A&w Ad Campaign

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COMM 330

A&W Ad Campaign


Some things never go out of style.

Like a Papa Burger.

You wont find any lines here. Just grab and go, before that gas line moves an inch.
Its the American Way.

Goes together like A&W and America.

When you think of Americana, you cant help but think of A&W. Fourth of July
fireworks, root beer float. Drive-in movie, burger and fries. Forrest may have said
peas and carrots, but you know what he really meant.

Michaela Joines

COMM 330

A&W Ad Campaign

More manly than your uncle

The Uncle Burger. Meaty. Mean. And Savory.

Kids, meet your uncle. 5 ounces of pure manliness. Stormed the beach in Normandy.
Wrestled 5 bears with his sesame seeds. More American than Old Glory herself.
Dont let the veggies fool you, this is a mans burger.


60-year-old male: The American Way. Now I dont profess to be Einstein, but I know
what that means. Its a simple way of living. Im not saying tree-hugger simple. Im
talking Andy Griffith: Family, modesty, and God. Sittin on the front porch for hours
drinkin a root beer. God, do you remember A&W? Ah, theres that root beer float on
a summer day, clouds rolling by, feeling that warm breeze. You know, thats the
American Way. Its still right down the street, waiting with that ice cold drink.

60-year-old male: What does A&W stand for? Some say just the founders names,
Allen and Wright. But I think theres more. It stands for aunts and uncles, wily
cousins. Water fights and windy days. Patriotic anthems and Arizona sunsets. Most
of all, it stands for America and the will of our country. Well, theres more behind
that simple name than you ever imagined.

Michaela Joines


COMM 330

A&W Ad Campaign


Image of A&W root beer stand,
shows date of 1919

Cut to Women marching in streets
demanding voting rights

Video of Henry Ford with a Model T,
cars on streets

Newspaper headline Stock Market
Crash! Followed by images of the
Great Depression

Video of Babe Ruth hitting homerun
after calling shot in 1932 World

Video of McDonalds opening, with
sign showing 1940 as the year.


Nostalgic music (runs throughout ad)

Sounds of a Model T running

Roosevelts New Deal radiobroadcast
at the end of Great Depression visual

Sound of bat hitting a baseball
slightly precedes video; Announcers
call of Babe Ruths homerun,

Older man talking: I guess some
people are too young to remember
what made America American.

Michaela Joines

COMM 330


Close-up, slow motion video of a root
beer float being made begins with
pouring the root beer into a frosted

Mug and root beer are shown being
carried to the ice cream machine.
Time stops when the root beer sees
the ice cream machine music begins

The ice cream is shown being poured
on the root beer, swirling into a point

Root beer float is given to customer,
who eats the ice cream in one bite

Condensation from frosted mug
comes down the side of the mug like
a tear

A&W Ad Campaign


Young male voice:
Something magical happens when
root beer and ice cream come

Mariah Careys Vision of Love
begins at the climax of the song

Vision of Love continues

Music abruptly ends (sound of needle
coming off vinyl)

Total Eclipse of the Heart begins
Once upon a time I was falling in
love/ now Im only falling apart./
Theres nothing I do/total eclipse of
the heart.

Michaela Joines

COMM 330

A&W Ad Campaign

Ad Critiques


Some things never go out of style: This ad pokes fun at A&Ws lack of popularity and
makes it a positive thing. Unlike gas lines and some fast food places, you wont find
any lines at A&W. I think this ad works because it references a problem that
everyone deals with (lines and waiting) and uses humor to make fun of A&W in a
good way.

Goes together like A&W and America: This next ad uses a metaphor to compare the
relationship between A&W and America to peas and carrots: They compliment each
other perfectly. The ad plays off of the classic Americana appeal of A&W and its
place in everyday American society. It also references another piece of Americana,
Forrest Gump, and a quote from the movie about peas and carrots.

More manly than your uncle: My last print ad describes a product of A&W, their
Uncle Burger, as a person. The characteristics of the burger mirror that of a manly,
tough uncle. I think the ad works because it gives human characteristics to the
product, making it more interesting to read.


The American Way: Both of my radio ads are voiced as the 60-year old, blue-collar
worker who is the embodiment of A&Ws mission statement and adjectives. In this
ad, he is discussing The American Way, which is the slogan I picked for the ad
campaign. He talks about what he thinks is the American Way, during which he
references Andy Griffith, summer days, and enjoying life. He then comes to the
conclusion that A&W is the American Way, because it fits in perfectly with these
scenes. The ad allows listeners to form the image of sunny summer days and root
beer floats on their own.

What does A&W stand for: The second radio ad also plays off of the association
between A&W and America. The question of what the restaurants initials stand for
seems to be a common one, so I took that question and made it symbolic of A&Ws
values. I tried to use words that started with A and W to make the connection. I
think the ad works because it uses symbolism to identify what A&Ws values are.

Michaela Joines

COMM 330

A&W Ad Campaign


Through the Years: My first TV ad was somewhat of a walk away, because it was
more about the events of America than the product I was selling. The point of the ad
was to show what A&W has gone through that later fast food restaurants, like
McDonalds, missed. The events in the early 1920s and throughout the 30s shaped
America, and A&W (unlike McDonalds) was there through it all.

Vision of Love: The last TV ad personified a root beer float, highlighting the
relationship between the root beer and the ice cream. The ad creates a story in
which the root beer finds his match, the ice cream, and has it taken away from him.
The ad tells a story, is accompanied by music to ad emotion, and ends with a twist.

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