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Health Project: (12 slides PowerPoint)
Task Idea/Concept: (Health). Overall topic: How is Americas fast food industry and
technology affecting the nations
obesity rates?
Due: April 1st, 2015
Task to address:
Investigate the world
Recognize Perspectives
Communication Ideas
Take Action
1. Investigate the world. Has America been affected by the Fast Food Industry?
a. How has the fast food industry and technology affected the nations
b. How does the fast food industry and technology affect the world?
c. Why are fast food industries growing at such alarming rates?
d. Is the fast food industry and/or technology to blame for obesity rates
in America as well as increasing obesity rates around the world?
e. Why has the portion size of fast food eateries increased? Do you
think it will continue to increase over time?
f. Is there any government involvement in the fast food industry? And if
so what role does it play?
g. Is there a correlation between obesity, CVD, health care cost and the
rise of the fast food industry and/or the increase in technology?
2. Compare the United States food industry to the country of your choice.
Compare and Contrast
a. The amount of fast food eateries in the U.S. vs. alternate country
c. Americas average portion size compared to alternate country
d. Government involvement in the food industry in America vs.
alternate country
e. Health care in the U.S. as compared to the alternate country
f. Obesity rates in the U.S. compared to alternate country
3. Provide charts or graphs comparing the two countries
a. Include comparisons
b. Include health/fast-food/technology statistics about both countries
c. Include health/fast-food/technology facts about both countries
d. Include a resource page. Make sure statistics are from a reliable
source, such as CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) or
*Must use a minimum of five cited sources.
4. Provide an action plan that can be implemented or integrated to reduce
Americas obesity rates.
a) Provide a solution to help lower the countries
obesity rates.

*Include a cover page with your name, date, period, title, and country of your

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