Ethical Statement

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Olivia Cozzetto

HSP 340
Ethical Statement
Identify the primary NOHS ethical statement(s) that you feel most apply to each of the priority
issues AND/OR the legal issue (use professional terminology from the text) that you feel raises
the highest risks. In paragraph format, explain what behaviors/actions you would identify,
suggest, or take to better MANAGE the RISK before the actual event. What would you/could
you, in the role of the intern, do to avoid or minimize the risks?
Lunch Networking
The ethical case study Lunch Networking is about a practicum student who believes she
is meeting with a council member to get more connected and to network within the agency, yet
the students is taken back when she realizes the lunch networking meeting was actually a date
with the council member. The student declines the council members offer and notifies her
placement supervisor of the situation. The NOHS ethical standards that apply to this scenario
are statement 6, 12, 23, 24 and 27. The practicum student is putting herself at risk of a dual
relationship if she invests in a relationship with the council member. Statement 6 presents dual
relationships between clients and professionals with power, which I compared to the power
that a council member may have in an agency and the effect that may to the student. Standard
12 looks at the complexity of relationships within the community, agency and larger society, as
a student and human services professional its important to understand how relationships can
affect and influence other aspects of ones life. When the student returned to notify her
supervisor, she followed standard 23, 24 and 27, which states to address unethical behavior
and to seek help if needed. By informing her supervisor, she is protecting herself and calling
attention to a potential unethical situation.
While the students intentions seemed very innocence and unaware of the situation
occurring, one must be aware of other peoples purpose. I think as human services
professionals we need to act in a professional manner and requiring others to do the same,
which the student did by notifying her supervisor, by doing that we can limit unprofessional
relationships. As the intern, I would be clear about my intentions and be as clear and direct
when setting lunch meetings by using open and interpersonal communication to present myself
in a professional manner.

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