Unified ON/OFF controller, etc.) @ Individual In case where the operation/stop is controlled by both schedule timer and remote controller. ™ Centralized The operation is contratled by the schedule timer alone, and the operatianstop is controlled freely, with the remote controller dunng the programmed time, Notes) © For current settings, contact your DAIKIN dealer. © To change settings, contact your DAIKIN dealer. Do not change settings yourselt. ERROR DIAGNOSING FUNCTION (Fig. 7) Thus schedule timer is provided with the malfunction diagnosing function, The malfunction code flashes if there occurs any matfunction in communication, et. between and among the optional controllers for centralized control. In addition, the operation lamp also flashes If there occurs any malfunction in communication with the indoor unit. Check the contents of the display and contact your DAIKIN dealer because the signals give you the idea of the trouble area Operation | Malfunction Contents of lamp code malfunction Failure of PC board of Tum off M1 | schedule timer. Malfunction of transmis- Turn on or sion between each off Me | optional controllers for centralized control Improper combination of Turn on or une MA | optional controllers for centralized control. Turn on or ‘Address failure of oft MC | schedule timer. Malfunction of transmis- sion between indoor unit Flash VE | and optional controliers. for centralized control Malfunction in indoor unit (Refer to the maltunction codes of the Flash ___ | indoor remote controter, while also read the ‘CAUTION FOR, SERVICING attached to the indoor unit.) PE 18 @ SPECIFICATIONS Display of time 12-hour digital display Glock cycle type Quartz clock type Clock accuracy Within #30 sec./month (environmental temperature from 15°C to 35°O) Timer programming Two pairs of programmed time for both system start and system off can be set in units of minute for each day of the week Power failure compensation time ‘Approximately 48 hours for a single occurrence of power failure (clock with No. of programmed time) Weight Approximately 2109 @ TECHNISCHE DATEN Unizeltanzaige Digitale Anzeige im 12-Uhr Format Zeitgeberzyklus-Ausfuhrung ‘Quartzaustahrung Genauigkeit der Unr Innerhalb von = 30 Sek /Monal (bel Umgebungstemperatur von 15°C bis 35°C) Zeitschalterprogramm. Zwei Paar Programmzeiten fur System-Start sowohl wie System-Halt kann in Einheiten von 1 Minute fur jeden Wochentag eingestellt werden Netzausfall-Kompensationszeit Ca. 48 Stunden for jeden einzeinen Notzausfall (Uhr mit Programmzeit-Nr.) Gewicht Ca, 2104 @ SPECIFICATIONS Alfichage de 'heure Affichage digital 12 heures Horloge type @ cycle Quartz type roc Précision de Ihorloge ‘Moins de #30 Sec./mois (température ambiante entre 15°C et 35°C) Deux paires d’heures programmées pour le démarrage et l'arrét du Programmation de la minuiacia ‘Systeme peuvent éire réglées par unités da minutes pour chaque jour de la semaine ‘Temps de compensation de panne d’alimentation Environ 48 heures par occurence de panne d'alimentation (horloge avec le No. de lheure programméa) Paids Environ 2109 @ ESPECIFICACIONES Indicacion de la hora Indicaci6n digital de 12 horas Tipo de ciclo del ralo} Tipo de reloj de cuarzo Precision del relo} Menos de =30 seg.imes (temperatura ambiente de 15°C a 35°C) Programacién de temporizador Dos pares de tiempo programados para el inicio y parada en unidades de minutos para cada dia de la semana Tiempo de compensacién por corte eléctrico ‘Aprox. 48 horas para un corte elécirico (rela con N° de tiempo programado) Peso ‘Aprox. 210 g 74 @ DATI CARATTERISTICI Display deirorano Display digitale suddiviso in 12 ore Tipo di ciclo dellorolagio Tipo orologo al quarzo Procisione dellforologio ‘Compresa tra +30 sec./mase (temperatura ambiente tra 15°C @ 35°C) Programmazione del timer Possono essare impostate due copie di orari pragrammati sia per avvio del sistema che per Varresto dal sistema m unita di minuto per ogni giorno della settimana Tempo di compensazione dellinteruzione di alimentazione Circa 48 ore per ogni interruzione di alimentazione accidentale {orologio con numero dellorario programmato) Paso Circa 210 9 MNPOAIAPPAGES Evbeién pag ‘Wneiaxn evden 12-apng wopONs Tumog KoKKou AstToupyiag podoyiow Tunog poroyiou He KAUOTAARS xanacia Axgifeia pokoyios AnOKAIGH wKBOTEN ONO SO BeuT./uVa (via BepHOKPaCIG | nepiBOARovTOG HeTAEY 15°C Kat 36°C) Mpoypopnariopes tow xpovobicxortm, ‘uo Celvn MpovpapnaTZoaevAg PAG ToGo IG THY EKKIvNaN ooo kat yia 1 BiaKonn Tg Acttoupyiag Tou GUTAYATOG, NOU LROpoUy vo puBLIGTOUY Ge AenTd Yio KOBE WEpa MIG eBBOUBBG Xpovog avrieraOyane TG Biakonig pesaToS 4B wpec nepinou via eva Kal LOvadIKG NEpIOTaNIKO SiaKoNViG pEUUATEG {OAL HE Tov Ap. MpoyPauHaTIZoyEVNe wpas) Bapoc 210 yooum, nepinou @ TECHNISCHE GEGEVENS Tiidsaanduiding Digitale 12-uren aanduiding Klokeyclus type. Kwartsklok Kioknauwkeurigheid Minder dan 2 Sec./maand (bedrijfstemperatuur van 18°C tol 35°C) Programmenng Er kunne wee paren van pragrammatijden voor zowel systeemstart als systeemstop voor elke werkdag worden geprogrammeerd in eenheden van minuten Compensatietid stroomonderbreking ‘Ongeveer 48 uren na een enkele stroomonderbréking (schakelkiok met programmanummers) Gewicht Girea 210 9 ESPECIFICACOES Indicagao da hora Mostrador digital de 12 horas Tipo de ciclo do relégio Tipo relégio de quartzo Precisao do relégio Dantra de mais ou menos 30 seg. /mes [lemperatura ambiente entre 15°C ¢ 35°C. Programacao do temporzador Podem ser programadas em unidades de minuto para cada dia da semana dois pares de horas programadas para o arranque ¢ paragem do sistema Tempo de compensacao de faina de energia ‘Aproxmadamente 48 horas para uma unica ocorréncia de falha de energia (relogio com no, de hora programada) Peso Aproxmadamente 210 gr. 75 @ OUTLINE DRAWINGS @ UMRISSZEICHNUNGEN MESQUISSES @ DIBUJO ESQUEMATICO @ DIMENSIONE E ASPETTO. @ ZYNONTIKA TEXNIKA AIATPAMMATA @ CONTOURTEKENINGEN @ DIAGRAMA DE INSTALAGAO Specifications and appearance subject to change without notice Anderungen der technischen Tagen und der auBeren Gestaltung ohne Vorankundigung vorbehalten Spécifications et aspect mosifiables sans préavis, Las especificaciones y apariencia de este aparato estan sujetos @ cambios sin previo aviso. | dati caralteristic! ¢ '@spetto sono soggetti a variazioni senza Fobbligo di preavviso, 01 npodiaypagés Kot n OyN UNdKeWTaI GF YETaBOAES XW~IG NponYOUHEVN siBonaman, Veranderingen in technische gegevens en ontworp voorbehouden As especiticagaes © aparancia estdo sujeitas a alteracao sem aviso. DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD. DAIKIN EUROPE NV Head office: Zandvoordestraat 300, 8-840 Oostende, Belgium Umeda Center Bidg., 4-12, Nakazeki-Nishi 2 chome, Kita-ku, Osaka, 630 Japan Tokyo oftice: Shinjuku Sumitomo Bldg., 6-1 Nishi-Shinjuku 2.chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 163-02 Japan English *[3PA63363-10D] EM97A036 (9712) [Hi

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