Physics Practice Paper

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You can see here the questions that we selected for you, After
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With Best Wishes!!

- Deepam Kapur
- Deep Kapoor

1. Radiocarbon is produced in the atmosphere as a result of

A. collision between fast neutrons and nitrogen nuclei present in
the atmosphere
B. action of ultraviolet light from the sun on atmospheric
C. action of solar radiations particularly cosmic rays on carbon
dioxide present in the atmosphere
D. lightning discharge in atmosphere
2. The absorption of ink by blotting paper involves

viscosity of ink
capillary action phenomenon
diffusion of ink through the blotting
siphon action
3. Large transformers, when used for some time, become very
hot and are cooled by circulating oil. The heating of the
transformer is due to


the heating effect of current alone

hysteresis loss alone
both the heating effect of current and hysteresis loss
intense sunlight at noon

4. In the following atoms and moleculates for the transition

from n= 2 to n = 1, the spectral line of minimum wavelength
will be produced by.
A. Hydrogen atom
B. Uni-ionized helium
C. Deuterium atom
D. di-ionized lithium

5. If in nature there may not be an element for which the

principal quantum number n > 4, then the total possible
number of elements will be.
A. 60
B. 4
C. 32
D. 64
6. When a hydrogen atom is raised from the ground state to an
excited state.
A. P.E. increases and K.E. decreases
B. Both kinetic energy and potential energy increase
C. P.E. decreases and K.E. increases
D. Both K.E. and P.E. decrease
7. A radioactive source in the form of a metal sphere of radius
10-2 m, emits beta particles at the rate of 5 x 1010 partiCles
per sec. The source is electrically insulated. How long will it
take for it's potential to be raised by 2 volts, assuming 40% of
the emitted beta particles escape the source
A. 700 sec
B. 700 sec
C. 700 milli sec
D. 700 n sec
8. Siphon will fail to work if
A. the densities of the liquid in the two vessels are equal
B. the level of the liquid in the two vessels are at the same height
C. both its limbs are of unequal length
D. the temperature of the liquids in the two vessels are the same

9. An aeroplane is flying horizontally with a velocity of 600

km/h and at a height of 1960 m. When it is vertically at a
point A on the ground a bomb is released from it. The bomb
strikes the ground at point B. The distance AB is
A. 1200 m
B. 0.33 km
C. 3.33 km
D. 33 km
10. Minimum number of unequal vectors which can give zero
resultant are
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. more than four

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