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Homework for 6t h Week

Teaching Assistant Group, Course 54t h

2nd March 2014

This is an individual homework.

Topic: Design and simulate a PIC program with the abilities of displaying time, changing time
and setting up timer for lamp.
Read time from a real time IC (DS1307 for example).
Display time on a LCD.
Change time using a keypad (3x4 or 4x4).
Using a button to turn on/off a LED.
Be able to setup timer to turn-off the LED (lamp-sleeping timer).
We do not require students to use timer/interrupt functions of PIC to setup
lamp-sleeping timer.
Students can setup lamp-sleeping time as following: Enter sleeping time (for
example: 11h30) and when the clock in DS1307 reaches 11h30, the LED turns
Submitted files:
Proteus simulation file: week6.dsn.
Source code: week6.c.
Binary file after compilation: week6.hex.
All of these files have to be contained in one folder with the standard individual

All members send homework to group leaders. The leaders collects these homework and put them into a folder with the standard group name, compress it and
send it to our our email.
Standard individual folder name:
Standard group folder name:
Pay attention: If any group has to/wants to submit homework again, send it
again to the first mail. When we check, we will check the last mail in the thread.
Do not send many mail threads.
APEEE: 22:00, March 9, 2014.
APBME: 22:00, March 12, 2014.
TC2051: 22:00, March 9, 2014.
TC2052: 22:00, March 10, 2014.
Mail for assignment submission:
Link for downloading documents and weekly assignments:
Question and discussion:

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