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1.Draw the projections of a regular hexagon of 25mm side, having one of its sides in the H.P.

inclined at 60 degrees to the V.P., and its surface making an angle of 45 degrees with H.P.
2. A thin circular plate of 40mm diameter having its plane vertical and inclined at 40 0 to V.P. Its
center is 30mm above H.P. and 35mm in front of V.P. Draw the projections.
3. A pentagon of side 30 mm is resting on an edge in H.P, such that it makes an angle of 50 0 with
V.P and its surface makes an angle of 300 with H.P. Draw the projections.
4. Draw Front View, top view and side view for the part shown in figure .

5. Draw the isometric projection of the following views as shown in figure

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