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> THE COURT: Okay.

So we'll find you

a home.


> THE COURI: The Court

is going to recall number ofle on the Court's

calendat, 2C404539 Keliy Lynch that is going to be transfered to departrnent
> 44 fot 1:30 P.M. Judge Mayerson.
> MS. STREETER: Okay. A1l right. Perfect Thank you, your Honor.

> PM Session
> THE COURT: The Cowt is going to call number ofle on the Court's



calendat, 2C404539. Kelley Lynch. So bail is now 25K.

Ms. Lynch is present befote the Court and in custody, waiting fot Mt.
THE COURT: For the People?
MS. STREETER: Sandta Streeter for the People.
THE COURT: Mr. Peroni for Ms. Lynne.
MR. PERRONI: Is this Ms. Lynch?

> John Perroni, Deputy Public Defender.

> Thank you, your Honot. Defense is ready for trial, objecting to zrry
> further continuances or delays.
> THE COURT: Please approach.
> QTHEREUPON, a confetence was held at the bench, which was not reported.)
> THE COURI: Back on the record on number one. Defense has announced
) teady the People have not. However, this mattet is going to be transferred
> to depatment 52 for for trial for April 4th. That's 28 of 30. Last day is
> Apdl6.
> MS. STREETER: I'm sorry. \il/hat was the 8 of ten date again, Your Honor?


of ten, the 28 of 30 is April4th.

Fromi Ros alina Nava




Date: Thu, Jan26,2014 at 2:30 PM

Subject: Re: Peopie v. Kelley Lynch Case No. 2CA04539-01,
To : kelley.lyn ch.20 1 0 @gmail. com

213-974-6174. You can ask for a court reporter manager there.

> Kelley Lynch <kelley-.l},nch.20 1>

06 / 26

/ 1 4 12:23 P M >> >


I phoned Annette Van Olden and have heard nothing back. This situation is now urgent and I have
been attempting to obtain the transcdpt of the March 23,201.2 bail hearing for over two years. I
have been told there afe no transcript; the hearings are recorded but there was no couft repofter;
etc. Do you have the name of a superr.isot I could speak to about this?

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