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Kacper Sobotka Dillon Wedge

Summary of Research Focus: Root Causes

SOCIAL CAUSES - How is the society structured that creates a situation that might cause problems for
some people in the society?

The fighting in Darfur is usually described as racially motivated, pitting mounted Arabs against black
rebels and civilians(Stephan). Although it's not entirely true, the most stated reason for the genocide
is between the Arabs and non-Arabs. Also as the Darfur Australia Network states "Darfur is home to
racially mixed tribes of settled peasants, who identify as African, and nomadic herders, who identify as Arab.
The majority of people in both groups are Muslim." Darfur is a mixed region allowing racial causing problem to
happen which later can turn into bigger problems.

ECONOMIC CAUSES - What are some of the economic struggles that have led to the creation or
continuing struggle of this social crisis? What is causing the poverty or lack of opportunity in your
specific case?
The incredibly arid northern part of Darfur, populated mainly by tribes claiming Arab descent, developed an
economy based on nomadic cattle- and camel-herding. The more arable south, where the majority of the
population traces non-Arab (i.e., African) descent, developed a subsistence farming economy.(Jewish
World Watch). One of the biggest economic problems in region is between the herders and the farmers. As
desertification in the region gets stronger, the amount of fertile land gets smaller. When the good land gets
smaller the higher chance of a dispute to happen to see who gets the land. Their roots were local conflicts
over land and water, especially in the wake of droughts, made worse by the absence of an effective police
force in the region for 20 years.(Waal). Also stated here roots were are the conflicts over land and water
especially in droughts due to even smaller amount of little resources.

Droughts made the farming in the region even harder to accomplish.

POLITICAL CAUSES - What are the laws, regulations or treaties that have caused or maintain this
problem in our society ?
Similarly, as oil was discovered in Western Sudan, the Sudanese government and international
contributors became increasingly interested in the land in Darfur.(world without genocide) Instead of

helping the government took interest in the oil in the region militarizing the region putting more tension on the
high pressure in Darfur. The Darfur war erupted early last year, when two armed movements - Sudan
Liberation Army and the Justice and Equality Movement - began a rebellion against a government in
Khartoum that had neglected their region.(Waal). A war began by the rebels rebelling against the government
due to its neglection.

(United to End Genocide) Here is a picture of the aftermath

of the second civil war that happened in Darfur.

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