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Samantha Arias

What do you have to say about this

John is in the fourth grade. John is always talking to
his peers, calling out, or playing with materials that
are inside his desk. He is continuously looking
outside the window during instruction. It only takes
John about five minutes to complete an assignment
when he actually submits the assignment. John has
the highest grade in the class. John is always testing
the teacher and asking her questions. He receive
100% on all his exams and has a four on both the
Math and ELA standardized test.
What kind of student is John? What is your rational?

John is a gifted student that has an IQ 140.
He often states that he is bored and he
doesnt like school. What are some signs
in the description that could allow a
teacher to determine that John is gifted?

What does it mean to be a gifted student?

Please talk to the person next to you and

define the meaning of being a gifted
Include rationale for your reasoning (3-5
Discussion/ share time (3-5 minutes)

Gifted Students
Federal Definition of Gifted and Talented
"The term gifted and talented, when used with
respect to students, children, or youth, means
students, children, or youth who give evidence of
high achievement capability in such areas as
intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership
capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who
need services or activities not ordinarily provided
by the school in order to fully develop those
(No Child Left Behind Act, P.L. 107-110 (Title IX, Part
A, Definition 22) (2002); 20 USC 7801(22) (2004)

Theories of Gifted Students

The Differentiated Model of
Giftedness and Talent
The concept that in at least one
ability domain to a degree that
places a child among the top 10% of
his or her age peers
Gagne believes there are 5 main
aptitude domains: intellectual,
creative, socioaffective, sensorimotor
(Gagn, F. (1985). Giftedness and talent: Reexamining a
and "others
reexamination of the definitions. Gifted Child Quarterly, 29, 103112.)

Theories of giftedness
Believes there are three components in the
human traits that define a gifted student
above-average general and/or specific
high levels of task commitment (motivation)
and high levels of creativity.
A individual who is gifted would use those
components in order to implement any social or
human performance
(Renzulli, J. S. (1978). What makes giftedness? Re-examining a
definition. Phi Delta Kappa, 60, 180-181.)

Lets take a look at a Pinterest site that I

developed to help identify gifted students


Below are characteristics of a gifted student and a bright student.
With the paper presented to you list what you believe is the
appropriate characteristics that fits for a gifted student and fits for a
bright student!

Knows the answer

Has wild, silly ideas

Works hard

Shows strong feelings onions

Ask questions

Grasp the meaning

Absorbs information draws inferences manipulates information


Learns with ease


Already knows

Good memorizer

Good memorizer

What are the options for a gifted student?

Specialized schools
Distance education program
Consents and competitions
Service learning programs

Olszewski-Kubilius, P. (2010). Special

Schools and Other Options for Gifted
STEM Students. Roeper Review,

Acceleration is the main component we will be
focusing on!
So what is acceleration?
Above-grade level, advanced materials, often
faster paced, based on student assessment data,
easily accomplished through flexible groping
Discussion time: Can we have people in the
audience discuss what they know about

Social positive- Reason why to have a gifted

student enter a acceleration program

It allows student to advance to their

instructional level instead working on the
materials that are lower than their
Example- Cross grade groping
Higher level of self efficacy
Start to become motivated
Teachers place an importance on student


Negative outcome: Research that highlight why not

have a gifted student in a acceleration program

Big fish, little pond effect comparison

theory due to academic abilities
Effects self confidence not receiving the
same grade
There are different social interaction in
every grade level
Maturity level
Age differences in interest and


Pro and Con chart of an acceleration

program based on emotional factors
You are able to complete the worksheet
with a partner, group or independently


Lets share

What was useful about

this workshop?
What could be done to
improve the workshop?

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