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Chinese Foreign Policy

- Sino-Soviet Treaty
o The Soviets gave the Chinese $300 million, thinking it was a gift, but it was really
a PRC which they had to pay full interest for.
o China had to pay for the Soviet Military in China, helping to protect them.
o Had to give most of its gold reserves to the Soviet.
- Criticized by Khrushchev
o At the Moscow congress of the communist party, Khrushchev criticized they
Chinese delegation led by Zhou Enlai, he then had to walk out.
o This led to the end of diplomatic relations between China and USSR
- Bamboo Curtain
o The USA replaced China as Taiwan in the United Nations
o Recognized they were the legitimate government of China
- 38th Parallel
o The USA crossed the 38th Parallel in Korean, which then caused China to declare
war on USA
Both USA and USSR had a lot of heat with China. They both had manipulated China in many
ways. I believe that China had a better relationship with USSR. USSR and China both had a
large hate towards the USA. They had causes a lot of tension between both countries but they
had an ultimate goal to destroy USA, or get them to become Communist.

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