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Fell from the Sky

By: Joshua A. Howard

Imagine earth without life. Imagine earth without light, water, or sky. Imagine earth
without her essentials, that is Gaea, goddess of earth. Wallowing in a lonesome
state, Gaea created Uranus, god of the skies. Uranus surrounded Gaeas earthly
body, kept her company and served as the air that blew through her body. Uranus
wasnt enough for Gaea though, she wanted more, she wanted children. In order to
conceive children, Gaea mated with Uranus.
Through their intercourse, Gaea conceived a numerous amount of titans and
Cyclopes including Oceanus, god of the ocean, Hyperion, god of the sun. Life, water,
light, and air had been achieved. Gaea was no longer lonely, earth had its essentials
and was in prosperity, but Uranus had other plans.
Each and every offspring was powerful. Frightened by his childrens power, fearing
that theyd overthrow him as ruler, Uranus decided to one by one, push each child
into the pits of the earth, Gaeas womb. Gaea felt outraged by this injustice, every
time a child was shoved into her womb, she felt tremendous pain. Wanting to put a
stop to it, Gaea came up with a devious plan. She forged an unbreakable sickle and
gave it to her youngest but most valiant child, Cronus. Gaea gave him the order to
remove the genitals of Uranus when night fell to stop the reproduction.
Night had arrived and Cronus hid underneath his parents dormitory. While Uranus
got in bed with Gaea, Cronus sprung from underneath the bed and castrated
Uranus. The genitals of Uranus fell from the sky into the ocean. Humiliated by his
sons actions, Uranus fled

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