Week 1

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Week 1 (A)

May 14, 2015

This weeks
From Three Rivers
Community Farm:
Head Lettuce
From Seeds of
Hope Farm:
Boc Choi
Spicy Salad Mix
Salad Mix

Next weeks
most likely:
Boc Choi
Swiss Chard

Seeds of Hope Farm

CSA Newsletter
of Hope Farm
From Your
Welcome 2015 Co-op members. We
are thrilled to offer more variety to
more families with the help of local
farms like Three Rivers.
We are starting off strong this year
with our first share and the field is in
good shape.
The weather this spring has been a
great one to grow in. The farm is
looking lush, the bees are flying, and
wed love to have you out for a walk in
the garden.
Entering our fourth season, we look to
providing you with top quality and
varied produce, nourishment, and
gathering places for community.
Randy and I are working with two
apprentices this season- Jake Smith
and Cody Copp, who will be helping
keep up the field work in both
Spanish Lake and Bel-Ridge.





Boc Choi



Produce notes: pop the tops on your radishes and they will hold up longer in the
fridge. If your kale seems to get a bit wilted, dunk it in some ice water for a few minutes
and it will perk right back up.

Upcoming Events:
Volunteer Opportunities
This year we will be offering volunteer opportunities at both Bel-Ridge and Spanish
Lake. Fridays will be the weekly day, and we will host volunteer events one or more
Saturdays of every month. Read your newsletter to find out when.
Bring the whole family to our FREE DINNER led by Operation Food Search at 6 PM on
May 27 at Bethany Peace UCC at 119520 Belfontaine Rd in Spanish Lake. We will enjoy
cooking and eating farm fresh ingredients together. Be on the lookout for these dates in
future newsletters.

Check us out at www.seedsofhopefarm.org Let Us Know How Were Doing

Like us on Facebook! We Welcome SNAP EBT customers.

This Weeks Recipes:

Its spring, and leaves are ready before roots and fruits. Hence, spring shares are mostly made of leaves.
Below are a few suggestions on how you might prepare the contents of this weeks share. Recipes are great,
and we will offer them each week, but our primary purpose is to think about how we can use up all this
delicious produce in timely and affordable ways.
Arugula- a peppery green, great in salad, under a fried egg, or a piece of grilled meat. Better on a
hamburger than lettuce.
Spicy Mix- made of baby mustards and its cousins mizuna and boc choi, this colorful mix is great for the
raw spice lover, or slightly wilted and served between a slice of toast and a fried egg.
Kale- Collards are a type of kale, but todays kale is a variety called Red Russian. Greens are greens are
greens are greens, and can be used in the same way. Sure, they each have their different qualities, but each
(kale, collard, chard, mustard or turnip or mustard greens) can be sauted, cooked with a ham hock,
stemmed and chopped small and coated with an acid (think lemon juice or vinegar) and used fresh in a
salad. Have a group coming for dinner? Kale is a great way to bulk up that salad.
Twist the flavor of a salad with fresh spinach and sliced radish.
Boc Choi- chop off the leaves, toss them in a stir fry, set the stems aside and add to the salad mix and
head lettuce for a juicy crunch. Dress with something creamy- horseradish, bleu cheese, or ranch.
Homemade Vinaigrette
is a great way to save money on dressing, keep it healthy, and convenient. The great thing about this dressing is you
know whats in it and can change its flavor depending on your mood or dish.
6 parts oil
2 parts vinegar (red wine, balsamic, even apple cider will do)
< 1 part mustard
< 1 part soy sauce
A few tablespoons honey.
Pour ingredients into a small mason jar, lid it and shake.
Taste, and add ingredients as necessary.
Too tangy or dry? Add sweet.
Too salty? Add a little mustard and vinegar
Too oily? Add a little vinegar and soy sauce or salt.
Keep the leftovers around for your next salad.

Recipe of the Week: Frittata

(adapted from eatingwell.com)
If youre new to frittatas, theyre a fool proof omelet, started on the stove and finished in the oven. While theyre just as much
fun to eat as to say, Randy claims a frittata is the ultimate way to finish off left-overs while getting a well rounded meal. Any
greens from this weeks share can fit comfortably into this dish. This recipe can be prepared in one oven safe saucepan.
1. Preheat oven to 425F.
2. Sautee garlic and onions with any greens from your share for extra flavor.
3. Whisk eggs and some milk in a medium bowl. Add to skillet of softened garlic and onions and wilted greens- stir softly
for a minute or two, then put into the oven.
Bake the frittata until set, about 15 minutes- you will know the eggs are cooked if you put on an oven mitt and shake the pan
and the eggs do not jiggle. When this has happened, remove from the oven and let stand 5 minutes. To release the frittata from
the pan, run a flexible rubber spatula along the edges, then underneath, until you can slide it out onto a cutting board or serving
plate for the table.

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