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> Bail Hearing: March 23,2072

From: Rosalina Nava <

Date: Tue,Juri 17, 201,4 at 10:26 AM
Subiect Re: People v. Kelley Lynch Case No. 2C404539-01
To: kelley.lyn

Ms. Lynch

I was in departrnent 40. Ijke I said, we heard pretrials there. No hearings. All headngs were reassigned to other departrnents. They were then sent back to 40 for re-assignment to a trial court. I
have nevet worked withJudge Mayerson
Dept 7 in East LA rs 323-7 80-2015

>>> Kellev Lvnch


com) 06/17 /1410:18 AM >>>

W.hat date is this information from?

Ail the


Kelley Lynch

On 6/17 /1,4, Rosalina Nava (mava@lasuper{} wrote:

> A1l right. Hete we go. You were close to finding the reporter. It was not
> me. When I was in that departrnent we heard all the pretrials, but sent the
> hearings out. We looked up the reporter and it was Annette Van Olden. I
) know she's in Dept 7 in East I-A, but othet than that I have no contact info
> fot her.

Here's what happened in my coutt, Department 40

> THE COURT: The Cout is going to call number one ofl the Court's
) calendar, And that is 2CA04539. Kelly Lynch. Kelly Lynch.
> MR. PERRONI: John Perroni, Deputy Public Defender on her behalf. She's
) ptesent in custody, your Honor.
> MS. STREETER: Sandta Streeter for the People. The People have filed a
) motion to amend, which we mentioned at the last court hearing and the Court
) also set the case for bail review hearing. I think the defense wants a bail
) review hearing, as well to request Ms. Lynch be released O.R. The People
) arc rcady on the bail hearing.
> THE COURT: And time estimate?
> MS. STREETER: About an hour.

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