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Cheyenne Timm

W.C. Enlightenment D.B.Q

Main Ideas of the Enlightenment
Freedom is defined as the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under
physical restraint (www.dictionary). Throughout history people as individuals had limited power. Typically,
they were not allowed to make official decisions or express certain thoughts. Also, many people were
discriminated against. Not everyone had the same rights and life in general was not equal amongst men
and women. It is questioned what the actual main ideas of the Enlightenment were. Individuality
prospered many concepts throughout society. These ideas include government, religion, economics, and
gender equality. In addition to these, there were other minor ideas brought up. Each concept impacted
the freedoms of this time immensely.
Government was a significant debated issue during the this time. The rule of government had
major control over most everything. The people did not have the power or right to elect people for the
government or make certain decisions for themselves and the well being of others. John Locke had
strong beliefs regarding government and how much power it had. [w]hen the government is dissolved,
the people are at liberty to provide for themselves(Locke Document A). In Lockes quote, the idea that
people can manage themselves is introduced. He expresses the idea that people should have perfect
freedom as long as they stay in the bounds of the law of nature(Locke Document A). This suggests that
people should have individual freedoms as long as they can maintain the specific boundaries of law. John
Lockes message is that no matter what the race or rank rights and freedom when it comes to government
are a priority to successfully reflect the Enlightenment(Document A). In a similar manner, the freedoms of
religion were brought to attention.
As a result of the Enlightenment, religion became a highly discussed subject. It was challenging
for people to to practice whatever religion they wished. Around this time Christianity and Catholicism were
most widely known. Beliefs that there should be more diverse religions in society was brought about by
Voltaire. He believed that having diversity could benefit everyone involved. If one religion only were
allowed in England, the government would very possibly become arbitrary. . . (Voltaire Document B). In
this quote Voltaire talks about the government becoming arbitrary. Since issues with government were
common, the only solution was to have a multitude of religions. Freedom by religion was a good way to
bring happiness and peace because people were able to practice what they wished and simultaneously
adopt their own cultures. However, other Enlightenment ideas were beginning to prosper.
In the meantime, word of economics was spreading by a man named Adam Smith. During the
16th and 17th centuries the most common economic system was mercantilism. The purpose of this
system was to make the state or country wealthier(Document C).. However, Smith had different plans for
the country. Smith believed that every individual should work for himself. The only way to accomplish this
would be to limit government interference. He claimed the every man should be able to pursue his own
interest whether it be the interest of society or not(Smith Document C). Smith explains that without the

government shadow people will work harder with the freedom to choose their own area of labor that
satisfies their interests.He also thought that men working for themselves would promote and benefit the
society even more than if they had intended to. By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that
of the society more [effectively] than when he really intends to promote it (Smith Document C). Smith
communicates that society will be more positively benefited because the people are working harder.
Therefore, word is getting around that people are more productive. They are more productive because
they have the freedom to work for themselves. Thus, giving the freedom of economics. Not far behind this
conflict was the idea of gender equality.
In like manner to the other Enlightened ideas, gender equality was a major concept. The leader of
this new idea was British author Mary Wollstonecraft. Mary believed that the government should not limit
the rights of women. Men had much more room to make decisions and be involved in society. Like many
other women, Mary was ready to change the fact that men had more rights than women. She accepted
this as the only way to make mankind happy(Document D). She launched the concept that people will be
more virtuous and happier if both genders acted from the same principle (Wollstonecraft Document D).
It was obvious to everyone now that government needed to give women equal rights in order to maintain
peace. It would be impossible for people to be well educated when they have multiple restrictions. Mary
expressed that if women were expected to fulfill their peculiar duties they cannot be restrained and must
participate in the inherent rights of mankind (Wollstonecraft Document D). By giving everyone equal
rights they are more motivated to complete specific duties and will become more wise and virtuous.
However, in order to accomplish this government powers must be restricted.
Naturally, it was impossible to delimitate the all powers of the government. And yet, it was the
only way to accomplish these new found ideas of the Enlightenment. Government, religion, economics,
and gender equality are all serious subjects that were not handled lightly. It was important to give rights of
freedom in these areas in order to keep a well balanced society. After all, freedom is what our country
revolves around today.

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