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POFFICIALS gf RELEASE 4 REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Department of Budget and Management Boncodin Hall, General Solano Street, San Miguel, Manila LOCAL BUDGET CIRCULAR To : All Provincial Governors, City/Municipal Chairpersons; Provincial/City/Municipal/ Barangay Sang- gunian Members; Provincial/City/Municipal Treasurers, Budget Officers, and Auditors; and Other Officials Concerned No. 98 October 14, 2011 layors, and Barangay SUBJECT : Guidelines in Determining Compliance to the Personal Services (PS) Limitation on Local Government Budgets 1.0 Background 1.1 To ensure that local government units (LGUs) operate within budgetary constraints and that adequate funds are allocated for the delivery of basic services and development projects, Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7160, “Local Government Code of 1991,” hereinafter referred to as the Code, limits the PS appropriation. 1.1.1 Section 325(a) thereof provides that the total PS appropriation for one (1) fiscal year for an LGU shall not exceed 45% in the case of 1st to 3rd class provinces, cities, and municipalities, and 55% in the case of 4th class to 6th class provinces, cities, and municipalities, of the total annual income from regular sources realized in the next preceding fiscal year. 1.1.2 Section 331(b) thereof provides that the total PS appropriation for one (1) fiscal year for a barangay shall not exceed 55% of the total annual income actually realized from local sources during the next preceding fiscal year. 1.2 Item (7) of the Senate and House of Representatives Joint Resolution No. 4, s. 2009, approved on June 17, 2009, highlights the authority of the sanggunian to determine the salaries, wages, allowances, other emoluments, and benefits of LGU personnel pursuant to the Code, subject to the PS limitation. 1.3 Section 89 of the General Provisions of R.A. No. 10147, the FY 2011 General Appropriations Act (GAA), provides only four (4) waivers to the PS limitation unlike in previous GAAs. 2.0 Purpose This Circular is issued to provide the guidelines in determining compliance to the PS limitation on LGU budgets as prescribed in the Code. 3.0 Coverage and Exclusions o at Biz) Coverage This Circular covers the annual and supplemental PS budgets of existing provincial/city/municipal/ barangay governments. Exclusions This Circular does not cover the following PS budgets: 3.2.1, PS budgets of new LGUs which shall be covered by separate guidelines; 3.2.2 PS budgets of public utilities and economic enterprises owned, operated, and maintained by LGUs; and 3.2.3 PS budgets under the Special Education Fund of LGUs. 4.0 Definition of Terms 41 Personal Services Budget - This collectively refers to all budgetary items intended for the payment of salaries, wages, step increments, and other ‘compensation of permanent, temporary, contractual, and casual employees of LGus. 4.1.1 Other compensation consists of the following: Authorized Allowances/Benefits Personnel Economic Relief Allowance Uniform/Clothing Allowance Representation and Transportation Allowances Year-End Bonus and Cash Gift Magna Carta Benefits of Public Health Workers Magna Carta Benefits of Public Social Workers Monetization of Leave Credits Other legally authorized allowances/benefits Fixed Personnel Expenditures ECC Contributions PHILHEALTH Contributions PAG-L.B.1.G. Contributions Retirement and Life Insurance Contributions. 4.2 43 4.1.13 Other Personnel Benefits Retirement Gratuity Terminal Leave Benefits 4.1.2 The following are not PS items, hence, these shall be provided under Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses or Capital Outlay in LGU budgets, as the case may be: Honoraria or additional allowances and other benefits provided to national government officials stationed in or assigned to a municipality, city, or province, when its finances allow, pursuant to the pertinent provisions of the Code; Expenses for professional services, e.g., consultancy services, security services, janitorial services, etc.; and Labor cost of projects, Personal Services Limitation — This is the prohibition under Sections 325(a) and 331(b) of the Code against appropriating funds for PS in excess of the limits set therein (for reasons indicated in item 1.1 of this Circular). It also refers to the amount beyond which no additional appropriation for PS items is allowed. For a province, city, or municipality, the PS limitation is the amount equal to 45% of the total annual income from regular sources realized in the next preceding fiscal year for 1st to 3rd income class LGUs or 55% for lower income class LGUs. For a barangay, the PS limitation is the amount equal to 55% of the total annual income actually realized from local sources during the next preceding fiscal year. Waived Items - These are PS items in which favor Sections 325(a) and 331(b) of the Code on PS limitation shall not be enforced to ensure funding thereof. The following are the waived items in LGU PS budgets for FY 2011, Pursuant to Section 89 of the General Provisions of the FY 2011 GAA: 4.3.1 Absorption of the cost of hospital services transferred from provinces to newly created cities; 4.3.2 Creation of mandatory positions specified in the Code, for the initial year of such creation; 4.3.3 Payment of the minimum Year-End Bonus of P1,000.00 for the Punong Barangay and P600.00 for other mandatory barangay officials, and their Cash Gifts; and 4.3.4 Payment of Retirement Gratuity and Terminal Leave Benefits of employees. 5.0 6.0 44 45 4.6 For succeeding years after FY 2011, the waived items in an LGU PS budget shall be those specified in the pertinent general provision of the annual GAA. Income From Regular Sources - These are income from sources that generate or provide money for the provincial/city/municipal treasury, such money recurring at a fixed, uniform, or normal intervals or frequency whether in fixed or variable amounts. Income Actually Realized From Local Sources - These are income from sources within the Philippines that accrue to the barangay treasury. Next Preceding Fiscal Year — It is a fiscal year that is two (2) years before a budget year. For example, if FY 2011 is the budget year, the next preceding fiscal year is FY 2009, Policy Guidelines Aside from the policies under Sections 325(a) and 331(b) of the Code, hereunder are additional policy guidelines: 5.1 5.2 5.3 Funding priorities shall be observed in the formulation of the PS component of LGU budgets. Provisions for actual salaries of incumbent personnel occupying regular positions that were properly granted pursuant to the implementation of R.A. No. 6758, as amended, shall be prioritized, There shall be no reduction in the actual salaries of incumbent personnel occupying regular positions for purposes of complying with the PS limitation. Vacant and new positions shall be adequately provided with appropriations for salaries, allowances and benefits, and fixed personnel expenditures, to back up their legal existence; otherwise, they should be abolished. Procedural Guidelines 6.1 Determining the PS Limitation The PS limitation in an LGU budget for a budget year shall be determined as follows: 6.1.1 For an Existing Province, City, or Municipality or PCM Compute the Total Income From Regular Sources realized in the next preceding fiscal year or TIRS, based on the trial balance as of December 31 of said year or from the accomplished Summary Statement of Receipts and Expenditures, BESF Table No. 1, page 65 of the Budget Operations Manual for Local Government Units, 2008 edition. For example, if the budget year is 2011, then add all items under TIRS in FY 2009. 4 6.2 63 Compute the PS limitation by using any of the following applicable formulae: PS Limitation ist to ard cass pcm = (45%) (TIRS) PS Limitation ) © (d) Cost of hospital services transferred from the Province of of F Salaries Step Increments Personnel Economic Relief Allowance Uniform/Clothing Allowance Representation and Transportation Allowances Year-End Bonus and Cash Gift Magna Carta Benefits of Public Health Workers (itemized per kind of allowance/benefit) Magna Carta Benefits of Public Social Workers (itemized per kind of allowance/benefit) ECC Contributions PHILHEALTH Contributions PAG-I.B.1.G. Contributions Retirement and Life Insurance Contributions Other Personnel Benefits Sub-Total Creation of mandatory positions (PS cost are itemized, as above) Sub-Total Retirement Gratuity Terminal Leave Benefits Total PS Cost for Waived Items For a Barangay Government (@) (©) Minimum Year-End Bonus and Cash Gift for mandatory officials Terminal Leave Benefits Total PS Cost for Waived Items Annex “A” to the City Annex ™“B” Summary Worksheet No. 2 Total Annual PS Budget of an Existing Provincial/City/Municipal Government Total Income From Regular Sources (TIRS) PS Limitation (45% or 55% of TIRS) Salaries of existing full-time regular positions Selaries of existing part-time regular positions Step Increments Personnel Economic Relief Allowance Uniform/Clothing Allowance Representation and Transportation Allowances Year-End Bonus and Cash Gift Magna Carta Benefits of Public Health Workers {itemized per kind of allowance/benefit) Magna Carta Benefits of Public Social Workers (itemized per kind of allowance/benefit) Monetization of Leave Credits Other legally authorized allowances/benefits ECC Contributions PHILHEALTH Contributions PAG-LB.1.G. Contributions Retirement and Life Insurance Contributions Retirement Gratuity Terminal Leave Benefits Less: Total Annual PS Budget Difference Less: Total PS Cost for Waived Items (from Summary Worksheet No. 1) Additional Allowable PS Budget or Excess Over the PS Limitation 10 Annex “C” Summary Worksheet No. 3 Total Annual PS Budget of an Existing Barangay Government Total Income Actually Realized From Local Sources (TILS) PS Limitation (55% of TILS) Honoraria (for mandatory barangay officials) Year-End Bonus and Cash Gift (for mandatory barangay officials) Monetization of Leave Credits Less: Total Annual PS Budget Difference Less: Total PS Cost for Waived Items (from Summary Worksheet No. 1) Additional Allowable PS Budget or Excess Over the PS Limitation ul

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