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Java Inheritance and Constructor

author: Abhishek Nirmala Pandey

Note: The code & output are self explanatory. Hence no explanation has been provided.

Parent class:

package com.blogspot.adultsincebirth;
public class InheritConstructorParent
System.out.println("parent static block");
System.out.println("parent non static block, "+this.getClass());
public InheritConstructorParent()
System.out.println("parent ctor (NO parameter)");
public InheritConstructorParent(int x)
System.out.println("parent ctor (WITH parameter)");

Child class:

package com.blogspot.adultsincebirth;
public class InheritConstructorChild extends InheritConstructorParent
System.out.println("child static block");
System.out.println("child non static block");
public InheritConstructorChild()
System.out.println("child ctor (NO parameter)");
public InheritConstructorChild(int x)
System.out.println("Child ctor (WITH parameter)");

Test class with `main` method:

package com.blogspot.adultsincebirth;
public class InheritConstructorTest
public static void main(String[] args)
new InheritConstructorChild(0);
new InheritConstructorChild();


parent static block

child static block
parent non static block, class com.blogspot.adultsincebirth.InheritConstructorChild
parent ctor (NO parameter)
child non static block
Child ctor (WITH parameter)
parent non static block, class com.blogspot.adultsincebirth.InheritConstructorChild
parent ctor (NO parameter)
child non static block
child ctor (NO parameter)

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