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CTE/ROP Student Work Sample

Name: Kayla Wilson

Date: 2/25/15
Work Sample Title: Making Clay Muscles
Steps taken to complete the Work Sample:

1 Get your Skeleton

2. Get the clay and tools
3. Sculpt and striate the muscle appropriately
4. Place the muscle in the designated area and right direction on the skeleton
Skills demonstrated in the work sample:
1.Demonstrated effective and collaborative work with other members of a group.
2.Demonstrated the ability to identify, plan, and allocate resources.
3.Demonstrated the knowledge, skills, and ability to complete the job.
Standards for Career Ready Practice used to complete this work sample:
X Apply appropriate technical skills and academic knowledge.
X Communicate clearly, effectively, and with reason.
X Develop an education and career plan aligned with personal goals.
Apply technology to enhance productivity.
X Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems to persevere in solving them.
Practice personal health and understand financial literacy.
Act as a responsible citizen in the workplace and the community.
X Model integrity, ethical leadership, and effective management.
X Work productively in teams while integrating cultural and global competence.
X Demonstrate creativity and innovation.
X Employ valid and reliable research strategies.
Understand the environmental, social, and economic impacts of decisions.
Instructors Signature: ____________________________________

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